The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

State where I act like a Dixiecrat ... Just point it out ... And try to actually answer the question.
I don't want any of your normal make believe garbage either ... Point to what I have said the indicates I am Dixiecrat.


When are you going to answer my question?

The issue that confounded our founders more than any was the relative power of state vs federal.

The federalists won.

The question came up again when the Confederacy challenged the Union. The Union won.

It came up again in the 60s when the federal government required equal rights for everyone and many southern States said that you aren't the boss of me. Dixiecrats lost again.

Whenever I hear people raising the same argument again, for a weekened federal government, I just assume that it's another dixiecrat uprising.

In the first place ... Dixiecrats were Democrats that switched to the Republican Party after the civil rights act was passed.
I wasn't alive when the Civil Rights Act was passed ... Much less the Civil War.

Now answer the question ... What have I posted that would even indicate I am a Dixiecrat.
Quit dodging or admit defeat.


I'll admit it when it happens.

When are you going to answer my question.

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State where I act like a Dixiecrat ... Just point it out ... And try to actually answer the question.
I don't want any of your normal make believe garbage either ... Point to what I have said the indicates I am Dixiecrat.


When are you going to answer my question?

The issue that confounded our founders more than any was the relative power of state vs federal.

The federalists won.

The question came up again when the Confederacy challenged the Union. The Union won.

It came up again in the 60s when the federal government required equal rights for everyone and many southern States said that you aren't the boss of me. Dixiecrats lost again.

Whenever I hear people raising the same argument again, for a weekened federal government, I just assume that it's another dixiecrat uprising.

In the first place ... Dixiecrats were Democrats that switched to the Republican Party after the civil rights act was passed.
I wasn't alive when the Civil Rights Act was passed ... Much less the Civil War.

Now answer the question ... What have I posted that would even indicate I am a Dixiecrat.
Quit dodging or admit defeat.


You're pretty thick tonight.

Dixiecrats are states righters. Want a weak federal government. Sounds like you to me.

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I'll admit it when it happens.

When are you going to answer my question.

A Strict Constructionist is someone that believes in the letter of the law as written.

I gave you the short version seeing as you have difficulties with anything too complex.
If you want to discuss any aspect of that ... Then pose a question that makes some sense ... And I will do my best to answer it.

Now if you don't want to admit that you cannot find anything that indicates I am a Dixiecrat ... Then that is fine with me.
I am well aware of what that means dealing with you ... And you don't really strike me a s someone who would admit to their failures anyway.

I'll admit it when it happens.

When are you going to answer my question.

A Strict Constructionist is someone that believes in the letter of the law as written.

I gave you the short version seeing as you have difficulties with anything too complex.
If you want to discuss any aspect of that ... Then pose a question that makes some sense ... And I will do my best to answer it.

Now if you don't want to admit that you cannot find anything that indicates I am a Dixiecrat ... Then that is fine with me.
I am well aware of what that means dealing with you ... And you don't really strike me a s someone who would admit to their failures anyway.


You and I have something in common. I'm apparently a Strict Constructionist, but I thought that you were one of those who wants a different interpretation of the Constitution than the one that SCOTUS arrived at.
I'll admit it when it happens.

When are you going to answer my question.

A Strict Constructionist is someone that believes in the letter of the law as written.

I gave you the short version seeing as you have difficulties with anything too complex.
If you want to discuss any aspect of that ... Then pose a question that makes some sense ... And I will do my best to answer it.

Now if you don't want to admit that you cannot find anything that indicates I am a Dixiecrat ... Then that is fine with me.
I am well aware of what that means dealing with you ... And you don't really strike me a s someone who would admit to their failures anyway.


You're not an advocate of a weakened federal government?
You're pretty thick tonight.
Dixiecrats are states righters. Want a weak federal government. Sounds like you to me.

So now you want to say I am a Democrat ... Not to mention I wasn't alive in 1948 either?
Dixiecrats were Democrats and desired to protect State's Rights ... But they also supported Jim Crow laws and segregation ... Neither of which I have even hinted at supporting.
The Dixiecrats shifted to the republican party after the Civil Rights Act was passed as I have already stated.
Now of that could possibly apply to me ... because I wasn't born yet.

Between the two of us ... You are the person that thinks some people cannot perform better and improve their lives ... Not me.
You and your ideas treat Americans as second class citizens ... When you try to suggest they are incapable of survival without welfare.

Of course that doesn't make you a Dixiecrat ... It puts you more in line with Progressive Liberals ... Because with you (like me) race is not a determining factor.

Obama is more than a failure, that is being to kind. Obama is simply inept and incompetent on many levels.

Makes America look weak

You and I have something in common. I'm apparently a Strict Constructionist, but I thought that you were one of those who wants a different interpretation of the Constitution than the one that SCOTUS arrived at.

If that is what you think ... Then you still don't understand what a Strict Constructionist is.
Don't worry though ... Progressive Liberals hate them ... And mainly because Strict Constructionists don't view the Constitution as a "living breathing document".

You're pretty thick tonight.
Dixiecrats are states righters. Want a weak federal government. Sounds like you to me.

So now you want to say I am a Democrat ... Not to mention I wasn't alive in 1948 either?
Dixiecrats were Democrats and desired to protect State's Rights ... But they also supported Jim Crow laws and segregation ... Neither of which I have even hinted at supporting.
The Dixiecrats shifted to the republican party after the Civil Rights Act was passed as I have already stated.
Now of that could possibly apply to me ... because I wasn't born yet.

Between the two of us ... You are the person that thinks some people cannot perform better and improve their lives ... Not me.
You and your ideas treat Americans as second class citizens ... When you try to suggest they are incapable of survival without welfare.

Of course that doesn't make you a Dixiecrat ... It puts you more in line with Progressive Liberals ... Because with you (like me) race is not a determining factor.


I asked if you were an advocate of weakened federal government. What I got was a bunch of BS but no answer.

While you are avoiding that answer here's another to avoid.

You took the propaganda road and spoke for me by saying "You and your ideas treat Americans as second class citizens ... When you try to suggest they are incapable of survival without welfare."

Yesterday I said the solution to poverty was a good paying job for all of America's residents who want one.

You said no, not possible. What they need is a hand up. Since then I've been looking all over for this magic hand up. It seems as elusive as all conservative solutions. It sounds different than do nothing but nobody seems to know how it differs.
You're not an advocate of a weakened federal government?

Do you know what a Conservative is?


No, it doesn't.
It has this contruct in its head and it just keeps repeating the mantra time after time.
It contructs its own truth and the parameters by which it decides what truth is.

Your post is reminiscent of Jabberwocky. Did you really mean to put these words together?
No, it doesn't.
It has this contruct in its head and it just keeps repeating the mantra time after time.
It contructs its own truth and the parameters by which it decides what truth is.

Actually ... I figured as long as I can keep PMZ busy here ... And bripat keeps knocking PMZ around in the "fair share" thread ... We are both doing the rest of the USMB community a favor keeping the poor thing far away from any decent discussion.

But I cannot argue with your entire assessment of PMZ.

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No, it doesn't.
It has this contruct in its head and it just keeps repeating the mantra time after time.
It contructs its own truth and the parameters by which it decides what truth is.

Actually ... I figured as long as I can keep PMZ busy here ... And bripat keeps knocking PMZ around in the "fair share" thread ... We are both dong the rest of the USMB community a favor keeping the poor thing far away from any decent discussion.

But I cannot argue with your entire assessment of PMZ.


Dance, Bo, dance.
You're pretty thick tonight.
Dixiecrats are states righters. Want a weak federal government. Sounds like you to me.

So now you want to say I am a Democrat ... Not to mention I wasn't alive in 1948 either?
Dixiecrats were Democrats and desired to protect State's Rights ... But they also supported Jim Crow laws and segregation ... Neither of which I have even hinted at supporting.
The Dixiecrats shifted to the republican party after the Civil Rights Act was passed as I have already stated.
Now of that could possibly apply to me ... because I wasn't born yet.

Between the two of us ... You are the person that thinks some people cannot perform better and improve their lives ... Not me.
You and your ideas treat Americans as second class citizens ... When you try to suggest they are incapable of survival without welfare.

Of course that doesn't make you a Dixiecrat ... It puts you more in line with Progressive Liberals ... Because with you (like me) race is not a determining factor.


I asked if you were an advocate of weakened federal government. What I got was a bunch of BS but no answer.

While you are avoiding that answer here's another to avoid.

You took the propaganda road and spoke for me by saying "You and your ideas treat Americans as second class citizens ... When you try to suggest they are incapable of survival without welfare."

Yesterday I said the solution to poverty was a good paying job for all of America's residents who want one.

You said no, not possible. What they need is a hand up. Since then I've been looking all over for this magic hand up. It seems as elusive as all conservative solutions. It sounds different than do nothing but nobody seems to know how it differs.

You suggested that the only way Americans could get a better paying job was to pay them more for doing the same thing ... Including minimum wage ... And I most certainly disagreed with that.
At the same time ... That means you don't think they are capable of getting a better job that pays more.
Your desire to keep Americans in a minimum wage job ... And simply pay them more ... Is treating them like second class citizens ... And not worth the effort to assist in finding something better.

The problem with your ... "I have been looking all over for the magic hand up" ... Is that you don't have clue where to look.
The simplest place to look is within yourself ... And get to the job of actually helping people.
Beyond that ... The Workforce Investment Act was passed into law in 1998 ... And is already funded by the government as well as supported by private institutions and community members.
Provisions in the WIA make it extremely favorable for low income earners to achieve higher skill sets ... And to the extent that they are completely free for low income earners and people on unemployment.

As far as "weakening the Federal Government" ... Well that is a pipedream outside of a great overhaul that I don't see happening anytime soon.
As a Conservative now ... I am faced with the obligation to see that we don't keep surrendering more power to the government ... Giving them more control over things to screw up.

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So now you want to say I am a Democrat ... Not to mention I wasn't alive in 1948 either?
Dixiecrats were Democrats and desired to protect State's Rights ... But they also supported Jim Crow laws and segregation ... Neither of which I have even hinted at supporting.
The Dixiecrats shifted to the republican party after the Civil Rights Act was passed as I have already stated.
Now of that could possibly apply to me ... because I wasn't born yet.

Between the two of us ... You are the person that thinks some people cannot perform better and improve their lives ... Not me.
You and your ideas treat Americans as second class citizens ... When you try to suggest they are incapable of survival without welfare.

Of course that doesn't make you a Dixiecrat ... It puts you more in line with Progressive Liberals ... Because with you (like me) race is not a determining factor.


I asked if you were an advocate of weakened federal government. What I got was a bunch of BS but no answer.

While you are avoiding that answer here's another to avoid.

You took the propaganda road and spoke for me by saying "You and your ideas treat Americans as second class citizens ... When you try to suggest they are incapable of survival without welfare."

Yesterday I said the solution to poverty was a good paying job for all of America's residents who want one.

You said no, not possible. What they need is a hand up. Since then I've been looking all over for this magic hand up. It seems as elusive as all conservative solutions. It sounds different than do nothing but nobody seems to know how it differs.

You suggested that the only way Americans could get a better paying job was to pay them more for doing the same thing ... Including minimum wage ... And I most certainly disagreed with that.
At the same time ... That means you don't think they are capable of getting a better job that pays more.
Your desire to keep Americans in a minimum wage job ... And simply pay them more ... Is treating them like second class citizens ... And not worth the effort to assist in finding something better.

The problem with your ... "I have been looking all over for the magic hand up" ... is that you don't have clue where to look.
The simplest place to look is within yourself ... And get to the job of actually helping people.
Beyond that ... The Workforce Investment Act was passed into law in 1998 ... And is already funded by the government as well as supported by private institutions and community members.
provisions in the WIA make it extremely favorable for low income earners to achieve higher skill sets ... And to the extent that they are completely free for low income earners and people on unemployment.

As far as "weakening the Federal Government" ... Well that is a pipedream outside of a great overhaul that I don't see happening anytime soon.
As a Conservative now ... I am faced with the obligation to see that we don't keep surrendering more power to the government ... Giving them more control over things to screw up.


So a hand up out of poverty is to keep wages low and make up for it with government welfare.

If I "look within myself" there's no poverty. I got educated and worked hard and saved and retired. Part of being retired is helping feed the homeless and build HFH homes.

I assume that there's not a single person in America that doesn't know about volunteering to help people. Not one. It is what it is.

So we're back to do nothing. Hope the problem goes away.

Add to that "I am faced with the obligation to see that we don't keep surrendering more power to the government ... Giving them more control over things to screw up."

That adds up to doing nothing privately or publicly. Run away from all problems.

The conservative recipe for a successful country.

Does that formula work well in business and religion too?
So a hand up out of poverty is to keep wages low and make up for it with government welfare.

If I "look within myself" there's no poverty. I got educated and worked hard and saved and retired. Part of being retired is helping feed the homeless and build HFH homes.

I assume that there's not a single person in America that doesn't know about volunteering to help people. Not one. It is what it is.

So we're back to do nothing. Hope the problem goes away.

Add to that "I am faced with the obligation to see that we don't keep surrendering more power to the government ... Giving them more control over things to screw up."

That adds up to doing nothing privately or publicly. Run away from all problems.

The conservative recipe for a successful country.

Does that formula work well in business and religion too?

The WIA doesn't pay you to do nothing ... It affords you the opportunity to improve your life forever ... Didn't figure you would understand that.
The way you change things is to change them ... And keeping wages low is not necessarily good ... But as a conservative it is none of the government's business ... Didn't figure you would understand that either.
The fact that you look to the government to fix problems when most people (certainly not you) could do a better job assisting others more effectively and efficiently by doing it themselves ... Is why Progressive Liberal plans are a failure and never fix anything.

The only people doing nothing are people like you ... Who pass your responsibilities off to the government ... Blame others for your failures ... And then think you sound smart doing it.

Of course proactive investment works in business ... As well as community involvement.
The more a business does for the community, its employees and the environment ... The more comes back to it.
Hell ... Investing in the community is the best thing a private business can do on its own ... And the money will flow back in without any help from the government.
But really ... You already know that ... You were some big-wig Design Engineer and Manager for such an awesome business.
You have to know what you were saying is a crock of crap ... Or maybe you were just a schmuck they could puppet around.

I'm now retired.

You refused to do your civic duty while you worked and now you're using retirement as an excuse? Why don't you come out of retirement? Your country needs you now more than it ever did back when you worked.

Why won't you come out of retirement and create just a few six-figure jobs for people in your community? The nation is hurting. The Dumbocrats have collapsed the economy. I don't understand why you're not willing to step up to the plate for your nation?

Nor do I understand why you are trying to destroy the nation.

Do you realize that when it occurs to you that your blind ideology is wrong, you throw a tantrum like a small child? Once you are up against a point that you have no intelligent response for (which is about 95%), you just throw out nonsense that doesn't even apply.

The only thing I've ever advocated is Constitutional government. If that's your idea of "destroy" the nation, well, you're even more unhinged than I realized.

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