The Global Joke: Today

An ideologue calling Christian groups Marxist and being as you value your ideology over Christianity, you jump all over this.
The Bible says many thing you oppose, so let's go along with the ideology over Christianity.
The Bible tells the wealthy to sell their assets and give to the poor. The Bible constantly addresses helping the poor. Bad
The Bible tells us to take care of Earth many, many times and polluting is bad. We are to be stewards of the Earth. Bad
Oh and then there is narcissism. "Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18 Bad
An ideologue calling Christian groups Marxist and being as you value your ideology over Christianity, you jump all over this.
The Bible says many thing you oppose, so let's go along with the ideology over Christianity.
The Bible tells the wealthy to sell their assets and give to the poor. The Bible constantly addresses helping the poor. Bad
The Bible tells us to take care of Earth many, many times and polluting is bad. We are to be stewards of the Earth. Bad
Oh and then there is narcissism. "Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18 Bad

Not just a are a lying fool!

"An ideologue calling Christian groups Marxist and being as you value your ideology over Christianity.
I've documented Christian groups choosing Marx.....and there has been zero discussion of my religion or ideology.

That makes you a fool who has no recourse but to fabricate tales.

Here is the lord and master you serve:

"In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food.

Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.
“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,”Lenin explained.

Pavlov was astounded
. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs.“Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?”he asked.“Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”…
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

Who the current milieu, you might find it difficult to find a Christian baker ready to make you a cake to celebrate Lenin's birthday.
Best of luck.
April 22......celebrating.....what?

How cruel.

Making fun of those with....limitations.....disabilities.

Yet....there is no argument as to the cruelty at the center of communism.

And that is what environmentalism is.....communism in a green dress.

1. On the excellent webcast Uncommon Knowledge, Czech president Václav Klaus recently compared “two ideologies” that were “structurally very similar. They are against individual freedom. They are in favor of centralistic masterminding of our fates. They are both very similar in telling us what to do, how to live, how to behave, what to eat, how to travel, what we can do and what we cannot do.”
The first of Klaus’s “two ideologies” was Communism—a system with which he was deeply familiar, having participated in the Velvet Revolution in 1989. The second was environmentalism.
The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm by Benjamin A. Plotinsky City Journal Spring 2010

2. Each year, Earth Day -- April 22 -- marks the anniversary of what many consider the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. The height of hippie and flower-child culture in the United States, 1970 brought the death of Jimi Hendrix, the last Beatles album, and Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water”.
Earth Day: The History of A Movement | Earth Day Network

3. The joke? Guess what they're really having you celebrate?
It is no accident that April 22, Earth Day, is also the birth date of Vladimir Lenin, an acolyte of Karl Marx, the lunatic who invented communism as an alternative to capitalism. Earth Day is naked communism. To begin, it substitutes a worship of the Earth, Gaia, for the worship of God, creator of the universe and the instructor of moral behavior for mankind. The Earth does not demand a moral code of personal behavior. While America was established to ensure “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, environmentalism exists to exert more and more control over our lives by limiting our choices, our liberty.
Warning Signs: The Naked Communism of Earth Day
Warning Signs The Naked Communism of Earth Day

Imagine the Leftists, world over....

....laughing at the dunces who are out there celebrating the birth of Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin)

4. As one of his friends later recalled, "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
The Black Book of Communism, p.123-124.

5. "The present moment favors us....With the help of all those starving people who are starting to eat each other, who are dying by the millions, and whose bodies litter the roadside all over the country, it is now and only now, that we can-and therefore must- confiscate all church property with all the ruthless energy we can muster....Our only hope is the despair engendered in the masses by the famine, which will cause them to look at us in a favorable light or at the very least, with indifference." Lenin, March 19, 1922

"For humankind at large Lenin had nothing but scorn: ...individual human beings held for Lenin almost no interest..."
Richard Pipes, "The Unknown Lenin," p. 10

Hey....happy Lenin's Birthday, warmists!
You said:

How cruel.

Making fun of those with....limitations.....disabilities.

I'm sorry. I can't help my self. Besides, Republicans ask for it.
Let's see, you've called me a "moron" a few times during this discussion.
Lowering yourself to petty name-calling pretty much signals that you have nothing to counter my thoughts, the use of Bible verses or the links I provided from large and well-respected Christian organizations..
Finally, if I were you. I wouldn't start any threads containing the finger pointing of alleged Christian hating/anti-Christian behavior, which would be complete hypocrisy on your part.
In a sense Earth Day is a day when Christians can acknowledge God's wish of taking care of His Earth.

Earth Day: A Biblical Mandate
I will celebrate “Earth Day” and encourage Christians of all denominations and traditions to do so. Why? We believe that God created the earth, entrusting its care to man, and that He will one day recreate it in “the new heaven and new earth.” We are called to “witness” to our faith as believers.
Participation in this event is an opportunity to express love for God and care for what He has created. We evangelicals call this “creation care.” Care for the entire creation — the environment and “all creatures great and small” — is a biblical obligation (Gen. 2:15). We should walk in God’s ways (Deut. 10:12) and try to inspire people by offering broader vistas of thought and service.
Can we hear the voice of the biblical prophet Ezekiel: “Is it not enough for you to drink the water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?” Here’s a modern-day question: Is it enough for you to enjoy a pleasant climate? Must you destroy it? Is it not enough for you to enjoy the myriad of creatures? Must you extinguish them? Major segments of the earth are dying and we are responsible. Earth’s resources are not infinite.
A new moral awakening is sweeping our land. It’s a re-awakening to the heart of the Gospel ethic: to steward the natural world in order to preserve for ourselves and future generations a beautiful, rich, and healthy environment. It is “revision-ing” our lives. Taking part in “Earth Day” is a response to this new calling.
Earth Day A Biblical Mandate - OnFaith

Instead of mocking Earth Day, people who claim to be Christians should be honoring Earth Day because at the same time you are honoring God. Earth is God's creation.
"The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth dwindled, and few people are left. Isaiah: 24:5

Two problems...

1. You're a moron

2. It's pagan, not Christian.

"We are about to witness a worldwide pagan rite – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

Though touted as, somehow, NEW, worship of the earth is likely the oldest religion on earth. Born of child-like ignorance, it has survived centuries and is, once again, robust and thriving among those people of earth who have lost their way and have reclaimed this form of paganism …” Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority
Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority

A "moron"? No, I am a Christian. I was brought up in Christian family the includes Ministers and missionaries. My family has always felt strongly about following God's commandments about taking care of His Earth. The Bible is filled with verses about taking care of our environment. About the only people who see Earth Day as pagan are people who condone; "The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant."

The post you attacked contained an article that was written by a Christian who represents millions of Evangelicals via National Association of Evangelicals, your reponse was written by an ideologue representing a very small portion of fellow ideologues.

Below are other Christian "morons", who know and understand the Bible.

Why Christians Should Support Earth Day
Why Christians Should Support Earth Day TGC The Gospel Coalition
Christians Can Celebrate Earth Day by Making Lifestyle Changes That Cut Waste and Save Money
Christians Can Celebrate Earth Day by Making Lifestyle Changes That Cut Waste and Save Money
Christians and Earth Day: ‘You can’t love God and ignore the Earth’
Christians and Earth Day You can t love God and ignore the Earth - The United Methodist Church
A biblical perspective on Earth Day
A biblical perspective on Earth Day
Grow Closer to God this Earth Day
Grow Closer to God this Earth Day

What can I say?
There are certainly easily led you.

1. In the early Twenties the Communist Party made considerable gains in its program to infiltrate the churches. This effort was led by such prominent "American" clergymen as Harry F. Ward ("one of the leading collaborators of, and apologists for, the Soviet Union."...), Jerome Davis, William B. Spofford, and Albert Rhys Williams. at the 1942 convention of the Federal Council of Churchescalled for: Ultimately,"a world government of delegated powers." Complete abandonment of U.S. isolationism. Strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty. International control of all armies and navies. A universal system of money.... Worldwide freedom of immigration. Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade .... A "democratically controlled" international bank ....
APOSTASY -- The National Council Of Churches

2. The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,” …capitalism.

    1. “The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept
      the Marxist point of view
      …The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach a religious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx. The federation wants the ministers to declare their judgment against the social economic system under which Americans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system,which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.” Read the eBook Investigation of Communist activities in the New York City area. Hearings Volume pt. 5-6 pp. 1969-2143 by United States. Congress. House. Committee on Un-Am online for free page 22 of 24 \
"We reject the profit-seeking economy and the capitalistic way of life with its
private ownership..."

That you, too?

The Gospel Coalition? They're a Globalist Organization. You've just proven all of PC's points!

Overview TGC The Gospel Coalition

Kiwiman, which Bible do you use?

Care to point our what bothers you about The Gospel Coalition?
Is it the advocating of gospel centered principles and living ones life using the Bible as a guide?
Ah, the fact the term their cause as globalist. So missionaries spreading the concept of Christianity are evil?
What's your point?
Do want to condemn the Methodist too! How about the entire Christian faith?
Oh and Mad Scientist, I'm Methodist.
Wow, this is great. I'm being attacked by conservatives/Republicans for being a Christian, using the Bible in context and plus Christian organizations to support my Christian philosophy.
I just have to bookmark this.
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Let's see, you've called me a "moron" a few times during this discussion.
Lowering yourself to petty name-calling pretty much signals that you have nothing to counter my thoughts, the use of Bible verses or the links I provided from large and well-respected Christian organizations..
Finally, if I were you. I wouldn't start any threads containing the finger pointing of alleged Christian hating/anti-Christian behavior, which would be complete hypocrisy on your part.

1. Correctly identifying you is hardly 'lowering myself.'

And....calling you a moron....I thought you already knew.

BTW....I also identified you as a liar....

2. "I wouldn't start any threads containing the finger pointing of alleged Christian hating/anti-Christian behavior..."

The posts single out communism and communist dupes for justifiable contumely.
You get what you deserve...., don't hide behind Christianity.

3. Let's not lose sight of the reason for this thread...

"Celebrate Earth Day (April 22)
by reminding liberals of all the whacko predictions made by environmentalists in 1970, the year the event was founded: a new Ice Age (Newsweek); a world "eleven degrees colder by the year 2000" (Kenneth Watt); by 1985 air pollution to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half (Life magazine); by 1995 between 75 and 85 percent of all species to be extinct (Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson); mass starvation (Earth Day organizer Denis Hayes). Say: "Thank you, thank you, Earth Day! If those 20 million hippies hadn't taken the day off work, we'd all be dead by now!"

From James Delingpole, "365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy"
Care to point our what bothers you about The Gospel Coalition?
I already have. It's a Globalist Organization.

Methodists eh? Care to tell me which Bible you use? Oh, you don't have one!
Does The United Methodist Church designate an official version of the Bible - The United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church does not have an "official" version or translation of the Bible.
"Well why would THAT matter? They're all the same!"

No they're not.
Matthew 7:1-2 King James Bible.
1 "Judge not, that you be not judged.2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
Matthew 7:1-2 Common English Bible
1 “Don't judge, so that you won't be judged.2 You'll receive the same judgment you give. Whatever you deal out will be dealt out to you.

You see the difference? The CEB says "Don't judge or YOU will be judged! Mind yer own business!"

Whereas the KJB says "Whomever you judge, you better use the SAME STANDARDS in judging yerself!"

Which one do Liberals push? Which one do Globalist Organizations push? Which one would Communists Push?
Care to point our what bothers you about The Gospel Coalition?
I already have. It's a Globalist Organization.

Methodists eh? Care to tell me which Bible you use? Oh, you don't have one!
Does The United Methodist Church designate an official version of the Bible - The United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church does not have an "official" version or translation of the Bible.
"Well why would THAT matter? They're all the same!"

No they're not.

King James of course.
So far, you haven't accomplished much on this thread, ya know.
You are posting, but not saying anything.
So, I take it, you have a problem with Christian globalization.:laugh:
It's Commie Earth Day!! Get Your GAIA HAT!!

In a sense Earth Day is a day when Christians can acknowledge God's wish of taking care of His Earth.

Earth Day: A Biblical Mandate
I will celebrate “Earth Day” and encourage Christians of all denominations and traditions to do so. Why? We believe that God created the earth, entrusting its care to man, and that He will one day recreate it in “the new heaven and new earth.” We are called to “witness” to our faith as believers.
Participation in this event is an opportunity to express love for God and care for what He has created. We evangelicals call this “creation care.” Care for the entire creation — the environment and “all creatures great and small” — is a biblical obligation (Gen. 2:15). We should walk in God’s ways (Deut. 10:12) and try to inspire people by offering broader vistas of thought and service.
Can we hear the voice of the biblical prophet Ezekiel: “Is it not enough for you to drink the water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?” Here’s a modern-day question: Is it enough for you to enjoy a pleasant climate? Must you destroy it? Is it not enough for you to enjoy the myriad of creatures? Must you extinguish them? Major segments of the earth are dying and we are responsible. Earth’s resources are not infinite.
A new moral awakening is sweeping our land. It’s a re-awakening to the heart of the Gospel ethic: to steward the natural world in order to preserve for ourselves and future generations a beautiful, rich, and healthy environment. It is “revision-ing” our lives. Taking part in “Earth Day” is a response to this new calling.
Earth Day A Biblical Mandate - OnFaith

Instead of mocking Earth Day, people who claim to be Christians should be honoring Earth Day because at the same time you are honoring God. Earth is God's creation.
"The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth dwindled, and few people are left. Isaiah: 24:5

Two problems...

1. You're a moron

2. It's pagan, not Christian.

"We are about to witness a worldwide pagan rite – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

Though touted as, somehow, NEW, worship of the earth is likely the oldest religion on earth. Born of child-like ignorance, it has survived centuries and is, once again, robust and thriving among those people of earth who have lost their way and have reclaimed this form of paganism …” Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority
Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority

Earth Day is pagan. Celebrating Earth, which is God's creation is pagan.
Well, if your all freaked out about Earth Day being pagan, you must go ballistic about Christmas being pagan. If using Christ's birthday to make 3 trillion dollars in sales isn't pagan, what is?
In a sense Earth Day is a day when Christians can acknowledge God's wish of taking care of His Earth.

Earth Day: A Biblical Mandate
I will celebrate “Earth Day” and encourage Christians of all denominations and traditions to do so. Why? We believe that God created the earth, entrusting its care to man, and that He will one day recreate it in “the new heaven and new earth.” We are called to “witness” to our faith as believers.
Participation in this event is an opportunity to express love for God and care for what He has created. We evangelicals call this “creation care.” Care for the entire creation — the environment and “all creatures great and small” — is a biblical obligation (Gen. 2:15). We should walk in God’s ways (Deut. 10:12) and try to inspire people by offering broader vistas of thought and service.
Can we hear the voice of the biblical prophet Ezekiel: “Is it not enough for you to drink the water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?” Here’s a modern-day question: Is it enough for you to enjoy a pleasant climate? Must you destroy it? Is it not enough for you to enjoy the myriad of creatures? Must you extinguish them? Major segments of the earth are dying and we are responsible. Earth’s resources are not infinite.
A new moral awakening is sweeping our land. It’s a re-awakening to the heart of the Gospel ethic: to steward the natural world in order to preserve for ourselves and future generations a beautiful, rich, and healthy environment. It is “revision-ing” our lives. Taking part in “Earth Day” is a response to this new calling.
Earth Day A Biblical Mandate - OnFaith

Instead of mocking Earth Day, people who claim to be Christians should be honoring Earth Day because at the same time you are honoring God. Earth is God's creation.
"The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth dwindled, and few people are left. Isaiah: 24:5

Two problems...

1. You're a moron

2. It's pagan, not Christian.

"We are about to witness a worldwide pagan rite – the worship of the earth, the worship of Gaia, (Earth Mother). Earth Day is the worship of nature — rather than Nature’s God.

Though touted as, somehow, NEW, worship of the earth is likely the oldest religion on earth. Born of child-like ignorance, it has survived centuries and is, once again, robust and thriving among those people of earth who have lost their way and have reclaimed this form of paganism …” Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority
Earth Day, The High Holy Day of Paganism | The Silent Majority

Earth Day is pagan. Celebrating Earth, which is God's creation is pagan.
Well, if your all freaked out about Earth Day being pagan, you must go ballistic about Christmas being pagan. If using Christ's birthday to make 3 trillion dollars in sales isn't pagan, what is?

Funny that you use equate Santa Clause and Christ the same... Christ is the beginning of Christmas and the ultimate gift, while Santa Clause was the pagan answer to Christ's gift and a way to distract from the true meaning.

Christ taught paying your bills and debts and living within your means while helping others from your excess. Santa Clause is about demanding things, spending outside your control and means. This behavior leads to slavery.

Santa Clause was one of the biggest lies started by Pagans very long ago and just like the central control planers of that time they too wanted control. SO we teach our children giving and want using a lie about Santa clause while ignoring the gift that God gave and his teachings of responsibility.

SO just like the money changers in the temple, who were cast out by Jesus, the truth was tweaked for personal want and gain. This was why they were thrown from his fathers house. Capitalism in and of itself is not evil. Living within your means is not evil. Being responsible for your actions and being honest is not evil. Using a lie to deprive others of what they have earned and making people destitute because of a lie is evil. All of which the green agenda does.

IN Genesis God gave us the earth and commanded that we manage all the beasts. GOD commanded that we care for his creation not worship it. Why has this become lost on Christians today?

There is a gigantic difference between being a good steward and being an envirowacko. Managing God's gift is not the same as the UN envirowacko's who want to remove man from the earth.
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Environmentalism is one of the pillars for progressives.......right out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals".


Anybody who thinks this is about the environment is either deeply embedded in the matrix or a communist activist.

Funny though...........back in the '70's, as a kid, I remember Earth Day was a big deal. In 2015, nobody gives a rats ass about Earth Day except those who need something meaningful in their lives. and/or those with zero real responsibilities in life. You look at this thread and you can figure out who those people are!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
The Armchair Ashtray

"Let's stop distributing pictures of Captain Planet (DIC Entertainment), the fictional hero who tries to protect Earth's ecosystems from evil."

Problems such as global warming have been developing for some time now --- perhaps since the days of Industrial Revolution waste mismanagement.

When I first heard about the Ozone problem, I thought Earth was balding. Now, it seems talk of weird weather is a part of 'Earth Day dialogue.'

Hey, if athletes are condoned by their coaches/managers to take illegal and dangerous performance-enhancing drugs (i.e., steroids), then, certainly, Captain Planet (DIC Entertainment) can be used to talk about manmade pollution apathy.


The Comic Book


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