The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

And they did. If they didn't - then you take them to court. That's how it works chief.

Not really.

In fact, the courts have ruled that if you get your insurance from an employer, you have no legal standing to sue the insurance company. The agreement was between the employer and the insurance company
Proof? Links? When did the courts rule this? What year was it ruled? Was it a single state or does it apply to all 50 states? Lie much???

Is your Google broken?
Nope. It works just fine and it says that he's lying. It also says that you are lying. But everyone knew that already.
And they did. If they didn't - then you take them to court. That's how it works chief.

Not really.

In fact, the courts have ruled that if you get your insurance from an employer, you have no legal standing to sue the insurance company. The agreement was between the employer and the insurance company
Proof? Links? When did the courts rule this? What year was it ruled? Was it a single state or does it apply to all 50 states? Lie much???

Is your Google broken?
Nope. It works just fine and it says that he's lying.

Kindly post the link(s) to that information. I'd really like to see it.
I'm still waiting for you to post links supporting your outrageous statement that JoeB "corrected" what was stated with "facts". Why haven't you posted anything yet? :dunno:
Can you reword that in comprehensible English? Either before or after you post the links you promised me in Post #3793.
Yeah....uh...that is perfect English there chief. Either your desperate to avoid your inability to support you lie or your learning disability needs to be addressed.

No, this is perfect English: "Yeah....uh...that is perfect English there, Chief. Either you're desperate to avoid your inability to support your lie or your learning disability needs to be addressed."

At least you admitted you have no respect for veterans. That's progress.

But you have no support for your claims about the Soviet Union, so again they're nothing but your opinion, probably parroted from someone else.

And if you assume that everyone who disagrees with you is "lying," I wonder what that says about you?
No, this is perfect English: "Yeah....uh...that is perfect English there, Chief. Either you're desperate to avoid your inability to support your lie or your learning disability needs to be addressed."
Sweetie...."chief" would not be capitalized. It is not a proper noun. What grade did you get pregnant and have to drop out of junior high? :lol:
No, this is perfect English: "Yeah....uh...that is perfect English there, Chief. Either you're desperate to avoid your inability to support your lie or your learning disability needs to be addressed."
Sweetie...."chief" would not be capitalized. It is not a proper noun.

When used as a form of address, it is. (I notice you haven't commented on your other errors.)

But you have no support for your claims about the Soviet Union, so again they're nothing but your opinion, probably parroted from someone else.
I'm your Google broke sweetie? :lmao:

Google isn't psychic. It doesn't know what sources you claim to have posted earlier in this thread.

Quite possibly because you never did.

Here's what's puzzling: Normal people, when they make a statement and want to prove it, are only too happy to say "I read this here..." and post links.

Someone who keeps making specious claims is just MSU, then lashing out at everyone around him accusing them of lying. What does that say about him?
Up yours, turdblossom.

You represent the arrogant left who needs to screw with an entire system simply because you don't like what it did to YOU.

The fact that it might be good for most is of no consequence to YOU.

YOU only care about one thing...YOU.

Uh, yeah, if I pay $6000 a year for insurance, I expect all my hospital bills to be paid. Period.

I expect people to do what the promised.

Of course, the current system is a shit sandwich for most people. It's why Obama got elected TWICE to change it.

We spend more money than any country in the world and we get the worst results amongst advanced countries... but people like you and short pants think it's wonderful as long as a few douchebags get rich.

You want some mustard.

Most people I know are just happy as can be with what they've got.

Obama lost the house in record time because of Obamacare. So, no it's not why he got elected twice.

Hope and Change turned out to be Bull and S**t.
Well considering the catastrophic ineptitude of the federal government ($19.5 trillion in debt and climbing, $6 billion in misplaced contracts by the state department, etc.), you just proved that a corporation will exponentially provide a better service.

How many corporations go completely out of business. the main reason WHY the government is 19T in debt right now is that the banks wrecked the economy and the government had to bail them out.

But you keep sucking up at the corporate teet, buddy. Some day they will love you, Short Pants.

Proof? Links? When did the courts rule this? What year was it ruled? Was it a single state or does it apply to all 50 states? Lie much???

Guy, are you fucking stupid? I've talked about this a number of times.

Family fights insurance loophole, mourns teen denied a transplant
You want some mustard.

Most people I know are just happy as can be with what they've got.

Obama lost the house in record time because of Obamacare. So, no it's not why he got elected twice.

Hope and Change turned out to be Bull and S**t.

Uh, guy, the only reason the Stupid Party controls the house is because of Gerrymandering. not because people agree with the stupid, evil and greedy shit they do.

And Demographics are not your friend. There aren't enough old white males to keep your stupidity afloat. You guys are on the wrong side of history
How many corporations go completely out of business.
Plenty. And when they go out of business, you simply move to a competitor for their goods and services. When the federal government collapses, the entire nation is screwed and there are no other options.
the main reason WHY the government is 19T in debt right now is that the banks wrecked the economy and the government had to bail them out.
Thank you for illustrating the astounding incompetence of the federal government (as well as your own) and proving why you're wrong (as usual). I don't want to turn my healthcare over to bumbling buffoons who put themselves $19 trillion in debt because they engage in illegal activities.

By the way stupid, the main reason WHY the federal government is almost $20 trillion in debt is because of the unaffordable unconstitutional entitlements that you now want to increase because you're a fuck'n child who can't take care of himself.
But you keep sucking up at the corporate teet, buddy. Some day they will love you, Short Pants.
But you keep sucking at that government teet junior. Keep convincing yourself that the government "cares" about you. At least with corporations they stand to lose your business and it forces them to cater to you. You have absolutely no leverage over the federal government, stupid.
Plenty. And when they go out of business, you simply move to a competitor for their goods and services. When the federal government collapses, the entire nation is screwed and there are no other options.

Hey, guy, when companies collapse, people lose jobs... I know this is a hard concept for you to get. Then again, I suspect you don't have a job.
Obamacare has done the exact opposite of what they promised it would do and emails show the Dumbocrats knew that. This was all about power and control (as it always is with the Dumbocrats) and nothing else.

Obamacare Rates Grow, Options Shrink in Kansas, Missouri

The insured rate is a 90%. ACA has done exactly as promised.
No hasn't. They said it would drive down costs and increase availability. The exact opposite has happened. Wouldn't expect an uninformed progressive to be aware of those realities though. You just keep on being a good little blind, obedient lapdog to your Dumbocrat masters.
Thank you for illustrating the astounding incompetence of the federal government (as well as your own) and proving why you're wrong (as usual). I don't want to turn my healthcare over to bumbling buffoons who put themselves $19 trillion in debt because they engage in illegal activities.

Except they didn't. Guy, why do you keep pretending that the government can't do things the Founding Slave Rapists didn't put into writing? This argument was had over 100 years ago, and your side lost.

By the way stupid, the main reason WHY the federal government is almost $20 trillion in debt is because of the unaffordable unconstitutional entitlements that you now want to increase because you're a fuck'n child who can't take care of himself.

No, it's 20 million dollars in debt because we don't make the rich pay their fair share. When the rich pay their fair share, we have no problem affording these things.

But you keep sucking at that government teet junior. Keep convincing yourself that the government "cares" about you. At least with corporations they stand to lose your business and it forces them to cater to you. You have absolutely no leverage over the federal government, stupid.

I'm not benefiting from any gummit programs right now, Short Pants.

Actually, the only thing I've learned about corporations is that they WILL fuck you at the first opportunity. It's why they need to be kept on a very short leash, and occassionally thrown in prison.
Plenty. And when they go out of business, you simply move to a competitor for their goods and services. When the federal government collapses, the entire nation is screwed and there are no other options.

Hey, guy, when companies collapse, people lose jobs...
Yeah? So? And?

When the federal government collapses...people lose a lot more than just jobs stupid.
Thank you for illustrating the astounding incompetence of the federal government (as well as your own) and proving why you're wrong (as usual). I don't want to turn my healthcare over to bumbling buffoons who put themselves $19 trillion in debt because they engage in illegal activities.
Except they didn't. Guy, why do you keep pretending that the government can't do things the Founding Slave Rapists didn't put into writing? This argument was had over 100 years ago, and your side lost.
There is no "pretending" here junior. Your inability to accept reality doesn't change it. The U.S. Constitution is the law you high school dropout. It specifically states what the federal government can and cannot do. If only you could read, you would understand that.
Yeah? So? And?

When the federal government collapses...people lose a lot more than just jobs stupid.

And if my Aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

There is no "pretending" here junior. Your inability to accept reality doesn't change it. The U.S. Constitution is the law you high school dropout. It specifically states what the federal government can and cannot do. If only you could read, you would understand that.

Here's the problem with that. The people who actual interpret the Constitution have said entitlements are constitutional. They've said the Federal Reserve is constitutional. They've said the ACA is constitutional. they've said gay marriage is constitutional.

Since they are the ones who make the decisions and some sad loser reading Ayn Rand isn't.... that's kind of the end of the discussion.

Oh yeah, and Hillary will be appointing Scalia's replacement... buh-bye, "Orignal Intent", Hello Living Constitution, Baby!!!
By the way stupid, the main reason WHY the federal government is almost $20 trillion in debt is because of the unaffordable unconstitutional entitlements that you now want to increase because you're a fuck'n child who can't take care of himself.
No, it's 20 million dollars in debt because we don't make the rich pay their fair share. When the rich pay their fair share, we have no problem affording these things.
First of all - we're $20 trillion in debt. Not a measly $20 million. Second, we've long since debunked your false narrative about the wealthy. They are screwed over by greedy, jealous people such as yourself. Third, you could confiscate all wealth from every single person in America and it wouldn't even cover 1/10th of the national debt. And now you want to add the most expensive burden possible to it.

That's a special kind of stupid that could only come from progressives like you.

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