The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Single Payer will never happen and we should be grateful. The same people who are getting rich now, will only get better off if we give them that kind of power. You think that they won't be involved ? You make me laugh. They'll make sure any system lines their pockets.

What are you fucking stupid? Ed Hanaway, the Scumwad CEO of Cigna who killed Nataline Sarkisyan, was paid nearly $100,000,000 in pension and stock options when he retired. The idea is to get away from that greed, and Single Payer would do it.

Again, the rest of the world has figured this out. America is the retard writing down "2+2=Cat" and wondering why the rest of the class is laughing at us.

And how does your post, at all, address what I wrote ?

Guys like Hanaway are going to keep getting theirs.

Don't believe me, look at Al Raines or Jammie Gorlick.

You are the moron.

But given your open disdain for the current system, why don't you pack up and move somewhere that they'd like to have your sorry ass.
Boom! Just like I said. Not willing to put their money where their mouths are. Voting for handouts is not the same thing as stepping up and sharing what you have with others. You're not willing to be a part of the solution - you're just looking for handouts.

Guy, I probably make more money than you do.. and my earning this year will put me in the Fourth Quintile of wage earners (Somewhere between 63K- 117K a year.) Most years, I was in the middle quintile.

And what my experience of "How bad can Cigna Screw me" taught me that these things are meaningless. One good illness can wipe you out completely.

The system you advocate doesn't work. Not when 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis and 75% of those people had health insurance when the crisis started.

The real question here is should healthcare be a public service like fire or police protection, or should it be a consumer good like Doritos. The rest of the world already had this conversation, and decided on the former. They pay less and get better results.

A few assholes benefit from the status quo, which is why we don't get change. We put a few things in like Medicare or Medicaid to keep the plebs from demanding the change, and we subsidize the shit out of private insurance. (Trust me, if you got rid of employer group plans and made everyone negotiate with big insurance, the system would collapse in a year.)

None of this is germane to the point.
In case you're interested, I don't expect to convince you of anything.
Let's be honest sweetie...nobody here is "interested" in anything you have to say.

Just the nobody who presumes to call me "sweetie," because he can't seem to stop replying to my posts.
Well I like to set the record straight when progressives lie. That's all. Start telling the truth and there will be no need for me to respond. Like this example right here. You're lying about why I'm responding.
When you stop temporizing and actually present the information - not something you made up, but something you derived from an outside source, such as books, websites, personal experience - anything real, I'll be happy to discuss it with you.
Your post right here is post #3877. Just two posts above - in post #3875 - I added an "outside source" in the form of a link. Do you think I run that site sweetie? I don't. You just got caught in yet another lie.
Until then, keep temporizing. You're showing the entire board the vacuity of your "arguments." Anyone who's undecided will be helped in their decision-making, though not in the way you'd prefer.
If that were even remotely true - it wouldn't bother you progressives so much. You people lose your flip'n minds and get all jacked up over my posts because they are 100% indisputable fact backed up by a host of supporting data.
Keep going.
Oh I intend to sweetie. I'm not a lazy progressive like JoeB. I fight like hell for my country. I won't allow it to be taken by lazy and incompetent socialists. Not on my watch.
What I want is for America to be like France...
I rest my case folks...

France’s unemployment rate has soared to an 18-year high of 10.6%, against a European Union average of 9.8% and 5.4% in Britain. Facing re-election next year an increasingly desperate President Hollande proposes to pay French employers to hire young unemployed people as a means to restore confidence in his country’s “broken” economic model, one which is marred by low output and stagnant growth.

France’s state of economic emergency was declared at the same time as Germany faces its most difficult start to a year in recent memory, reports The Express. With consumer confidence plummeting, industrial production growth in the EU’s biggest economy has slipped to zero per cent.

France Declares State of Economic Emergency

See folks....dillhole here isn't the least bit interested in prosperity. The only thing he is interested in is having society pay his way through life and dragging everyone down to his miserable level so that his sick and twisted mind feels "equal" to everyone else - even if that means everyone is equal in poverty and misery. He said himself that he wants France and Germany (and generally says Europe) - all of which are on the verge of collapse. Greece has completed collapsed already and the EU average unemployment is 9.8%. That's what dillhole Joey wants to bring to the U.S. Thanks but no thanks "guy". You can take your European model and shove it up your bi-sexual ass. Or you can put your money where you miserable mouth is for just once in your life and get the hell out of the country you claim to hate so much.
What I want is for America to be like France or Germany...
The headline says it all folks. Dillhole Joey here wants to bring poverty and misery to the U.S. so he doesn't have to hold a job and so that his fragile 'lil psyche isn't so damaged by the rest of us excelling in life while he fails. He wants to mirror one country in a "state of economic emergency" and another country facing "financial ruin". Gee Joey....sounds great! No thanks "guy". You love thinks up your bi-sexaul ass. Take your socialism and stick it there.

EU on brink: France declares 'state of economic emergency' as Germany faces financial ruin
PUBLISHED: 05:07, Wed, Jan 20, 2016 | UPDATED: 17:56, Wed, Jan 20, 2016

EU on brink: France declares 'state of economic emergency' as Germany faces financial ruin
Boom! Just like I said. Not willing to put their money where their mouths are. Voting for handouts is not the same thing as stepping up and sharing what you have with others. You're not willing to be a part of the solution - you're just looking for handouts.
Guy, I probably make more money than you do...
So what is the problem then? Stop voting to destroy the U.S. and create your only little socialist "utopia". Start a co-op where all the little socialists like yourselves put into the pot and nobody gets denied. Let me know how it goes. And you can't cry "capitalism" on a co-op because none of you are making money off of it. It's just there for your little socialist desires.
So what is the problem then? Stop voting to destroy the U.S. and create your only little socialist "utopia". Start a co-op where all the little socialists like yourselves put into the pot and nobody gets denied. Let me know how it goes. And you can't cry "capitalism" on a co-op because none of you are making money off of it. It's just there for your little socialist desires.

Kindly explain why you feel it's "socialist" for a patient with cancer or any of several chronic degenerative conditions to receive treatment.
So what is the problem then? Stop voting to destroy the U.S. and create your only little socialist "utopia". Start a co-op where all the little socialists like yourselves put into the pot and nobody gets denied. Let me know how it goes. And you can't cry "capitalism" on a co-op because none of you are making money off of it. It's just there for your little socialist desires.
Kindly explain why you feel it's "socialist" for a patient with cancer or any of several chronic degenerative conditions to receive treatment.
That's like saying "tell us why you beat your wife". I don't beat my wife. And I've never said a word about a patient receiving treatment. Treatment isn't the issue. It's the mechanism of payment that is the issue. If you want to ask me about that in an honest way, I'm ready to talk. Otherwise, let me know when you're ready to grow up and have an adult discussion.
So what is the problem then? Stop voting to destroy the U.S. and create your only little socialist "utopia". Start a co-op where all the little socialists like yourselves put into the pot and nobody gets denied. Let me know how it goes. And you can't cry "capitalism" on a co-op because none of you are making money off of it. It's just there for your little socialist desires.
Kindly explain why you feel it's "socialist" for a patient with cancer or any of several chronic degenerative conditions to receive treatment.
That's like saying "tell us why you beat your wife". I don't beat my wife. And I've never said a word about a patient receiving treatment. Treatment isn't the issue. It's the mechanism of payment that is the issue. If you want to ask me about that in an honest way, I'm ready to talk. Otherwise, let me know when you're ready to grow up and have an adult discussion.

So you do believe it's "socialist" for someone with a terrible disease to want treatment for it. Now I know how seriously to take you going forward.
So what is the problem then? Stop voting to destroy the U.S. and create your only little socialist "utopia". Start a co-op where all the little socialists like yourselves put into the pot and nobody gets denied. Let me know how it goes. And you can't cry "capitalism" on a co-op because none of you are making money off of it. It's just there for your little socialist desires.
Kindly explain why you feel it's "socialist" for a patient with cancer or any of several chronic degenerative conditions to receive treatment.
That's like saying "tell us why you beat your wife". I don't beat my wife. And I've never said a word about a patient receiving treatment. Treatment isn't the issue. It's the mechanism of payment that is the issue. If you want to ask me about that in an honest way, I'm ready to talk. Otherwise, let me know when you're ready to grow up and have an adult discussion.
So you do believe it's "socialist" for someone with a terrible disease to want treatment for it. Now I know how seriously to take you going forward.
That's like saying "tell us why you beat your wife". I don't beat my wife. And I've never said a word about a patient receiving treatment. Treatment isn't the issue. It's the mechanism of payment that is the issue. If you want to ask me about that in an honest way, I'm ready to talk. Otherwise, let me know when you're ready to grow up and have an adult discussion.
Ask a way [sic.]!

What do you believe is the purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel, i.e., health care?
Too broad. That varies drastically from institution to institution. You need to be much more specific than that. That question illustrates you lack of knowledge on the subject matter (and your immaturity). For instance:

St. Jude's hospital provides healthcare to children at no cost to the families. They operate on fundraising.

The Cleveland Clinic hospital on the other hand charges a lot of money but uses those profits to conduct some of the most advanced research in the world to advance the healthcare industry and save lives.

Both hospitals but each with a vastly different focus and goal. It is clear in your mind the answer was "to help people" or "to cure people". You have the simplistic (not to mention inaccurate) views of a small child. Would you like to continue? I'm willing but it seems as though this will be a painful exercise due to your lack of knowledge about the topic.
Ask a way [sic.]!

What do you believe is the purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel, i.e., health care?
Too broad. That varies drastically from institution to institution. You need to be much more specific than that. That question illustrates you lack of knowledge on the subject matter (and your immaturity). For instance:

St. Jude's hospital provides healthcare to children at no cost to the families. They operate on fundraising.

The Cleveland Clinic hospital on the other hand charges a lot of money but uses those profits to conduct some of the most advanced research in the world to advance the healthcare industry and save lives.

Both hospitals but each with a vastly different focus and goal. It is clear in your mind the answer was "to help people" or "to cure people". You have the simplistic (not to mention inaccurate) views of a small child. Would you like to continue? I'm willing but it seems as though this will be a painful exercise due to your lack of knowledge about the topic.

So you wouldn't agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured?
And how does your post, at all, address what I wrote ?

Guys like Hanaway are going to keep getting theirs.

NO, they won't. But keep kicking and screaming at the thought a poor person will get to see the same doctor you will.

So what is the problem then? Stop voting to destroy the U.S. and create your only little socialist "utopia". Start a co-op where all the little socialists like yourselves put into the pot and nobody gets denied. Let me know how it goes. And you can't cry "capitalism" on a co-op because none of you are making money off of it. It's just there for your little socialist desires.

Guy, the only people who 'destroyed' this country was you shitheads undoing what FDR and his sucessors did to make us GREAT. We are going to create a utopia, called "America". All we have to do is crush you stupids.

The headline says it all folks. Dillhole Joey here wants to bring poverty and misery to the U.S. so he doesn't have to hold a job and so that his fragile 'lil psyche isn't so damaged by the rest of us excelling in life while he fails.

Guy, France and Germany are paradises compared to the US.

I rest my case folks...

Guy, seriously, you are citing breibart?
That's like saying "tell us why you beat your wife". I don't beat my wife. And I've never said a word about a patient receiving treatment. Treatment isn't the issue. It's the mechanism of payment that is the issue. If you want to ask me about that in an honest way, I'm ready to talk. Otherwise, let me know when you're ready to grow up and have an adult discussion.

Shortpants, adults don't stomp their little feet like Ayn Rand and scream socialism when someone suggests the government can run health care better than Cigna.
Ask a way [sic.]!

What do you believe is the purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel, i.e., health care?
Too broad. That varies drastically from institution to institution. You need to be much more specific than that. That question illustrates you lack of knowledge on the subject matter (and your immaturity). For instance:

St. Jude's hospital provides healthcare to children at no cost to the families. They operate on fundraising.

The Cleveland Clinic hospital on the other hand charges a lot of money but uses those profits to conduct some of the most advanced research in the world to advance the healthcare industry and save lives.

Both hospitals but each with a vastly different focus and goal. It is clear in your mind the answer was "to help people" or "to cure people". You have the simplistic (not to mention inaccurate) views of a small child. Would you like to continue? I'm willing but it seems as though this will be a painful exercise due to your lack of knowledge about the topic.

So you wouldn't agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured?
The "fundamental purpose" varies from institution to institution. Some are "teaching" hospitals with the "fundamental purpose" of training tomorrow's healthcare providers. Others are "research" hospitals with a "fundamental purpose" of breakthroughs on cures and treatments. Still others are focused on strictly providing care.

Now let me ask you something - what do you believe is the purpose of a car dealership?
Ask a way [sic.]!

What do you believe is the purpose of hospitals, clinics, and medical personnel, i.e., health care?
Too broad. That varies drastically from institution to institution. You need to be much more specific than that. That question illustrates you lack of knowledge on the subject matter (and your immaturity). For instance:

St. Jude's hospital provides healthcare to children at no cost to the families. They operate on fundraising.

The Cleveland Clinic hospital on the other hand charges a lot of money but uses those profits to conduct some of the most advanced research in the world to advance the healthcare industry and save lives.

Both hospitals but each with a vastly different focus and goal. It is clear in your mind the answer was "to help people" or "to cure people". You have the simplistic (not to mention inaccurate) views of a small child. Would you like to continue? I'm willing but it seems as though this will be a painful exercise due to your lack of knowledge about the topic.

So you wouldn't agree that the fundamental purpose is to treat people who are sick or injured?
The "fundamental purpose" varies from institution to institution. Some are "teaching" hospitals with the "fundamental purpose" of training tomorrow's healthcare providers. Others are "research" hospitals with a "fundamental purpose" of breakthroughs on cures and treatments. Still others are focused on strictly providing care.

Now let me ask you something - what do you believe is the purpose of a car dealership?

So you're unaware that teaching hospitals treat patients? My, my.
That's like saying "tell us why you beat your wife". I don't beat my wife. And I've never said a word about a patient receiving treatment. Treatment isn't the issue. It's the mechanism of payment that is the issue. If you want to ask me about that in an honest way, I'm ready to talk. Otherwise, let me know when you're ready to grow up and have an adult discussion.

Shortpants, adults don't stomp their little feet like Ayn Rand and scream socialism when someone suggests the government can run health care better than Cigna.

You have to wonder how many Randians are aware that she sponged off her friends and lovers all her life, then glommed onto Medicare when her nicotine addiction got the best of her...

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