The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Ask a way [sic.]!

What do you believe is the purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel, i.e., health care?
Too broad. That varies drastically from institution to institution. You need to be much more specific than that. That question illustrates you lack of knowledge on the subject matter (and your immaturity). For instance:

St. Jude's hospital provides healthcare to children at no cost to the families. They operate on fundraising.

The Cleveland Clinic hospital on the other hand charges a lot of money but uses those profits to conduct some of the most advanced research in the world to advance the healthcare industry and save lives.

Both hospitals but each with a vastly different focus and goal. It is clear in your mind the answer was "to help people" or "to cure people". You have the simplistic (not to mention inaccurate) views of a small child. Would you like to continue? I'm willing but it seems as though this will be a painful exercise due to your lack of knowledge about the topic.

So you wouldn't agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured?
The "fundamental purpose" varies from institution to institution. Some are "teaching" hospitals with the "fundamental purpose" of training tomorrow's healthcare providers. Others are "research" hospitals with a "fundamental purpose" of breakthroughs on cures and treatments. Still others are focused on strictly providing care.

Now let me ask you something - what do you believe is the purpose of a car dealership?

So you're unaware that teaching hospitals treat patients? My, my.
Not at all. And never said that. Why do you have to build a strawman in every post? And why didn't you answer the question? It's baffling how you're so afraid of a discussion. I can only conclude that you realize you are incapable of supporting and defending your position.
You have to wonder how many Randians are aware that she sponged off her friends and lovers all her life, then glommed onto Medicare when her nicotine addiction got the best of her...
You mean the Medicare (and other unconstitutional federal government entitlements) that took over her half of her money?!? Gee...I wonder why she took Medicare!

Like I've always said - the fact that you progressives make it mandatory says it all (ahem....fascism!). Give people the option to opt out sweetie and you wouldn't see people like Ayn Rand on the system.

I just obliterated yet another progressive false narrative. You must be running out of them :lol:
You mean the Medicare (and other unconstitutional federal government entitlements) that took over her half of her money?!? Gee...I wonder why she took Medicare!

Uh. No. Even today, Medicare only takes 2%. Ayn Rand died in 1982. Medicare wasn't started until 1966 and she started using it in 1976. So she paying into it for less than 10 years. So she paid 2% into it for 10 years and collected it for 6. Sweet.

Like I've always said - the fact that you progressives make it mandatory says it all (ahem....fascism!). Give people the option to opt out sweetie and you wouldn't see people like Ayn Rand on the system.

NO, because they'd all die after they could no longer work. Here's the thing. Before Medicare, life expectency in the US was only 65. People didn't live that long. Now the average life expectancy is 78 years.
And stupid here doubles-down on his insanely ignorant comment... :lmao:

If they are a "paradise" - how come you don't move there? Boom!

Because we can fix this country, dummy. We can't fix you, someone fucked up a long time ago. But we can fix the country.
But....but....but...those nations are a "paradise". Even if you can "fix" the U.S. there is a huge difference between "fixed" and "paradise".
You mean the Medicare (and other unconstitutional federal government entitlements) that took over her half of her money?!? Gee...I wonder why she took Medicare!

Uh. No. Even today, Medicare only takes 2%. Ayn Rand died in 1982. Medicare wasn't started until 1966 and she started using it in 1976. So she paying into it for less than 10 years. So she paid 2% into it for 10 years and collected it for 6. Sweet.
Nice false narrative as usual. The federal government placed a gun to her head and stole money for Medicaid, for Social Security, for unemployment, and in the form of income tax, sales tax, property tax, gas tax, and more. In addition, she doesn't stop paying Medicare the day she goes in it. She paid that until 1982. So she paid that for 16 years liar. Not 10 years. They stole more than 50% of her income.

Why don't progressives allow the American people the choice to opt out? Why do you fascist fear choice so much?
What do you believe is the purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel, i.e., health care?
Too broad. That varies drastically from institution to institution. You need to be much more specific than that. That question illustrates you lack of knowledge on the subject matter (and your immaturity). For instance:

St. Jude's hospital provides healthcare to children at no cost to the families. They operate on fundraising.

The Cleveland Clinic hospital on the other hand charges a lot of money but uses those profits to conduct some of the most advanced research in the world to advance the healthcare industry and save lives.

Both hospitals but each with a vastly different focus and goal. It is clear in your mind the answer was "to help people" or "to cure people". You have the simplistic (not to mention inaccurate) views of a small child. Would you like to continue? I'm willing but it seems as though this will be a painful exercise due to your lack of knowledge about the topic.

So you wouldn't agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured?
The "fundamental purpose" varies from institution to institution. Some are "teaching" hospitals with the "fundamental purpose" of training tomorrow's healthcare providers. Others are "research" hospitals with a "fundamental purpose" of breakthroughs on cures and treatments. Still others are focused on strictly providing care.

Now let me ask you something - what do you believe is the purpose of a car dealership?

So you're unaware that teaching hospitals treat patients? My, my.
Not at all.

So you'd agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured? Anything else - teaching, research, etc. - is secondary to that primary goal.
But....but....but...those nations are a "paradise". Even if you can "fix" the U.S. there is a huge difference between "fixed" and "paradise".

I'd be happy to return the country to a time before Nixon and Reagan fucked it up. You see, unlike you I'm old enough to remember what a middle class looks like. It was kind of awesome. proclaim that we have drastically become more progressive/socialist over the years and that you will "win". Then you admit that we don't have a middle class anymore.

Thank you for proving for me the failures of progressivism.
Too broad. That varies drastically from institution to institution. You need to be much more specific than that. That question illustrates you lack of knowledge on the subject matter (and your immaturity). For instance:

St. Jude's hospital provides healthcare to children at no cost to the families. They operate on fundraising.

The Cleveland Clinic hospital on the other hand charges a lot of money but uses those profits to conduct some of the most advanced research in the world to advance the healthcare industry and save lives.

Both hospitals but each with a vastly different focus and goal. It is clear in your mind the answer was "to help people" or "to cure people". You have the simplistic (not to mention inaccurate) views of a small child. Would you like to continue? I'm willing but it seems as though this will be a painful exercise due to your lack of knowledge about the topic.

So you wouldn't agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured?
The "fundamental purpose" varies from institution to institution. Some are "teaching" hospitals with the "fundamental purpose" of training tomorrow's healthcare providers. Others are "research" hospitals with a "fundamental purpose" of breakthroughs on cures and treatments. Still others are focused on strictly providing care.

Now let me ask you something - what do you believe is the purpose of a car dealership?

So you're unaware that teaching hospitals treat patients? My, my.
Not at all.

So you'd agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured? Anything else - teaching, research, etc. - is secondary to that primary goal. continue with your straw man. It's a sign of a person on the wrong side of the facts.
So you wouldn't agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured?
The "fundamental purpose" varies from institution to institution. Some are "teaching" hospitals with the "fundamental purpose" of training tomorrow's healthcare providers. Others are "research" hospitals with a "fundamental purpose" of breakthroughs on cures and treatments. Still others are focused on strictly providing care.

Now let me ask you something - what do you believe is the purpose of a car dealership?

So you're unaware that teaching hospitals treat patients? My, my.
Not at all.

So you'd agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured? Anything else - teaching, research, etc. - is secondary to that primary goal. continue with your straw man. It's a sign of a person on the wrong side of the facts.

So now you don't agree that the primary purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel is to treat patients. Let me know when you make up your mind.
Nice false narrative as usual. The federal government placed a gun to her head and stole money for Medicaid, for Social Security, for unemployment, and in the form of income tax, sales tax, property tax, gas tax, and more. In addition, she doesn't stop paying Medicare the day she goes in it. She paid that until 1982. So she paid that for 16 years liar. Not 10 years. They stole more than 50% of her income.

Why don't progressives allow the American people the choice to opt out? Why do you fascist fear choice so much?

Because if you give them the option to "opt out", they'll just insist on it anyway.

But to the point, no one "put a gun to her head".

Taxes are fair payment for services rendered. Just like when you pay a vendor for something, really.

WHen you clowns move to Randian Paradise, Somalia, I'll take you all seriously.

Otherwise, you are just a guy who wants to live in a civilized society, but don't want to pay for it.
So now you don't agree that the primary purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel is to treat patients. Let me know when you make up your mind.

No, the primary purpose of them is to make money for the all wise 'job creators". Don't you know nothing?

You see, Short Pants goes to bed at night worried the rich have enough Dressage Horses.
The "fundamental purpose" varies from institution to institution. Some are "teaching" hospitals with the "fundamental purpose" of training tomorrow's healthcare providers. Others are "research" hospitals with a "fundamental purpose" of breakthroughs on cures and treatments. Still others are focused on strictly providing care.

Now let me ask you something - what do you believe is the purpose of a car dealership?

So you're unaware that teaching hospitals treat patients? My, my.
Not at all.

So you'd agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured? Anything else - teaching, research, etc. - is secondary to that primary goal. continue with your straw man. It's a sign of a person on the wrong side of the facts.

So now you don't agree that the primary purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel is to treat patients. Let me know when you make up your mind.
That's now 5 straw men in a row. That might be a record!
So now you don't agree that the primary purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel is to treat patients. Let me know when you make up your mind.

No, the primary purpose of them is to make money for the all wise 'job creators". Don't you know nothing? You see, Short Pants goes to bed at night worried the rich have enough Dressage Horses.
Because Joey is ignorant of basic economics and business, he doesn't understand that a poor person has never created a single job in the history of the planet. It is the wealthy that create jobs, produce goods, provide services, etc. Basic economics. I bet your wishing you hadn't dropped out of high school now, uh? :lol:

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