The global warming thread. Is it for real?


Silver Member
Jun 1, 2013
There's a lot of debate regarding global warming.
For the purposes of this thread I would only like to debate whether the Earth is actually warming or not.

Some will take this for granted while others might say its a myth.

What are your point of views regarding global warming?
Is it real or there is no such thing as global warming?

( I have my viewpoint but I'll wait until I can post links to voice it ).
This is what the Earth's temperature and atmospheric CO2 history looks like. Given this, how can anyone who has even the slightest grasp of history be alarmed...and how can anyone who has even the slightest grasp of history think that the long upward trend in temperature can be anything but natural?

The climate science frauds are playing the same game today as was played by the bloody priests of old. They know what the temperature history of the earth looks like just as the bloody old priests knew by celestial markers when the seasons were going to change. When the time for change came near, they bloody old priests demanded sacrifice and power in order to intervene with the gods to keep nature on an even keel. The uninformed, uneducated victims of those old priests sacrificed and gave them they power they wanted...even over the ruling class and the seasons changed according to schedule.

Look at the temperature line on the graph below. In which direction do you think the long term trend is going to be no matter whether man is in residence on the face of the earth or not...and how high do you think the temperature is going to eventually get no matter whether we are here or not?

Climate change is has always been real even back to the beginning of the earth. At present, the earth is very cold when compared to its historical mean. Look at the graph and tell me honestly, do you really believe that man is causing the temperature to rise or do you think that the temperature was going to rise anyway and some con men have taken a page from the bloody priests of the past and grabbed a bit of sacrifice and power while the grabbing was good?

The modern con men, like the bloody old priests have tried to grab too much and overplayed their connection to the gods and their predictions, like those of the bloody old priests aren't happening on schedule. Information is available on a mass scale and like the bloody old priests, the modern con men are facing a populace with more information at their disposal and the questions are beginning to get uncomfortable. It won't be long before this game is up and a new set of con men pick some other natural event to pretend to control in exchange for sacrifice and power.

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There's a lot of debate regarding global warming.
For the purposes of this thread I would only like to debate whether the Earth is actually warming or not.

Some will take this for granted while others might say its a myth.

What are your point of views regarding global warming?
Is it real or there is no such thing as global warming?

( I have my viewpoint but I'll wait until I can post links to voice it ).

no one doubts that there has been some warming since the Little Ice Age. the argument is how much, and whether any appreciable percentage is caused by mankinds use of fossil fuels. I suggest you peruse some of the older threads to get up to speed on the subject.
Scientists have been saying for a few years now that the sun's solar activity has been very unusual, especially sunspot activity. It is well known to anyone with even High School level science knowledge that solar activity is the #1 determinant in our climate.
There's a lot of debate regarding global warming.
For the purposes of this thread I would only like to debate whether the Earth is actually warming or not.

Some will take this for granted while others might say its a myth.

What are your point of views regarding global warming?
Is it real or there is no such thing as global warming?

( I have my viewpoint but I'll wait until I can post links to voice it ).

Do we want to risk whether it is true or not?
There's a lot of debate regarding global warming.
For the purposes of this thread I would only like to debate whether the Earth is actually warming or not.

Some will take this for granted while others might say its a myth.

What are your point of views regarding global warming?
Is it real or there is no such thing as global warming?

( I have my viewpoint but I'll wait until I can post links to voice it ).

Do we want to risk whether it is true or not?

Same could be said about aliens or dragons, dude. It's a lousy argument to make. Saying, well, it could very well be a feiry tale (it is, climate change isn't) but do you really want to risk it? And at what cost?

Should wwe have carbon taxes? Is that a solution? What is the solution if we dont want to 'risk' it?
Scientists have been saying for a few years now that the sun's solar activity has been very unusual, especially sunspot activity. It is well known to anyone with even High School level science knowledge that solar activity is the #1 determinant in our climate.

there are just some things mankind is not in control of....sun spots and solar activity are the biggest threat
One thing's certain... THIS global warming thread is for real. :thup:
There's a lot of debate regarding global warming.
For the purposes of this thread I would only like to debate whether the Earth is actually warming or not.

Some will take this for granted while others might say its a myth.

What are your point of views regarding global warming?
Is it real or there is no such thing as global warming?

( I have my viewpoint but I'll wait until I can post links to voice it ).

Do we want to risk whether it is true or not?

Same could be said about aliens or dragons, dude. It's a lousy argument to make. Saying, well, it could very well be a feiry tale (it is, climate change isn't) but do you really want to risk it? And at what cost?

Should wwe have carbon taxes? Is that a solution? What is the solution if we dont want to 'risk' it?

One of the things that has made me skeptical of the global warming theory is that it seems like the answer to it that they are pushing on us is socialism.
Really? The Tesla S is socialism? The windfarms that Scottish Power is building are socialism? Detail in what way converting to an energy system that does not endanger the lives of the future generations is socialism.
This is what the Earth's temperature and atmospheric CO2 history looks like. Given this, how can anyone who has even the slightest grasp of history be alarmed...and how can anyone who has even the slightest grasp of history think that the long upward trend in temperature can be anything but natural?

The climate science frauds are playing the same game today as was played by the bloody priests of old. They know what the temperature history of the earth looks like just as the bloody old priests knew by celestial markers when the seasons were going to change. When the time for change came near, they bloody old priests demanded sacrifice and power in order to intervene with the gods to keep nature on an even keel. The uninformed, uneducated victims of those old priests sacrificed and gave them they power they wanted...even over the ruling class and the seasons changed according to schedule.

Look at the temperature line on the graph below. In which direction do you think the long term trend is going to be no matter whether man is in residence on the face of the earth or not...and how high do you think the temperature is going to eventually get no matter whether we are here or not?

Climate change is has always been real even back to the beginning of the earth. At present, the earth is very cold when compared to its historical mean. Look at the graph and tell me honestly, do you really believe that man is causing the temperature to rise or do you think that the temperature was going to rise anyway and some con men have taken a page from the bloody priests of the past and grabbed a bit of sacrifice and power while the grabbing was good?

The modern con men, like the bloody old priests have tried to grab too much and overplayed their connection to the gods and their predictions, like those of the bloody old priests aren't happening on schedule. Information is available on a mass scale and like the bloody old priests, the modern con men are facing a populace with more information at their disposal and the questions are beginning to get uncomfortable. It won't be long before this game is up and a new set of con men pick some other natural event to pretend to control in exchange for sacrifice and power.

Granted , the Earth has been warmer ( and a lot colder ) in the past.
Those changes didn't end life on earth they just ended with the life of the species that were unable to adapt.
Still, your post doesn't really answer the question :
Is global warming occurring ? and even more important is the warming a trend that will continue in the forseeable future.

Later on we could debate whether the change is due to human activity or not, and if so if there is a way to "tame" the weather, but none of that is relevant if we can't agree on the basic question : are we witnessing a global warming phenomena ?
Do we want to risk whether it is true or not?

Same could be said about aliens or dragons, dude. It's a lousy argument to make. Saying, well, it could very well be a feiry tale (it is, climate change isn't) but do you really want to risk it? And at what cost?

Should wwe have carbon taxes? Is that a solution? What is the solution if we dont want to 'risk' it?

One of the things that has made me skeptical of the global warming theory is that it seems like the answer to it that they are pushing on us is socialism.

Ever notice how the liberal solution to every problem is for the government to take more of your money or freedom?
Really? The Tesla S is socialism? The windfarms that Scottish Power is building are socialism? Detail in what way converting to an energy system that does not endanger the lives of the future generations is socialism.

Tesla motors receives massive subsidies from the federal government, and Scottish Power is entirely a creature created by the British government. Furthermore, wind power in the UK receives massive subsidies from the government. So, yes, both your examples are socialism. Both are massive failures.
Really? The Tesla S is socialism? The windfarms that Scottish Power is building are socialism? Detail in what way converting to an energy system that does not endanger the lives of the future generations is socialism.

Tesla motors receives massive subsidies from the federal government, and Scottish Power is entirely a creature created by the British government. Furthermore, wind power in the UK receives massive subsidies from the government. So, yes, both your examples are socialism. Both are massive failures.

What about wikispeed ?
A recent study showed that 0.7% - 1.0% of scientifc papers deny that human activity influences climate change.

So what we know for a fact is that people who work in this field overwhelmingly feel human activity is the key factor.

I think most sensible people will find that worth taking seriously.

It is also interesting that denial only comes from people on the very outer extreme fringe of American right-wing politics, whereas people from right across the political spectrum back AGW. Again, I think that is worth considering.
So what we know for a fact is that people who work in this field overwhelmingly feel human activity is the key factor.

We also know for a fact that if they didn't publish those "feelings" that the money cow would dry up in a New York minute. We also know for a fact that "feelings" are not the best way to reach a position on an issue. We also know that if one wants to hold a certain position and the facts don't support it, that "feelings" will often do just fine for a certain sort of person.

Feelings is what you have because there isn't a single hard, observed, measured, empirical piece of evidence to support the claim that an increase in atmospheric CO2 causes warming.
There's a lot of debate regarding global warming.
For the purposes of this thread I would only like to debate whether the Earth is actually warming or not.

Some will take this for granted while others might say its a myth.

What are your point of views regarding global warming?
Is it real or there is no such thing as global warming?

( I have my viewpoint but I'll wait until I can post links to voice it ).

Do we want to risk whether it is true or not?

Impossible to know with any degree of certainty, which begs the question. The UN thinks we should do something about it immediately so perhaps we should launch into that today??? What is not well known is that the UN also put a price tag on combating global warming: 76 Trillion dollars = do a little research to see what that involves, including ummmm......... going back to the technology of the 18th century.:2up: Pretty cool huh??!!!

But the question is indeed a moot one. It is not even remotely possible world governments are going to do what MIGHT ( operative word) be NECESSARY ( operative word) because we would be looking at a world that looks far different than it does now. It would be unrecognizable. Categorical changes like that only exist in the minds of the connect the dots challenged. Taxing individuals at well over 50% is not at all politically feasible based upon a hail Mary pass guess about what might be years from now. People on the far left never, ever weigh this as it relates to the science, as if costs were simply an afterthought. Think about our president telling you tomorrow, "Ummmm........but it will cost all of us alot. We will no longer be able to use cell phones. Air travel will cease. We will need to move billions of tons of food across the country, not by train, but by balloons. And by the way......we will all travel to work using golf cart type vehicles. But if we stick together......we will do this!!!"

Yup......that'll fly real well!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:
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