The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Hammers and screwdrivers are inanimate objects. They are tools used by people to accomplish tasks according to systems for completing said tasks. Treating people like tools to be used and tossed about against their will in an economic system is just plain evil. Why? Because people are not inanimate objects.
I don't think the analogy was meant by her to suggest that people were inanimate objects, but rather her tool analogy was used to adjust or tweek the system in ways that would fix it, now with said tools representing different fixes, then I guess we need to find out what the tools represent in her mind. What does the screwdriver represent and what does the hammer represent, and then will it fix the problem or not when applied in the way that it is applied by her ? Lets say that the hammer represents single payer, would that fix the problem finally ?

That's a lot guessing. But you lost me on what he/she was saying is evil. The tools, the policies, the people, or some metaphor about fixing things? Maybe you could rewrite what he/she said while still using the same terms, then we could discussion that version.. all i did was read it as written, subject verb and all that.

>> You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Please rewrite the second sentence in context of the first sentence.

They are the economic systems. Thus he/she is saying, capitalism and socialism are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdivers are.

IMO this sentence means the author equates economic systems with tools, and as such are impossible of evil. IMO that is grossly incorrect.

Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?
Every one in the world is a socialist because every country in the world employs the socialist economic system in appropriate markets.

To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.
I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.
You certainly have made yourself completely misunderstood on every thread you've posted on at USMB that I've seen.
I don't think the analogy was meant by her to suggest that people were inanimate objects, but rather her tool analogy was used to adjust or tweek the system in ways that would fix it, now with said tools representing different fixes, then I guess we need to find out what the tools represent in her mind. What does the screwdriver represent and what does the hammer represent, and then will it fix the problem or not when applied in the way that it is applied by her ? Lets say that the hammer represents single payer, would that fix the problem finally ?

That's a lot guessing. But you lost me on what he/she was saying is evil. The tools, the policies, the people, or some metaphor about fixing things? Maybe you could rewrite what he/she said while still using the same terms, then we could discussion that version.. all i did was read it as written, subject verb and all that.

>> You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Please rewrite the second sentence in context of the first sentence.

They are the economic systems. Thus he/she is saying, capitalism and socialism are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdivers are.

IMO this sentence means the author equates economic systems with tools, and as such are impossible of evil. IMO that is grossly incorrect.

Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?
I guess you just have to be a liberal to understand all the nuances of feeling, to compare people to a hammer and screwdriver.
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Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

I say we use a chainsaw ... Start at the top of Government ... And work our way down.
Once we get to a rake and burn pile ... The job will be easier ... And the yard will look a lot better.

I don't think the analogy was meant by her to suggest that people were inanimate objects, but rather her tool analogy was used to adjust or tweek the system in ways that would fix it, now with said tools representing different fixes, then I guess we need to find out what the tools represent in her mind. What does the screwdriver represent and what does the hammer represent, and then will it fix the problem or not when applied in the way that it is applied by her ? Lets say that the hammer represents single payer, would that fix the problem finally ?

That's a lot guessing. But you lost me on what he/she was saying is evil. The tools, the policies, the people, or some metaphor about fixing things? Maybe you could rewrite what he/she said while still using the same terms, then we could discussion that version.. all i did was read it as written, subject verb and all that.

>> You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Please rewrite the second sentence in context of the first sentence.

They are the economic systems. Thus he/she is saying, capitalism and socialism are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdivers are.

IMO this sentence means the author equates economic systems with tools, and as such are impossible of evil. IMO that is grossly incorrect.

Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

Honey PMS is a moron, try thinking for yourself.
Another possibility is to take the conservative approach and ignore the problem. After all, it's not yours.

If you did call 911 they would tell that they are only equipped to handle emergencies and this is no one.

You could stop and ask your neighbor if he had already called for help or if he would like to borrow your phone to call.

Or perhaps the neighbor was in a hurry to get someplace and you could offer him a ride.

I am a Conservative ... And the approach you offered is not acceptable for me ... So you would be incorrect ... Again.

I mean face it ... I didn't even think of that excuse ... You did!
That is because that is all you ever offer ... passing the responsibility off to others or the government ... It is practically second nature for you and your kind, and I bet it didn't take you a second to think up.

Being stupid enough to ask 911 to handle a problem they are obviously not equipped to handle ... Is just as stupid as asking the government to handle what they are not equipped to handle.
At least that made a dent ... And we found something to agree on ... Thank God you got that point right.

I don't have to ask my neighbor if he needs help genius ... His truck is stuck in the ditch.
It won't matter if he called someone else when I show up with the tractor and the strap ... And he will get where he needs to go a lot easier and quicker when I get his truck out of the ditch.
The only reason he would need to use my phone ... Is if he needs to call someone and tell them he is on his way.

You really are stupid aren't you ... !?!!

Edit: Progressive Liberals need to get the hell out of the world of "what-if's" ... And start living in the world of "what is".


I love it when conservatives have nothing to say except call people names.
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To a defined extent, this is true, but you go way beyond that, you're anti capitalism....redistribute the wealth kind of a person

Again the age old trick of propagandists. Speak for your scapegoats. Tell people what THEY are thinking.

I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.

You've been led to your place of ignorance by capitalist propaganda drooling over markets in which there is no competition. Nirvana for them, hell for the consumers.

There is no bigger obstacle to make more money regardless of the cost to others than competition.
I'm every bit as much a capitalist as socialist just as I bear no prejudice against either hammers or screwdrivers. The right tool for the right job.
You certainly have made yourself completely misunderstood on every thread you've posted on at USMB that I've seen.

Your inability to understand the written language comes from having all of your opinions implanted from the TV. A common conservative condition.
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Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

I say we use a chainsaw ... Start at the top of Government ... And work our way down.
Once we get to a rake and burn pile ... The job will be easier ... And the yard will look a lot better.


You don't have to tear down our government. Just move to someplace without one.
I don't think the analogy was meant by her to suggest that people were inanimate objects, but rather her tool analogy was used to adjust or tweek the system in ways that would fix it, now with said tools representing different fixes, then I guess we need to find out what the tools represent in her mind. What does the screwdriver represent and what does the hammer represent, and then will it fix the problem or not when applied in the way that it is applied by her ? Lets say that the hammer represents single payer, would that fix the problem finally ?

That's a lot guessing. But you lost me on what he/she was saying is evil. The tools, the policies, the people, or some metaphor about fixing things? Maybe you could rewrite what he/she said while still using the same terms, then we could discussion that version.. all i did was read it as written, subject verb and all that.

>> You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Please rewrite the second sentence in context of the first sentence.

They are the economic systems. Thus he/she is saying, capitalism and socialism are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdivers are.

IMO this sentence means the author equates economic systems with tools, and as such are impossible of evil. IMO that is grossly incorrect.

Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

Economic systems are mere tools like hammers and screwdrivers. A craftsman chooses the best tool for a particular job.

To even suggest using capitalism in a market absent of competition is to open ones checkbook to "make more money regardless of the cost to others". Might as well send the corporation a blank check.

To use socialism in a market suitable for competition would be not quite as bad, but not as good as using capitalism.

Part of the scapegoating that's a big feature of Republican propaganda through Fox Opinions is to identify the tool of socialism as the devil incarnate. Why? People who don't even know what it is will fall for it, it can be associated with Democrats and through that association democrats become the devil incarnate.

Every day you see the conservatives lined up in a row here goosestepping to that tune.
That's a lot guessing. But you lost me on what he/she was saying is evil. The tools, the policies, the people, or some metaphor about fixing things? Maybe you could rewrite what he/she said while still using the same terms, then we could discussion that version.. all i did was read it as written, subject verb and all that.

>> You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Please rewrite the second sentence in context of the first sentence.

They are the economic systems. Thus he/she is saying, capitalism and socialism are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdivers are.

IMO this sentence means the author equates economic systems with tools, and as such are impossible of evil. IMO that is grossly incorrect.

Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?
I guess you just have to be a liberal to understand all the nuances of feeling, to compare people to a hammer and screwdriver.

I'll have to remember that nuance is beyond you.
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You don't have to tear down our government. Just move to someplace without one.

Technically ... I don't have to do either ... Because I don't need anything from the government ... I just think it would be nicer if they stayed out of my business.
That way I could help more people ... Better than the government ever does ... And it would quit creating more problems that you would want to make more government fix.

I love it when conservatives have nothing to say except call people names.

What are you talking about ... I didn't call you stupid ... I asked you to clarify if my assessment that you were stupid was correct ... minor difference.
I will take your added response as an adequate clarification of my previous assessment though.

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You don't have to tear down our government. Just move to someplace without one.

Technically ... I don't have to do either ... Because I don't need anything from the government ... I just think it would be nicer if they stayed out of my business.
That way I could help more people ... Better than the government ever does ... And it would quit creating more problems that you would want to make more government fix.


I don't know of a single law that prevents you from helping other people. In fact, if you gave others all of your money you wouldn't have to pay taxes.
I don't know of a single law that prevents you from helping other people. In fact, if you gave others all of your money you wouldn't have to pay taxes.

There aren't any laws that keep me from using money to help people out in more ways than the government ever will.
There are laws that take my money and give it to the government ... So they can do a crappy job attempting to fix a problem they make ... So you can feel better about doing nothing.

And people like me pay taxes when we make money ... Not just when the government wants to take more of it ... But people like you wouldn't know that.
Just so you know ... You can reduce your taxes by giving money away ... But you cannot eliminate all your taxes by giving money away ... And if you do give your money away, whoever you give it to still has to pay taxes on it.
You think the government is going to let people get away with giving away money that would leave the government broke ... Hell no.

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From The Hill;

Timeline of botched ObamaCare rollout

By Patrick Mortiere

It’s been a rough stretch for the Obama administration, and it doesn’t look to get any better any time soon.

A month after Republicans suffered a massive political hit because of the government shutdown, the White House is now taking a beating.

The following is a timeline of the administration’s rollout of ObamaCare.

Sept. 26: Obama said, “…most of the stories you'll hear about how ObamaCare just can't work is just not based on facts. Every time they have predicted something not working, it's worked."

Sept. 27: Obama said, "Those marketplaces will be open for business on Tuesday, no matter what, even if there's a government shutdown. That's a done deal."

Oct. 1: People begin shopping for health insurance on, but the site crashes.

Oct. 1: Obama said, "Now, like every new law, every new product rollout, there are going to be some glitches in the signup process along the way that we will fix. I’ve been saying this from the start. For example, we found out that there have been times this morning where the site has been running more slowly than it normally will."

Oct. 16: Government shutdown ends.

Oct. 21: Obama makes a speech in the White House Rose Garden to discuss the ObamaCare website as well as explaining the enrollment process.

Oct. 24: Federal contractors who worked on administration blamed the administration for its decision to allow people to create accounts before they could browse health plans.

Oct. 27: A malfunction brought the ObamaCare website down.

Oct. 28: Amid reports of people losing their insurance coverage, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) introduces a bill, the Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013, which would allow people to keep their health plans.

Oct. 29: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Marilyn Tavenner testifies before the House Ways and Means Committee on the failed launch of the ObamaCare website and assures the public that the website can be fixed.

Oct. 30: Obama said, "Now if you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law and you really liked that plan, you were able to keep it. That's what I said when I was running for office. That was part of the promise we made. But ever since the law was passed, if insurers decided to downgrade or cancel these substandard plans, what we said under the law is, you've got to replace them with quality, comprehensive coverage because that too was a central premise of the Affordable Care Act from the very beginning."

Oct. 31: The ObamaCare website crashes for the second time in a week — during Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' testimony to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Oct. 31: Sebelius tells the House Energy and Commerce panel: "Hold me accountable for the debacle. I'm responsible."

Oct. 31: Julie Bataille, director of communications for CMS, announced in a blog that the ObamaCare website team was bringing personnel from companies such as Google, Red Hat and Oracle to contribute to the ongoing maintenance of the site.

Oct 31: House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) issues a subpoena to Sebelius over the ObamaCare website technical problems, and says in a statement, “The American people deserve to know why the administration spent significant taxpayer money on a product that is entirely dysfunctional and puts their personal information at risk."

Nov. 3: HHS announces the site will undergo maintenance every night until improvements are made to the site.

Nov. 4: Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) introduces a bill, titled the Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act, which would allow people to keep their health plans.

Nov. 4: The enrollment and application system for the ObamaCare website crashed for 90 minutes after an overload of a small amount of servers.

Nov. 5: Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, issues a subpoena to the CMS for the ObamaCare enrollment data, saying to administration officials, "Congress needs to know what you know so Congress, the American people's representatives, can also take corrective action."

Nov. 6: Sebelius admits that it was possible convicted felons could be hired as ObamaCare "navigators," giving them access to personal information such as Social Security numbers and addresses of anyone signing up for the program.

Nov. 7: Obama apologizes for making promises that he couldn't keep. He tells Chuck Todd of MSNBC, "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me."

Nov. 9: Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) rips the president on his broken promise: "I think the president was grossly misleading to the American public."

Nov. 12: Former President Bill Clinton says in an interview, "I personally believe, even if it takes a change in the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they've got.

Nov. 12: House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said, “I think the president was not precise, and I think that, he should have been precise. We all should have been more precise." He added, "We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify, and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage."

Nov. 13: HHS releases figures for ObamaCare enrollment for the first time, estimating around 106,185 people have enrolled in a plan, with only about 26,794 enrolling through the federal website.

Nov. 14: Obama announced in a press briefing that people whose plans were canceled or going to be canceled can keep their plan or re-enroll for 2014. He said, “It's legitimate to expect us to have win back some credibility on this healthcare law and other issues ... we fumbled the rollout."

Nov. 14: Some Senate Democrats announce their moving forward with legislation beyond Obama's one-year proposal, with Mark Begich (D-Alaska) saying, “We’re moving forward on the legislation...I’d make it permanent if I could but I’m thinking at least two years should be on the table.”

Nov. 14: Obama threatens a veto of the Upton legislation; House Democratic leaders opt not to whip against it.

Nov. 15: The House passes Upton bill, 261-157. Thirty-nine Democrats defect.
That's a lot guessing. But you lost me on what he/she was saying is evil. The tools, the policies, the people, or some metaphor about fixing things? Maybe you could rewrite what he/she said while still using the same terms, then we could discussion that version.. all i did was read it as written, subject verb and all that.

>> You do understand that capitalism and socialism are economic systems, right? They are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdrivers are.

Please rewrite the second sentence in context of the first sentence.

They are the economic systems. Thus he/she is saying, capitalism and socialism are no more good or evil than hammers and screwdivers are.

IMO this sentence means the author equates economic systems with tools, and as such are impossible of evil. IMO that is grossly incorrect.

Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

Economic systems are mere tools like hammers and screwdrivers. A craftsman chooses the best tool for a particular job.

To even suggest using capitalism in a market absent of competition is to open ones checkbook to "make more money regardless of the cost to others". Might as well send the corporation a blank check.

To use socialism in a market suitable for competition would be not quite as bad, but not as good as using capitalism.

Part of the scapegoating that's a big feature of Republican propaganda through Fox Opinions is to identify the tool of socialism as the devil incarnate. Why? People who don't even know what it is will fall for it, it can be associated with Democrats and through that association democrats become the devil incarnate.

Every day you see the conservatives lined up in a row here goosestepping to that tune.
Thus my read on what you meant was correct.

As to your point... this is a fundamental difference between authoritarians and libertarians. You believe the evil is in using people in a bad way, I believe the evil is in using people. Said another way, you believe the ends justify the means. Correct me If I misstate your view, but I believe you have said if the ends is helping the needy it's ok to take money from peter to pay paul (I call that stealing), if the ends is making rich people even richer, it's not ok to take money from paul to pay peter (you call that stealing). The truth is they are both stealing and they are both wrong.
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Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

I say we use a chainsaw ... Start at the top of Government ... And work our way down.
Once we get to a rake and burn pile ... The job will be easier ... And the yard will look a lot better.

Good analogy A+..
Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

I say we use a chainsaw ... Start at the top of Government ... And work our way down.
Once we get to a rake and burn pile ... The job will be easier ... And the yard will look a lot better.


You don't have to tear down our government. Just move to someplace without one.
She has it right, where as the powers need to be rattled here and there a bit, and this just to let them know that we the people are still in charge, and that they work for us. Problem is, is that they haven't been rattled enough lately, and therefore they have become to controlling in a dictatorship fashion now.
I don't know of a single law that prevents you from helping other people. In fact, if you gave others all of your money you wouldn't have to pay taxes.

There aren't any laws that keep me from using money to help people out in more ways than the government ever will.
There are laws that take my money and give it to the government ... So they can do a crappy job attempting to fix a problem they make ... So you can feel better about doing nothing.

And people like me pay taxes when we make money ... Not just when the government wants to take more of it ... But people like you wouldn't know that.
Just so you know ... You can reduce your taxes by giving money away ... But you cannot eliminate all your taxes by giving money away ... And if you do give your money away, whoever you give it to still has to pay taxes on it.
You think the government is going to let people get away with giving away money that would leave the government broke ... Hell no.


Are you an anarchist too?
Are you an anarchist too?

No ... I am a business owner ... But I can see where a Progressive Liberal like yourself ... Who neglects their obligations and lacks the initiative or ability to actually achieve a goal could make that mistake.

Maybe PMZ will expand on this, and let us know what the tools represented to her. When taking a hammer out, I guess it means to do something extreme in order to get the job done, but when taking a screwdriver out it could be just to tweek it some, and this in order to get the job done, so the question is finally; what do these tools represent as far as a plan or solution goes in representation of either one ?

Economic systems are mere tools like hammers and screwdrivers. A craftsman chooses the best tool for a particular job.

To even suggest using capitalism in a market absent of competition is to open ones checkbook to "make more money regardless of the cost to others". Might as well send the corporation a blank check.

To use socialism in a market suitable for competition would be not quite as bad, but not as good as using capitalism.

Part of the scapegoating that's a big feature of Republican propaganda through Fox Opinions is to identify the tool of socialism as the devil incarnate. Why? People who don't even know what it is will fall for it, it can be associated with Democrats and through that association democrats become the devil incarnate.

Every day you see the conservatives lined up in a row here goosestepping to that tune.
Thus my read on what you meant was correct.

As to your point... this is a fundamental difference between authoritarians and libertarians. You believe the evil is in using people in a bad way, I believe the evil is in using people. Said another way, you believe the ends justify the means. Correct me If I misstate your view, but I believe you have said if the ends is helping the needy it's ok to take money from peter to pay paul (I call that stealing), if the ends is making rich people even richer, it's not ok to take money from paul to pay peter (you call that stealing). The truth is they are both stealing and they are both wrong.

What I believe is that our life stories are profoundly affected by the country or countries that we live in. And the family that we are born to. And the friends that we make. And the schools that we attend. And the companies that we work for. All of those are part of us.

We are either happy and proud of what we made from all of those ingredients or disappointed.

I'm happy and proud. I want others to share in my good fortune. Along the way I made some money. More than I need to be happy.

I just can't relate to king of the mountain. The one who dies with the most toys wins.

The success of my country ranks right up there with the success of my family in terms of what I would like to leave behind. My role in both of those goals is to do what I can to fix things that are obstacles to that.

Simple. Pragmatic. Objective.

Your histrionics of entitlement do not move me an inch. The risks to the success of my family and country move me greatly.

It is that simple.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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