The global jihad is alive and well

What percentage of Islam are you failing to condemn? I would suggest to you that a higher percentage of Islamics SUPPORT such attacks than condemn them (as evidenced by the invisible backlash against these attacks from within Islam). You claim that these attacks do not represent mainstream islam. I'm asking you to provide proof of this statement.

Don't get pissy when someone asks you to back up your positions with evidence.

I'm getting "pissy" because I won't defend positions you make up and attribute to me? I don't think so. I have already said that I don't have any numbers. Do you know of a survey that's been done? If you have some evidence that contradicts my opinion I wouldn't mind seeing it, I am here to learn.
I'm getting "pissy" because I won't defend positions you make up and attribute to me? I don't think so. I have already said that I don't have any numbers. Do you know of a survey that's been done? If you have some evidence that contradicts my opinion I wouldn't mind seeing it, I am here to learn.

Actually, I gave you a position you did draw for yourself and asked you to defend it, i.e., provide evidence for it. You got pissy based upon that request. Apparently, in your world, you like to throw statements out that moralize about other posters and our judgemental racist views, but you prefer not to substantiate your own morally superior ones.

I find it rather funny, actually.
Here's a tip, Amanda. Google this phrase: "What percentage of Islamics are moderate" and see what you find. I know that internet research is a challenging way to spend one's afternoon, versus spewing namby pamby and unsubstantiated rhetoric about how the world should just hold hands and sing kumbaya, but try it. If you REALLY want to learn, that's the best way to do it, versus expecting other posters on an internet forum to do all your research for you.

here's a starting point:
Most Islamic studies teachers oppose pluralism, survey finds | The Jakarta Post

Most Islamic studies teachers in public and private schools in Java oppose pluralism, tending toward radicalism and conservatism, according to a survey released in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The study shows 62.4 percent of the surveyed Islamic teachers, including those from Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah — the country’s two largest Muslim organizations — reject the notion of having non-Muslim leaders.

The survey was conducted last month by the Center for Islamic and Society Studies (PPIM) at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta, involving some 500 Islamic studies teachers throughout Java.

It reveals 68.6 percent of the respondents are opposed to non-Muslims becoming their school principle and 33.8 percent are opposed to having non-Muslim teachers at their schools.

Some 73.1 percent of the teachers don’t want followers of other religions to build their houses of worship in their neighborhoods, it found.

Some 85.6 percent of the teachers prohibit their students from celebrating big events perceived as Western traditions, while 87 percent tell their students not to learn about other religions.

Some 48 percent of the teachers would prefer for female and male students to be separated into different classrooms.

PPIM director Jajat Burhanudin said the teachers’ anti-pluralist views would be reflected in their lessons and contribute to growing conservatism and radicalism among Muslims in the country.

For the record, Indonesia is widely considered to be one of the most MODERATE of the Islamic countries.
Here's a tip, Amanda. Google this phrase: "What percentage of Islamics are moderate" and see what you find. I know that internet research is a challenging way to spend one's afternoon, versus spewing namby pamby and unsubstantiated rhetoric about how the world should just hold hands and sing kumbaya, but try it. If you REALLY want to learn, that's the best way to do it, versus expecting other posters on an internet forum to do all your research for you.

here's a starting point:
Most Islamic studies teachers oppose pluralism, survey finds | The Jakarta Post

For the record, Indonesia is widely considered to be one of the most MODERATE of the Islamic countries.
So let me get this straight. Are you saying that all of the Muslim cabbies in line at our international airport who were seen high-fiving and whooping it up when the 9/11 news broke were all al Qaeda operatives? :confused:
I have no idea if it is the majority or minority of Islamists that are fundamental Jihadists...but with an estimated 1.4 Billion in the world people honestly think that it is the majority?
And, here is a 126 page document you can read to learn about the opinions of Islamic college students in the UK, 33% of whom believed it was acceptable to kill in the name of their religion.

here is the executive summary in case you can't be bothered to wade through all 126 pages:

Killing in the name of religion:
- Just under a third of Muslim students polled (32%) said killing in the name of religion can be justified – the majority of these said killing could be justified if the religion was under attack, and 4% of all respondents supported killing in order to promote and preserve that religion.

- 60% of active members of campus Islamic societies said killing in the name of religion can be justified. By contrast, only 2% of non-Muslims agreed.

- Half (50%) of Muslim students polled said they would be unsupportive of a friend’s decision to leave Islam. A quarter (25%) said they would be supportive.

- Almost half (45%) of Muslim students polled said that apostates should be encouraged to reconsider their decision by Muslim elders and people that care about them.

- A minority (6%) said that apostates should be “punished in accordance with Sharia.”

- Almost a quarter (24%) of Muslim student respondents do not feel that men and women are fully equal in the eyes of Allah.

- Female students (38%) were also more likely than males (27%) to perceive inequitable treatment of men and women in their local communities. While 37% of male Muslim students felt men and women were treated equally, only 26% of females felt the same.

- Two fifths (40%) of Muslim students polled supported the introduction of Sharia into British law for Muslims.

- A third (33%) of Muslim students polled supported the introduction of a worldwide Caliphate based on Sharia law. A majority (58%) of active members of campus Islamic Societies supported this idea.
I have no idea if it is the majority or minority of Islamists that are fundamental Jihadists...but with an estimated 1.4 Billion in the world people honestly think that it is the majority?

that's not the point, well to me at least, the point is it's happening,, and happening and happening,,, and the whole world just shakes it's head and does nothing aobut it.. this "minority" has opened a can of whoop ass, and everybody just sits around and say Islam is peaceful... Yess,, of course.
So let me get this straight. Are you saying that all of the Muslim cabbies in line at our international airport who were seen high-fiving and whooping it up when the 9/11 news broke were all al Qaeda operatives? :confused:

Did I say that? Feel free to read up the thread. I'm quite certain I specifically addressed this point. You must have missed it.
Did I say that? Feel free to read up the thread. I'm quite certain I specifically addressed this point. You must have missed it.

I may have completely misread him but I think Gord had tongue in cheek.
If you were to take your statement "the overwhelming majority of modern terrorism is committed by Islamists" and change it to "the overwhelming majority of violent crime committed in the US is committed by blacks" would you draw the conclusion then that all blacks are bad people? I would hope not, but you seem to be making the same kind of leap.

Very well said and on point.

By these same standards, Christianity is one of the biggest supporters of terrorism the world has ever seen.

From its earliest days, Christianity was all about killing people. From the Crusades to the Inquisition, history is filled with hate and destruction fueled in the name of a Christian God.

Fast forward to modern Christianity and you encounter the Reformation.

Fast forward some more and Christians are blowing up abortion clinics and shooting doctors.


Ironic isn't it?

I will glady denounce all of Islam for the actions of a few when many on this board denounce all of Christianity and it's brutal history because of the actions of a few.

I graduated college with minor in history and I made it a point to take as many "History of Christianity" classes as I could.

Not because I am a big believer, but because the Christians always killed a ton of people which made reading all that crap interesting.

For a religion of peace and love, Christians are some evil mothers. :eusa_angel:
Did I say that? Feel free to read up the thread. I'm quite certain I specifically addressed this point. You must have missed it.
I guess I did - why don't you try again? Were these just plain ole moderate Muslim cabbies that just enjoy it when America takes a hit? Or is my city just filled with terrorist cabbies?

(Or maybe their all just liberals...)
I will glady denounce all of Islam for the actions of a few when many on this board denounce all of Christianity and it's brutal history because of the actions of a few.

Christianity has a long history of inhumanity and human rights violations. Were we living during the Inquisition and the Crusades, I'm quite certain I'd be atop a pile of burning faggots.
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Christianity has a long history of inhumanity and human rights violations. Were we still living during the Inquisition and the Crusades, I'm quite certain I'd be atop a pile of burning faggots.

So are you claiming that killing, torture, and human rights violations in the name of Christianity have stopped?

If no, why are you not more focused on it and demanding that all other Christians stand up and denounce it, much like you are doing with Islam?

If yes, please say so and I'll gladly provide you with proof otherwise.
I guess I did - why don't you try again? Were these just plain ole moderate Muslim cabbies that just enjoy it when America takes a hit? Or is my city just filled with terrorist cabbies?

(Or maybe their all just liberals...)

I think that people who applaud acts of terror are not moderates. Is that clear enough? And, that these acts of terror do not occur without the support of the fans.
So are you claiming that killing, torture, and human rights violations in the name of Christianity have stopped?

For the most part, yes. If you can show me areas in which these types of activities are still occurring, I'll be happy to denounce them and urge christians to do the same.

In essence, I am no more critical of Islam than I am of any other fundamentalist sect.

Nice try, no dice. I'm not religious.
And, here is a 126 page document you can read to learn about the opinions of Islamic college students in the UK, 33% of whom believed it was acceptable to kill in the name of their religion.

here is the executive summary in case you can't be bothered to wade through all 126 pages:

Those numbers don't surprise me. I would expect high numbers if you polled any religious youth group, younger people tend to be more fanatical.

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