The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Nobody can explain this level of delusion any way but ignorance. And the fact that there are as many people delusional in exactly the same way can only be explained by propaganda.

Fortunately democracy solves these problems. Not by eliminating them but rendering them impotent.

America once again saved by our Constitution and electorate.

ROFL I love it when your cognitive dissonance kicks in, you put your hands over your ears and start screaming FOX FOX propaganda propaganda democracy democracy.... ROFL

I love democracy. That's why I continue to live here. There's no better way to govern than of, by, and for the people. All Americans used to know that. Now a few million hate their country all using exactly the same words.

How do you explain that except as the effects of propaganda?

I just did. You were not listening. Cognitive dissonance. Look it up. Seriously. Read about it .. think about it. Then through introspection determine if you are subject to it. Most humans are.. thus the you are with us or against us view that leads to grouping / teaming into one of the two dominant parties. Me.. I don't want to be with either of these parties..
I don't remember if you saw Captain Phillips or not, but if you do you'll something about armed rebels vs the US military.

Hey, you're the one who wants to crow about being a "pirate" and threaten us with what happens if we don't hand over our hard earned wealth to meth heads like you.

If you know what happens when threatening the lives of Americans, why are you doing it? :eusa_whistle:
Fortunately democracy solves these problems. Not by eliminating them but rendering them impotent.

And that would explain all of your anger and deranged ideas about turning America into a communist nanny state - because we the people have rendered you impotent.

Too funny.

Obama simply lied, he DID say "Let me be perfectly clear, if you like your plan and your Doctor you will be able to keep them."

No matter how you try and spin it thats what he said and thats what he meant to convey.

I don't think you are stupid, but you've proven to be a liar.

Only a conservative would believe that there's only one way to interpret his words and that’s the way Fox did.

Ultimate arrogance and intellectual dishonestly.

LOL dumbshit, NBC revealed today that Obama is posted in the Politics like that Bammy cum do you?

Another example of the intellectual basis for conservatism. Sound electable to you?
Ahh yes...and now you feel qualified to say who lives and who dies.....all in the name of "fairness".

Dr's and insurance companies have been doing that for years. So has the military, drunk and unsafe drivers, murderers, police, courts.

Not me.

Supporting it is no I said last are no more than a Dem sloganeer....and you are dismissed.

The electorate will dismiss you in the only way that counts.
Too funny.

Obama simply lied, he DID say "Let me be perfectly clear, if you like your plan and your Doctor you will be able to keep them."

No matter how you try and spin it thats what he said and thats what he meant to convey.

I don't think you are stupid, but you've proven to be a liar.

Only a conservative would believe that there's only one way to interpret his words and that’s the way Fox did.

Ultimate arrogance and intellectual dishonestly.

Why are you "interpreting" anything? Is Obama not capable of saying exactly what he means, and meaning exactly what he says?

Only a Dumbocrat could listen to a man who is so adamant about a fact that he's practically foaming at the mouth and then declare "there is more than one way to INTERPRET what he said"... :bang3:

Words have no meaning to a Dumbocrat

Truth has no meaning to a Republican.
I love democracy. That's why I continue to live here. There's no better way to govern than of, by, and for the people. All Americans used to know that. Now a few million hate their country all using exactly the same words.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You "love" democracy? Lets take a look at some of PMZ's greatest hits:

First, I believe that a healthy population is in the country's best interest. I don't know if that makes it a right or not, but like education, any goal short of everyone to me is irrational.

In the past our dysfunctional non- system was to let everyone do what ever they wanted, at least up to age 65, but die in the streets. That we eliminated by insisting that hospital e rooms take care of everyone.

Yep - you sound like a real "leave the power in the hands of the people" kind of guy to us! :lol:
And sadly, Dumbocrat policy ALWAYS ends with demand exceeding supply because Dumbocrat policy punishes the hard working producers and rewards the lazy parasite.

Cuba is the perfect example of PMZ utopia. Fidel Castro implemented every policy that PMZ fantasizes about. The results? 60+ years of poverty and misery.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

--Winston Churchill

Here's the simple evidence of experience. Democratic administrations have been pretty successful. Republicans disastrous. Just look at the billions wasted by the current Republican House and the trillions wasted by the previous Republican President. That's why propaganda is the only explanation for supporting the GOP. You just can't get there through truth.

Sure - if you're goal is collapsing the United States - the Dumbocrats have been very successful. Under George W. Bush, unemployment never went above the 6% range. Under Barack Obama, it's never gone below 8% and was at 10%.

Remember, you already admitted (after a long painful exchange of hammering you with facts) that Dumbocrats collapsed Detroit. Just look at the $7 trillion wasted by Barack Hussien Obama in only 4+ years. More than all presidents in U.S. history combined. The Dumbocrats have forced jobs overseas, caused unemployment to skyrocket, and put more people on food stamps than ever before. And you want to sit here lying and pretend that Dumbocrats have been "pretty successful"? :lmao:

The TRUTH is, you're a liar and we've all proven that over and over in this thread (it's why you stand all alone). People loathe liars. And they sure as hell won't stand along side one.

The thing that I like about your posts is that you are completely transparent about your ignorance. You revel in it. You are proud of it.

There are so many accountings on the Internet about the policy causes of all our debt. You, however would like to sell to those of your level of ignorance that dates cause debt. On Jan 20, 2009 all of Bush's policies became Obama's responsibility. The Great Recession became the Obama recession. The Bush wars became the Obama wars. The Wall Street bankruptcies became the Obama bankruptcies. The Bush unemployment became the Obama unemployment.

I don't know anybody who would fall for that but I bet you do.

More importantly, the electorate won't.
Only a conservative would believe that there's only one way to interpret his words and that’s the way Fox did.

Ultimate arrogance and intellectual dishonestly.

LOL dumbshit, NBC revealed today that Obama is posted in the Politics like that Bammy cum do you?

Another example of the intellectual basis for conservatism. Sound electable to you?

Kid I've been eating intellectual children like you for years.

You can't shake me, you can't out think me and you can't deflect...just because you scream "Nuh-Uh" in no way abrogates the the truth...(quick, look up abrogate)....

Precz Cracka lied.....jizz swallowers like you contine to defend....there is nothing new under the sun.

Prez Cracka your d**dy proud you went black?
I love democracy. That's why I continue to live here. There's no better way to govern than of, by, and for the people support the government forcing the people into Obamacare :eek:

Hardly the shining example of leaving power in the hands of the people.

Once I again I prove to the world that you are a liar who uses propaganda just like your idols - Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's - in a weak attempt to push your socialist agenda.
ROFL I love it when your cognitive dissonance kicks in, you put your hands over your ears and start screaming FOX FOX propaganda propaganda democracy democracy.... ROFL

I love democracy. That's why I continue to live here. There's no better way to govern than of, by, and for the people. All Americans used to know that. Now a few million hate their country all using exactly the same words.

How do you explain that except as the effects of propaganda?

I just did. You were not listening. Cognitive dissonance. Look it up. Seriously. Read about it .. think about it. Then through introspection determine if you are subject to it. Most humans are.. thus the you are with us or against us view that leads to grouping / teaming into one of the two dominant parties. Me.. I don't want to be with either of these parties..

Cognitive dissonance is holding two conflicting thoughts at once. What two conflicting thoughts would you argue that I hold?
I don't remember if you saw Captain Phillips or not, but if you do you'll something about armed rebels vs the US military.

Hey, you're the one who wants to crow about being a "pirate" and threaten us with what happens if we don't hand over our hard earned wealth to meth heads like you.

If you know what happens when threatening the lives of Americans, why are you doing it? :eusa_whistle:

The delusion deepens.
Fortunately democracy solves these problems. Not by eliminating them but rendering them impotent.

And that would explain all of your anger and deranged ideas about turning America into a communist nanny state - because we the people have rendered you impotent.


That's the great thing about democracy. It deals harshly with the delusional.

I don't know if you're old enough to remember the movie The Manchurian Candidate about the depth to which brain washing can work. Until I started reading your posts I thought that it was fictional.
I love democracy. That's why I continue to live here. There's no better way to govern than of, by, and for the people. All Americans used to know that. Now a few million hate their country all using exactly the same words.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You "love" democracy? Lets take a look at some of PMZ's greatest hits:

First, I believe that a healthy population is in the country's best interest. I don't know if that makes it a right or not, but like education, any goal short of everyone to me is irrational.

In the past our dysfunctional non- system was to let everyone do what ever they wanted, at least up to age 65, but die in the streets. That we eliminated by insisting that hospital e rooms take care of everyone.

Yep - you sound like a real "leave the power in the hands of the people" kind of guy to us! :lol:

I believe in accountability. That’s how progress comes about. You believe in irresponsibility because it's what you know.
Here's the simple evidence of experience. Democratic administrations have been pretty successful. Republicans disastrous. Just look at the billions wasted by the current Republican House and the trillions wasted by the previous Republican President. That's why propaganda is the only explanation for supporting the GOP. You just can't get there through truth.

Sure - if you're goal is collapsing the United States - the Dumbocrats have been very successful. Under George W. Bush, unemployment never went above the 6% range. Under Barack Obama, it's never gone below 8% and was at 10%.

Remember, you already admitted (after a long painful exchange of hammering you with facts) that Dumbocrats collapsed Detroit. Just look at the $7 trillion wasted by Barack Hussien Obama in only 4+ years. More than all presidents in U.S. history combined. The Dumbocrats have forced jobs overseas, caused unemployment to skyrocket, and put more people on food stamps than ever before. And you want to sit here lying and pretend that Dumbocrats have been "pretty successful"? :lmao:

The TRUTH is, you're a liar and we've all proven that over and over in this thread (it's why you stand all alone). People loathe liars. And they sure as hell won't stand along side one.

The thing that I like about your posts is that you are completely transparent about your ignorance. You revel in it. You are proud of it.

There are so many accountings on the Internet about the policy causes of all our debt. You, however would like to sell to those of your level of ignorance that dates cause debt. On Jan 20, 2009 all of Bush's policies became Obama's responsibility. The Great Recession became the Obama recession. The Bush wars became the Obama wars. The Wall Street bankruptcies became the Obama bankruptcies. The Bush unemployment became the Obama unemployment.

I don't know anybody who would fall for that but I bet you do.

More importantly, the electorate won't.

You do realize your false bravado about future elections is not masking your inadequacies or your insecurities, don't you? Quite the contrary, like the immature guy tormented by his small penis going around trying to convince everybody he has a "big dick", you're absurd predictions about future elections are in fact exposing the reality that you are peeing down your leg like a scared dog because the American people have woken up and realized that Dumbocrat policy = poverty. We've seen the Reagan Revolution multiply by the Ron Paul Revolution multiply by the Tea Party. The American people are getting more conservative, not less conservative. Conservative talk has exploded in recent years - with people like Glenn Beck getting ratings through the roof, while liberal talk like MSNBC is struggling to keep even a laughable rating.

Everything you're selling has been tried worldwide and had a failure rate of 100% and the American people know it. Sorry PMZ - but you lose (I'm sure a girl like you is used to that by now though).
I love democracy. That's why I continue to live here. There's no better way to govern than of, by, and for the people. All Americans used to know that. Now a few million hate their country all using exactly the same words.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You "love" democracy? Lets take a look at some of PMZ's greatest hits:

In the past our dysfunctional non- system was to let everyone do what ever they wanted, at least up to age 65, but die in the streets. That we eliminated by insisting that hospital e rooms take care of everyone.

Yep - you sound like a real "leave the power in the hands of the people" kind of guy to us! :lol:

I believe in accountability. That’s how progress comes about. You believe in irresponsibility because it's what you know.

Uh-oh! Somebody is moving the goal posts after I owned them with facts. I thought you believed in "democracy"? Suddenly your new narrative is that you believe in "accountability"? Yeah...see....there is one glaring problem with this new lie of yours [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them. Hardly the rhetoric of someone who "believes in accountability".

It's game over son. You've made too many mistakes. You've told so many lies, you can't remember them all and that has exposed the lies. You're a partisan hack and a troll.

dblack said:
The whole idea behind rationing is that it's a control distribution mechanism - ie the opposite of relatively uncontrolled, market-based distribution.

I agree with you about the dictionary definition but am trying to figure out why it makes sense to anybody to think that some ways to divey up scarce resources is any more or less legitimate than any other?

They're really all different expressions of power. If you can get away with it, you can do it.

Well, this gets to the key distinction between political and economic power. Economic power precludes coercion. Political power depends on it. No matter how much economic power a business or wealthy individual may wield, they can't (legally) force me to do a damned thing. If I defy the law, on the other hand, the ultimate end is always the barrel of a gun.

Of course in a democracy all of that power is in the hands of and under the control of those governed.

''No matter how much economic power a business or wealthy individual may wield, they can't (legally) force me to do a damned thing.''

True only if you're wealthy. At the survival level it's a whole different game. That’s why employers love low minimum wage.
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:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You "love" democracy? Lets take a look at some of PMZ's greatest hits:

Yep - you sound like a real "leave the power in the hands of the people" kind of guy to us! :lol:

I believe in accountability. That’s how progress comes about. You believe in irresponsibility because it's what you know.

Uh-oh! Somebody is moving the goal posts after I owned them with facts. I thought you believed in "democracy"? Suddenly your new narrative is that you believe in "accountability"? Yeah...see....there is one glaring problem with this new lie of yours [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them. Hardly the rhetoric of someone who "believes in accountability".

It's game over son. You've made too many mistakes. You've told so many lies, you can't remember them all and that has exposed the lies. You're a partisan hack and a troll.


Did they tell you on Fox that you had to choose between democracy and accountability?

They lied as usual.
Sure - if you're goal is collapsing the United States - the Dumbocrats have been very successful. Under George W. Bush, unemployment never went above the 6% range. Under Barack Obama, it's never gone below 8% and was at 10%.

Remember, you already admitted (after a long painful exchange of hammering you with facts) that Dumbocrats collapsed Detroit. Just look at the $7 trillion wasted by Barack Hussien Obama in only 4+ years. More than all presidents in U.S. history combined. The Dumbocrats have forced jobs overseas, caused unemployment to skyrocket, and put more people on food stamps than ever before. And you want to sit here lying and pretend that Dumbocrats have been "pretty successful"? :lmao:

The TRUTH is, you're a liar and we've all proven that over and over in this thread (it's why you stand all alone). People loathe liars. And they sure as hell won't stand along side one.

The thing that I like about your posts is that you are completely transparent about your ignorance. You revel in it. You are proud of it.

There are so many accountings on the Internet about the policy causes of all our debt. You, however would like to sell to those of your level of ignorance that dates cause debt. On Jan 20, 2009 all of Bush's policies became Obama's responsibility. The Great Recession became the Obama recession. The Bush wars became the Obama wars. The Wall Street bankruptcies became the Obama bankruptcies. The Bush unemployment became the Obama unemployment.

I don't know anybody who would fall for that but I bet you do.

More importantly, the electorate won't.

You do realize your false bravado about future elections is not masking your inadequacies or your insecurities, don't you? Quite the contrary, like the immature guy tormented by his small penis going around trying to convince everybody he has a "big dick", you're absurd predictions about future elections are in fact exposing the reality that you are peeing down your leg like a scared dog because the American people have woken up and realized that Dumbocrat policy = poverty. We've seen the Reagan Revolution multiply by the Ron Paul Revolution multiply by the Tea Party. The American people are getting more conservative, not less conservative. Conservative talk has exploded in recent years - with people like Glenn Beck getting ratings through the roof, while liberal talk like MSNBC is struggling to keep even a laughable rating.

Everything you're selling has been tried worldwide and had a failure rate of 100% and the American people know it. Sorry PMZ - but you lose (I'm sure a girl like you is used to that by now though).

We'll see won't we.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You "love" democracy? Lets take a look at some of PMZ's greatest hits:

Yep - you sound like a real "leave the power in the hands of the people" kind of guy to us! :lol:

I believe in accountability. That’s how progress comes about. You believe in irresponsibility because it's what you know.

Uh-oh! Somebody is moving the goal posts after I owned them with facts. I thought you believed in "democracy"? Suddenly your new narrative is that you believe in "accountability"? Yeah...see....there is one glaring problem with this new lie of yours [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them. Hardly the rhetoric of someone who "believes in accountability".

It's game over son. You've made too many mistakes. You've told so many lies, you can't remember them all and that has exposed the lies. You're a partisan hack and a troll.


''You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them.''

I'm sure that you know that I never said any of that. My remarks are entirely different than what you wish they were.

Let me try short sentences and simple words on you.

First of all there's no correlation between successful and wealthy.

Second I believe that the parasites of this nation are the criminals and all we owe them is justice.

Data shows that the US is extreme compared to history and the current global experience in wealth inequality.

That is the expected consequence of our capitalism. That’s what capitalism is designed to do.

History has shown that extreme wealth inequality is unstable.

Science has correlated extreme wealth inequality with many social dysfunctions that we see in the US today. And they're growing.

The only force significantly limiting more extreme wealth inequity growth are progressive taxes.

It will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore all of this just like it will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore AGW.

You may not agree with any of this but it's all factual. It's the ultimate inconvenient truth.
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