The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

If Schadenfreude were fattening, I'd have gained 50 pounds over the past week. It just keeps getting better and better in the Land-o-ObamaCare.

Mr. President, Tear Down This Website!

...The data obtained by is one of the largest collections of personal information ever assembled. It links information between seven different federal agencies and state agencies and government contractors.

The website requires users to provide personal information like birth dates, social security numbers, and household incomes in order to obtain information about potential health coverage. But security experts have expressed concern about flaws in the site that put this personal data at risk and subject users to the threat of identity theft.

This week, the Science Committee, which I chair, held a hearing to examine security and privacy concerns about the Obamacare website. We heard from witnesses outside the government who are experts in cybersecurity and hacking websites. They provided a convincing evidence of the vulnerabilities that underlie

One of our witnesses, David Kennedy, is a “white hat hacker,” who is hired by companies around the world to test the security of their online systems by essentially hacking their websites. During the hearing, Mr. Kennedy gave a demonstration of the website’s vulnerabilities showing in real-time that hackers can access personal information on the website. It’s clear that not only is the website vulnerable, it’s under attack.

When asked whether he believed the website had already been compromised by hackers, Mr. Kennedy testified that he believed the website has either already been hacked or soon will be.

The massive amount of personal information collected by the website creates a tempting target for scam artists. Identity theft jeopardizes credit ratings and personal finances. ...

EXCLUSIVE -- Mr. President, Tear Down This Website
Now that he has ended the Bush policies that created 100% of the debt, the deficit is falling like a rock. When the current cadre of conservative business followers get fired for, guess what, doing nothing, and get replaced by liberal business leaders, and business starts growing and hiring, then we'll be fully recovered from the valley of Bush and be back to Clinton days.

And the Republican whiners, led by Fox Opinions, will howl that they want 2008, back.

Unsupported Rhetoric ...

Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?

Do you need any assistance in actually supporting your rhetoric?
If Schadenfreude were fattening, I'd have gained 50 pounds over the past week. It just keeps getting better and better in the Land-o-ObamaCare.

Mr. President, Tear Down This Website!

...The data obtained by is one of the largest collections of personal information ever assembled. It links information between seven different federal agencies and state agencies and government contractors.

The website requires users to provide personal information like birth dates, social security numbers, and household incomes in order to obtain information about potential health coverage. But security experts have expressed concern about flaws in the site that put this personal data at risk and subject users to the threat of identity theft.

This week, the Science Committee, which I chair, held a hearing to examine security and privacy concerns about the Obamacare website. We heard from witnesses outside the government who are experts in cybersecurity and hacking websites. They provided a convincing evidence of the vulnerabilities that underlie

One of our witnesses, David Kennedy, is a “white hat hacker,” who is hired by companies around the world to test the security of their online systems by essentially hacking their websites. During the hearing, Mr. Kennedy gave a demonstration of the website’s vulnerabilities showing in real-time that hackers can access personal information on the website. It’s clear that not only is the website vulnerable, it’s under attack.

When asked whether he believed the website had already been compromised by hackers, Mr. Kennedy testified that he believed the website has either already been hacked or soon will be.

The massive amount of personal information collected by the website creates a tempting target for scam artists. Identity theft jeopardizes credit ratings and personal finances. ...

EXCLUSIVE -- Mr. President, Tear Down This Website

The ongoing war of words from Fox Opinions trying to inspire the country to do nothing about health care continues.

In the words of John Boehner, *FOLLOW ME TO NOWHERE "
Now that he has ended the Bush policies that created 100% of the debt, the deficit is falling like a rock. When the current cadre of conservative business followers get fired for, guess what, doing nothing, and get replaced by liberal business leaders, and business starts growing and hiring, then we'll be fully recovered from the valley of Bush and be back to Clinton days.

And the Republican whiners, led by Fox Opinions, will howl that they want 2008, back.

Unsupported Rhetoric ...

Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?

Do you need any assistance in actually supporting your rhetoric?

Do you even believe in solutions?
Because I would be man enough to give the dems credit if they actually did something useful. You? Meh.

What have Democrats accomplished that is useful?

'Member 2007? 2008? 2009?

The Great Recession? The Holy wars? The bankruptcy of Wall St? Of Detroit Auto? The housing boom and bust? Mortgage backed derivatives? "Mission Accomplished" in the middle of a war. The Bush rewards to friends and family wealth redistribution tax cuts? 9/11? Katrina? The 2001 CBO report advising Bush to stay the course and pay off the National debt?

All of those problems have been solved. Despite every Republican concerted effort to stop solutions in their tracks.

And we're not done yet.

ACA will be fully exposed to be necessary health insurance regulation and what Medicare has become to over 65ers, for the rest of the country.

But the Republican whining will never stop until there are no more.
Do you even believe in solutions?

I have more solutions that you can shake a stick at ... I asked you to pick a category 3 days ago ... And you refused to.

You have nothing ... You represent the definition of unsupported evidence and empty rhetoric.
If you don't want to answer questions ... And fail to engage me or anyone else in anything other than intellectually vacant and completely revolving bullshit ... Then I suggest you take your head out of your ass.

I will continue to call you on it ... And I will continue to offer you the ability to try and salvage anything you may have to offer.

Otherwise ...

Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?

Do you even believe in solutions?

I have more solutions that you can shake a stick at ... I asked you to pick a category 3 days ago ... And you refused to.

You have nothing ... You represent the definition of unsupported evidence and empty rhetoric.
If you don't want to answer questions ... And fail to engage me or anyone else in anything other than intellectually vacant and completely revolving bullshit ... Then I suggest you take your head out of your ass.

I will continue to call you on it ... And I will continue to offer you the ability to try and salvage anything you may have to offer.

Otherwise ...

Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?


What are your health care solutions beyond ACA?
Do you even believe in solutions?

I have more solutions that you can shake a stick at ... I asked you to pick a category 3 days ago ... And you refused to.

You have nothing ... You represent the definition of unsupported evidence and empty rhetoric.
If you don't want to answer questions ... And fail to engage me or anyone else in anything other than intellectually vacant and completely revolving bullshit ... Then I suggest you take your head out of your ass.

I will continue to call you on it ... And I will continue to offer you the ability to try and salvage anything you may have to offer.

Otherwise ...

Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?


"You have nothing"

I believe that this debate style was perfected by Rush Limbaugh in the late 80s.

He used it often in his masterbatory debates against humanity.

I've never found it useful at all, but it's certainly minimum effort.
'Member 2007? 2008? 2009?

The Great Recession? The Holy wars? The bankruptcy of Wall St? Of Detroit Auto? The housing boom and bust? Mortgage backed derivatives? "Mission Accomplished" in the middle of a war. The Bush rewards to friends and family wealth redistribution tax cuts? 9/11? Katrina? The 2001 CBO report advising Bush to stay the course and pay off the National debt?

All of those problems have been solved. Despite every Republican concerted effort to stop solutions in their tracks.

And we're not done yet.

ACA will be fully exposed to be necessary health insurance regulation and what Medicare has become to over 65ers, for the rest of the country.

But the Republican whining will never stop until there are no more.

The Recession is not completely cured ... And its effects are still devastating ... Particularly in the classrooms at Public Schools.
We are in Afghanistan today ... Gitmo is still in operation ... The President did more towards damaging the US position on foreign policy when he was forced to submit to Russia in Syria.
Detroit is bankrupt after decades of Progressive Liberal policies and Democrat control.
The housing bust is still in recovery ... And nothing the Democrats have done can point to any assistance in that market.
Mortgage Backed Derivatives became entirely too risky when Democrat Legislation forced banks to offer loans to people who could not afford them ... And under threat of prosecution for "unfair housing" practices.
The Bush tax cuts effected anyone who paid income taxes ... And the reduction was across the board ... It is hard to reduce income taxes for people who don't pay them.
Nothing the democrats did ever accomplished anything in regards to 9/11 or Katrina.
The current administration has done nothing towards paying off the National Debt ... And successfully tagged their key legislation to efforts supporting the idea of increasing both the debt and debt ceiling.

Failure upon Failure upon Failure ... You would have done better to keep your typing fingers at bay ... Because what you offered was bullshit.

The ACA will be fully expose for the utter failure it is ... And Americans will continue to suffer under the misguided abuse of our healthcare system.
More empty rhetoric still does not answer any of the questions that have been posed to you already.

"You have nothing"

I believe that this debate style was perfected by Rush Limbaugh in the late 80s.

He used it often in his masterbatory debates against humanity.

I've never found it useful at all, but it's certainly minimum effort.

More empty rhetoric and unsubstantiated accusations … It means nothing unless you can support your conclusions.
I will skip listing all the possible questions that you have wisely decided to disregard in attempts to defend the indefensible ... And return with only these two questions.

Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?

What are your health care solutions beyond ACA?

What gives you the idea that the ACA is a solution to anything?
How does the inability for people to access the provisions set forth in the ACA amount to a solution?
When will you accept that the ACA isn't working and never will meet the obligations identified by the current administration when they supported and passed the Legislation to start with?

How am I partisan and you not?

Because I would be man enough to give the dems credit if they actually did something useful. You? Meh.

Another memory impaired codger to whom, 2007-2009 never existed.

Another asshole who has no idea that Reid/Pelosi took over Congress in 2007 and failed to heed the warnings that the shit was about to hit the fan after years of democrats extorting the financial industry, forcing them to issue mortgages to people who had no hope or ability to pay their obligations.
Your strategy seems to be typical conservative. Whine about all things not authorized by the GOP, and try to control the conversation with irrelevant questions. When those questions get answered, ask more. And never, never, ever, propose solutions.

It gets old real quick.

How is you repeating your irrelevant rhetoric an example of me trying to control the conversations?

There is no way I can possibly propose a solution to anything you suggest ... If you don't not make a single statement that is anything other than unsupported rhetoric.

Do you honestly think you are fooling anyone?
Why can't you answer simple questions?

Again ...

Do you think that an issue is the responsibility of the government as the result of being a popular general interest?
Do you think that truth is determined by the number of people that agree with it?
Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?


Why can't you propose any solutions?

Solutions that you disagree with, are still solutions. Why won't Reid let any of them come to the Senate floor?
'Member 2007? 2008? 2009?

The Great Recession? The Holy wars? The bankruptcy of Wall St? Of Detroit Auto? The housing boom and bust? Mortgage backed derivatives? "Mission Accomplished" in the middle of a war. The Bush rewards to friends and family wealth redistribution tax cuts? 9/11? Katrina? The 2001 CBO report advising Bush to stay the course and pay off the National debt?

All of those problems have been solved. Despite every Republican concerted effort to stop solutions in their tracks.

And we're not done yet.

ACA will be fully exposed to be necessary health insurance regulation and what Medicare has become to over 65ers, for the rest of the country.

But the Republican whining will never stop until there are no more.

The Recession is not completely cured ... And its effects are still devastating ... Particularly in the classrooms at Public Schools.
We are in Afghanistan today ... Gitmo is still in operation ... The President did more towards damaging the US position on foreign policy when he was forced to submit to Russia in Syria.
Detroit is bankrupt after decades of Progressive Liberal policies and Democrat control.
The housing bust is still in recovery ... And nothing the Democrats have done can point to any assistance in that market.
Mortgage Backed Derivatives became entirely too risky when Democrat Legislation forced banks to offer loans to people who could not afford them ... And under threat of prosecution for "unfair housing" practices.
The Bush tax cuts effected anyone who paid income taxes ... And the reduction was across the board ... It is hard to reduce income taxes for people who don't pay them.
Nothing the democrats did ever accomplished anything in regards to 9/11 or Katrina.
The current administration has done nothing towards paying off the National Debt ... And successfully tagged their key legislation to efforts supporting the idea of increasing both the debt and debt ceiling.

Failure upon Failure upon Failure ... You would have done better to keep your typing fingers at bay ... Because what you offered was bullshit.

The ACA will be fully expose for the utter failure it is ... And Americans will continue to suffer under the misguided abuse of our healthcare system.
More empty rhetoric still does not answer any of the questions that have been posed to you already.

"You have nothing"

I believe that this debate style was perfected by Rush Limbaugh in the late 80s.

He used it often in his masterbatory debates against humanity.

I've never found it useful at all, but it's certainly minimum effort.

More empty rhetoric and unsubstantiated accusations … It means nothing unless you can support your conclusions.
I will skip listing all the possible questions that you have wisely decided to disregard in attempts to defend the indefensible ... And return with only these two questions.

Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?


Clearly you accept Republican failure and reject Democrat success. Pure, blind, unmitigated partisanship. There is absolutely no other explanation.

Given that, you have no reason to engage in debate. You just want to clone others in the same way that you've become a little Fox minion.

Waste of time. Go preach to the bobble head choir.
How is you repeating your irrelevant rhetoric an example of me trying to control the conversations?

There is no way I can possibly propose a solution to anything you suggest ... If you don't not make a single statement that is anything other than unsupported rhetoric.

Do you honestly think you are fooling anyone?
Why can't you answer simple questions?

Again ...

Do you think that an issue is the responsibility of the government as the result of being a popular general interest?
Do you think that truth is determined by the number of people that agree with it?
Do you think that this section of the USMB forums is intended to be an exercise in debate?
Do you think that continuing to spout rhetoric with no forthright attempts to engage in debate over topics you have already mentioned ... Or the stalwart desire to answer clarification questions ... Is consistent with a productive debate platform?


Why can't you propose any solutions?

Solutions that you disagree with, are still solutions. Why won't Reid let any of them come to the Senate floor?

All of the Republican solutions that I've seen are solutions to their problem with progress.

They've all but shut down government as its all that's in the way of conquering the US.

I think that it might take a couple of election days to clean up your mess, but no more.
Because I would be man enough to give the dems credit if they actually did something useful. You? Meh.

Another memory impaired codger to whom, 2007-2009 never existed.

Another asshole who has no idea that Reid/Pelosi took over Congress in 2007 and failed to heed the warnings that the shit was about to hit the fan after years of democrats extorting the financial industry, forcing them to issue mortgages to people who had no hope or ability to pay their obligations.

Pure fairy tale. Must help you sleep at night after what you and Bushman and Cheney did to the country.

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