The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

So the question remains [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - why have you refused to do your civic duty and create good paying jobs for your fellow citizens?

Nobody is asking you to create a global conglomerate. How about just 5 people that you provide six-figure salaries for? Just 5 people in your community that you take from minimum wage to a six-figure salary?

How can you cry about other people not doing what you yourself also refuses to do?

PMZ does not like our form of government, I figured that one out in another thread. He's a socialist.

Every one in the world is a socialist because every country in the world employs the socialist economic system in appropriate markets.

To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person
PMZ does not like our form of government, I figured that one out in another thread. He's a socialist.

Every one in the world is a socialist because every country in the world employs the socialist economic system in appropriate markets.

The level of your libtardation exceeds all socialists who came before you.

I see that there is nothing in my post that you would dispute.
So the question remains [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - why have you refused to do your civic duty and pay more taxes that the bare minimum you are required to close that "wealth inequality" gap?

Nobody is asking you to cover the entire national debt. How about just paying an additional $15,000 per year beyond the minimum taxes you are requires to pay? If every liberal did that, there would be no "wealth inequality".

How can you cry (like a little bitch) about other people not doing what you yourself also refuses to do?

I pay what I owe. Just like you do. I just don't whine about it.

Well of course you don't, because you don't owe much and you get tax rates slanted heavily in your favor while other people are forced to make up that gap you created by having taxes slanted against them.

We should all pay 10% and then we are all equally burdened. Aren't you the one crying for "wealth equality"? Well, here's the first step. Time to put your money where your mouth is...
Well maybe 12% if you add health care services to that, then it's a done deal..
PMZ does not like our form of government, I figured that one out in another thread. He's a socialist.

Every one in the world is a socialist because every country in the world employs the socialist economic system in appropriate markets.

To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.
I pay what I owe. Just like you do. I just don't whine about it.

Well of course you don't, because you don't owe much and you get tax rates slanted heavily in your favor while other people are forced to make up that gap you created by having taxes slanted against them.

We should all pay 10% and then we are all equally burdened. Aren't you the one crying for "wealth equality"? Well, here's the first step. Time to put your money where your mouth is...
Well maybe 12% if you add health care services to that, then it's a done deal..

Life isn't fair. If it was we'd all be equally intelligent, born to equal parentage, with equal ambition and be equally trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

If we were, we'd all be equally wealthy.

Those born into good fortune in life have misfortune in taxes. If you don't like that, it's easy to change to misfortune in life, good fortune in taxes. You are in control.
My money, like yours, goes to keep people that don't make a living wage, off of the street. I'd much rather their employers pay them enough to do that.

Where is the origin of this debt PMZ? Where do you come to the conclusion that I am somehow indebted (slavery) to someone too lazy to earn a "living wage"?
Are they all just to lazy to earn a living wage by your understanding of things in the way that you see it Rot, and if so, is this why you feel that you are over burdened by the weight of it all ?

How about something has gone bad wrong over the years in which has created this out of balance situation over time in America, in which is one that no one seems to currently be able to quite put their little finger upon or refuses to. Can you really define the exact reasons for this whole problem the way that you have been attempting to, in which we are experiencing now as a whole nation? Maybe you are in personal protect mode just trying to hang on to what you have left in your life, and you are not trying to resolve the issues properly for your nation as a whole ? It appears that you are in a battle with the current crop that is trying to take advantage of the weakness that has came as a result for all or rather the many who are involved in this today, but are you coming up with results for your nation while in this battle (or) are you just thinking of yourself when battling this crowd on the issues ? I liked your 10% and so I moved it to 12% to include health care also.
Every one in the world is a socialist because every country in the world employs the socialist economic system in appropriate markets.

To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.
We need to go back to a mom and pops nation, where manufacturing is connected to mom and pops operations in each town and city again, and these major chains are done away with in the forms that they have taken now. It has led to poor quality of service, less personable contacts, and the products we consume now are mostly inferior to what they once were in the past. We have been duped badly by all of this in America, and that is a shame. Wal-Mart was fought throughout America for as long as they could be fought off, and now we see why people back then knew what they knew, and why they were insightful as to what was coming. With the help of our government sucking up to these concepts and ideas, and getting into bed with these strange bed fellows, the people of this nation now see what the results of it all was on them, and it isn't good.

Like you say healthy competition was the only way that it worked for all, and what this nation has allowed is an anti-competition/consumer driven exploitation economic engine or device to be created, in which is run to exploit the consumers in every way that it can, and to eliminate the competition in ever way that it can. We see this in many things now, as it became a trend, and yet a trend that was fueled by greed mainly. Look at Wal-Mart now, and the commercials they are running in the wake of their not paying a living wage to their employee's or offering them decent benefits in the past in which they got some bad publicity over recently. Now they are supposed to be some kind of great company as shown in these commercials, (give me a break) when Americans know better as to what was going on. Look at McDonalds where they are telling their employee's that they will help them qualify for foods stamps and such (kidding me right), as I couldn't believe my own eyes when that report was given on the news of this. Local governments consisting of town councils and such, have all but stopped the creation of competition against these giants by imposed rules and regulations that are used against new small business ideas born of the citizenry, and this has made them corrupt also. How many small business ventures last for more than a few years now against these kinds of heavy weights and corruption that protects them ?

How much more can America take of this idiocy that has been going on against her citizens ?
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Every one in the world is a socialist because every country in the world employs the socialist economic system in appropriate markets.

To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.
When you keep posting, it just keeps telling everyone else all they need to know about you, comrade. :eusa_whistle:
To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.
When you keep posting, it just keeps telling everyone else all they need to know about you, comrade. :eusa_whistle:
I don't know, as she said the right tool for the right job and at the right time right ? What she means by this maybe, is that sometimes these tools have to be pulled out for a short length of time to fix things, so does that make her a communist in your opinion ? Would she not put the tools back up when the system is fixed or would she not ease the screw back off in order to make the wheel turn a little more freely once the problem has been resolved ? What the fear is I guess, is that once these tools are brought out, then they won't be put back up so that the wheels of freedom can resume turning freely again.
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To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.
When you keep posting, it just keeps telling everyone else all they need to know about you, comrade. :eusa_whistle:

ja wohl, mein Fuhrer
Every one in the world is a socialist because every country in the world employs the socialist economic system in appropriate markets.

The level of your libtardation exceeds all socialists who came before you.

I see that there is nothing in my post that you would dispute.

You can force me to pay taxes at the point of a gun to fund your socialist programs, but you can't force me to be a socialist. You can claim I'm a socialist if you want but if you do on my property you best come with friends.
The level of your libtardation exceeds all socialists who came before you.

I see that there is nothing in my post that you would dispute.

You can force me to pay taxes at the point of a gun to fund your socialist programs, but you can't force me to be a socialist. You can claim I'm a socialist if you want but if you do on my property you best come with friends.

You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are not religions. They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Capitalism just doesn't work without competition. Socialism is not as efficient as capitalism with competition.

The right tool for a particular job is just common sense.
Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.

Talk about propaganda ... You are so full of it you don't recognize it in yourself.

It really doesn't matter if you think you are a capitalist or a socialist.
It doesn't matter if you like hammers, screwdrivers ... Taxes, markets or the Federal Reserve.
The problem is that you don't have a clue which tool to use on the job ... Much less the ability to understand the right job.

If you think that wealth redistribution is a tool that creates competition ... By punishing the people that succeed when competitive ... Then I think it is fair to say that you are neither a capitalist nor a socialist ... And more along the lines of an idiot.

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.

Talk about propaganda ... You are so full of it you don't recognize it in yourself.

It really doesn't matter if you think you are a capitalist or a socialist.
It doesn't matter if you like hammers, screwdrivers ... Taxes, markets or the Federal Reserve.
The problem is that you don't have a clue which tool to use on the job ... Much less the ability to understand the right job.

If you think that wealth redistribution is a tool that creates competition ... By punishing the people that succeed when competitive ... Then I think it is fair to say that you are neither a capitalist nor a socialist ... And more along the lines of an idiot.


How do you punish a wealthy person?
Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.

Talk about propaganda ... You are so full of it you don't recognize it in yourself.

It really doesn't matter if you think you are a capitalist or a socialist.
It doesn't matter if you like hammers, screwdrivers ... Taxes, markets or the Federal Reserve.
The problem is that you don't have a clue which tool to use on the job ... Much less the ability to understand the right job.

If you think that wealth redistribution is a tool that creates competition ... By punishing the people that succeed when competitive ... Then I think it is fair to say that you are neither a capitalist nor a socialist ... And more along the lines of an idiot.


Everyone likes wealth redistribution their way. How do you think that the GOP bought the support of the wealthy?
it hasn't gone into operation yet and because of a web site problem its a catastrophic FAILURE ... you sure are fuck up ...
I see that there is nothing in my post that you would dispute.

You can force me to pay taxes at the point of a gun to fund your socialist programs, but you can't force me to be a socialist. You can claim I'm a socialist if you want but if you do on my property you best come with friends.

You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are not religions. They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Capitalism just doesn't work without competition. Socialism is not as efficient as capitalism with competition.

The right tool for a particular job is just common sense.

>> You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right?

>> They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.
Incorrect assumption.

>> Capitalism just doesn't work without competition.
Correct assumption.

>> Socialism is not as efficient as capitalism with competition.
Correct assumption.

>> The right tool for a particular job is just common sense.
I agree with this postulate.

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