The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

How has "Democracy" failed if an enemy of the country has been elected?
Am I correct in assuming you mean "Then" instead of "Than"?


"How has "Democracy" failed if an enemy of the country has been elected?"

Your question strikes me as nonsensical.

Your lack of understanding is your one consistent quality.

While being an asshole is your consistent quality.
The difference is following the elected leader of your country vs following the enemies of your country.

That is no argument at all.

I have many elected leaders and they are supposed to do my bidding. Not the other way around. Or were you not born here.

Enemies of your country would have described our founding fathers.....sorry.

Nobody is supposed to do your bidding. The people that we elect to run the country are accountable to us to do exactly that.

Your problem is that your personal interests are counter to the best interests of the country. That's why what you want will not win elections.

Many of the founding father's interests, like yours, were also contrary to the best interests of the country. That's why they lost in the debate over the Constitution just like you will lose elections.

Welcome to democracy, the closest mankind can come to freedom.

Spare me the backwater civics lesson. You just restated my point.

I am the country. What part of that don't you understand. And I vote my best interests. I hate to tell you this, but this last cycle, we just kocked all the remaining RINOS out of office and now squarely control the house and senate in my state. Already my world is changing positively as a result.

You know nothing about my interests. As usual, your statements only tell of the ignorance and arrogance the left wreaks of. The Constitution is about process as much as anything and nobody lost anything.

Democracy is not freedom, moron. Read the federalist papers and what was said about democracies.

"How has "Democracy" failed if an enemy of the country has been elected?"

Your question strikes me as nonsensical.

Your lack of understanding is your one consistent quality.

While being an asshole is your consistent quality.

Sorry, but you lose on that account too. And your lack of understanding does seem to be pretty consistent.

Spare me the lectures on liberal faith.

When you actually prove something, I might be interested.
Your lack of understanding is your one consistent quality.

While being an asshole is your consistent quality.

Sorry, but you lose on that account too. And your lack of understanding does seem to be pretty consistent.

Spare me the lectures on liberal faith.

When you actually prove something, I might be interested.

If you want to be spared lectures on liberal faith, never turn Fox Opinions off. Certainly stay away from forums like this.

Or just continue with closed mind. Voluntary ignorance always works.
"How has "Democracy" failed if an enemy of the country has been elected?"

Your question strikes me as nonsensical.

What makes it strike you as nonsensical?
How does Democracy avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?

Can you actually answer the questions?
Do you understand the questions?
Can I assist you in this endeavor?

While being an asshole is your consistent quality.

Sorry, but you lose on that account too. And your lack of understanding does seem to be pretty consistent.

Spare me the lectures on liberal faith.

When you actually prove something, I might be interested.

If you want to be spared lectures on liberal faith, never turn Fox Opinions off. Certainly stay away from forums like this.

Or just continue with closed mind. Voluntary ignorance always works.

Yup, you are the perfect example of choose ignorance over truth....your every post reeks of it.
While being an asshole is your consistent quality.

Sorry, but you lose on that account too. And your lack of understanding does seem to be pretty consistent.

Spare me the lectures on liberal faith.

When you actually prove something, I might be interested.

If you want to be spared lectures on liberal faith, never turn Fox Opinions off. Certainly stay away from forums like this.

Or just continue with closed mind. Voluntary ignorance always works.

You seem to be the posterchild for voluntary ignorance.

I see a lot of posts from you, but no real content or debate. Why is that ?

I suppose you are human and really don't enjoy getting your ass kicked.
"How has "Democracy" failed if an enemy of the country has been elected?"

Your question strikes me as nonsensical.

What makes it strike you as nonsensical?
How does Democracy avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?

Can you actually answer the questions?
Do you understand the questions?
Can I assist you in this endeavor?


It's tough to spend your time dealing with people who really think they are god.

Democracy allows anyone to be elected. Not everyone votes their best interests because we all don't all have the same interests...imagine that.

We did elect FDR, after all. And if ever there was an enemy to the country it was FDR.

But he moved on, and the country still remains. Obama will move on the and U.S.A. will still be here....I hope

"How has "Democracy" failed if an enemy of the country has been elected?"

Your question strikes me as nonsensical.

What makes it strike you as nonsensical?
How does Democracy avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?

Can you actually answer the questions?
Do you understand the questions?
Can I assist you in this endeavor?


So, it makes sense to you that people would voluntarily put in power over them their destruction? Sort of mass suicide.

Or are you thinking of situations like pre WWII Germany where the people were propagandized into believing what was desirable turned out to be their enemy.
"How has "Democracy" failed if an enemy of the country has been elected?"

Your question strikes me as nonsensical.

What makes it strike you as nonsensical?
How does Democracy avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?

Can you actually answer the questions?
Do you understand the questions?
Can I assist you in this endeavor?


It's tough to spend your time dealing with people who really think they are god.

Democracy allows anyone to be elected. Not everyone votes their best interests because we all don't all have the same interests...imagine that.

We did elect FDR, after all. And if ever there was an enemy to the country it was FDR.

But he moved on, and the country still remains. Obama will move on the and U.S.A. will still be here....I hope


Bush is actually a much better example.
So, it makes sense to you that people would voluntarily put in power over them their destruction? Sort of mass suicide.

Or are you thinking of situations like pre WWII Germany where the people were propagandized into believing what was desirable turned out to be their enemy.

No, It doesn't make sense to me that people would voluntarily put in power over them their destruction.
Yes, I was thinking about situations that could at least be compared to your statement that situations prior to the Second World War in Germany may have led the German people to elect representatives not it their best interests.

I think that more emphasis should be placed on the provisions set forth in the Treaty of Versailles as far as impacting the move towards the Third Reich.
In that case I believe propaganda was merely a tool the candidates used to focus aggression against what were already declining conditions as a result of Europe's desire to punish the Germans.
This in no way supports the decision of the German people to go as far as putting the Third Reich into power ... Just identifies where my opinion separates from your statement.

That still doesn't answer the question I asked ... How does "Democracy" avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?

So, it makes sense to you that people would voluntarily put in power over them their destruction? Sort of mass suicide.

Or are you thinking of situations like pre WWII Germany where the people were propagandized into believing what was desirable turned out to be their enemy.

No, It doesn't make sense to me that people would voluntarily put in power over them their destruction.
Yes, I was thinking about situations that could at least be compared to your statement that situations prior to the Second World War in Germany may have led the German people to elect representatives not it their best interests.

I think that more emphasis should be placed on the provisions set forth in the Treaty of Versailles as far as impacting the move towards the Third Reich.
In that case I believe propaganda was merely a tool the candidates used to focus aggression against what were already declining conditions as a result of Europe's desire to punish the Germans.
This in no way supports the decision of the German people to go as far as putting the Third Reich into power ... Just identifies where my opinion separates from your statement.

That still doesn't answer the question I asked ... How does "Democracy" avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?


I think that there are general interests and special interests. The difference being majority vs minority. Democracy keeps us focused on general interests. Or, the middle of the road.

I believe that that's where truth resides.
So, it makes sense to you that people would voluntarily put in power over them their destruction? Sort of mass suicide.

Or are you thinking of situations like pre WWII Germany where the people were propagandized into believing what was desirable turned out to be their enemy.

No, It doesn't make sense to me that people would voluntarily put in power over them their destruction.
Yes, I was thinking about situations that could at least be compared to your statement that situations prior to the Second World War in Germany may have led the German people to elect representatives not it their best interests.

I think that more emphasis should be placed on the provisions set forth in the Treaty of Versailles as far as impacting the move towards the Third Reich.
In that case I believe propaganda was merely a tool the candidates used to focus aggression against what were already declining conditions as a result of Europe's desire to punish the Germans.
This in no way supports the decision of the German people to go as far as putting the Third Reich into power ... Just identifies where my opinion separates from your statement.

That still doesn't answer the question I asked ... How does "Democracy" avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?


You may have a point there. Millions upon Millions of Americans voted for Barack Obama. He had supporters fainting in crowds--screaming his name--and he was often referred to as a Rock Star. His popularity soared--with extraordinary well spoken speech's--the Hope and Change theme worked. This country went into irrational--hysteria--over Barack Obama. THE PROBLEM: These same millions were not listening to what he was actually saying. They kicked a much more qualified candidate, in Hillary Clinton to the curb--to elect a "community organizer" to be POTUS. Many voted for him, because they wanted to tell their grandchildren that they voted for the 1st black President.

Bill Clinton had a lot to do with Obama winning re-election--there is no doubt about that. I talked to supporters of Obama, and all they could reflect upon was Bill Clinton's speech at the DNC convention. Them forgetting that they weren't voting for Bill Clinton, but another 4 years of Barack Obama.

The irrational hysteria is gone, those tingly leg feelings are gone, the Hope and Change is gone--and these millions are finally realizing the REAL COST of electing someone who's only real asset--is that he can give a great speech, written by someone else, and delivered off of a teleprompter.

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I think that there are general interests and special interests. The difference being majority vs minority. Democracy keeps us focused on general interests. Or, the middle of the road.

I believe that that's where truth resides.

Are you saying that Democracy cannot avoid electing someone who wishes to destroy the country?
Do you think that an issue is the responsibility of the government as the result of being a popular general interest?
Do you think that truth is determined by the number of people that agree with it?

What makes it strike you as nonsensical?
How does Democracy avoid the election of someone who wishes to destroy the country?

Can you actually answer the questions?
Do you understand the questions?
Can I assist you in this endeavor?


It's tough to spend your time dealing with people who really think they are god.

Democracy allows anyone to be elected. Not everyone votes their best interests because we all don't all have the same interests...imagine that.

We did elect FDR, after all. And if ever there was an enemy to the country it was FDR.

But he moved on, and the country still remains. Obama will move on the and U.S.A. will still be here....I hope


Bush is actually a much better example.

Jesus H. Christ! Is that all you people have? Divert and blame Bush? The subject is Obamacare. Next you'll be telling us Bush snuck back in and sabotaged that.

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