The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I believe in accountability. That’s how progress comes about. You believe in irresponsibility because it's what you know.

Uh-oh! Somebody is moving the goal posts after I owned them with facts. I thought you believed in "democracy"? Suddenly your new narrative is that you believe in "accountability"? Yeah...see....there is one glaring problem with this new lie of yours [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them. Hardly the rhetoric of someone who "believes in accountability".

It's game over son. You've made too many mistakes. You've told so many lies, you can't remember them all and that has exposed the lies. You're a partisan hack and a troll.


''You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them.''

I'm sure that you know that I never said any of that. My remarks are entirely different than what you wish they were.

Let me try short sentences and simple words on you.

First of all there's no correlation between successful and wealthy.

Second I believe that the parasites of this nation are the criminals and all we owe them is justice.

Data shows that the US is extreme compared to history and the current global experience in wealth inequality.

That is the expected consequence of our capitalism. That’s what capitalism is designed to do.

History has shown that extreme wealth inequality is unstable.

Science has correlated extreme wealth inequality with many social dysfunctions that we see in the US today. And they're growing.

The only force significantly limiting more extreme wealth inequity growth are progressive taxes.

It will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore all of this just like it will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore AGW.

You may not agree with any of this but it's all factual. It's the ultimate inconvenient truth.

In all of your posts, you've yet to add one single truth. Your a parasite who serves your master by repeating the insane and absurd propaganda spoon fed to you on MSNBC.

The facts are - socialism as a 100% failure rate worldwide. It has never succeeded anywhere. It collapsed the former U.S.S.R. It collapsed Cuba. It collapsed Cambodia. It collapsed Ethiopia. It collapsed Vietnam. It collapsed Germany. It collapsed Greece.

It's remarkable that you doubled-down on the very same contradiction that you already humiliated yourself with once. If you believed in "accountability" you would embrace capitalism and reject socialism.

Like all Dumbocrats - your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your ignorance. You've lost son. Everyone on this thread has torn you to shreds with facts and each time we do you close your eyes and yell "Fox, Fox, Fox".
Data shows that the US is extreme compared to history and the current global experience in wealth inequality.

That is the expected consequence of our capitalism. That’s what capitalism is designed to do.

History has shown that extreme wealth inequality is unstable.

Science has correlated extreme wealth inequality with many social dysfunctions that we see in the US today

Very interesting propaganda PMZ. Again though, there is one glaring problem. I've added indisputable evidence - VIDEO - the ultimate damning evidence. In desperation, you scream "Fox, Fox, Fox" and then follow that up with "only a conservative would interpret what he said as actually being what he said" (apparently, when Obama speaks, it is a magic dog whistle which only you can hear... :lmao:).

Yet when you throw out your key propaganda of "science" (something you have proven yourself to be far to ignorant to even begin to comprehend), "history" (something you have proven to be completely ignorant of), and "data" (of which you have none), you have yet to add one single, tiny little link backing up your outrageous propaganda.

I can only imagine the frustration you feel at facing a bunch of people intellectually superior and armed with facts. You keep throwing (literal) shit at the wall, but none of it will stick for you.
Uh-oh! Somebody is moving the goal posts after I owned them with facts. I thought you believed in "democracy"? Suddenly your new narrative is that you believe in "accountability"? Yeah...see....there is one glaring problem with this new lie of yours [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them. Hardly the rhetoric of someone who "believes in accountability".

It's game over son. You've made too many mistakes. You've told so many lies, you can't remember them all and that has exposed the lies. You're a partisan hack and a troll.


''You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them.''

I'm sure that you know that I never said any of that. My remarks are entirely different than what you wish they were.

Let me try short sentences and simple words on you.

First of all there's no correlation between successful and wealthy.

Second I believe that the parasites of this nation are the criminals and all we owe them is justice.

Data shows that the US is extreme compared to history and the current global experience in wealth inequality.

That is the expected consequence of our capitalism. That’s what capitalism is designed to do.

History has shown that extreme wealth inequality is unstable.

Science has correlated extreme wealth inequality with many social dysfunctions that we see in the US today. And they're growing.

The only force significantly limiting more extreme wealth inequity growth are progressive taxes.

It will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore all of this just like it will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore AGW.

You may not agree with any of this but it's all factual. It's the ultimate inconvenient truth.

In all of your posts, you've yet to add one single truth. Your a parasite who serves your master by repeating the insane and absurd propaganda spoon fed to you on MSNBC.

The facts are - socialism as a 100% failure rate worldwide. It has never succeeded anywhere. It collapsed the former U.S.S.R. It collapsed Cuba. It collapsed Cambodia. It collapsed Ethiopia. It collapsed Vietnam. It collapsed Germany. It collapsed Greece.

It's remarkable that you doubled-down on the very same contradiction that you already humiliated yourself with once. If you believed in "accountability" you would embrace capitalism and reject socialism.

Like all Dumbocrats - your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your ignorance. You've lost son. Everyone on this thread has torn you to shreds with facts and each time we do you close your eyes and yell "Fox, Fox, Fox".

You're the only one even talking about Marxism.

Tell the monsters to go back in the closet, suck hard on your binky, cuddle with your blanky and close your eyes.
Uh-oh! Somebody is moving the goal posts after I owned them with facts. I thought you believed in "democracy"? Suddenly your new narrative is that you believe in "accountability"? Yeah...see....there is one glaring problem with this new lie of yours [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]. You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them. Hardly the rhetoric of someone who "believes in accountability".

It's game over son. You've made too many mistakes. You've told so many lies, you can't remember them all and that has exposed the lies. You're a partisan hack and a troll.


''You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them.''

I'm sure that you know that I never said any of that. My remarks are entirely different than what you wish they were.

Let me try short sentences and simple words on you.

First of all there's no correlation between successful and wealthy.

Second I believe that the parasites of this nation are the criminals and all we owe them is justice.

Data shows that the US is extreme compared to history and the current global experience in wealth inequality.

That is the expected consequence of our capitalism. That’s what capitalism is designed to do.

History has shown that extreme wealth inequality is unstable.

Science has correlated extreme wealth inequality with many social dysfunctions that we see in the US today. And they're growing.

The only force significantly limiting more extreme wealth inequity growth are progressive taxes.

It will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore all of this just like it will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore AGW.

You may not agree with any of this but it's all factual. It's the ultimate inconvenient truth.

In all of your posts, you've yet to add one single truth. Your a parasite who serves your master by repeating the insane and absurd propaganda spoon fed to you on MSNBC.

The facts are - socialism as a 100% failure rate worldwide. It has never succeeded anywhere. It collapsed the former U.S.S.R. It collapsed Cuba. It collapsed Cambodia. It collapsed Ethiopia. It collapsed Vietnam. It collapsed Germany. It collapsed Greece.

It's remarkable that you doubled-down on the very same contradiction that you already humiliated yourself with once. If you believed in "accountability" you would embrace capitalism and reject socialism.

Like all Dumbocrats - your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your ignorance. You've lost son. Everyone on this thread has torn you to shreds with facts and each time we do you close your eyes and yell "Fox, Fox, Fox".

BTW, name a country in the world today that doesn't own some means of production.
On Jan 20, 2009 all of Bush's policies became Obama's responsibility. The Great Recession became the Obama recession.

And that's the key word, stupid. Obama took a mild "recession" and created the second Great DEPRESSION. They day he took office, unemployment stood at 7.8%. He made it skyrocket to over 10%. After 5 years of recklessly passing out cash to anyone willing to stand in line (GM, Chrysler, Solyndra, etc.), he's never gotten unemployment even close to what it was the day he took office. In fact, he's had to bribe people to drop out of the employment race just to fudge his horrendous unemployment numbers. The real unemployment numbers right now hovers around 14% - 15%. Obama just loves every time he gets to NOT count an unemployed person against unemployment.

Now look - I warn you here PMZ. This is really going to sting. Here are the scientific, historical, accurate data from the day Obama assumed office (do you like that, I used all of your propaganda words to put you in your comfort zone):

On Jan 20, 2009 all of Bush's policies became Obama's responsibility. The Great Recession became the Obama recession.

And that's the key word, stupid. Obama took a mild "recession" and created the second Great DEPRESSION. They day he took office, unemployment stood at 7.8%. He made it skyrocket to over 10%. After 5 years of recklessly passing out cash to anyone willing to stand in line (GM, Chrysler, Solyndra, etc.), he's never gotten unemployment even close to what it was the day he took office. In fact, he's had to bribe people to drop out of the employment race just to fudge his horrendous unemployment numbers. The real unemployment numbers right now hovers around 14% - 15%. Obama just loves every time he gets to NOT count an unemployed person against unemployment.

Now look - I warn you here PMZ. This is really going to sting. Here are the scientific, historical, accurate data from the day Obama assumed office (do you like that, I used all of your propaganda words to put you in your comfort zone):


Did you hear that loud "thud" folks? That was me sending PMZ to the floor with a knockout blow!

Post #505
The electorate will dismiss you in the only way that counts.

Post #508
I don't know anybody who would fall for that but I bet you do.

More importantly, the electorate won't.

Well, the electorate you keep crowing about seem to think the Dumbocrats are the most epic failures creating disasters across this country. I mean, the country is headed towards Obamacare, higher taxes, higher unemployment, and less health insurance - all of which sits squarely and indisputably on the shoulders of the Dumbocrats.

Just 17% of likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending October 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports?
Post #505
The electorate will dismiss you in the only way that counts.

Post #508
I don't know anybody who would fall for that but I bet you do.

More importantly, the electorate won't.

Well, the electorate you keep crowing about seem to think the Dumbocrats are the most epic failures creating disasters across this country. I mean, the country is headed towards Obamacare, higher taxes, higher unemployment, and less health insurance - all of which sits squarely and indisputably on the shoulders of the Dumbocrats.

Just 17% of likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending October 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports?

What is the over/under for when PMZ starts claiming that everyone "misinterpreted" Obama's speeches and he was actually trying to stop Obamacare while the GOP were the one's forcing it on the American people?

And of course, he will be screaming "Fox, Fox, Fox" and mumbling something about propaganda while doing so.... :lmao:
''You spent 10 pages screaming that the successful people in this nation owe it to the parasites in this nation to provide for them.''

I'm sure that you know that I never said any of that. My remarks are entirely different than what you wish they were.

Let me try short sentences and simple words on you.

First of all there's no correlation between successful and wealthy.

Second I believe that the parasites of this nation are the criminals and all we owe them is justice.

Data shows that the US is extreme compared to history and the current global experience in wealth inequality.

That is the expected consequence of our capitalism. That’s what capitalism is designed to do.

History has shown that extreme wealth inequality is unstable.

Science has correlated extreme wealth inequality with many social dysfunctions that we see in the US today. And they're growing.

The only force significantly limiting more extreme wealth inequity growth are progressive taxes.

It will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore all of this just like it will be somewhere between expensive and disastrous to ignore AGW.

You may not agree with any of this but it's all factual. It's the ultimate inconvenient truth.

In all of your posts, you've yet to add one single truth. Your a parasite who serves your master by repeating the insane and absurd propaganda spoon fed to you on MSNBC.

The facts are - socialism as a 100% failure rate worldwide. It has never succeeded anywhere. It collapsed the former U.S.S.R. It collapsed Cuba. It collapsed Cambodia. It collapsed Ethiopia. It collapsed Vietnam. It collapsed Germany. It collapsed Greece.

It's remarkable that you doubled-down on the very same contradiction that you already humiliated yourself with once. If you believed in "accountability" you would embrace capitalism and reject socialism.

Like all Dumbocrats - your hypocrisy is only exceeded by your ignorance. You've lost son. Everyone on this thread has torn you to shreds with facts and each time we do you close your eyes and yell "Fox, Fox, Fox".

BTW, name a country in the world today that doesn't own some means of production.

BTW, name a country in the world today that has less than 4% unemployment, $0.00 debt, and taxes 10% or less.

The fact that you want to lower the United States to the same misery and poverty as the rest of the world is astounding. We were the greatest nation in the world. If you think what the other nations are doing is so wonderful, why do you refuse to leave the U.S. and go live in any of them?
Why did he go to jail? He thought that regulation didn't apply to him. He found out he was wrong. He found out that, in a democracy, the rules favor we the people.

First of all stupid, we don't have a "democracy". Jesus - Antares even threw you a bone on this one and you still couldn't learn from it?!? :bang3:

You are not "we the people". You're the fringe minority radical that America hates.

"We the people" support and defend the U.S. Constitution while you cry about it like a little girl.

What do you call it when all citizens vote for their governmental representation? When all of their representation vote on laws?

It's called a Republic. Democracies don't have representatives. The fact that you specifically cite representatives as part of your defense for wrongfully referring to the United States as a "democracy" is astounding ignorance and just proves that you have no business discussing politics. You don't even know the basics taught to our elementary school children. :eusa_doh:
I love democracy. That's why I continue to live here. There's no better way to govern than of, by, and for the people. All Americans used to know that. Now a few million hate their country all using exactly the same words.

How do you explain that except as the effects of propaganda?

I just did. You were not listening. Cognitive dissonance. Look it up. Seriously. Read about it .. think about it. Then through introspection determine if you are subject to it. Most humans are.. thus the you are with us or against us view that leads to grouping / teaming into one of the two dominant parties. Me.. I don't want to be with either of these parties..

Cognitive dissonance is holding two conflicting thoughts at once. What two conflicting thoughts would you argue that I hold?

You'll have to answer for your own personal demons on your own. And no the definition of cognitive dissonance is not "holding two conflicting thoughts at once." That would be your brain redefining things again to keep you from realizing your error. Your mind has put up a block to truth.
Last edited:
I just did. You were not listening. Cognitive dissonance. Look it up. Seriously. Read about it .. think about it. Then through introspection determine if you are subject to it. Most humans are.. thus the you are with us or against us view that leads to grouping / teaming into one of the two dominant parties. Me.. I don't want to be with either of these parties..

Cognitive dissonance is holding two conflicting thoughts at once. What two conflicting thoughts would you argue that I hold?

You'll have to answer for your own personal demons on your own. And no the definition of cognitive dissonance is not "holding two conflicting thoughts at once." That would be your brain redefining things again to keep you from realizing your error. Your mind has put up a block to truth.

I guess English is not your first language.
Cognitive dissonance is holding two conflicting thoughts at once. What two conflicting thoughts would you argue that I hold?

You'll have to answer for your own personal demons on your own. And no the definition of cognitive dissonance is not "holding two conflicting thoughts at once." That would be your brain redefining things again to keep you from realizing your error. Your mind has put up a block to truth.

I guess English is not your first language.

You guess wrong. The problem is you are mentally handicapped.
You'll have to answer for your own personal demons on your own. And no the definition of cognitive dissonance is not "holding two conflicting thoughts at once." That would be your brain redefining things again to keep you from realizing your error. Your mind has put up a block to truth.

I guess English is not your first language.

You guess wrong. The problem is you are mentally handicapped.

You leave your thinking up to others and I don't. That's not a handicap for me but freedom.
You guess wrong. The problem is you are mentally handicapped.

You leave your thinking up to others and I don't. That's not a handicap for me but freedom.

Liar. No one thinks for me. I challenge everything.

All I hear is Republican propaganda.

Smart people don't challenge everything. They listen first, and ask questions. They separate reality from wannabes.

You come across as a self centered blowhard.
You leave your thinking up to others and I don't. That's not a handicap for me but freedom.

Liar. No one thinks for me. I challenge everything.

All I hear is Republican propaganda.

Smart people don't challenge everything. They listen first, and ask questions. They separate reality from wannabes.

You come across as a self centered blowhard.

Make up your mind retard. Either I'm "self centered" or "I leave my thinking up to others." Which lie are you sticking with?
How embarassing that the federal government now has to use tax dollars on commercials to promote their catastrophic failures as being a "good" thing...

Baltimore Ravens Paid to Sell ObamaCare - Fox Nation

There is absolutely nothing unusual in the American government using private citizens to promote programs that are designed to help the public but which the public is hesitant about. It happened with seat belt laws. It happened with driving and using your cell phone laws. It happened with car-pooling and using the carpool lane. It has happened with recycling, with littering, etc.

It has happened many, many times in the past going back to the settling of the West. Pioneers were wanted and corporations and private citizens were involved in supporting government programs such as homesteading. For example, in the late 1800’s, to encourage pioneers to move west, the government gave land grants to the railroads so they would build rail lines westward. There is nothing new whatsoever in the current administration encouraging people to accept the health program by enlisting the support of private citizens or corporations.
Liar. No one thinks for me. I challenge everything.

All I hear is Republican propaganda.

Smart people don't challenge everything. They listen first, and ask questions. They separate reality from wannabes.

You come across as a self centered blowhard.

Make up your mind retard. Either I'm "self centered" or "I leave my thinking up to others." Which lie are you sticking with?

Both. The thinking that got your lips and Fox's ass so intimate was their philosophy of self centeredness. Be the best predator that you can be. We'll help.

Your ego couldn't resist.

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