The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

That wasn't the question now was it.

You have this rock stuck in your head that in business only the owner of the means determines success. That's ludicrous. Workers satisfying customers with innovative goods and services is what causes growth and growth causes hiring. I hired and fired. Mostly hired because of growth. Who wrote the paycheck was a mere detail.

You're being completely and thoroughly disingenuous again.

I never said that business is the only "means to determine success". Your claim is that business owners don't provide good paying jobs. I asked if you felt that way, why didn't you come to the rescue of your fellow citizen and provide those good paying jobs instead of demanding someone else do it (like a typical lazy Dumbocrat)? You still haven't answered that question.

So one more time - why didn't you provide some well paying jobs to your fellow citizen?

And I told you that I did "provide those good paying jobs".

What we don't know is if you did.

No, you didn't PMZ. You've never hired one single person out of your own pocket and you know it. Working on an assembly line and deluding yourself into thinking that your somehow providing a job is asinine beyond words.

You've never hired any full time employee out of your own pocket and you know it. So why not? Because you're a typical Dumbocrat who only takes but never gives back? If I'm wrong, then please tell us why (the fact that you can't after 30 pages now speaks volumes).
Yet you allow the MSM's Liberal anchors to subtly influence you and tell you what issues to be upset about.
You watch Katie Couric defend the indefensible, but O'Reilly's opinion is sinister? You really are a biased, hypocritical tool, aren't you?

NOW I am still waiting for you to show me which people have changed their hats.

Hey Ernie ... If you haven't seen this, it is worth the watch.
Watching Nancy Pelosi try to defend the ACA is funnier than PMZ ... It is worth the 6 plus minutes ... She completely falls apart and cannot answer the questions.
David Gregory nails her down over and over ... And she is clueless.


Listening to this ultra stupid bitch parrot her talking points over and over is simply mind-numbing. can you crow about "accessible" healthcare when 5 million people have had their existing health insurance cancelled? :bang: can you crow about "affordable" when everyone's health insurance has skyrocketed to cover the cost of this nightmare?!? :bang:
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You're being completely and thoroughly disingenuous again.

I never said that business is the only "means to determine success". Your claim is that business owners don't provide good paying jobs. I asked if you felt that way, why didn't you come to the rescue of your fellow citizen and provide those good paying jobs instead of demanding someone else do it (like a typical lazy Dumbocrat)? You still haven't answered that question.

So one more time - why didn't you provide some well paying jobs to your fellow citizen?

And I told you that I did "provide those good paying jobs".

What we don't know is if you did.

No, you didn't PMZ. You've never hired one single person out of your own pocket and you know it. Working on an assembly line and deluding yourself into thinking that your somehow providing a job is asinine beyond words.

You've never hired any full time employee out of your own pocket and you know it. So why not? Because you're a typical Dumbocrat who only takes but never gives back? If I'm wrong, then please tell us why (the fact that you can't after 30 pages now speaks volumes).

Yeah but don't you just love how he minimized the people that paid the paychecks. Yeah those people are shit, it was all about him cause he was paid by these shits to hire and fire a few shits. Still waiting to find out if it's Princess MZ or Prince MZ.
And I told you that I did "provide those good paying jobs".

What we don't know is if you did.

No, you didn't PMZ. You've never hired one single person out of your own pocket and you know it. Working on an assembly line and deluding yourself into thinking that your somehow providing a job is asinine beyond words.

You've never hired any full time employee out of your own pocket and you know it. So why not? Because you're a typical Dumbocrat who only takes but never gives back? If I'm wrong, then please tell us why (the fact that you can't after 30 pages now speaks volumes).

Yeah but don't you just love how he minimized the people that paid the paychecks. Yeah those people are shit, it was all about him cause he was paid by these shits to hire and fire a few shits. Still waiting to find out if it's Princess MZ or Prince MZ.

Well, that's exactly my point RKM. This asshole has bashed people who provide jobs, yet he has NEVER provided a single job to anyone in his entire life.

How do someone sit on their fat lazy ass bashing hard working people for not providing "living wage" jobs when that someone has NEVER provided even ONE "living wage" job?!? :bang3:

It's the most absurd thing I can imagine and it illustrates the idiocy and the entitlement mentality of the worthless Dumbocrat.
So a hand up out of poverty is to keep wages low and make up for it with government welfare.

If I "look within myself" there's no poverty. I got educated and worked hard and saved and retired. Part of being retired is helping feed the homeless and build HFH homes.

I assume that there's not a single person in America that doesn't know about volunteering to help people. Not one. It is what it is.

So we're back to do nothing. Hope the problem goes away.

Add to that "I am faced with the obligation to see that we don't keep surrendering more power to the government ... Giving them more control over things to screw up."

That adds up to doing nothing privately or publicly. Run away from all problems.

The conservative recipe for a successful country.

Does that formula work well in business and religion too?

The WIA doesn't pay you to do nothing ... It affords you the opportunity to improve your life forever ... Didn't figure you would understand that.
The way you change things is to change them ... And keeping wages low is not necessarily good ... But as a conservative it is none of the government's business ... Didn't figure you would understand that either.
The fact that you look to the government to fix problems when most people (certainly not you) could do a better job assisting others more effectively and efficiently by doing it themselves ... Is why Progressive Liberal plans are a failure and never fix anything.

The only people doing nothing are people like you ... Who pass your responsibilities off to the government ... Blame others for your failures ... And then think you sound smart doing it.

Of course proactive investment works in business ... As well as community involvement.
The more a business does for the community, its employees and the environment ... The more comes back to it.
Hell ... Investing in the community is the best thing a private business can do on its own ... And the money will flow back in without any help from the government.
But really ... You already know that ... You were some big-wig Design Engineer and Manager for such an awesome business.
You have to know what you were saying is a crock of crap ... Or maybe you were just a schmuck they could puppet around.


There absolutely nothing limiting any private effort to relieve poverty. So, whatever is going on now, is what we have. It's not working.

Now you can say that a miracle will occur and private efforts will redouble, but there is no reason to even hope for that.

So, you say eliminate welfare, and that will inspire the poverty stricken. Inspire them to what? A minimum wage job that won't pay the bills? Where is that going?

The fact that we all pay taxes for welfare and the country is in debt has one solution. Economic growth. Business is the only solution and so far, they've failed us.
You refused to do your civic duty while you worked and now you're using retirement as an excuse? Why don't you come out of retirement? Your country needs you now more than it ever did back when you worked.

Why won't you come out of retirement and create just a few six-figure jobs for people in your community? The nation is hurting. The Dumbocrats have collapsed the economy. I don't understand why you're not willing to step up to the plate for your nation?

Nor do I understand why you are trying to destroy the nation.

Do you realize that when it occurs to you that your blind ideology is wrong, you throw a tantrum like a small child? Once you are up against a point that you have no intelligent response for (which is about 95%), you just throw out nonsense that doesn't even apply.

The only thing I've ever advocated is Constitutional government. If that's your idea of "destroy" the nation, well, you're even more unhinged than I realized.

Conservative government brought us as close to national bankruptcy as we have ever been. Yet you advocate for a return

ARE YOU NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There absolutely nothing limiting any private effort to relieve poverty. So, whatever is going on now, is what we have. It's not working.

Now you can say that a miracle will occur and private efforts will redouble, but there is no reason to even hope for that.

So, you say eliminate welfare, and that will inspire the poverty stricken. Inspire them to what? A minimum wage job that won't pay the bills? Where is that going?

The fact that we all pay taxes for welfare and the country is in debt has one solution. Economic growth. Business is the only solution and so far, they've failed us.

You cannot say it isn't working when it works every day ... And the only place nothing is working is where Progressive Liberals are involved ... And trying to make something that doesn't work fix a problem they can never solve with the government.
I didn't say a damn thing about miracles ... I said private Businesses see a benefit in growth, resources and revenues when they invest in the community ... And they do, but it comes from actually doing something not the government.
I didn't say anything about eliminating welfare ... I said you are a sorry person for thinking it is an acceptable recourse ... And that it is what you use as an excuse to shirk your responsibilities.
We don't all pay income taxes ... Punishing economic growth certainly doesn't encourage it ... Businesses and the actual people who run them are a great benefit and don't need approval or agreement from you to accomplish anything.

There absolutely nothing limiting any private effort to relieve poverty. So, whatever is going on now, is what we have. It's not working.

Now you can say that a miracle will occur and private efforts will redouble, but there is no reason to even hope for that.

So, you say eliminate welfare, and that will inspire the poverty stricken. Inspire them to what? A minimum wage job that won't pay the bills? Where is that going?

The fact that we all pay taxes for welfare and the country is in debt has one solution. Economic growth. Business is the only solution and so far, they've failed us.

You cannot say it isn't working when it works every day ... And the only place nothing is working is where Progressive Liberals are involved ... And trying to make something that doesn't work fix a problem they can never solve with the government.
I didn't say a damn thing about miracles ... I said private Businesses see a benefit in growth, resources and revenues when they invest in the community ... And they do, but it comes from actually doing something not the government.
I didn't say anything about eliminating welfare ... I said you are a sorry person for thinking it is an acceptable recourse ... And that it is what you use as an excuse to shirk your responsibilities.
We don't all pay income taxes ... Punishing economic growth certainly doesn't encourage it ... Businesses and the actual people who run them are a great benefit and don't need approval or agreement from you to accomplish anything.


Hear that people? The problem. Business wants to use you to make executives lavishly wealthy. The ratio between your wages and theirs make slavery look egalitarian. You create the wealth, they get it. You get a wage that you can't live on unless everyone in the family works two jobs. They get the choice between the mansion in the mountains, the mansion at the shore, or the city mansion. The chauffeur needs to know by noon.

Work hard. They sit on their fat asses in corinthian leather office chairs with a view, in air conditioned splendor while you have to get permission to go to the bathroom.

If you say a word about anything you are out in the street. And your name will be passed around the country club bar and you'll never work again.
" It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?"

You're the one that wants to change it back to what was a demonstrable failure.

You refuse to acknowledge that many believe that the changed made recently are for the worse and changing it back is for the better.

Only people with zero memory would want to return to 2007-2009.
You mean when Reid and Pelosi took over Congress? Heaven forbid!
How did I guess that you were a dixiecrat.

I can tell you how you guessed that ... Because I am not Dixiecrat ... And none of your guesses are ever correct.
I have already told you I am a Conservative with Strict Constructionist leanings ... You need to get your decoder ring fixed ... Because it doesn't understand English.


How come you act and think like a dixiecrat?

What's a Strict Constitutionist?

Who the fuck knows? It's your word, asshole. She said she was a Strict Constructionist.
How come you act and think like a dixiecrat?

State where I act like a Dixiecrat ... Just point it out ... And try to actually answer the question.
I don't want any of your normal make believe garbage either ... Point to what I have said the indicates I am Dixiecrat.


When are you going to answer my question?

The issue that confounded our founders more than any was the relative power of state vs federal.

The federalists won.

The question came up again when the Confederacy challenged the Union. The Union won.

It came up again in the 60s when the federal government required equal rights for everyone and many southern States said that you aren't the boss of me. Dixiecrats lost again.

Whenever I hear people raising the same argument again, for a weekened federal government, I just assume that it's another dixiecrat uprising.
No one is going to answer your bullshit questions until you start answering some posed to you. You accuse someone of being a "Dixiecrat" and when they tell you what they are, chide them for not answering. "I am a strict Constructionist." is an answer. Whether or not is supports your warped agenda is irrelevant.

Once again you have responded to a demand for evidence like you always respond to demands or questions; by puffing out your chest and going off on a friggin tangent.
You're either afraid to answer, or you are ignorant, possible both. If you ever gave a direct answer, perhaps we would know for sure.
I've seen it. It did make me smile.

Some of the Democrats are really not as dumb as they look ... But they stumble all over themselves trying to support something just to toe the line.
I often wonder what they say when they get home and away from the cameras ... I wonder how fond and appreciative they really are of the President when they get put through the grinder on his account.


I'm sure some are angered by the ass kicking they get, but there are some, likely PMS included, that have no idea they're being played. My greatest fear is that they are sure they are right.
I really can't blame people who are living off Liberal largess for voting for Democrats, but I have no respect for people who demand I pay to support freeloaders and ever increasing numbers of public sector employees, but show no charity at home.

Getting this guy to answer a question id like trying to nail Jello to the wall. He is beginning to bore me.
Do you know what a Conservative is?


No, it doesn't.
It has this contruct in its head and it just keeps repeating the mantra time after time.
It contructs its own truth and the parameters by which it decides what truth is.

Your post is reminiscent of Jabberwocky. Did you really mean to put these words together?

When will you realize that we will not allow you to avoid what you cannot answer to with hyperbole?
Hear that people? The problem. Business wants to use you to make executives lavishly wealthy. The ratio between your wages and theirs make slavery look egalitarian. You create the wealth, they get it. You get a wage that you can't live on unless everyone in the family works two jobs. They get the choice between the mansion in the mountains, the mansion at the shore, or the city mansion. The chauffeur needs to know by noon.

Work hard. They sit on their fat asses in corinthian leather office chairs with a view, in air conditioned splendor while you have to get permission to go to the bathroom.

If you say a word about anything you are out in the street. And your name will be passed around the country club bar and you'll never work again.

Yeah People ... Even in PMZ's convoluted description ... The choice remains the same.

Do you want to be paid a little more money to remain the slave ... Or do you want to advance your career to a point where you can earn enough money to escape the slavery?
Once you advance to a place that you own your abilities ... Then you have the opportunity to use what you know and what you earn to do what you know is right I ... Instead of the crap PMZ supports that creates the scenario that is so hated.

The choice is yours People ... Be a pawn, a slave or a political puppet for people who want to keep you where you are ... And are willing to bribe you to do so.
Or set yourself free and do what you know is right ... With whatever the government leaves you and isn't wasting the other way.

Ernie is a wonderful poster boy for the right. He portrays their dark soul as well as anyone.

I hope that people at the polls, exercising the right that makes us free, remember Ernie, and, think, do I want the Ernie's of the world determining our future? Do we want to sentence our kids and grandchildren to Ernieworld?
Ernie is a wonderful poster boy for the right. He portrays their dark soul as well as anyone.

I hope that people at the polls, exercising the right that makes us free, remember Ernie, and, think, do I want the Ernie's of the world determining our future? Do we want to sentence our kids and grandchildren to Ernieworld?

You're a poster child for socialism, PMZ.
People at the polls do what's best for them and their families for the most part, and most of the time see through the trees to see the forest.

I have no idea what all your drivel is about Ernie, seems that he butthurt up and take some Tylenol. :eusa_whistle:
Ernie is a wonderful poster boy for the right. He portrays their dark soul as well as anyone.

I hope that people at the polls, exercising the right that makes us free, remember Ernie, and, think, do I want the Ernie's of the world determining our future? Do we want to sentence our kids and grandchildren to Ernieworld?

You're a poster child for socialism, PMZ.
People at the polls do what's best for them and their families for the most part, and most of the time see through the trees to see the forest.

I have no idea what all your drivel is about Ernie, seems that he butthurt up and take some Tylenol. :eusa_whistle:

Apparently, you don't read Ernie's posts.

"You're a poster child for socialism, PMZ."

Apparently, you don't read mine either.

Let me say it again.

Capitalism is the most effective economic system when regulated and in a competitive market.

It is the most ineffective economic system otherwise.

That is just plain common sense.
Ernie is a wonderful poster boy for the right. He portrays their dark soul as well as anyone.

I hope that people at the polls, exercising the right that makes us free, remember Ernie, and, think, do I want the Ernie's of the world determining our future? Do we want to sentence our kids and grandchildren to Ernieworld?

You're a poster child for socialism, PMZ.
People at the polls do what's best for them and their families for the most part, and most of the time see through the trees to see the forest.

I have no idea what all your drivel is about Ernie, seems that he butthurt up and take some Tylenol. :eusa_whistle:

Apparently, you don't read Ernie's posts.

"You're a poster child for socialism, PMZ."

Apparently, you don't read mine either.

Let me say it again.

Capitalism is the most effective economic system when regulated and in a competitive market.

It is the most ineffective economic system otherwise.

That is just plain common sense.

You must not read your own posts then. :eusa_liar:

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