The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Actually - it doesn't. It doesn't matter what the people say unless the people amend the U.S. Constitution. If racist tools like you vote to hang black people tomorrow, it doesn't make it "legal". The Constitution still protects their right to life against animals such as yourself.

So, um, making sure poor children get health coverage is just the same as hanging black people because the Founding Slave Rapists didn't mention health care?

Bingo, stupid! If you communists want government healthcare, then convince the American people you are right and legally amend the U.S. Constitution. If you can't (and you can't) then respect the fact that the American people have spoken and unilaterally reject your bat-shit crazy ideology.
Right, So Michelle Malkin, Token Asian Sellout, is doing SOOOOO badly that she has to pay a whopping $12,000 a year for health insurance on a six figure salary.
Gee...Joseph here isn't a typical progressive racist or anything... :eusa_doh: nailed it Sun Devil. He doesn't give a shit about those that sacrificed to hand him this phenomenal nation. All he cares about is himself. Typical selfish progressive. Let other people die for freedom and then trade in those freedoms like poker chips for pitiful government table scraps.

Hey, Fuckwad, only ONE of us has a DD214.

So only one of us actually made sacrifices for this wonderful nation. (which is wonderful if you are rich, but for the rest of us, not so much.)

If I'm at the mercy of a soulless corporations that decides to cheat me out of health coverage after I've worked for it, that's not freedom.
Bingo, stupid! If you communists want government healthcare, then convince the American people you are right and legally amend the U.S. Constitution. If you can't (and you can't) then respect the fact that the American people have spoken and unilaterally reject your bat-shit crazy ideology.

Guy, in case you haven't been paying attention, SCOTUS has ruled the ACA constitutional.

Obama won two elections. Hillary will win the next one. If anyone has been rejected, its you nuts. nailed it Sun Devil. He doesn't give a shit about those that sacrificed to hand him this phenomenal nation. All he cares about is himself. Typical selfish progressive. Let other people die for freedom and then trade in those freedoms like poker chips for pitiful government table scraps.

Hey, Fuckwad, only ONE of us has a DD214.
And only one of us has sold out this country for greed and selfishness...
Uh, yeah, if I pay $6000 a year for insurance, I expect all my hospital bills to be paid. Period. I expect people to do what the promised.
And they did. If they didn't - then you take them to court. That's how it works chief.
And only one of us has sold out this country for greed and selfishness...

Uh, guy, how is deciding that the government can probably run health care better than private companies, "selling out", exactly?

I swore an oath to protect and defend the United States. Not Cigna.

You see, you have this thing called "Medicare", and it works just fine, and no one has ever really questioned its constitutionality.
And they did. If they didn't - then you take them to court. That's how it works chief.

Not really.

In fact, the courts have ruled that if you get your insurance from an employer, you have no legal standing to sue the insurance company. The agreement was between the employer and the insurance company

YOu really don't understand how this works at all, do you? Again, probably about 25, never had a serious medical issue. nailed it Sun Devil. He doesn't give a shit about those that sacrificed to hand him this phenomenal nation. All he cares about is himself. Typical selfish progressive. Let other people die for freedom and then trade in those freedoms like poker chips for pitiful government table scraps.

Hey, Fuckwad, only ONE of us has a DD214.
And only one of us has sold out this country for greed and selfishness...

You mean the one who has no respect for veterans and who still hasn't posted the links he promised me?
If I'm at the mercy of a soulless corporations that decides to cheat me out of health coverage after I've worked for it, that's not freedom.
You're not at the mercy of corporations. Never have been. That's just the typical liberal false narrative. You can't make a rational case for your socialism and you don't want to admit you want society to pay your way through life.
You're not at the mercy of corporations. Never have been. That's just the typical liberal false narrative. You can't make a rational case for your socialism and you don't want to admit you want society to pay your way through life.

Guy, I made three times as much money last year for the company I worked for than they paid me. I'm not complaining, I like this company and they are paying me a decent wage for my talents.

You think in this stupid rubric of capitalism/socialism when in fact, neither animal has or can actually exist.

The question is, who is more likely to try to provide good service, a government program focused on serving the people who elected it, or a soulless corporation only answerable to its stockholders?

That question answers itself. nailed it Sun Devil. He doesn't give a shit about those that sacrificed to hand him this phenomenal nation. All he cares about is himself. Typical selfish progressive. Let other people die for freedom and then trade in those freedoms like poker chips for pitiful government table scraps.

Hey, Fuckwad, only ONE of us has a DD214.
And only one of us has sold out this country for greed and selfishness...

You mean the one who has no respect for veterans and who still hasn't posted the links he promised me?
I'm still waiting for you to post links supporting your outrageous statement that JoeB "corrected" what was stated with "facts". Why haven't you posted anything yet? :dunno:
The question is, who is more likely to try to provide good service, a government program focused on serving the people who elected it, or a soulless corporation only answerable to its stockholders?
Well considering the catastrophic ineptitude of the federal government ($19.5 trillion in debt and climbing, $6 billion in misplaced contracts by the state department, etc.), you just proved that a corporation will exponentially provide a better service.
Guy, in case you haven't been paying attention, SCOTUS has ruled the ACA constitutional. Obama won two elections. Hillary will win the next one. If anyone has been rejected, its you nuts.
Then you should have no problem amending the U.S. Constitution so what is the problem? :dunno:
And they did. If they didn't - then you take them to court. That's how it works chief.

Not really.

In fact, the courts have ruled that if you get your insurance from an employer, you have no legal standing to sue the insurance company. The agreement was between the employer and the insurance company
Proof? Links? When did the courts rule this? What year was it ruled? Was it a single state or does it apply to all 50 states? Lie much??? nailed it Sun Devil. He doesn't give a shit about those that sacrificed to hand him this phenomenal nation. All he cares about is himself. Typical selfish progressive. Let other people die for freedom and then trade in those freedoms like poker chips for pitiful government table scraps.

Hey, Fuckwad, only ONE of us has a DD214.
And only one of us has sold out this country for greed and selfishness...

You mean the one who has no respect for veterans and who still hasn't posted the links he promised me?
I'm still waiting for you to post links supporting your outrageous statement that JoeB "corrected" what was stated with "facts". Why haven't you posted anything yet? :dunno:

Can you reword that in comprehensible English? Either before or after you post the links you promised me in Post #3793.
And they did. If they didn't - then you take them to court. That's how it works chief.

Not really.

In fact, the courts have ruled that if you get your insurance from an employer, you have no legal standing to sue the insurance company. The agreement was between the employer and the insurance company
Proof? Links? When did the courts rule this? What year was it ruled? Was it a single state or does it apply to all 50 states? Lie much???

Is your Google broken?
I'm still waiting for you to post links supporting your outrageous statement that JoeB "corrected" what was stated with "facts". Why haven't you posted anything yet? :dunno:
Can you reword that in comprehensible English? Either before or after you post the links you promised me in Post #3793.
Yeah....uh...that is perfect English there chief. Either your desperate to avoid your inability to support you lie or your learning disability needs to be addressed.

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