The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

There's pleny of money.
You're right - if we end parasites such as yourself.
We just need to take it away from the Wealthy and give it to the working people
If the "working people" were working - they would have money already.
Problem doesn't exist. And even if it did, it's not your problem to solve.
The thing with stupid people like you is you think it's awesome when the rich exploit the people who do the actual work, and then you wonder why they keep voting for more government.
Nah....I know why you progressives vote for more government. You're parasites.
Not to mention ignorant of the history of the Soviet Union, why there is no binary separation between government and corporate, etc., etc., etc., etc...
Clearly you are grammatically challenged... :lol:

Did you mean to say "where there is no binary separation between government and corporations"?!? Tell us...what grade did you get pregnant and have to drop out of junior high?
I can show 10 links in the last 24 hours.

What are you waiting for?
For you to show us 10 links in the last 10 days. And you couldn't do it...

I didn't promise 10 links; you did. What are you waiting for?

Not to mention ignorant of the history of the Soviet Union, why there is no binary separation between government and corporate, etc., etc., etc., etc...
Clearly you are grammatically challenged... :lol:

Did you mean to say "where there is no binary separation between government and corporations"?!? Tell us...what grade did you get pregnant and have to drop out of junior high?

Those of us who work in the corporate sector know that "corporate" is an acceptable short form for "the corporate sector." (And I meant "why," not "where." You're the one who believes there is a binary separation; most ignorami do.) Ignorant children who spend their time name-calling on message boards instead of providing the links they promised clearly don't know much.

What are you waiting for?

Here, let me help you: When you started calling JoeB a liar RE: the Soviet Union, if you really had contradictory information, you'd have said "Here is a link to a book, an article, a website, etc. where I've gotten my information."

Instead, all you do is flame and dance.

In short, like most of your species, you have nothing. Keep dancing. We're laughing.
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Ignorant children who spend their time name-calling on message boards instead of providing the links they promised clearly don't know much.
Well that certainly explains why you never post links to back up your childish and ignorant comments... Instead you immaturely respond "is your Google broke?" and then lose your tiny little mind when someone uses your own line against you. :lol:
Ignorant children who spend their time name-calling on message boards instead of providing the links they promised clearly don't know much.
Well that certainly explains why you never post links...

To people like you who are asked, and promise, and then fail to delivery? You're absolutely right.

Grownups get links when requested.

Tell us what you know about the Soviet Union.
I didn't promise 10 links; you did.
I didn't "promise" anything. Once again we see your reading comprehension problem rearing its ugly head.
What are you waiting for?
For you to post the proof that you've added some links. After all, every time you lose an argument you demand that everyone else add a link to "prove" it. Why don't you hold yourself to that same standard sweetie??? :dunno:
Tell us what you know about the Soviet Union.
More than you and Joseph combined. Though you are still of high school age (dropout unfortunately) so you didn't live through it like Joey and I did. Still, you should have opened a book and studied once in awhile.
Grownups get links when requested.
Post #3819:
Is your Google broken?

Tell us what you know about the Soviet Union.
More than you and Joseph combined.

Then you wouldn't be ashamed to show us.
I did! I told you everything you needed to know and then some. Because you're too lazy to do your homework or because your "Google is broke" is not my problem.

I've learned volumes of information over the years sweetie. Unlike you I don't start Googling a topic when a thread is started and then jump in on it. I lived through it and have studied it extensively. I know what I know and the onus is on you to provide links backing up your claim that I'm "wrong".
Tell us what you know about the Soviet Union.
More than you and Joseph combined.

Then you wouldn't be ashamed to show us.
I did! I told you everything you needed to know and then some.

Not in this thread you haven't. C'mon, live dangerously and post a link. Just one link. Are you reluctant because you know your source is bogus and you'll be laughed at? Or is it that you have no source at all?
Not in this thread you haven't. C'mon, live dangerously and post a link. Just one link.
Uh....sweetie? I've probably posted 70 links in this thread alone. Every time you post, you actually get dumber. Have an adult show you how to click on page 1 of this thread and start counting.
I've probably posted 70 links in this thread alone.

Then you shouldn't have any problem reposting your links to information about the Soviet Union. Take pride in them. Unless you're embarrassed by them. You spend way more time claiming you posted them than it would take to repost them. It's obvious why.
Not really. The US Government is wonderful.
Come on, stupid, tell us again how corrupt corporations are... :lmao:

Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.

Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
Not really. The US Government is wonderful.
So Joey cries like a little bitch about corporate "corruption" - meanwhile the evil broad he wants running the country not only surrendered the materials we need to create nuclear weapons, she sold them to our enimies for profit. If a corporation did this, little Joey would never stop crying about it.

Here’s the high-level summary. There are more details below.

• Canadian company Uranium One owned uranium mines in the US and Kazakhstan.

• Uranium One's mines account for 20% of the uranium mined in the US. Uranium is used for nuclear weapons, and it's considered a strategic asset to the US.

• Russia’s state-owned atomic agency, Rosatom, bought a 17% stake in Uranium One in June 2009.

• The Russian atomic agency decided it wanted to own 51% of Uranium One in June 2010. To take a majority stake in Uranium One, it needed approval from a special committee that included the State Department, which Hillary Clinton led at the time.

• Investors in Uranium One gave money to the Clinton Foundation starting in 2005 and through 2011. On June 29, 2010, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 to speak in Russia by an investment bank with ties to Russia's government that had a buy rating on Uranium One’s stock.

• In January 2013, despite assurances to the contrary, a subsidiary of Rosatom took over 100% of the company and delisted it from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

• Clinton was required to disclose all of her foundation's contributors before she became secretary of state, but the Clintons did not disclose millions of dollars donated by the chairman of Uranium One while the review of the deal was ongoing.

The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors as Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits

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