The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Are you an anarchist too?

No ... I am a business owner ... But I can see where a Progressive Liberal like yourself ... Who neglects their obligations and lacks the initiative or ability to actually achieve a goal could make that mistake.


I am a proud progressive liberal Republican.

" Who neglects their obligations and lacks the initiative or ability to actually achieve a goal could make that mistake."

This in no way describes me. What it does is to describe what must be true of Americans for your propaganda to be true. And you love to think that of Americans because if it's not true you're not the hotshot you dream of being.

You're the perfect mark for propaganda.
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Economic systems are mere tools like hammers and screwdrivers. A craftsman chooses the best tool for a particular job.

To even suggest using capitalism in a market absent of competition is to open ones checkbook to "make more money regardless of the cost to others". Might as well send the corporation a blank check.

To use socialism in a market suitable for competition would be not quite as bad, but not as good as using capitalism.

Part of the scapegoating that's a big feature of Republican propaganda through Fox Opinions is to identify the tool of socialism as the devil incarnate. Why? People who don't even know what it is will fall for it, it can be associated with Democrats and through that association democrats become the devil incarnate.

Every day you see the conservatives lined up in a row here goosestepping to that tune.
Thus my read on what you meant was correct.

As to your point... this is a fundamental difference between authoritarians and libertarians. You believe the evil is in using people in a bad way, I believe the evil is in using people. Said another way, you believe the ends justify the means. Correct me If I misstate your view, but I believe you have said if the ends is helping the needy it's ok to take money from peter to pay paul (I call that stealing), if the ends is making rich people even richer, it's not ok to take money from paul to pay peter (you call that stealing). The truth is they are both stealing and they are both wrong.

What I believe our life stories are profoundly affected by the country or countries that we live in. And the family that we are born to. And the friends that we make. And the schools that we attend. And the companies that we work for. All of those are part of us.

We are either happy and proud of what we made from all of those ingredients or disappointed.

I'm happy and proud. I want others to share in my good fortune. Along the way I made some money. More than I need to be happy.

I just can't relate to king of the mountain. The one who dies with the most toys wins.

The success of my country ranks right up there with the success of my family in terms of what I would like to leave behind. My role in both of those goals is to do what I can to fix things that are obstacles to that.

Simple. Pragmatic. Objective.

Your histrionics of entitlement do not move me an inch. The risks to the success of my family and country move me greatly.

It is that simple.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Yeah, I'd like to say that was moving, but I really don't care what your motives are. The ends do not justify the means that your profess. No matter how eloquently you explain it, the means is the same, you are stealing money from one person to hand over money to another person. Worse you defend the theft being done it in a completely arbitrary way, progressively by level of income.

Then to pour salt on the wound, your "team" distributes the income as hand-outs instead of hand-ups. This presumably to ensure the receiver never progresses. The evidence showing that the people receiving hand-outs are kept down to be a permanent voting class for even more hand-outs.
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Thus my read on what you meant was correct.

As to your point... this is a fundamental difference between authoritarians and libertarians. You believe the evil is in using people in a bad way, I believe the evil is in using people. Said another way, you believe the ends justify the means. Correct me If I misstate your view, but I believe you have said if the ends is helping the needy it's ok to take money from peter to pay paul (I call that stealing), if the ends is making rich people even richer, it's not ok to take money from paul to pay peter (you call that stealing). The truth is they are both stealing and they are both wrong.

What I believe our life stories are profoundly affected by the country or countries that we live in. And the family that we are born to. And the friends that we make. And the schools that we attend. And the companies that we work for. All of those are part of us.

We are either happy and proud of what we made from all of those ingredients or disappointed.

I'm happy and proud. I want others to share in my good fortune. Along the way I made some money. More than I need to be happy.

I just can't relate to king of the mountain. The one who dies with the most toys wins.

The success of my country ranks right up there with the success of my family in terms of what I would like to leave behind. My role in both of those goals is to do what I can to fix things that are obstacles to that.

Simple. Pragmatic. Objective.

Your histrionics of entitlement do not move me an inch. The risks to the success of my family and country move me greatly.

It is that simple.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Yeah, I'd like to say that was moving, but I really don't care what your motives are. The ends do not justify the means your profess, no matter how eloquently you protest that they do.

And I really don't care anything about you other than your impact on what I do care about, America. Those are my ends.
What I believe our life stories are profoundly affected by the country or countries that we live in. And the family that we are born to. And the friends that we make. And the schools that we attend. And the companies that we work for. All of those are part of us.

We are either happy and proud of what we made from all of those ingredients or disappointed.

I'm happy and proud. I want others to share in my good fortune. Along the way I made some money. More than I need to be happy.

I just can't relate to king of the mountain. The one who dies with the most toys wins.

The success of my country ranks right up there with the success of my family in terms of what I would like to leave behind. My role in both of those goals is to do what I can to fix things that are obstacles to that.

Simple. Pragmatic. Objective.

Your histrionics of entitlement do not move me an inch. The risks to the success of my family and country move me greatly.

It is that simple.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Yeah, I'd like to say that was moving, but I really don't care what your motives are. The ends do not justify the means your profess, no matter how eloquently you protest that they do.

And I really don't care anything about you other than your impact on what I do care about, America. Those are my ends.

Caring about America, or my personal impact on it, is not an ends. Perhaps you confuse emotion for results?
Yeah, I'd like to say that was moving, but I really don't care what your motives are. The ends do not justify the means your profess, no matter how eloquently you protest that they do.

And I really don't care anything about you other than your impact on what I do care about, America. Those are my ends.

Caring about America, or my personal impact on it, is not an ends. Perhaps you confuse emotion for results?

Taking care of America is.
And I really don't care anything about you other than your impact on what I do care about, America. Those are my ends.

Caring about America, or my personal impact on it, is not an ends. Perhaps you confuse emotion for results?

Taking care of America is.

Which part, the part you are stealing from or the part you are redistributing to? What makes you think redistribution, is the solution? What makes you think 50% of Americans need help from the other half? What makes you think hand-outs are gonna make the bottom half better off in the long run? You say you never received hand-outs, yet that is the answer you want. Is that because you think you are better than everyone else?
I am a proud progressive liberal Republican.

" Who neglects their obligations and lacks the initiative or ability to actually achieve a goal could make that mistake."

This in no way describes me. What it does is to describe what must be true of Americans for your propaganda to be true. And you love to think that of Americans because if it's not true you're not the hotshot you dream of being.

Your the perfect mark for propaganda.

Propaganda would only work if someone had something I either desired or needed ... Politically speaking anyway.
I am a Conservative ... I didn't describe you as anything you haven't already described yourself as ... Although you like your own propaganda a little better than the way things look in broad daylight.

So if it isn't true ... What I think about you ...

What part of wanting the government to fail at doing what you should be doing and it cannot do ... Because you are too lazy to or inept at accomplishing the goals on your own ... Do you actually disagree with?

And realize that even if you disagree with the first part of it ... It still means the other is true.

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Caring about America, or my personal impact on it, is not an ends. Perhaps you confuse emotion for results?

Taking care of America is.

Which part, the part you are stealing from or the part you are redistributing to? What makes you think redistribution, is the solution? What makes you think 50% of Americans need help from the other half? What makes you think hand-outs are gonna make the bottom half better off in the long run? You say you never received hand-outs, yet that is the answer you want. Is that because you think you are better than everyone else?

I believe all of the research that concluded that wealth inequality is the only thing that correlates with the bulk of social ills that this country is suffering from.

Whereas there is no research that I've seen that says making the poor poorer and the rich richer solves any problem. In fact from my experience in Africa, I'd say that the evidence is overwhelming that it would make things much worse here.
I am a proud progressive liberal Republican.

" Who neglects their obligations and lacks the initiative or ability to actually achieve a goal could make that mistake."

This in no way describes me. What it does is to describe what must be true of Americans for your propaganda to be true. And you love to think that of Americans because if it's not true you're not the hotshot you dream of being.

Your the perfect mark for propaganda.

Propaganda would only work if someone had something I either desired or needed ... Politically speaking anyway.
I am a Conservative ... I didn't describe you as anything you haven't already described yourself as ... Although you like your own propaganda a little better than the way things look in broad daylight.

So if it isn't true ... What I think about you ...

What part of wanting the government to fail at doing what you should be doing and it cannot do ... Because you are too lazy to or inept at accomplishing the goals on your own ... Do you actually disagree with?

And realize that even if you disagree with the first part of it ... It still means the other is true.


You are a fine mark for propaganda because they do offer what you want. Importance. They tell you that you are superior, and the scapegoats inferior, because of your conservatism and their liberalism. For someone in desperate need of attention that is the siren's song. You get all worked up here because I expose you as not only not important, but not very bright. Ouch!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
You are a fine mark for propaganda because they do offer what you want. Importance. They tell you that you are superior, and the scapegoats inferior, because of your conservatism and their liberalism. For someone in desperate need of attention that is the siren's song. You get all worked up here because I expose you as not only not important, but not very bright. Ouch!

Nobody has told me I am superior ... And if doing what I am supposed to do makes me superior ... What the hell does that say about you?
I don't think people are inferior ... You are the one that goes around saying that some people cannot do any better ... I am the person that helps them get to a better place.
Being a Conservative doesn't make me superior ... It just means that I don't need your money, or your government to do what needs to be done.

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Taking care of America is.

Which part, the part you are stealing from or the part you are redistributing to? What makes you think redistribution, is the solution? What makes you think 50% of Americans need help from the other half? What makes you think hand-outs are gonna make the bottom half better off in the long run? You say you never received hand-outs, yet that is the answer you want. Is that because you think you are better than everyone else?

I believe all of the research that concluded that wealth inequality is the only thing that correlates with the bulk of social ills that this country is suffering from.

Whereas there is no research that I've seen that says making the poor poorer and the rich richer solves any problem. In fact from my experience in Africa, I'd say that the evidence is overwhelming that it would make things much worse here.

Just keep telling yourself that hand-outs are better than hand-ups.
Which part, the part you are stealing from or the part you are redistributing to? What makes you think redistribution, is the solution? What makes you think 50% of Americans need help from the other half? What makes you think hand-outs are gonna make the bottom half better off in the long run? You say you never received hand-outs, yet that is the answer you want. Is that because you think you are better than everyone else?

I believe all of the research that concluded that wealth inequality is the only thing that correlates with the bulk of social ills that this country is suffering from.

Whereas there is no research that I've seen that says making the poor poorer and the rich richer solves any problem. In fact from my experience in Africa, I'd say that the evidence is overwhelming that it would make things much worse here.

Just keep telling yourself that hand-outs are better than hand-ups.

I'm not telling myself. Statistics are telling me. Data. I have evidence to support solutions, you have what you wish was true because it allows you to dream of a bigger victory over America.
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You are a fine mark for propaganda because they do offer what you want. Importance. They tell you that you are superior, and the scapegoats inferior, because of your conservatism and their liberalism. For someone in desperate need of attention that is the siren's song. You get all worked up here because I expose you as not only not important, but not very bright. Ouch!

Nobody has told me I am superior ... And if doing what I am supposed to do makes me superior ... What the hell does that say about you?
I don't think people are inferior ... You are the one that goes around saying that some people cannot do any better ... I am the person that helps them get to a better place.
Being a Conservative doesn't make me superior ... It just means that I don't need your money, or your government to do what needs to be done.


Fox Opinions every time you turn it on tells that you are superior, and those "others", the scapegoats, are decidedly inferior, and stealing from you, and that's why you are entitled to lots more comfort than they. Big luxurious cars, houses, fashion, vacations, furnishings.

They drag you around by the nose everyday and you follow happily, while visions of sugarplums dance in your head. More for me, more for me, more for me.
I'm not telling myself. Statistics is telling me. I have evidence to support solutions, you have what you wish was true because it allows you to dream of a bigger victory over America.

Your attempts to turn government into statistics ... Is why you couldn't apply simple reasoning to get a truck out of a ditch.

It isn't math ... It is labor and what you do to make things better that makes a difference.
The evidence is plain enough to see as soon as the truck is out of the ditch ... And the only solution worth looking at is the one that accomplished the job most efficiently.

If you have to build a ladder to get over a fence ... Because you are too stupid to walk through the gate ... It doesn't matter what the statistics are ... And the evidence will support the fact you got over the fence either anyway.

I'm not telling myself. Statistics is telling me. I have evidence to support solutions, you have what you wish was true because it allows you to dream of a bigger victory over America.

Your attempts to turn government into statistics ... Is why you couldn't apply simple reasoning to get a truck out of a ditch.

It isn't math ... It is labor and what you do to make things better that makes a difference.
The evidence is plain enough to see as soon as the truck is out of the ditch ... And the only solution worth looking at is the one that accomplished the job most efficiently.

If you have to build a ladder to get over a fence ... Because you are too stupid to walk through the gate ... It doesn't matter what the statistics are ... And the evidence will support the fact you got over the fence either anyway.


I came up with more solutions to the "truck problem" than you did. You limited yourself to conservative over simplified black and white thinking. Exactly the reason why conservatism is destructive in business, government, and religion.

Your posts reek of Fox Opinions arrogance.
Fox Opinions every time you turn it on tells that you are superior, and those "others", the scapegoats, are decidedly inferior, and stealing from you, and that's why you are entitled to lots more comfort than they. Big luxurious cars, houses, fashion, vacations, furnishings.

They drag you around by the nose everyday and you follow happily, while visions of sugarplums dance in your head. More for me, more for me, more for me.

I am afraid it is people like you that want to express that we are not entitled to keep what we earn ... Or use what we earn to better the world around us without your wanton corruption, abuse and waste.

The only person identifying scapegoats around here is you ... Every time you mention Fox News ... Along with what you think they tell me and what you think it means to me.
That is just a reflection of how easily you are influenced by the media ... And identifies where you find whatever is necessary to support your ideas.

The only people screaming "More for me" are the people that don't have it to start with and want to take it from someone else ... And whether or not you want to call it theft is up to you.

One way to look at conservatism vs liberalism is from the perspective of offense and defense.

Conservatives focus on defense. Not losing. Protecting what one has. Caution and risk avoidance.

Liberals focus on offense. Aggressive progress. Winning. More for everyone instead of more for me.

If you're losing, conservativism can slow down the rate. But liberalism will still go for the win.
I came up with more solutions to the "truck problem" than you did. You limited yourself to conservative over simplified black and white thinking. Exactly the reason why conservatism is destructive in business, government, and religion.

Your posts reek of Fox Opinions arrogance.

You didn't have single solution ...

You said I needed to ask if my neighbor needed help ... When he is sitting there with his truck stuck in a ditch.
You said I needed to investigate whether or not he had already called someone ... When I am sitting there with the ability to get his truck out of the ditch.
You suggested I offer my neighbor a ride ... When I can get his truck out the ditch and he can drive himself.
You suggested I let my neighbor use my phone ... When I said I would be glad to let him use my phone to tell someone he was on his way.
None of what you suggested would have done anything to get his truck out of the ditch and solve the problem.

The simple fact that you believe you offered any solution that wasn't already trumped by the fact the problem was solved ... Is a testament to Progressive Liberal idiocy.

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Thus my read on what you meant was correct.

As to your point... this is a fundamental difference between authoritarians and libertarians. You believe the evil is in using people in a bad way, I believe the evil is in using people. Said another way, you believe the ends justify the means. Correct me If I misstate your view, but I believe you have said if the ends is helping the needy it's ok to take money from peter to pay paul (I call that stealing), if the ends is making rich people even richer, it's not ok to take money from paul to pay peter (you call that stealing). The truth is they are both stealing and they are both wrong.

What I believe our life stories are profoundly affected by the country or countries that we live in. And the family that we are born to. And the friends that we make. And the schools that we attend. And the companies that we work for. All of those are part of us.

We are either happy and proud of what we made from all of those ingredients or disappointed.

I'm happy and proud. I want others to share in my good fortune. Along the way I made some money. More than I need to be happy.

I just can't relate to king of the mountain. The one who dies with the most toys wins.

The success of my country ranks right up there with the success of my family in terms of what I would like to leave behind. My role in both of those goals is to do what I can to fix things that are obstacles to that.

Simple. Pragmatic. Objective.

Your histrionics of entitlement do not move me an inch. The risks to the success of my family and country move me greatly.

It is that simple.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Yeah, I'd like to say that was moving, but I really don't care what your motives are. The ends do not justify the means that your profess. No matter how eloquently you explain it, the means is the same, you are stealing money from one person to hand over money to another person. Worse you defend the theft being done it in a completely arbitrary way, progressively by level of income.

Then to pour salt on the wound, your "team" distributes the income as hand-outs instead of hand-ups. This presumably to ensure the receiver never progresses. The evidence showing that the people receiving hand-outs are kept down to be a permanent voting class for even more hand-outs.
I agree that there is a mindset that is dangerous today, and it has been for quite sometime now, because like you say if it was a hand up instead of a handout then no one would have a problem with helping out in the biggest ways (yet wanting solid results in return), but the evidence is hard to refute as to what has been going on over the years. Then people wonder why there is so much defensiveness and divisiveness about these kinds of issues that go on and on and on.

What I have seen is a government that has tried to take these programs from way back, and to try and transform America into the way that it is now (unbalanced) or (off balance).

So far they have been successful with it all, but the people are just now and are finally waking up to what has gone on in it all, and so I ask why is that you reckon ? I think it's because it is attacking their wallet in ways that it never has before, and so now they are awaken to it all finally. If this nation was truly working to eradicate poverty as much as possible, and to bring it to a nation that is more united, then it wouldn't have gone the route that it has taken in all of this over the years. The problem is that we have all these victim groups that are determined to remain the victims until the cows come home now, and they do this for a reason. They are going to exploit the issues until they get where they want to be or get what they want finally out of it all, and they are going to make everyone pay for this by the hammer of the federal government upon us all until the end results are acquired finally by them. It is a problem! The government is to blame for it all, because it has mismanaged the whole thing for the past 50 years now, and it is still mismanaging it to this day.

When ever they took tax payers money, and used it as a handout instead of a hand up, then they had done wrong, and when they incentivized growth in poverty by way of those very same taxes, then they done wrong again, and when they placed roofs over the heads of those who would use those shelters for baby making factories, then they had done wrong again. This is what has happened in America, and it is still happening to this very day. The feds trying to shift the balance of power in this nation over time, seems to have been a long term agenda of theirs. It should have been that they would not have lied about all of this over the years, and they would have been working to achieve true equality and opportunity for all Americans under the laws that were created, but what we are seeing is a reversal of fortunes by way of the feds hammers upon this nation, instead of a free society that is a merit based society in which it should be as based upon certain agreements by all who are on board with such agreements.

The biggest tragedy is the incentivizing of poverty by way of our tax dollars taken by the feds, in which then caused the swelling up of a population by the millions, and all because of this ideology or failed plan that was used on this nation for to long now. It was a plan in which has placed us all in the predicament that we are in and/or we are all constantly having to grapple with in this nation, especially when it comes to poverty and what to do with it in the right ways instead of the wrong ways finally.
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I came up with more solutions to the "truck problem" than you did. You limited yourself to conservative over simplified black and white thinking. Exactly the reason why conservatism is destructive in business, government, and religion.

Your posts reek of Fox Opinions arrogance.

You didn't have single solution ...

You said I needed to ask if my neighbor needed help ... When he is sitting there with his truck stuck in a ditch.
You said I needed to investigate whether or not he had already called someone ... When I am sitting there with the ability to get his truck out of the ditch.
You suggested I offer my neighbor a ride ... When I can get his truck out the ditch and he can drive himself.
You suggested I let my neighbor use my phone ... When I said I would be glad to let him use my phone to tell someone he was on his way.
None of what you suggested would have done anything to get his truck out of the ditch and solve the problem.

The simple fact that you believe you offered any solution that wasn't already trumped by the fact the problem was solved ... Is a testament to Progressive Liberal idiocy.


PMS simply runs in circles with its words and throws out "Fox News" as if it's making a salient feels its "opinions" are facts and therefore indisputable.

When it's cornered it acts as if it has won something and pretends to feel sorry for you.

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