The good news of Gods kingdom


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.
Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon.

the scribes of the Bible do not understand the Triumph of Good, the True path of Remittance is meant to prevent Armageddon and the destruction of mankind ... they erroneously proclaim.

kj, you make so many good points in your post. It makes me anxious for that peaceful day.
But I have a different understanding of the 144,000.

The 144,000. 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes are Messianic Jews who God marks exactly like He did Cain, so that they cannot be harmed while they perform the duty of spreading the Gospel to other Jews during the tribulation prior to their Messiah's return. They are humans who survive the tribulation and never leave earth.

The Church, not the Temple, is the Bride of Christ. All the individuals who have believed that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, and that He shed His blood to remove their sins compile the bride, and are the army taken up in the rapture or upon their death, that return with Christ to rule and reign with Him. The 144,000 faithful Jews will also be in the service of the Lord, in Jerusalem, as Christ takes His place on His grandfather David's throne.
The Church is not Jewish. Our Savior is.

Christ doesn't remove all sin when He returns, but does bind Satan. There will be people who survived the tribulation who remember and are still drawn to sin. And Satan and Christ go at it again and for good 1,000 years later. It is then that Satan, his followers, and Death< the consequence of sin, is removed from us for eternity. All things are made new.
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kj, you make so many good points in your post. It makes me anxious for that peaceful day.
But I have a different understanding of the 144,000.

The 144,000. 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes are Messianic Jews who God marks exactly like He did Cain, so that they cannot be harmed while they perform the duty of spreading the Gospel to other Jews during the tribulation prior to their Messiah's return. They are humans who survive the tribulation and never leave earth.

The Church, not the Temple, is the Bride of Christ. All the individuals who have believed that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, and that He shed His blood to remove their sins compile the bride, and are the army taken up in the rapture or upon their death, that return with Christ to rule and reign with Him. The 144,000 faithful Jews will also be in the service of the Lord, in Jerusalem, as Christ takes His place on His grandfather David's throne.
The Church is not Jewish. Our Savior is.

Christ doesn't remove all sin when He returns, but does bind Satan. There will be people who survived the tribulation who remember and are still drawn to sin. And Satan and Christ go at it again and for good 1,000 years later. It is then that Satan, his followers, and Death< the consequence of sin, is removed from us for eternity. All things are made new.

The Israelites( jewish) were cut of from being Gods chosen( Matt 23: 37-38) their only hope is to accept Jesus as the Messiah---- the references to Israel after that point is actually spiritual Israel( meaning--Gods chosen) the bible writer had no clue to what the new religion would be called in these last days. So he referred to them as Israel( symbolism)

I don't agree that the whole congregation = the bride--just the 144,000.
Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon.

the scribes of the Bible do not understand the Triumph of Good, the True path of Remittance is meant to prevent Armageddon and the destruction of mankind ... they erroneously proclaim.


I don't know exactly what you are saying here. but--Harmageddons day and hour are set in stone. It will come as prophecyed.
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

How was God defeated by the Devil? Thus loosing his creation?
Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon.

the scribes of the Bible do not understand the Triumph of Good, the True path of Remittance is meant to prevent Armageddon and the destruction of mankind ... they erroneously proclaim.


I don't know exactly what you are saying here. but--Harmageddons day and hour are set in stone. It will come as prophecyed.

... will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness

the time of the event will be when either Good triumphs over Evil as a final completion (a Sabbath) or if Evil succeeds in the end - if Good triumphs over Evil there will be no need for Armageddon - the task will already have been completed.

*Armageddon is the destruction of mankind.

Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

How was God defeated by the Devil? Thus loosing his creation?

God was not defeated by the devil--issues of his universal sovereignty were raised against him in the garden of Eden, where the rebellion started. So once and for all time it is going to the extremes to prove we need Gods direction to live our lives to find real happiness by knowing only good.--God was correct-he always is. Its almost done--are you prepared?
the scribes of the Bible do not understand the Triumph of Good, the True path of Remittance is meant to prevent Armageddon and the destruction of mankind ... they erroneously proclaim.


I don't know exactly what you are saying here. but--Harmageddons day and hour are set in stone. It will come as prophecyed.

... will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness

the time of the event will be when either Good triumphs over Evil as a final completion (a Sabbath) or if Evil succeeds in the end - if Good triumphs over Evil there will be no need for Armageddon - the task will already have been completed.

*Armageddon is the destruction of mankind.


Harmageddon will destroy wicked mankind--the righteous will be brought through. In fact rev 16 teaches---- with 3 inspired expressions, satan will mislead every kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) of this earth, to stand in opposition to God at Harmageddon. They will obviously think they are doing the opposite( just like now) this world lives in satans illusions( 2 cor 11:12-15)
I don't know exactly what you are saying here. but--Harmageddons day and hour are set in stone. It will come as prophecyed.

... will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness

the time of the event will be when either Good triumphs over Evil as a final completion (a Sabbath) or if Evil succeeds in the end - if Good triumphs over Evil there will be no need for Armageddon - the task will already have been completed.

*Armageddon is the destruction of mankind.


Harmageddon will destroy wicked mankind--the righteous will be brought through. In fact rev 16 teaches---- with 3 inspired expressions, satan will mislead every kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) of this earth, to stand in opposition to God at Harmageddon. They will obviously think they are doing the opposite( just like now) this world lives in satans illusions( 2 cor 11:12-15)

Harmageddon will destroy wicked mankind ...

kjw, that is for you to accomplish, as well accomplished by all those remaining, for there to be no more (evil) to destroy - will be the reason for God's return to grant the final Judgement ... The Parable of Noah.

Satan is Dead - it is left for you to accomplish for your own Spirit what is already accomplished and expected by God - for Remission to the Everlasting.
... will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness

the time of the event will be when either Good triumphs over Evil as a final completion (a Sabbath) or if Evil succeeds in the end - if Good triumphs over Evil there will be no need for Armageddon - the task will already have been completed.

*Armageddon is the destruction of mankind.


Harmageddon will destroy wicked mankind--the righteous will be brought through. In fact rev 16 teaches---- with 3 inspired expressions, satan will mislead every kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) of this earth, to stand in opposition to God at Harmageddon. They will obviously think they are doing the opposite( just like now) this world lives in satans illusions( 2 cor 11:12-15)

Harmageddon will destroy wicked mankind ...

kjw, that is for you to accomplish, as well accomplished by all those remaining, for there to be no more (evil) to destroy - will be the reason for God's return to grant the final Judgement ... The Parable of Noah.

Satan is Dead - it is left for you to accomplish for your own Spirit what is already accomplished and expected by God - for Remission to the Everlasting.

You need to read Gods word---it teaches clearly---Jesus, Gods appointed king, rides the white horse to earth leading Gods armies at Harmageddon. To rid this earth of satan influence and all wickedness--satan and his angels will be abyssed.
Wwiii and the rapture(catching up) of all believers anyday now! Are you ready? Or will you be left behind?
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

3 Jesus said, “If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the (Father’s) kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you.
- Gospel of Thomas
Apocrypha: Gospel of Thomas : Interfaith
We do. Always say the simplest proof that science is true, and religion isn't is how we can make machines using science, but no one's ever made a thing utilizing religion while rejecting science.

We're all typing away on computers made possible because science is true. If science wasn't true we wouldn't have computers, plastics, etc.
We do. Always say the simplest proof that science is true, and religion isn't is how we can make machines using science, but no one's ever made a thing utilizing religion while rejecting science.

We're all typing away on computers made possible because science is true. If science wasn't true we wouldn't have computers, plastics, etc.

Do you really believe that, or are you testing people's gullibility, or what?

Be enlightened: Tetragrammaton; Java, Jehovah. Have you read Genesis, chapter 1? See a word like "days", think "hertz", as in the clock speed of your machine. Without religion, none of this would be possible.
why not use known science instead of myths to run the world?

Well, when you are trying to use the scientific "truth" that the world is flat, you will realize the problem of using science. Science is a work in progress.

And when you use science absence morality, you will see how destructive a path that is.

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