The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

The sun comes up every morning.

You are an idiot.

The two are facts and are unrelated.

Just like your claim.
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.

Nobody said it would....moron.

We just said it would cost a lot more than they said it would.

We are still spending 8,500 per person per year. That hasn't changed.

Some think we are headed to 10,000 (that's 40,000 for a family of four....). Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

You already look stupid. No need to make it worse.
It's not fully implemented yet duh, the GOP insurers and their crony insurers are sabotaging it, and the prices rises have still bent down from the Boosh years (when costs doubled for scams lol). Wait until Hillary goes after ridiculous hospital, doctor and drug prices and gets competition in the exchanges going...

They keep delaying a "good thing".

I don't suppose you've stopped to wonder why.
Better to do it step by step, gives people a chance to "get it" like Pelosi said. Especially with all the bs GOP propaganda and sabotage. Dems are such pussies lol...Ditto "Librul" media.

Given that the Other Side spent the entire summer having hysterics about where other people pee - not to mention the constant disinformation campaigns on this board - it's doubtful some of them will ever get it.

BTW, what ever happened to the Bathroom Police Movement, anyway? Too busy gearing up for the War on Christmas?
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.

Nobody said it would....moron.

We just said it would cost a lot more than they said it would.

We are still spending 8,500 per person per year. That hasn't changed.

Some think we are headed to 10,000 (that's 40,000 for a family of four....). Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

You already look stupid. No need to make it worse.
It's not fully implemented yet duh, the GOP insurers and their crony insurers are sabotaging it, and the prices rises have still bent down from the Boosh years (when costs doubled for scams lol). Wait until Hillary goes after ridiculous hospital, doctor and drug prices and gets competition in the exchanges going...

They keep delaying a "good thing".

I don't suppose you've stopped to wonder why.
Better to do it step by step, gives people a chance to "get it" like Pelosi said. Especially with all the bs GOP propaganda and sabotage. Dems are such pussies lol...Ditto "Librul" media.

Given that the Other Side spent the entire summer having hysterics about where other people pee - not to mention the constant disinformation campaigns on this board - it's doubtful some of them will ever get it.

BTW, what ever happened to the Bathroom Police Movement, anyway? Too busy gearing up for the War on Christmas?
All of them can vote for the big orange idiot sex pervert con man and still get only
The sun comes up every morning.

You are an idiot.

The two are facts and are unrelated.

Just like your claim.
Right. Don't worry about facts, brainwashed functional moron. There is no evidence O-Care will add to the deficit. Quite the contrary. Duh.

Nobody said it would....moron.

We just said it would cost a lot more than they said it would.

We are still spending 8,500 per person per year. That hasn't changed.

Some think we are headed to 10,000 (that's 40,000 for a family of four....). Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

You already look stupid. No need to make it worse.
It's not fully implemented yet duh, the GOP insurers and their crony insurers are sabotaging it, and the prices rises have still bent down from the Boosh years (when costs doubled for scams lol). Wait until Hillary goes after ridiculous hospital, doctor and drug prices and gets competition in the exchanges going...

They keep delaying a "good thing".

I don't suppose you've stopped to wonder why.
Better to do it step by step, gives people a chance to "get it" like Pelosi said. Especially with all the bs GOP propaganda and sabotage. Dems are such pussies lol...Ditto "Librul" media.

Nobody is getting it (unless "getting it" means getting screwed.

You are a moron.
Bwahahaha! There is no "opinion" there cupcake. Obamacare has been a catastrophic failure and even the Clintons have gone on record stating as much. Seventeen of the exchanges have gone under and Obama is desperately trying to bail the rest out. Premiums have skyrocketed as have the actual healthcare costs.

Watching progressives deny reality is funny as hell....

Healthcare costs were skyrocketing before the ACA was passed, dumbass. Here's the reality. You aren't going to take health care away from 20 million people and not have serious consequences. So what's going to happen after Hillary wins is that she and Paul Ryan will quietly sit down and fix the problem.

What problem are they going to fix.

They going to legislate doctors salaries ?

Ryan won't fix anything.
You won't win the unconstitutional argument. Roberts, who will go down in history as one of the worst, helped make sure of that.

As for the rest of it, it's here.

It is cratering as we speak.

Just let it fall.

guy, you've been saying that for six years now... Here's the reality. You aren't going to take health care away from 20 million people...

Now, if your party was rational, they'd think of ways to fix the problems and get the credit.
What problem are they going to fix.

They going to legislate doctors salaries ?

Ryan won't fix anything.

Properly fund the exchanges. Or replace the exchanges with a public option. OR you could simply allow a MediCare buy in for those over 55.

Of course, the real solution is to do what every other advanced nation has- Single payer.
You won't win the unconstitutional argument. Roberts, who will go down in history as one of the worst, helped make sure of that.

As for the rest of it, it's here.

It is cratering as we speak.

Just let it fall.

guy, you've been saying that for six years now... Here's the reality. You aren't going to take health care away from 20 million people...

Now, if your party was rational, they'd think of ways to fix the problems and get the credit.

My party ?

What party would that be ?
What problem are they going to fix.

They going to legislate doctors salaries ?

Ryan won't fix anything.

Properly fund the exchanges. Or replace the exchanges with a public option. OR you could simply allow a MediCare buy in for those over 55.

Of course, the real solution is to do what every other advanced nation has- Single payer.

As I've posted 100 times before.....

We are spending over 8,500 per person per year. Double what most other countries spend.

You think single payer will stop that ?
Of course, the real solution is to do what every other advanced nation has- Single payer.
Joey continues to advocate for the U.S. to lower the bar to that of other failed nations. Canada has a single payer system and the wealthy come here to the U.S. for real healthcare. Cuba has a single payer system and it is vintage 3rd world "care". England has a single payer system and they are currently trying to decentralize it because the cost has them on the verge of collapse.

Tell you what worry about your own healthcare and I'll worry about mine. Mmm..k? Stop trying to get me to pay your way through life.
As I've posted 100 times before.....

We are spending over 8,500 per person per year. Double what most other countries spend.

You think single payer will stop that ?

Yes, actually, it will. Most countries with single payer pay half that.

Here's a great example.

An MRI costs $1080 in the US but only $280 in France.

Why? Because the government as a single payer has determined that's a fair price and they aren't going to pay more for that.

You also can eliminate non-value added things like Nine figure salaries for executives at insurance companies and payouts to stockholders of insurance companies that add nothing to the quality of health care.
Joey continues to advocate for the U.S. to lower the bar to that of other failed nations. Canada has a single payer system and the wealthy come here to the U.S. for real healthcare.

Guy, you work on the assumption that what's good for the wealthy is good for the rest of us.

Besides the fact that Canadian Health Tourism is largely a myth... the fact that we have treatments here that m ost of us don't have access to because our insurance plans won't cover them isn't anything to brag about. Most of us aren't rich. That we can get some old rich asshole to live to 100 with treatments none of us can afford, not impressive.

Cuba has a single payer system and it is vintage 3rd world "care".

Yet they live as long as we do and have a lower infant mortality rate.

Tell you what worry about your own healthcare and I'll worry about mine. Mmm..k? Stop trying to get me to pay your way through life.

Poodle, wh en you aren't 25 years old anymore and have to get a real job, and you get your first real medical crisis and have to wrestle with an insurance company to get treatment, then you can come back and talk to me about how your coverage "works".

Of course, thanks to the ACA, big insurance will have a harder time screwing you over.
Oh, Medical Tourism is myth...

Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians’ Use Of Health Care Services In The United States

Surprisingly few Canadians travel to the United States for health care, despite the persistence of the myth.

For more than a decade anecdotal reports of waiting lists for elective procedures in Canada and of hordes of Canadian “Medicare refugees” crossing the border in search of medical care in the United States have provided emotive fuel for critics of the Canadian health care system from both sides of the border.1 American opponents of universal public coverage have argued that global constraints on capacity and funding force many Canadians to cross the border in search of services that are unavailable or in short supply in their own country.2 S....

Almost 40 percent of the facilities we surveyed reported treating no Canadians, while an additional 40 percent had seen fewer than ten patients (Exhibit 1). Fifteen percent of respondent sites reported treating 10–25 Canadian patients, and only about 5 percent reported seeing more than 25 during the previous year (generally 25–75 patients; none reported more than 100). These findings were fairly consistent across the service categories. The overall response rate was 67 percent, and it varied across type of clinical facility from 56 percent for ambulatory surgery centers to 80 percent for cancer centers.
Poodle, wh en you aren't 25 years old anymore and have to get a real job, and you get your first real medical crisis and have to wrestle with an insurance company to get treatment, then you can come back and talk to me about how your coverage "works".
Kitty...that's your problem. Stop trying to make it all of society's problem. And stop being such a pussy, kitty. Start an insurance company right now and don't "wrestle" when your customers need treatment. See how easy it was to solve that "problem"?
Cuba has a single payer system and it is vintage 3rd world "care".
Yet they live as long as we do and have a lower infant mortality rate.
Then go live there kitty. What is the problem? They have everything you've ever claimed to desire. Universal healthcare. No firearms. No capitalism. What's the problem kitty? Stop being such a pussy. Put your money where your whiskers are.
Joey continues to advocate for the U.S. to lower the bar to that of other failed nations. Canada has a single payer system and the wealthy come here to the U.S. for real healthcare.
Guy, you work on the assumption that what's good for the wealthy is good for the rest of us.
No kitty...I work off of the reality that socialism has a 100% failure rate worldwide. It had never worked anywhere and it never will. And I'm not going to collapse the U.S. because you're a little pussy. I'm not going to surrender liberty, choice, and independence because you're a pussy.
Kitty...that's your problem. Stop trying to make it all of society's problem. And stop being such a pussy, kitty. Start an insurance company right now and don't "wrestle" when your customers need treatment. See how easy it was to solve that "problem"?

Sorry, guy, when I pay $6000 a year for medical insurance, and my Doctor says I need an operation, I don' want to argue with my boss or my insurance company about why I need it.

Which is pretty much what happened to me back in the oughts.

No kitty...I work off of the reality that socialism has a 100% failure rate worldwide. It had never worked anywhere and it never will. And I'm not going to collapse the U.S. because you're a little pussy. I'm not going to surrender liberty, choice, and independence because you're a pussy.


Actually, the same can be said of capitalism... it failed in 2008, 2000, 1991 and 1980. Miserably. The only thing that prevented complete collapse is the government stepped in and saved the Capitalists.

So instead of arguing about what works and what fails, in the real, grown up world outside an Ayn Rand novel, you roll with the punches, and you fix the problems when they become obvious.
Then go live there kitty. What is the problem? They have everything you've ever claimed to desire. Universal healthcare. No firearms. No capitalism. What's the problem kitty? Stop being such a pussy. Put your money where your whiskers are.

r I have a better idea. We vote to change this country and we make the rich pay for it. That's actually easier and better.

your America of greed is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. It died in 2008, and we all became socialists when the government bailed out the banks.
As I've posted 100 times before.....

We are spending over 8,500 per person per year. Double what most other countries spend.

You think single payer will stop that ?

Yes, actually, it will. Most countries with single payer pay half that.

Here's a great example.

An MRI costs $1080 in the US but only $280 in France.

Why? Because the government as a single payer has determined that's a fair price and they aren't going to pay more for that.

You also can eliminate non-value added things like Nine figure salaries for executives at insurance companies and payouts to stockholders of insurance companies that add nothing to the quality of health care.

I laugh just as hard now as when you first posted this drivel.

Insurance companies will be right in the middle of a single payer system.

The government let Al Raines and Jamie Gorelick make millions on Fannie Mae.

But you think it won't happen in insurance.

We'll still pay twice as much.
Oh, Medical Tourism is myth...

Phantoms In The Snow: Canadians’ Use Of Health Care Services In The United States

Surprisingly few Canadians travel to the United States for health care, despite the persistence of the myth.

For more than a decade anecdotal reports of waiting lists for elective procedures in Canada and of hordes of Canadian “Medicare refugees” crossing the border in search of medical care in the United States have provided emotive fuel for critics of the Canadian health care system from both sides of the border.1 American opponents of universal public coverage have argued that global constraints on capacity and funding force many Canadians to cross the border in search of services that are unavailable or in short supply in their own country.2 S....

Almost 40 percent of the facilities we surveyed reported treating no Canadians, while an additional 40 percent had seen fewer than ten patients (Exhibit 1). Fifteen percent of respondent sites reported treating 10–25 Canadian patients, and only about 5 percent reported seeing more than 25 during the previous year (generally 25–75 patients; none reported more than 100). These findings were fairly consistent across the service categories. The overall response rate was 67 percent, and it varied across type of clinical facility from 56 percent for ambulatory surgery centers to 80 percent for cancer centers.

That's not medical tourism.

Try to keep up.
Kitty...that's your problem. Stop trying to make it all of society's problem. And stop being such a pussy, kitty. Start an insurance company right now and don't "wrestle" when your customers need treatment. See how easy it was to solve that "problem"?
Sorry, guy, when I pay $6000 a year for medical insurance, and my Doctor says I need an operation, I don' want to argue with my boss or my insurance company about why I need it. Which is pretty much what happened to me back in the oughts.
Again kitty....that is your problem. It's not the United States problem.

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