The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Not really. The US Government is wonderful.
Oh yeah. $20 trillion in debt (the most in the world and about and about 10,000x's more than the worst corporate debt in history). Lost and incomplete State Department contracts to the tune of $6 billion. Tens of thousands of properties across the nation unaccounted for. Waste, fraud, abuse.

And then there is this little gem. The Secret Service (which...with the exception of Special the most well run, professional outfit in all of government) is not even capable of handling their primary function - security - when it comes to technology!!!

Oh yeah Joseph..."government is wonderful". Idiot. :lmao:

Secret Service cybersecurity audit shows 'unacceptable' flaws
No doubt, like everything else in which you claim expertise, you have plenty of research and experience to support your hypothesis, which you'll be happy to share with us, amiright?
Is your Google broke, sweetie? :lmao:
The exact opposite is true but you're just too ignorant to realize. Government produces waste because they can - they just keep reaching into the American people's pockets (you wouldn't know since you're a parasite). The private sector creates the most critical goods and services because they have to - otherwise they go out of business.

actually, htey produce a lot of crap people don't need.. but never mind. You're a good little consumer..
Oh yeah. $20 trillion in debt (the most in the world and about and about 10,000x's more than the worst corporate debt in history). Lost and incomplete State Department contracts to the tune of $6 billion. Tens of thousands of properties across the nation unaccounted for. Waste, fraud, abuse.

And then there is this little gem. The Secret Service (which...with the exception of Special the most well run, professional outfit in all of government) is not even capable of handling their primary function - security - when it comes to technology!!!

Oh yeah Joseph..."government is wonderful". Idiot. :lmao:

Yawn, guy. Make the rich pay their fair share. Problem solved.
There's pleny of money. We just need to take it away from the Wealthy and give it to the working people
'Lil Jospeh is so stupid...he doesn't even realize that the U.S. government has more debt than the entire currency in circulation.

'Lil Joseph is a special kind of stupid.
No doubt, like everything else in which you claim expertise, you have plenty of research and experience to support your hypothesis, which you'll be happy to share with us, amiright?
Is your Google broke, sweetie? :lmao:

Once again you expect me to do your homework for you. How does that work for you IRL?

If you truly had any concept of what you were posting about - whether it be the Soviet Union, the roles of government and the private sector or, well, anything at all - you'd jump at the chance to showcase your knowledge.

Instead you're just showcasing the fact that you know nothing at all.

Keep up the good work. You're an excellent example of your species.
Yawn, guy. Make the rich pay their fair share. Problem solved.
Well on that we do agree. We need to cut taxes for the wealthy by about 60% so that they are paying a "fair share". And then we need parasites like you and your progressive pals to start paying taxes so that you parasites are paying your "fair share".

But the debt still exceeds all currency in circulation - so even if the government confiscates 100% of the money, we still have a monumental problem.

Look....this is way above your "pay grade" buttercup. Why don't you sit back, let the adults handle this, and you just keep dreaming about that Mary Poppins utopia that brings a little tear to your eye. Mmm...k?
Is your Google broke, sweetie? :lmao:
Once again you expect me to do your homework for you. How does that work for you IRL?
Boom....bitch!!! Just caught you lying, contradicting yourself, and accusing others of what you are guilty of!!! Game over!!!

If that's what you need to comfort yourself because you know you have no knowledge about the Soviet Union, government v private sector, debt v deficit, or even what the word "lying" means, that isn't something you should necessarily advertise.
But the debt still exceeds all currency in circulation - so even if the government confiscates 100% of the money, we still have a monumental problem.

Someone needs a tutorial in debt v deficit...
No someone doesn't stupid.... Deficit is the annual gap in income vs. expense and debt is the running total of those annual deficits.

Let me know if you need me to explain anything else to you, stupid.
Look....this is way above your "pay grade" buttercup. Why don't you sit back, let the adults handle this, and you just keep dreaming about that Mary Poppins utopia that brings a little tear to your eye. Mmm...k?

short pants, you are the one acting like a child here. Did you take me off ignore because no one pays attention tyou you anymore?
But the debt still exceeds all currency in circulation - so even if the government confiscates 100% of the money, we still have a monumental problem.

Someone needs a tutorial in debt v deficit...
No someone doesn't stupid....

You don't stupid? You're just punctuation-challenged, then. Not to mention ignorant of the history of the Soviet Union, why there is no binary separation between government and corporate, etc., etc., etc., etc...
If that's what you need to comfort yourself because you know you have no knowledge about the Soviet Union, government v private sector, debt v deficit, or even what the word "lying" means, that isn't something you should necessarily advertise.
Sweetie...I owned you and Joseph on the Soviet Union, economics, debt, etc. And now I just owned your ass on how to bait a dumb ass and prove that they are lying, projecting, unethical dirt-bags!

Post #3819:
Is your Google broken?

Look....this is way above your "pay grade" buttercup. Why don't you sit back, let the adults handle this, and you just keep dreaming about that Mary Poppins utopia that brings a little tear to your eye. Mmm...k?

short pants, you are the one acting like a child here. Did you take me off ignore because no one pays attention tyou you anymore?
No...just had more time to correct all of your disinformation. I will probably have to revert back to ignoring your drivel in the near future. When there is limited time, one cannot afford to waste it on fiction.
Not really. The US Government is wonderful. I really look back at my time in the military with a lot of fondness. The Corporations I've worked for have been all sort of evil and stupid. (And frankly, the American owned ones worse than the foreign ones.)
So that begs the obvious question...why not just apply for a government job? :dunno:

(It's rhetorical - we all know that the real reason is because you want to mooch off of society).
You've made numerous unsupported statements of your own opinion, nothing more.
More projection sweetie...? Show us at least 10 links you've posted in the last ten 10 days. I can show 10 links in the last 24 hours.

Apparently you really enjoy being bent over, uh? Cause you certainly keep coming back for more. :lol:
Post #3819:
Is your Google broken?


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