The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you but I'm free as a bird and enjoying your squirming.

As you get prepared for another day of whining about the travails of wealth, having to pay taxes and all, and having to work, I'm looking forward to another day of good fortune living in the best governed country the world has ever seen.

Your whining material is endless having been refreshed daily by Fox Opinions. Have at it.

I'm still free to think my own thoughts and have my own ideas and enjoy what I have.

I wouldn't give that up for anything.

It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?

Somehow you think blaming Fox News for your stupidity actually means something.
You obviously put more faith in what the people at Fox News can accomplish than most of us do.
Please don't do what Ernie suggested and "put the hookah away".
I really don't want to get stuck financing years of psychiatric care and rehabilitation for someone who really wants to be clueless ... And is happy with it.

Peace ... Enjoy yourself ... Take another hit or whatever.


More Fox Opinions speak for the scapegoats propaganda.


Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.

Your fixation with FoxNews is almost as strong as your devotion to MSNBC.

We all know you detest any argument counter to your socialist agenda, but you are a hypocritical asshole if all you can do is put people down for where they may get their news.
I rarely watch FoxNews, except when there is a big story that I want more in depth information than I get on my local news programs. My nightly news program in on CBS out of Mobile, AL.
I also get tons of news on line. Some, from links an Drudge, some from FoxNews, some from BBC, MSM websites as well as Huffington Post, CNN The Blaze.... I even peruse articles linked here from Democratic underground and a few other ultra left wing sites that people like you believe as gospel.

So, asshole, if you want to go on with "Fox Opinions", by all means, tell us where you get your news other than the DNC's Daily Talking Points ®.
It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?

Somehow you think blaming Fox News for your stupidity actually means something.
You obviously put more faith in what the people at Fox News can accomplish than most of us do.
Please don't do what Ernie suggested and "put the hookah away".
I really don't want to get stuck financing years of psychiatric care and rehabilitation for someone who really wants to be clueless ... And is happy with it.

Peace ... Enjoy yourself ... Take another hit or whatever.


More Fox Opinions speak for the scapegoats propaganda.


Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.

Your fixation with FoxNews is almost as strong as your devotion to MSNBC.

We all know you detest any argument counter to your socialist agenda, but you are a hypocritical asshole if all you can do is put people down for where they may get their news.
I rarely watch FoxNews, except when there is a big story that I want more in depth information than I get on my local news programs. My nightly news program in on CBS out of Mobile, AL.
I also get tons of news on line. Some, from links an Drudge, some from FoxNews, some from BBC, MSM websites as well as Huffington Post, CNN The Blaze.... I even peruse articles linked here from Democratic underground and a few other ultra left wing sites that people like you believe as gospel.

So, asshole, if you want to go on with "Fox Opinions", by all means, tell us where you get your news other than the DNC's Daily Talking Points ®.

Mainstream media. News. I don't need other people's opinions.
If what I say doesn't make sense, why are you unable ever to provide evidence of that?

What I get instead is, that's not what Fox Opinions says.

Right. That's the point. That's why what they say is propaganda.

They bombard you everyday with half truths. The evidence is that you all think and speak identically. And you are all missing exactly the same other half of the truth.

But I meant that the only thing that I give a damn about us keeping you out of government. And you all seem to have that same objective. So all that I have to do us keep you posting.

You have probably watched more Fox News than I have ... I listen to NPR more than conservative talk radio.
Your point is pointless ... Has been ... And will continue to be.
You have no evidence ... Zero ... And don't even get half the truth right.

Keep posting ... Keep pushing the empty nonsense that you base your existence and beliefs on.
It will only go further in encouraging others not to be such a buffoon.


Nobody admits to Fox, but you all get identical opinions and words from somewhere. It's not a coincidence.
Yeah, right. Hypocrite!

I think that being called a hypocrite, by a hypocrite, is a good thing in a double negative kind of way.

An example of my hypocrisy, please? Or, STFU.

" It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?"

You're the one that wants to change it back to what was a demonstrable failure.
"It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?"

You're the one that wants to change it back to what was a demonstrable failure.

That is me you idiot ... I posted that, not Ernie ... At least try to keep up.
Saying that you live in the best governed country ... And constantly trying to screw it up ... Is also how you are a hypocrite ... But since you cannot even read the name of the poster you quote, then I don't suspect you will understand your hypocrisy.
I am amused that you try so hard to be wrong ... And don't have the common sense necessary to notice.

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More Fox Opinions speak for the scapegoats propaganda.


Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn.

Your fixation with FoxNews is almost as strong as your devotion to MSNBC.

We all know you detest any argument counter to your socialist agenda, but you are a hypocritical asshole if all you can do is put people down for where they may get their news.
I rarely watch FoxNews, except when there is a big story that I want more in depth information than I get on my local news programs. My nightly news program in on CBS out of Mobile, AL.
I also get tons of news on line. Some, from links an Drudge, some from FoxNews, some from BBC, MSM websites as well as Huffington Post, CNN The Blaze.... I even peruse articles linked here from Democratic underground and a few other ultra left wing sites that people like you believe as gospel.

So, asshole, if you want to go on with "Fox Opinions", by all means, tell us where you get your news other than the DNC's Daily Talking Points ®.

Mainstream media. News. I don't need other people's opinions.

Yet you allow the MSM's Liberal anchors to subtly influence you and tell you what issues to be upset about.
You watch Katie Couric defend the indefensible, but O'Reilly's opinion is sinister? You really are a biased, hypocritical tool, aren't you?

NOW I am still waiting for you to show me which people have changed their hats.
I think that being called a hypocrite, by a hypocrite, is a good thing in a double negative kind of way.

An example of my hypocrisy, please? Or, STFU.

" It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?"

You're the one that wants to change it back to what was a demonstrable failure.

You refuse to acknowledge that many believe that the changed made recently are for the worse and changing it back is for the better.
Yet you allow the MSM's Liberal anchors to subtly influence you and tell you what issues to be upset about.
You watch Katie Couric defend the indefensible, but O'Reilly's opinion is sinister? You really are a biased, hypocritical tool, aren't you?

NOW I am still waiting for you to show me which people have changed their hats.

Hey Ernie ... If you haven't seen this, it is worth the watch.
Watching Nancy Pelosi try to defend the ACA is funnier than PMZ ... It is worth the 6 plus minutes ... She completely falls apart and cannot answer the questions.
David Gregory nails her down over and over ... And she is clueless.

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Your fixation with FoxNews is almost as strong as your devotion to MSNBC.

We all know you detest any argument counter to your socialist agenda, but you are a hypocritical asshole if all you can do is put people down for where they may get their news.
I rarely watch FoxNews, except when there is a big story that I want more in depth information than I get on my local news programs. My nightly news program in on CBS out of Mobile, AL.
I also get tons of news on line. Some, from links an Drudge, some from FoxNews, some from BBC, MSM websites as well as Huffington Post, CNN The Blaze.... I even peruse articles linked here from Democratic underground and a few other ultra left wing sites that people like you believe as gospel.

So, asshole, if you want to go on with "Fox Opinions", by all means, tell us where you get your news other than the DNC's Daily Talking Points ®.

Mainstream media. News. I don't need other people's opinions.

Yet you allow the MSM's Liberal anchors to subtly influence you and tell you what issues to be upset about.
You watch Katie Couric defend the indefensible, but O'Reilly's opinion is sinister? You really are a biased, hypocritical tool, aren't you?

NOW I am still waiting for you to show me which people have changed their hats.

Mainstream media is news. Factual reporting devoid of opinion.

Fox Opinions is just what Republicans wish was true with only the facts supportive of that thrown in.
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An example of my hypocrisy, please? Or, STFU.

" It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?"

You're the one that wants to change it back to what was a demonstrable failure.

You refuse to acknowledge that many believe that the changed made recently are for the worse and changing it back is for the better.

Only people with zero memory would want to return to 2007-2009.
"It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?"

You're the one that wants to change it back to what was a demonstrable failure.

That is me you idiot ... I posted that, not Ernie ... At least try to keep up.
Saying that you live in the best governed country ... And constantly trying to screw it up ... Is also how you are a hypocrite ... But since you cannot even read the name of the poster you quote, then I don't suspect you will understand your hypocrisy.
I am amused that you try so hard to be wrong ... And don't have the common sense necessary to notice.


So you're saying that you are the hypocrite.

Sorry Ernie.
"It still amazes me that you talk about freedom and the ability to enjoy your own thoughts.
You talk about "living in the best governed country in the world".
I mean face it ... If it is so great ... Then why the hell do you want to screw it up by changing it with your stupid thoughts and ideas?"

You're the one that wants to change it back to what was a demonstrable failure.

That is me you idiot ... I posted that, not Ernie ... At least try to keep up.
Saying that you live in the best governed country ... And constantly trying to screw it up ... Is also how you are a hypocrite ... But since you cannot even read the name of the poster you quote, then I don't suspect you will understand your hypocrisy.
I am amused that you try so hard to be wrong ... And don't have the common sense necessary to notice.


So you're saying that you are the hypocrite.

Sorry Ernie.

I didn't say I was I hypocrite at all ... In fact everything I said was an observation of what you said.
Now if you can point out where I said something hypocritical ... Then get to it.
I need to warn you though ... You haven't gotten anything right in the last few days as far as what I think ... And I don't expect you ever will.

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That is me you idiot ... I posted that, not Ernie ... At least try to keep up.
Saying that you live in the best governed country ... And constantly trying to screw it up ... Is also how you are a hypocrite ... But since you cannot even read the name of the poster you quote, then I don't suspect you will understand your hypocrisy.
I am amused that you try so hard to be wrong ... And don't have the common sense necessary to notice.


So you're saying that you are the hypocrite.

Sorry Ernie.

I didn't say I was I hypocrite at all ... In fact everything I said was an observation of what you said.
Now if you can point out where I said something hypocritical ... Then get to it.
I need to warn you though ... You haven't gotten anything right in the last few days as far as what I think ... And I don't expect you ever will.


I pointed out a post that was hypocritical, thinking that Ernie posted it. You said no, you posted it. As you and Ernie are in goose step as conservatives, if you said it, then you are the hypocritical one.
I pointed out a post that was hypocritical, thinking that Ernie posted it. You said no, you posted it. As you and Ernie are in goose step as conservatives, if you said it, then you are the hypocritical one.

That doesn't answer the question ... What did I say that was hypocritical ... Try again, because you haven't pointed out anything hypocritical.

911 is such a strange case pertaining to the media...I think.O.J is brought up by them more,than the attack......I'll have a banner out front this year myself.....It seems as if 911 is a taboo subject for them...maybe cause the muslims fear retaliation...I also shit hearing those Muslims worry about that the day after the attack....1000's killed,yet they were worried for themselves....Those asshole should of been left to clean up the mess.........

Don't you have a husband to nag?
That was my reply to peanut. Somehow the system is confused so when I reply to her post it gets attached to this other guy.

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