The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

You're an excellent example of why RWNJs never know what's going on and are going to be very disappointed when the PPACA doesn't disappear just because they want it to.
Just curious - how come you never add links to your bat-shit crazy posts? I've yet to come across one from you yet.
No, you haven't. You went off on a tangent about the Soviet Union, JoeB corrected your opinion with actual fact, and you've been tap-dancing ever since.
Wait...what? JoeB has yet to add a single link. How can you declare what he said as "fact" Arianrhod when you demand links? Why the double standard? Boom! Just proved that you're an uninformed, partisan hack.

Nah...that become your new position after years of vehemently denying it (just like you progressives do today) and crying "vast right-wing conspiracy" (just like you progressives do today).

As always - you got caught lying and as always - you're not mature enough to admit it.

Again, guy, you weren't there. Or at least not an adult. I had these arguments with people.

The thing was, after Clinton fessed up, his popularity shot up to 67%. When the 1998 midterms rolled around and Republicans tried to impeach him, the voters threw out a lot of Republicans. Newt was forced to resign as party leader because of the poor showing.

If you hadn't been in short pants at the time, you'd know this.

It's not societies job to "bring prices down" for you because you're not capable of growing up and taking care of yourself. And government simply doesn't have the authority to act on that anyway. It's the type of fail-fail that could only come from progressives who are ignorant of U.S. laws.

Actually, it does if the people say it does. Here's the thing, in france, and MRI costs $280, in the US it's $1110. You might think this is capitalism at it's best, but sensible people just see this as exploiting the pain of others.

Well that is one hell of an outrageous claim. Proof? How come you never post a single quote, video, link, etc. to all of your bullshit?

(Psst...stupid....100% of the population has "access" to healthcare because it is illegal for a hospital to turn away someone in a life and death situation).

What is that - 30 posts in a row now kitty where you have blatantly lied?

Uh, guy, bankrupting yourself to go to a hospital emergency room is not access. I'm sorry you don't get this. But the 40% figure is accurate.

Again, have to assume you are too young to have ever dealt with 'managed health care". It's Kafkaesque what these insurance companies put you through.
My dear, dear boy... progressivism regresses society. It does not "progress" it.
  • Economically you fools want to take us back to the late 1800's with Karl Marx's economic theory (which has failed)
  • Politically you want to take us back to the late 1700's with King George III dictatorial control (which has also failed)
  • In terms of energy you want to outlaw nuclear, coil, oil, and fracking and return us to the 1600's where all we have is fire for heat and light
So much for "progress" uh lad?

Poodle thinks King George III was a "dictator". You can tell he has a child-like view of politics and history. seriously, did your history book come with crayons?
You ever get the feeling Poodle didn't have enough people pay attention to him when he was little? Or they shot him up with Ritalin when he acted out?
Poodle thinks King George III was a "dictator". You can tell he has a child-like view of politics and history. seriously, did your history book come with crayons?
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

So by your bizarre logic, is QUEEN Elizabeth II a "Dictator"? I'm just curious if you think this is the case.

The fact is, by 1776, the British Monarchy had become a constitutional monarchy with no real power.
Again liar...I was. While you were drunk and stoned, I was tuned in.

Tuned into what, Nickelodeon? Come on, Short Pants, you aren't convincing anyone you lived through those times.

Real world. Most people thought it wasn't anyone's business if Clinton had sex with an intern or not, and most people felt bad for him when they saw what that shithead Ken Starr put his family through.
The thing was, after Clinton fessed up, his popularity shot up to 67%. When the 1998 midterms rolled around and Republicans tried to impeach him, the voters threw out a lot of Republicans. Newt was forced to resign as party leader because of the poor showing.
The thing is...that has nothing to you progressives denying that Clinton was doing all of that. That's what you people do - deny reality at all costs and cry "right-wing conspiracy" in the face of facts.
Poodle thinks King George III was a "dictator". You can tell he has a child-like view of politics and history. seriously, did your history book come with crayons?
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The fact is, by 1776, the British Monarchy had become a constitutional monarchy with no real power.
The fact have no facts. Ask an adult to help you look up the "Boston Tea Party" stupid (and no - that's not a Ted Cruz support group :lol: ).
The thing is...that has nothing to you progressives denying that Clinton was doing all of that. That's what you people do - deny reality at all costs and cry "right-wing conspiracy" in the face of facts.

Except Progressives never really denied that he did. Most people assumed he did, which is why you didn't see anyone say in August 1998, "I'm shocked, shocked to find out he really had sex with the intern!"

Naw. Everyone knew he did. It was just a division of those who thought this was really a bad thing, and those who thought it was nobody's business.

Now, like I said, back before I got royally fucked over by an insurance company and permanently cured of Conservative thought, I was one of the former who argued that "Subornation of Perjury was the worst thing ever", and most normal people replied to me, "Meh, the economy's good, that's none of our business."
The fact have no facts. Ask an adult to help you look up the "Boston Tea Party" stupid (and no - that's not a Ted Cruz support group :lol: ).

Okay, hte Boston Tea Party was an attack on a private company's assets... What you all seem to forget is the taxes that the Founding Slave Rapists were upset about where all being collected by the British East India Company.
so back to the question, Short Pants, do you think that Elizabeth the Second is an evil Dictator?

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