The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

What's even funnier is that progressives could amend the U.S. Constitution to achieve their desires but they don't. Why? Because the American people have unilaterally rejected their bat-shit crazy ideology.

Except you guys aren't winning national elections... If you hadn't stolen Florida in 2000, you'd have been 0-6 in presidential races. Wait... You'll lose another one in three weeks.
Otherwise, we might as well go to socialism, which is where we are going to end up anyway, Short Pants. I may not live to see it, but given you are barely out of college, your fellow Millennials have got something for your ass.
Nah...we've owned your ass for over 100 years and we'll own your ass for the next 100 years. The American people aren't caving to you bat-shit crazy communists. Let me just show you who you are at your core and what you support (the answer to both is unethical corruption):

But simple enough solution. Public Option for the working poor.
Even simpler solution: you start an insurance company for the "working poor". Boom! See how easy it is to solve problems in the free market?

That's exactly how health insurers like BC/BS got their start, as nonprofits offering insurance to workers. Then they got preempted by the for-profit Aetnas, etc.

So how would you go back to reestablishing that goal? Where would you get your seed money? How would you manage premiums and outlays?

For once it sounds as if you may have a plan instead of just ranting.

Tell us more.
So how would you go back to reestablishing that goal? Where would you get your seed money? How would you manage premiums and outlays? For once it sounds as if you may have a plan instead of just ranting. Tell us more.
Well I wouldn't - I'm not the one whining. But Joseph there could get his "seed money" the way all businessss do. He could take out a loan from a bank, he could solicit investments from venture capitalists, he could save his own money to start it, etc.

Additionally, all of the little socialists whining could create a massive co-op and put all of their money together for a voluntary "single payer system" (exactly like the Amish do). Funny how all of them whine about socialism but none of them put their money with their mouths are.

There are endless free market solutions. But Joey isn't interested in solutions. He's interested in figuring out ways to make society pay his way through life for him.
That is so funny.

It's like having a car with no engine.

Here is your, let me explain how expensive it will be to utilize it.

Meh... my insurance is cheaper now and covers more... so much for that theory.

But simple enough solution. Public Option for the working poor.

Your situation is everyone's....??

Really ?

Now that's funny.
Meh... my insurance is cheaper now and covers more... so much for that theory.But simple enough solution. Public Option for the working poor.
Your situation is everyone's....?? Really ? Now that's funny.
The sad thing is he really does want his situation to be everyone's. He's one of those "misery loves company". He can't stand that other people have something he doesn't or lives a life he wants.
So how would you go back to reestablishing that goal? Where would you get your seed money? How would you manage premiums and outlays? For once it sounds as if you may have a plan instead of just ranting. Tell us more.
Well I wouldn't - I'm not the one whining. But Joseph there could get his "seed money" the way all businessss do. He could take out a loan from a bank, he could solicit investments from venture capitalists, he could save his own money to start it, etc.

Additionally, all of the little socialists whining could create a massive co-op and put all of their money together for a voluntary "single payer system" (exactly like the Amish do). Funny how all of them whine about socialism but none of them put their money with their mouths are.

There are endless free market solutions. But Joey isn't interested in solutions. He's interested in figuring out ways to make society pay his way through life for him.

If there truly were endless free market solutions, you'd be able to list and discuss them. I notice you haven't. Instead all you're doing is attacking another poster whose experience is not the free ride you've had so far.

Whether it's your employer or Mommy & Daddy paying for your health insurance, it's obvious you have no more idea about how insurance works than you do about the Soviet Union,

In case you're interested, I don't expect to convince you of anything. You, like Sunny Boy, inadvertently serve the purpose of showing anyone who's uncertain of the intellectual level of the RWNJ that it's this: Make unsubstantiated statements, insult anyone who asks for backup, then slime around from one thread to the next saying "I've got this poster on Ignore; you should do the same."

It's an excellent measure of knowledge and intelligence. Keep up the good work!
Nah...we've owned your ass for over 100 years and we'll own your ass for the next 100 years. The American people aren't caving to you bat-shit crazy communists. Let me just show you who you are at your core and what you support (the answer to both is unethical corruption):

Guy, again, you haven't won an honest election since 1988. There aren't enough angry old white guys to keep you afloat.

America will be a European Style Social Democracy with socialized medicine and gun control. Deal with it.

Well I wouldn't - I'm not the one whining. But Joseph there could get his "seed money" the way all businessss do. He could take out a loan from a bank, he could solicit investments from venture capitalists, he could save his own money to start it, etc.

again, it's like saying a rape victim should take buy a strap on dildo and show us all how it's done right.

Guy, I don't want to be a capitalist. I want to ABOLISH capitalists. With extreme prejudice. Or at least keep them on a short enough leash where they can't hurt anyone.

Additionally, all of the little socialists whining could create a massive co-op and put all of their money together for a voluntary "single payer system" (exactly like the Amish do). Funny how all of them whine about socialism but none of them put their money with their mouths are.

Sure we are. We are voting to change the country. Check back with us in three weeks, when your Orange Haired Nazi (who has been really running against capitalism, too) takes a classic thrubbing.

The sad thing is he really does want his situation to be everyone's. He's one of those "misery loves company". He can't stand that other people have something he doesn't or lives a life he wants.

Naw, guy, I've got this thing called "compassion". I know that there are people worse off than I am. Frankly, I consider myself blessed, in that I was born a white male in a racist society. I want a society that is more equitable.

I don't think a society where 1% of the population has 43% of the wealth and children die of treatable diseases is a society that is just or moral.

I'm sorry you don't understand this.
Nah...we've owned your ass for over 100 years and we'll own your ass for the next 100 years. The American people aren't caving to you bat-shit crazy communists. Let me just show you who you are at your core and what you support (the answer to both is unethical corruption):

Guy, again, you haven't won an honest election since 1988. There aren't enough angry old white guys to keep you afloat.

America will be a European Style Social Democracy with socialized medicine and gun control. Deal with it.

Well I wouldn't - I'm not the one whining. But Joseph there could get his "seed money" the way all businessss do. He could take out a loan from a bank, he could solicit investments from venture capitalists, he could save his own money to start it, etc.

again, it's like saying a rape victim should take buy a strap on dildo and show us all how it's done right.

Guy, I don't want to be a capitalist. I want to ABOLISH capitalists. With extreme prejudice. Or at least keep them on a short enough leash where they can't hurt anyone.

Additionally, all of the little socialists whining could create a massive co-op and put all of their money together for a voluntary "single payer system" (exactly like the Amish do). Funny how all of them whine about socialism but none of them put their money with their mouths are.

Sure we are. We are voting to change the country. Check back with us in three weeks, when your Orange Haired Nazi (who has been really running against capitalism, too) takes a classic thrubbing.

The sad thing is he really does want his situation to be everyone's. He's one of those "misery loves company". He can't stand that other people have something he doesn't or lives a life he wants.

Naw, guy, I've got this thing called "compassion". I know that there are people worse off than I am. Frankly, I consider myself blessed, in that I was born a white male in a racist society. I want a society that is more equitable.

I don't think a society where 1% of the population has 43% of the wealth and children die of treatable diseases is a society that is just or moral.

I'm sorry you don't understand this.

There is this foolishness about changing the country again.

Federal elections don't change the country. They put people in power who basically get rich off the system we have in D.C.

In spite of your fairy tales, Obama has done little to change this country and Hillary won't either (the house will likely see to that as it has the past six would be no different with Trump).

Single Payer will never happen and we should be grateful. The same people who are getting rich now, will only get better off if we give them that kind of power. You think that they won't be involved ? You make me laugh. They'll make sure any system lines their pockets.

Compassion isn't necessarily giving people what they want. In fact, it is often more compassionate to let them struggle a little. But your "compassion" won't help the issue of the 1%. It will only make it worse.
So how would you go back to reestablishing that goal? Where would you get your seed money? How would you manage premiums and outlays? For once it sounds as if you may have a plan instead of just ranting. Tell us more.
Well I wouldn't - I'm not the one whining. But Joseph there could get his "seed money" the way all businessss do. He could take out a loan from a bank, he could solicit investments from venture capitalists, he could save his own money to start it, etc.

Additionally, all of the little socialists whining could create a massive co-op and put all of their money together for a voluntary "single payer system" (exactly like the Amish do). Funny how all of them whine about socialism but none of them put their money with their mouths are.

There are endless free market solutions. But Joey isn't interested in solutions. He's interested in figuring out ways to make society pay his way through life for him.

If there truly were endless free market solutions, you'd be able to list and discuss them. I notice you haven't. Instead all you're doing is attacking another poster whose experience is not the free ride you've had so far.
Typical ignorant ideologue progressive. Asks for an answer, gets one, then denies it and runs the other way.

I just gave you solutions in a comprehensive answer and it left you with no where to go with your ideology so you simply turned to personal insults and then ran away like a little girl.
Well I wouldn't - I'm not the one whining. But Joseph there could get his "seed money" the way all businessss do. He could take out a loan from a bank, he could solicit investments from venture capitalists, he could save his own money to start it, etc.
Guy, I don't want to be a capitalist. I want to ABOLISH capitalists. With extreme prejudice. Or at least keep them on a short enough leash where they can't hurt anyone.
In other words...that would require Joseph to actually work and what he's looking for is society to pay his way through life. Just like I said.
Additionally, all of the little socialists whining could create a massive co-op and put all of their money together for a voluntary "single payer system" (exactly like the Amish do). Funny how all of them whine about socialism but none of them put their money with their mouths are.
Sure we are. We are voting to change the country.
Boom! Just like I said. Not willing to put their money where their mouths are. Voting for handouts is not the same thing as stepping up and sharing what you have with others. You're not willing to be a part of the solution - you're just looking for handouts.
Guy, I don't want to be a capitalist. I want to ABOLISH capitalists. With extreme prejudice. Or at least keep them on a short enough leash where they can't hurt anyone.
Capitalism is choice. Government eliminates all options and creates a single point of failure. Joseph is looking to recreate the old Soviet Union where everything is rusted, there is no food on the shelves, and and everyone is "equal" in their poverty and misery. Here's yet another in the endless examples of government ineptitude:

"And he should be correct. In a normal free market, the vast demand for transportation to and from the game would leave private providers drooling to take advantage of the thousands of fare-paying fans seeking late night service. Indeed, many private services did ramp up their efforts to give Nats fans a way to get home.

Not so for Metro, whose officials are too busy protecting negligent employees, demanding more money from taxpayers, and playing catch-up for years of neglected maintenance to even consider providing an additional service that consumers would want.

And why would they consider providing additional service? Even though Metro has acknowledged its plummeting ridership (the lowest since 2009) is a direct result of its tanking service quality, it knows that taxpayers will always be there to pick up the tab."

This hits on all of the key points of government and communism. Instead of being catered to (as they are in the private sector) the customer is completely ignored and neglected since the government knows there is no competition and thus no other options. They also know they can't go out of business due to unlimited access to tax payer dollars so there is no incentive to provide quality. This all basic stuff that history has proven about socialism and even Joey knows it but he doesn't care. He's selfish as hell and is willing to sacrifice the entire nation and all future generations just so he doesn't have to provide for himself.

Once Again, DC Metro Proves It Doesn’t Deserve More Funding
In case you're interested, I don't expect to convince you of anything.
Let's be honest sweetie...nobody here is "interested" in anything you have to say. We are 388 pages into this thread and you've yet to add a single link to support your ignorant and immature idealism (ironically enough while crying about links from others).

When presented with information you requested (such as free market options) you ignore the facts and run like hell. I'm betting you're about 19 (maybe younger) and have yet to spend a day in the real world. You're all ideology, no reality. And you have 0 knowledge of history.
In case you're interested, I don't expect to convince you of anything.
Let's be honest sweetie...nobody here is "interested" in anything you have to say.

Just the nobody who presumes to call me "sweetie," because he can't seem to stop replying to my posts.

We are 388 pages into this thread and you've yet to add a single link to support your ignorant and immature idealism (ironically enough while crying about links from others).

When presented with information you requested...

When you stop temporizing and actually present the information - not something you made up, but something you derived from an outside source, such as books, websites, personal experience - anything real, I'll be happy to discuss it with you.

Until then, keep temporizing. You're showing the entire board the vacuity of your "arguments." Anyone who's undecided will be helped in their decision-making, though not in the way you'd prefer.

Keep going.
Single Payer will never happen and we should be grateful. The same people who are getting rich now, will only get better off if we give them that kind of power. You think that they won't be involved ? You make me laugh. They'll make sure any system lines their pockets.

What are you fucking stupid? Ed Hanaway, the Scumwad CEO of Cigna who killed Nataline Sarkisyan, was paid nearly $100,000,000 in pension and stock options when he retired. The idea is to get away from that greed, and Single Payer would do it.

Again, the rest of the world has figured this out. America is the retard writing down "2+2=Cat" and wondering why the rest of the class is laughing at us.
Capitalism is choice. Government eliminates all options and creates a single point of failure. Joseph is looking to recreate the old Soviet Union where everything is rusted, there is no food on the shelves, and and everyone is "equal" in their poverty and misery. Here's yet another in the endless examples of government ineptitude:

Yawn, guy. Russia is just as much a shit-show under "Capitalist" Putin and it was just as much of a shit show under the Tsar before they shot his inbred ass.

What I want is for America to be like France or Germany or any civilized country where they don't worship greed.
Boom! Just like I said. Not willing to put their money where their mouths are. Voting for handouts is not the same thing as stepping up and sharing what you have with others. You're not willing to be a part of the solution - you're just looking for handouts.

Guy, I probably make more money than you do.. and my earning this year will put me in the Fourth Quintile of wage earners (Somewhere between 63K- 117K a year.) Most years, I was in the middle quintile.

And what my experience of "How bad can Cigna Screw me" taught me that these things are meaningless. One good illness can wipe you out completely.

The system you advocate doesn't work. Not when 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis and 75% of those people had health insurance when the crisis started.

The real question here is should healthcare be a public service like fire or police protection, or should it be a consumer good like Doritos. The rest of the world already had this conversation, and decided on the former. They pay less and get better results.

A few assholes benefit from the status quo, which is why we don't get change. We put a few things in like Medicare or Medicaid to keep the plebs from demanding the change, and we subsidize the shit out of private insurance. (Trust me, if you got rid of employer group plans and made everyone negotiate with big insurance, the system would collapse in a year.)

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