The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Well since I'm not - you are clearly a moron

except you really haven't proven that. Your posts sh ow a lack of life experience... I doubt you've done much of anything.
My posts frustrate you because they are indisputable and in conflict with your desperate desire to have other people take care of you in life.

Can you prove that? Of course not. You're just tossing out one baseless assumption after another to try to run from the fact that you know little to nothing about the dissolution of the Soviet Union, much less the PPACA or, well, much of anything you post about here.

Feel free to prove me wrong.
Poodle j ust said in another thread that Leftists were all claiming Clinton didn't have sex with the intern.

Had he been an adult during that time, he'd know that most people on the left concluded he did and it really wasn't anyone's business.
Uh....nice try asshat. But you and every other libtards vehemently denied it and cried "conspiracy" as always.

Can you prove that? Of course not. You're just tossing out one baseless assumption after another to try to run from the fact that you know little to nothing about the dissolution of the Soviet Union, much less the PPACA or, well, much of anything you post about here.

Feel free to prove me wrong.
I've been proving you wrong. I lived through it all and consumed vast amounts of information about it. Your responses indicate that your about 15 years old (am I right?). All your doing is agreeing with little kitty over there despite the fact that he is dead wrong (which is why he has yet to add one single shred of evidence supporting is obnoxious and desperate position). Now...can you prove that I'm wrong? Maybe after you stop playing with your Star Wars figures? I won't hold my breath. Especially since you never add links to anything.
Poodle j ust said in another thread that Leftists were all claiming Clinton didn't have sex with the intern.

Had he been an adult during that time, he'd know that most people on the left concluded he did and it really wasn't anyone's business.
Uh....nice try asshat. But you and every other libtards vehemently denied it and cried "conspiracy" as always.

Proof? Show me proof that progressives didn't deny it and cry "conspiracy theory" back then. Come on Arianrhod, put your money where your mouth is just once. Instead of crying all the time and putting the burden on other people (because you know you're wrong) - step up and prove that communism didn't collapse the U.S.S.R. and progressives didn't vehemently deny that Clinton was havin affairs until he admitted it. I'll wait little boy.
Proof? Show me proof that progressives didn't deny it and cry "conspiracy theory" back then.

The burden of proof is on you. You made a claim. Now back it up. Or do you always expect other people to do your homework for you?
Proof? Show me proof that progressives didn't deny it and cry "conspiracy theory" back then.

The burden of proof is on you. You made a claim. Now back it up. Or do you always expect other people to do your homework for you?
You made the claim! You said I was "lying". Prove it. The fact that you're running from your own comments now says it all.
Proof? Show me proof that progressives didn't deny it and cry "conspiracy theory" back then.

The burden of proof is on you. You made a claim. Now back it up. Or do you always expect other people to do your homework for you?
You made the claim! You said I was "lying".


Look, if you can't prove your claims, there's no point in temporizing. We'll concur that they're baseless and move on.

Alternatively, you can tell us what in your vast knowledge and/or experience makes you an expert on the Soviet Union. That's of much more interest to me than this picayune stuff.
Proof? Show me proof that progressives didn't deny it and cry "conspiracy theory" back then.

The burden of proof is on you. You made a claim. Now back it up. Or do you always expect other people to do your homework for you?
You made the claim! You said I was "lying".


Look, if you can't prove your claims, there's no point in temporizing. We'll concur that they're baseless and move on.

Alternatively, you can tell us what in your vast knowledge and/or experience makes you an expert on the Soviet Union. That's of much more interest to me than this picayune stuff.
Exactly! Since you clearly can't support your baseless and outrageous claims, it's painfully obvious that I'm right. Now are you mature enough to admit it?
Proof? Show me proof that progressives didn't deny it and cry "conspiracy theory" back then.

The burden of proof is on you. You made a claim. Now back it up. Or do you always expect other people to do your homework for you?
You made the claim! You said I was "lying".


Look, if you can't prove your claims, there's no point in temporizing. We'll concur that they're baseless and move on.

Alternatively, you can tell us what in your vast knowledge and/or experience makes you an expert on the Soviet Union. That's of much more interest to me than this picayune stuff.
Exactly! Since you clearly can't support your baseless and outrageous claims, it's painfully obvious that I'm right. Now are you mature enough to admit it?

Kindly link to the post or posts where I have made "baseless and outrageous claims."

Or tell us where you get your information about the Soviet Union? Why are you afraid to do that?
My posts frustrate you because they are indisputable and in conflict with your desperate desire to have other people take care of you in life.

No, your post frustrates me like my 4 year old nephew pretending he's Spiderman annoys me after it stops being cute. I mean they're cute in a child-like way, but then the grownups are talking.

Uh....nice try asshat. But you and every other libtards vehemently denied it and cried "conspiracy" as always. Then Bill Clinton admitted it and you obedient little bitches came up with the new narrative suddenly that it was "nobody's business".

Again, just more evidence you weren't there at the time. Other than Clinton's lawyers, nobody really claimed that.

YOu see, back in the day, before your boy George W. Bush fucked up the economy and cost me tens of thousands of dollars I worked very hard for, I used to be one of those Republican types who said, "Subornation of Perjury" like that was a real thing. And you know what... nobody cared.

Nobody Cared. MOst people assumed he had an affair, because, shit, this was Bill Clinton we were talking about after all. It's not like we didn't already know he was a horndog.

SO if you had been there and out of short pants, you'd know that most people said, 'Hey, we have an awesome economy, who cares whether he did an intern!"
Never going to happen.

We pay way to much.

And Canadians like some parts of their care.

Also, you might be interested to know that Canadians have a very strong private system.

Their "single payer" is great for a broken leg.

It sucks when it comes to things like cancer.

That comes from Canadians themselves.

Not from this...although it is pretty funny......

No, it's just stupid. The fact is, Canadians are not flocking down here for health care.

They live longer than we do, and they have a lower infant mortality rate, while spending a lot less than we do.

That's because they aren't paying INsurance CEO's nine-figure salaries to figure out ways NOT to pay for claims.

What's stupid ?

That they have a two tiered health care system that includes a heavy dose of private insurance ?
That has nothing to do with our healthcare system you ignorant little kitty. That is our lifestyle. Japan doesn't consume fast food like we do. Japan doesn't have issues with Bloods vs. Crips, Hells Angels vs. Mongols, etc. like we do (violence drastically reduces life expectancy you ignorant kitty).

We have the #1 healthcare in the world and it's not even close. Like everything else, you ignorant progressives are trying to lower the bar and drag down our healthcare to the pitiful level of third world socialized nations.

When 40% of your population can't access the health care system, it isn't the best in the world, Poodle.

When you get out in the real world, let us know, little boy.

Single payer won't change that.

Our costs have to come down FIRST.
SO if you had been there and out of short pants, you'd know that most people said, 'Hey, we have an awesome economy, who cares whether he did an intern!"
Nah...that become your new position after years of vehemently denying it (just like you progressives do today) and crying "vast right-wing conspiracy" (just like you progressives do today).

As always - you got caught lying and as always - you're not mature enough to admit it.
Single Payer would bring down prices.
It's not societies job to "bring prices down" for you because you're not capable of growing up and taking care of yourself. And government simply doesn't have the authority to act on that anyway. It's the type of fail-fail that could only come from progressives who are ignorant of U.S. laws.
When 40% of your population can't access the health care system, it isn't the best in the world, Poodle.
Well that is one hell of an outrageous claim. Proof? How come you never post a single quote, video, link, etc. to all of your bullshit?

(Psst...stupid....100% of the population has "access" to healthcare because it is illegal for a hospital to turn away someone in a life and death situation).

What is that - 30 posts in a row now kitty where you have blatantly lied?
Just as an aside, P@triot, while I wait for you to produce even one tiny bit of evidence to prove your numerous claims in this thread, why do you hate progress?

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