The Global Joke: Today

To associate a movement with something bad by checking history and associating the movement with the bad thing in history is beyond stupid, it's straight up moron crap.

If you look back in history, you can find something bad happening on almost EVERY day of the year.

December 25 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Take Christmas for instance. Does that mean that by celebrating Christmas, we are also supporting the Vietnamese group that formed back in the 60's?

Nope..................sorry.......................this is a stupid thread.

And..................the earth worship you speak of isn't as much Paganism as it is Druidism. If you're going to make associations between things, at least get your groups and terms right.

4/20 is used by stoners EVERYWHERE as a way to celebrate cannabis. It's also Hitler's birthday. Does that mean that Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin support Nazi's as well?
To associate a movement with something bad by checking history and associating the movement with the bad thing in history is beyond stupid, it's straight up moron crap.

If you look back in history, you can find something bad happening on almost EVERY day of the year.

December 25 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Take Christmas for instance. Does that mean that by celebrating Christmas, we are also supporting the Vietnamese group that formed back in the 60's?

Nope..................sorry.......................this is a stupid thread.

And..................the earth worship you speak of isn't as much Paganism as it is Druidism. If you're going to make associations between things, at least get your groups and terms right.

4/20 is used by stoners EVERYWHERE as a way to celebrate cannabis. It's also Hitler's birthday. Does that mean that Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin support Nazi's as well?
I think Paganism and Druidism is too broad and carries too much ritual baggage. To me Earth day is totally captured by the Pantheism of Spinoza. No god, ritual, sacrifice, etc; just the order and laws of universe, along with those embedded in the flora and fauna of the earth.
As in the words of Albert Einstein, "We followers of Spinoza see our God in the wonderful order and lawfulness of all that exists and in its soul as it reveals itself in man and animal,"
I guess some idiots would be perfectly fine with the Cuyahoga River catching fire, acid rain falling in the Adirondacks, their fellow citizens dying in Love Canal, Times Beach and Anniston Alabama.

Should we ignore the environment and take our chances? Or do these idiots believe the drivel spewed by some irresponsible 'pundits' when they say mankind is incapable of effective the environment? Perhaps they should ride with me whenever I have to remediate a landfill or upgrade a sewage treatment system at an abandoned steel mill.
The Armchair Ashtray

"Let's stop distributing pictures of Captain Planet (DIC Entertainment), the fictional hero who tries to protect Earth's ecosystems from evil."

Problems such as global warming have been developing for some time now --- perhaps since the days of Industrial Revolution waste mismanagement.

When I first heard about the Ozone problem, I thought Earth was balding. Now, it seems talk of weird weather is a part of 'Earth Day dialogue.'

Hey, if athletes are condoned by their coaches/managers to take illegal and dangerous performance-enhancing drugs (i.e., steroids), then, certainly, Captain Planet (DIC Entertainment) can be used to talk about manmade pollution apathy.


The Comic Book

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Too Funny... "weird weather" Now that is partisan hackery at its finest. Anyone 18 years old today has not seen any global warming. They have not seen weird weather. Most define weird weather as something unusual or misplaced. Using a young persons "point of view" any major storms is weird and politicians and alarmists use this lack of knowledge to further an agenda.

Historical record shows that our current sate of the climate IS NOT UNUSUAL and is part of a cyclical natural variation. The use of the term weird has been used as a deflection from the lie that is AGW. Just one more point of deception by alarmists.
Really? What about the several year long drought that has affected California?

They say that California only has 1 year left for water.

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