The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Actually, it does if the people say it does.
Actually - it doesn't. It doesn't matter what the people say unless the people amend the U.S. Constitution. If racist tools like you vote to hang black people tomorrow, it doesn't make it "legal". The Constitution still protects their right to life against animals such as yourself.
Here's the thing, in france, and MRI costs $280, in the US it's $1110. You might think this is capitalism at it's best, but sensible people just see this as exploiting the pain of others.
For get what you pay for. We have the most exceptional healthcare in the world. You're going to pay for that. A Lamborghini costs a lot more than a Taurus chief.

Second - it's the idiot socialism by uneducated, uninformed progressives such as yourself that lead to a $10 aspirin at hospitals. Because you people don't want to take personal responsibility and pay your own way through life, the hospitals have to make up the loss of caring for you mooches. That means charging me 5x what they should (because they sure as hell aren't going to eat that cost created by you).
You might think this is capitalism at it's best, but sensible people just see this as exploiting the pain of others.
If it wasn't for capitalism, you wouldn't even have that MRI machine. It was capitalism which lead to the innovation that raised the standard of living for all of humanity.

For thousands of years, the standard of living never changed. Mankind toiled away in huts and caves without electricity, machines, technology, etc. Once America established a free nation with a free market (and other nations followed suit), the standard of living drastically spiked and continued in that direction. It's a simple fact that idealistic tools like you can't accept.
Uh, guy, bankrupting yourself to go to a hospital emergency room is not access. I'm sorry you don't get this. But the 40% figure is accurate. it's not. That's why you can post a link backing up your lie. 100% of the American people have "access" to healthcare you tool because it is illegal to turn them away.
Again, have to assume you are too young to have ever dealt with 'managed health care". It's Kafkaesque what these insurance companies put you through.
Wait....wait...wait....the guy who whines like a little girl about "Atlas Shrugged" wants to keep referencing Kafka?!? :lmao:
What they put YOU through.

Apparently the rest of us were treated better.

Again, any fuckwad who says that has obviously never had to fight an insurance company to get them to do what they promised.

Up yours, turdblossom.

You represent the arrogant left who needs to screw with an entire system simply because you don't like what it did to YOU.

The fact that it might be good for most is of no consequence to YOU.

YOU only care about one thing...YOU.

My insurance companies have always paid what they said they would. Ask me if I feel guilty.
The fact have no facts. Ask an adult to help you look up the "Boston Tea Party" stupid (and no - that's not a Ted Cruz support group :lol: ).

Okay, hte Boston Tea Party was an attack on a private company's assets... What you all seem to forget is the taxes that the Founding Slave Rapists were upset about where all being collected by the British East India Company.

Those Founding Slave Rapists are the reason you have a country like this to live in.

I realize that YOU really only care about yourself.

Hey Arianrhod - here is a link for you (and on topic too!). Now do what you always do... demand links when there isn't one and deny links when there is one. :lol:

Once was a shock. Twice was an outrage. Thrice is a nightmare that won't end.

Over the past three years, my family's private, individual health insurance plan — a high-deductible Preferred Provider Organization — has been canceled three times. Our first death notice, from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, arrived in the fall of 2013. Our second, from Rocky Mountain Health Plans, came last August. Three weeks ago, we received another ominous "notice of plan discontinuation" from Anthem informing us that the insurer "will no longer offer your current health plan in the State of Colorado."

Remember when Obama emphatically stated "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"??? Well...they liked their plan. And three times now it has been canceled on them because of Obamacare. Ready to admit that Obama is a liar? Ready to admit that the federal government is inept? Ready to admit that the Dumbocrats are corrupt?

Malkin: Obama Lied. My Third Health Plan Just Died
Again, any fuckwad who says that has obviously never had to fight an insurance company to get them to do what they promised.
Actually....we have. We're just not sniveling little bitches about it, like you are. We're grown adults who realize that life isn't a bed or roses and that there are challenges.

But hey....keep trying to make your problems all of society's problems. It's working out soooooo well for you chief. Pretty much everyone hates you and your life continues to get more miserable.
Okay, hte Boston Tea Party was an attack on a private company's assets... What you all seem to forget is the taxes that the Founding Slave Rapists were upset about where all being collected by the British East India Company.

Those Founding Slave Rapists are the reason you have a country like this to live in. I realize that YOU really only care about yourself. Move.
The fact have no facts. Ask an adult to help you look up the "Boston Tea Party" stupid (and no - that's not a Ted Cruz support group :lol: ).

Okay, hte Boston Tea Party was an attack on a private company's assets... What you all seem to forget is the taxes that the Founding Slave Rapists were upset about where all being collected by the British East India Company.

Those Founding Slave Rapists are the reason you have a country like this to live in.

I realize that YOU really only care about yourself.

Move. nailed it Sun Devil. He doesn't give a shit about those that sacrificed to hand him this phenomenal nation. All he cares about is himself. Typical selfish progressive. Let other people die for freedom and then trade in those freedoms like poker chips for pitiful government table scraps.
Again, guy, you weren't there. Or at least not an adult. I had these arguments with people.
Again liar...I was.

Which is why you'll stop being shy about your vast expertise on the Soviet Union and share your sources with us.
I've done that already. Probably 10 pages back now. If I add a link to it - will you admit that you're not only ignorant about the topic at hand, but that you're a liar as well?
Again, guy, you weren't there. Or at least not an adult. I had these arguments with people.
Again liar...I was.

Which is why you'll stop being shy about your vast expertise on the Soviet Union and share your sources with us.
I've done that already. Probably 10 pages back now. If I add a link to it - will you admit that you're not only ignorant about the topic at hand, but that you're a liar as well?

If you post a link to the source or sources of your knowledge about the Soviet Union in your very next post, I will read the material you've linked to and form an opinion about it.
Again, guy, you weren't there. Or at least not an adult. I had these arguments with people.
Again liar...I was.

Which is why you'll stop being shy about your vast expertise on the Soviet Union and share your sources with us.
I've done that already. Probably 10 pages back now. If I add a link to it - will you admit that you're not only ignorant about the topic at hand, but that you're a liar as well?

If you post a link to the source or sources of your knowledge about the Soviet Union in your very next post, I will read the material you've linked to and form an opinion about it.
Ahahahahahaha! Somebody knows they are wrong...

Again, guy, you weren't there. Or at least not an adult. I had these arguments with people.
Again liar...I was.

Which is why you'll stop being shy about your vast expertise on the Soviet Union and share your sources with us.
I've done that already. Probably 10 pages back now. If I add a link to it - will you admit that you're not only ignorant about the topic at hand, but that you're a liar as well?

If you post a link to the source or sources of your knowledge about the Soviet Union in your very next post, I will read the material you've linked to and form an opinion about it.
Ahahahahahaha! Somebody knows they are wrong...

It's nice of you to admit it. I hope you've learned that it's always advisable to read something before you form an opinion about it.

So when will you post the link(s)?
Again, guy, you weren't there. Or at least not an adult. I had these arguments with people.
Again liar...I was.

Which is why you'll stop being shy about your vast expertise on the Soviet Union and share your sources with us.
I've done that already. Probably 10 pages back now. If I add a link to it - will you admit that you're not only ignorant about the topic at hand, but that you're a liar as well?

If you post a link to the source or sources of your knowledge about the Soviet Union in your very next post, I will read the material you've linked to and form an opinion about it.
Ahahahahahaha! Somebody knows they are wrong...


I suggest you walk away from this SFB's poster.

I know who it is and put them on ignore a long time ago.

All you'll get is "you need primary sources" and all she will post is opinion and obfuscation.

Facts don't matter when your (in her case...a very tiny) mind is made up.
Again liar...I was.

Which is why you'll stop being shy about your vast expertise on the Soviet Union and share your sources with us.
I've done that already. Probably 10 pages back now. If I add a link to it - will you admit that you're not only ignorant about the topic at hand, but that you're a liar as well?

If you post a link to the source or sources of your knowledge about the Soviet Union in your very next post, I will read the material you've linked to and form an opinion about it.
Ahahahahahaha! Somebody knows they are wrong...


I suggest you walk away from this SFB's poster.

I know who it is and put them on ignore a long time ago.

All you'll get is "you need primary sources" and all she will post is opinion and obfuscation.

Facts don't matter when your (in her case...a very tiny) mind is made up.

I've been asking him for facts for two days. All I get is ad hominems.

But I'm sure he's looking for those links to the history of the Soviet Union and he'll post them

He doesn't need you to hold his hand, Junior Mod.
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Actually - it doesn't. It doesn't matter what the people say unless the people amend the U.S. Constitution. If racist tools like you vote to hang black people tomorrow, it doesn't make it "legal". The Constitution still protects their right to life against animals such as yourself.

So, um, making sure poor children get health coverage is just the same as hanging black people because the Founding Slave Rapists didn't mention health care?

Again, are you like 25, Short Pants?

Hey Arianrhod - here is a link for you (and on topic too!). Now do what you always do... demand links when there isn't one and deny links when there is one. :lol:

Once was a shock. Twice was an outrage. Thrice is a nightmare that won't end.

Over the past three years, my family's private, individual health insurance plan — a high-deductible Preferred Provider Organization — has been canceled three times. Our first death notice, from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, arrived in the fall of 2013. Our second, from Rocky Mountain Health Plans, came last August. Three weeks ago, we received another ominous "notice of plan discontinuation" from Anthem informing us that the insurer "will no longer offer your current health plan in the State of Colorado."

Remember when Obama emphatically stated "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"??? Well...they liked their plan. And three times now it has been canceled on them because of Obamacare. Ready to admit that Obama is a liar? Ready to admit that the federal government is inept? Ready to admit that the Dumbocrats are corrupt?

Malkin: Obama Lied. My Third Health Plan Just Died

Right, So Michelle Malkin, Token Asian Sellout, is doing SOOOOO badly that she has to pay a whopping $12,000 a year for health insurance on a six figure salary.
Up yours, turdblossom.

You represent the arrogant left who needs to screw with an entire system simply because you don't like what it did to YOU.

The fact that it might be good for most is of no consequence to YOU.

YOU only care about one thing...YOU.

Uh, yeah, if I pay $6000 a year for insurance, I expect all my hospital bills to be paid. Period.

I expect people to do what the promised.

Of course, the current system is a shit sandwich for most people. It's why Obama got elected TWICE to change it.

We spend more money than any country in the world and we get the worst results amongst advanced countries... but people like you and short pants think it's wonderful as long as a few douchebags get rich.

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