The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I have created good paying jobs the only way they can be. Innovative products from good employees satisfying customers.

You're not answering why you refuse to do your civic duty and provide six-figure jobs for people. Well?

I did when I worked. I'm now retired.

Like I said, I created good paying jobs the only way they can be. Innovative products from good employees satisfying customers.

That's the business of business.

PMZ - why do you continue to flat out lie? You and I both know you never hired one person out of your own pocket. Not once. So the question is, why didn't you?
Don't you have a husband to nag?

Don't you have a rock you can crawl back under?

Don't you have a slave to beat?

It speaks volumes that you consider gainful, voluntary employment to be "slavery".

You have zero credibility my friend. These kind of outrageous statements that any rational person would be appalled at is doing more for the conservative cause than anything I could ever dream of doing... :lol:
You're not answering why you refuse to do your civic duty and provide six-figure jobs for people. Well?

I did when I worked. I'm now retired.

Like I said, I created good paying jobs the only way they can be. Innovative products from good employees satisfying customers.

That's the business of business.

PMZ - why do you continue to flat out lie? You and I both know you never hired one person out of your own pocket. Not once. So the question is, why didn't you?

That wasn't the question now was it.

You have this rock stuck in your head that in business only the owner of the means determines success. That's ludicrous. Workers satisfying customers with innovative goods and services is what causes growth and growth causes hiring. I hired and fired. Mostly hired because of growth. Who wrote the paycheck was a mere detail.
I'm now retired.

You refused to do your civic duty while you worked and now you're using retirement as an excuse? Why don't you come out of retirement? Your country needs you now more than it ever did back when you worked.

Why won't you come out of retirement and create just a few six-figure jobs for people in your community? The nation is hurting. The Dumbocrats have collapsed the economy. I don't understand why you're not willing to step up to the plate for your nation?
I did when I worked. I'm now retired.

Like I said, I created good paying jobs the only way they can be. Innovative products from good employees satisfying customers.

That's the business of business.

PMZ - why do you continue to flat out lie? You and I both know you never hired one person out of your own pocket. Not once. So the question is, why didn't you?

That wasn't the question now was it.

You have this rock stuck in your head that in business only the owner of the means determines success. That's ludicrous. Workers satisfying customers with innovative goods and services is what causes growth and growth causes hiring. I hired and fired. Mostly hired because of growth. Who wrote the paycheck was a mere detail.

You're being completely and thoroughly disingenuous again.

I never said that business is the only "means to determine success". Your claim is that business owners don't provide good paying jobs. I asked if you felt that way, why didn't you come to the rescue of your fellow citizen and provide those good paying jobs instead of demanding someone else do it (like a typical lazy Dumbocrat)? You still haven't answered that question.

So one more time - why didn't you provide some well paying jobs to your fellow citizen?
I'm now retired.

You refused to do your civic duty while you worked and now you're using retirement as an excuse? Why don't you come out of retirement? Your country needs you now more than it ever did back when you worked.

Why won't you come out of retirement and create just a few six-figure jobs for people in your community? The nation is hurting. The Dumbocrats have collapsed the economy. I don't understand why you're not willing to step up to the plate for your nation?

Nor do I understand why you are trying to destroy the nation.
PMZ - why do you continue to flat out lie? You and I both know you never hired one person out of your own pocket. Not once. So the question is, why didn't you?

That wasn't the question now was it.

You have this rock stuck in your head that in business only the owner of the means determines success. That's ludicrous. Workers satisfying customers with innovative goods and services is what causes growth and growth causes hiring. I hired and fired. Mostly hired because of growth. Who wrote the paycheck was a mere detail.

You're being completely and thoroughly disingenuous again.

I never said that business is the only "means to determine success". Your claim is that business owners don't provide good paying jobs. I asked if you felt that way, why didn't you come to the rescue of your fellow citizen and provide those good paying jobs instead of demanding someone else do it (like a typical lazy Dumbocrat)? You still haven't answered that question.

So one more time - why didn't you provide some well paying jobs to your fellow citizen?

And I told you that I did "provide those good paying jobs".

What we don't know is if you did.
How did I guess that you were a dixiecrat.

I can tell you how you guessed that ... Because I am not Dixiecrat ... And none of your guesses are ever correct.
I have already told you I am a Conservative with Strict Constructionist leanings ... You need to get your decoder ring fixed ... Because it doesn't understand English.

How did I guess that you were a dixiecrat.

I can tell you how you guessed that ... Because I am not Dixiecrat ... And none of your guesses are ever correct.
I have already told you I am a Conservative with Strict Constructionist leanings ... You need to get your decoder ring fixed ... Because it doesn't understand English.


How come you act and think like a dixiecrat?

What's a Strict Constitutionist?
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How come you act and think like a dixiecrat?

State where I act like a Dixiecrat ... Just point it out ... And try to actually answer the question.
I don't want any of your normal make believe garbage either ... Point to what I have said the indicates I am Dixiecrat.

How come you act and think like a dixiecrat?

State where I act like a Dixiecrat ... Just point it out ... And try to actually answer the question.
I don't want any of your normal make believe garbage either ... Point to what I have said the indicates I am Dixiecrat.


When are you going to answer my question?

The issue that confounded our founders more than any was the relative power of state vs federal.

The federalists won.

The question came up again when the Confederacy challenged the Union. The Union won.

It came up again in the 60s when the federal government required equal rights for everyone and many southern States said that you aren't the boss of me. Dixiecrats lost again.

Whenever I hear people raising the same argument again, for a weekened federal government, I just assume that it's another dixiecrat uprising.
How come you act and think like a dixiecrat?

State where I act like a Dixiecrat ... Just point it out ... And try to actually answer the question.
I don't want any of your normal make believe garbage either ... Point to what I have said the indicates I am Dixiecrat.


When are you going to answer my question?

The issue that confounded our founders more than any was the relative power of state vs federal.

The federalists won.

The question came up again when the Confederacy challenged the Union. The Union won.

It came up again in the 60s when the federal government required equal rights for everyone and many southern States said that you aren't the boss of me. Dixiecrats lost again.

Whenever I hear people raising the same argument again, for a weekened federal government, I just assume that it's another dixiecrat uprising.

In the first place ... Dixiecrats were Democrats that switched to the Republican Party after the civil rights act was passed.
I wasn't alive when the Civil Rights Act was passed ... Much less the Civil War.

Now answer the question ... What have I posted that would even indicate I am a Dixiecrat.
Quit dodging or admit defeat.

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Yet you allow the MSM's Liberal anchors to subtly influence you and tell you what issues to be upset about.
You watch Katie Couric defend the indefensible, but O'Reilly's opinion is sinister? You really are a biased, hypocritical tool, aren't you?

NOW I am still waiting for you to show me which people have changed their hats.

Hey Ernie ... If you haven't seen this, it is worth the watch.
Watching Nancy Pelosi try to defend the ACA is funnier than PMZ ... It is worth the 6 plus minutes ... She completely falls apart and cannot answer the questions.
David Gregory nails her down over and over ... And she is clueless.


I've seen it. It did make me smile.
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I've seen it. It did make me smile.

Some of the Democrats are really not as dumb as they look ... But they stumble all over themselves trying to support something just to toe the line.
I often wonder what they say when they get home and away from the cameras ... I wonder how fond and appreciative they really are of the President when they get put through the grinder on his account.

Mainstream media. News. I don't need other people's opinions.

Yet you allow the MSM's Liberal anchors to subtly influence you and tell you what issues to be upset about.
You watch Katie Couric defend the indefensible, but O'Reilly's opinion is sinister? You really are a biased, hypocritical tool, aren't you?

NOW I am still waiting for you to show me which people have changed their hats.

Mainstream media is news. Factual reporting devoid of opinion.

Fox Opinions is just what Republicans wish was true with only the facts supportive of that thrown in.

You go on believing that.
Fox opinion is opinion same as MSNBC opinion is opinion. Fox news is news with a somewhat right wing slant to it. Your MSM is biased left and several polls have shown that fox news casts are less biased to the right than MSM is to the left. THEN there are the stories critical of the Troika of obama/reid/pelosi that somehow are overlooked of MSM.

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