The good news of Gods kingdom

Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

The Bible is NOT the Word of God and this is why most Christians disagree with each other. They believe their own interpretations of the prophecies instead of God's interpretations that are only spoken by a true saint.
why not use known science instead of myths to run the world?

Why not try wisdom and prudence? Science has a place in that, so does clarity of purpose. The choice is not limited to either or.

Wisdom and prudence are the antithesis of those whose purpose is to denounce the Lord and His laws.

... of those whose purpose is to denounce the Lord and His laws.

yes, as those who would scribe what isn't as though it were - the(ir) lost Ten Commandments.

why not use known science instead of myths to run the world?

Mans flawed science has been running the world--it has polluted the air, land, and water--put a huge hole in the ozone layer causing all of this havoc weather in the earth. Mans flawed science( all for the almighty $) is selling us fat-cancer.= mans science is FLAWED to the core.
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

kj, that is a good post, but there are a few errors.

Christ will return when we reach the brink of annihilation. And He will rule with an iron rod, for even though He chains Satan during that 1,000 year period, there will be Nations of people that survived the tribulation and remember and enjoy sin. It is only when Satan is dealt with permanently, at the end of the 1,000 year period, that the earth will be sin free.

Without picking a verse out of beatitudes, look at all of them. The beginning of the verses = us without the power of the Holy Spirit. The end of the verses is what we gain through the Holy Spirit. We will boldly inherit the earth, our meekness being turned into strength through the Holy Spirit.
For example, Those who mourn will be comforted, they won't continue to mourn.
The Holy Spirit is referred to in Scripture as "the comforter".
Here is Paul's explanation:

2 Corinthians 12:8-9
“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

The 144,000 are Messianic Jews that are sealed, as was Cain, from harm during the end times. They never leave earth, and are here when Christ returns.
The bride of Christ are those who have died in Christ and those alive in Christ who are taken up at the time prior to the tribulation. They return with Christ and along with the 144,000 will rule and reign with Christ for the millennium age and beyond.
Those who died while clinging to their sin will be judged at the end of the 1,000 year reign by Christ at the White Throne Judgement.
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

kj, that is a good post, but there are a few errors.

Christ will return when we reach the brink of annihilation. And He will rule with an iron rod, for even though He chains Satan during that 1,000 year period, there will be Nations of people that survived the tribulation and remember and enjoy sin. It is only when Satan is dealt with permanently, at the end of the 1,000 year period, that the earth will be sin free.

Without picking a verse out of beatitudes, look at all of them. The beginning of the verses = us without the power of the Holy Spirit. The end of the verses is what we gain through the Holy Spirit. We will boldly inherit the earth, our meekness being turned into strength through the Holy Spirit.
For example, Those who mourn will be comforted, they won't continue to mourn.
The Holy Spirit is referred to in Scripture as "the comforter".
Here is Paul's explanation:

2 Corinthians 12:8-9
“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

The 144,000 are Messianic Jews that are sealed, as was Cain, from harm during the end times. They never leave earth, and are here when Christ returns.
The bride of Christ are those who have died in Christ and those alive in Christ who are taken up at the time prior to the tribulation. They return with Christ and along with the 144,000 will rule and reign with Christ for the millennium age and beyond.
Those who died while clinging to their sin will be judged at the end of the 1,000 year reign by Christ at the White Throne Judgement.

I don't agree with your scenario.

Some resurrected will follow satan once he is set free for a short time.
We won't always agree on scripture, but as long as we agree on Christ, it's ok to disagree and discuss. :)
In the Bible the resurrected are referred to as Saints and Christ's church. That includes Gentiles, and no where does scripture waver from that to exclude those who believe in Christ, dead or alive or in the future regarding His bride.
Roman Christians that were fed to lions are the bride of Christ, and those that will have their heads removed for their faith in Christ during the tribulation are the saints John referred to under the alter in Heaven. I know of no mention of them rebelling against Christ when or after they return with Him. Do you have scripture that describes that rebellion?
The same with the 144,000. They live through the tribulation period because of God's mark. If they died and went to Heaven then God's mark was ineffective.
They spread the gospel during the last months before Christ comes back here. Why would they then go to Heaven to be His bride? The wedding takes place in Heaven, not here.

The churches, (the bride, the saints) are represented by the 7 lamp stands in the Holy Temple. Gentile and Jew united, as they should be. Neither are excluded from His church. Both are included as saints and priests, and rulers and co-heirs.

Those that will follow Satan during the millennium are those who survived the tribulation, and are replenishing the earth, whose bodies are not yet glorified, and who remember Satan when he reigned here. They make ruling over with an iron rod necessary.
Christ will shut Satan down for good at the White Throne Judgement. Spirits are eternal. Satan and the fallen will be restrained in a lake of fire for eternity. Those that remembered him and chose him, and follow/followed him will accompany him. Justice or mercy. What we deserve or what Jesus supplies. Our choice. :)
Christ will return when we reach the brink of annihilation.

a most senseless belief, if you can not triumph for yourself and the species why would you expect it to be done for you ?

Ram, stop reading that book ....

Never Breezy lol. Every day there is a good word about an Abba that loves me just as I am. Happy new Year to you and yours! May He bless you and keep you. :)

We are giving Iran 27 BILLION dollars to start an assembly line of nuclear weapons to use against their enemies. We will tilt this earth on it's axis by setting them off.
Mankind has never made a weapon it hasn't used, and the only man made thing in Heaven are scars. Man's inhumanity to man is staggering. Come quickly Lord.
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

kj, that is a good post, but there are a few errors.

Christ will return when we reach the brink of annihilation. And He will rule with an iron rod, for even though He chains Satan during that 1,000 year period, there will be Nations of people that survived the tribulation and remember and enjoy sin. It is only when Satan is dealt with permanently, at the end of the 1,000 year period, that the earth will be sin free.

Without picking a verse out of beatitudes, look at all of them. The beginning of the verses = us without the power of the Holy Spirit. The end of the verses is what we gain through the Holy Spirit. We will boldly inherit the earth, our meekness being turned into strength through the Holy Spirit.
For example, Those who mourn will be comforted, they won't continue to mourn.
The Holy Spirit is referred to in Scripture as "the comforter".
Here is Paul's explanation:

2 Corinthians 12:8-9
“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

The 144,000 are Messianic Jews that are sealed, as was Cain, from harm during the end times. They never leave earth, and are here when Christ returns.
The bride of Christ are those who have died in Christ and those alive in Christ who are taken up at the time prior to the tribulation. They return with Christ and along with the 144,000 will rule and reign with Christ for the millennium age and beyond.
Those who died while clinging to their sin will be judged at the end of the 1,000 year reign by Christ at the White Throne Judgement.

I don't agree with your scenario.

Some resurrected will follow satan once he is set free for a short time.

No. They are the children born in the millennium.
I don't know exactly what you are saying here. but--Harmageddons day and hour are set in stone. It will come as prophecyed.

... will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness

the time of the event will be when either Good triumphs over Evil as a final completion (a Sabbath) or if Evil succeeds in the end - if Good triumphs over Evil there will be no need for Armageddon - the task will already have been completed.

*Armageddon is the destruction of mankind.


Harmageddon will destroy wicked mankind--the righteous will be brought through. In fact rev 16 teaches---- with 3 inspired expressions, satan will mislead every kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) of this earth, to stand in opposition to God at Harmageddon. They will obviously think they are doing the opposite( just like now) this world lives in satans illusions( 2 cor 11:12-15)

It's the flesh of man that's being destroyed during this first age, not his spirit, which is our created existence in the mind of our Creator. All us saints know that our flesh has to perish before waking up in new flesh in Paradise and used by our Creator to speak the new language into existence so that ALL God's created men, both male and female in the flesh, will understand each other and live peacefully amongst each other.
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

God's Kingdom has been coming soon for 2000 years. Jesus cleansed the Temple with the full faith and expectation that God would re-inhabit it and rule from there. God demurred and Jesus was left to be crucified for his trouble, leaving him to wonder why God had forsaken him. Such are the members of the continual sting of victims of blind faith in revealed gods.
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

God's Kingdom has been coming soon for 2000 years. Jesus cleansed the Temple with the full faith and expectation that God would re-inhabit it and rule from there. God demurred and Jesus was left to be crucified for his trouble, leaving him to wonder why God had forsaken him. Such are the members of the continual sting of victims of blind faith in revealed gods.

... victims of blind faith

relying on others (what they read) rather than finding for themselves the truth and true path to the Everlasting.

Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

God's Kingdom has been coming soon for 2000 years. Jesus cleansed the Temple with the full faith and expectation that God would re-inhabit it and rule from there. God demurred and Jesus was left to be crucified for his trouble, leaving him to wonder why God had forsaken him. Such are the members of the continual sting of victims of blind faith in revealed gods.

... victims of blind faith

relying on others (what they read) rather than finding for themselves the truth and true path to the Everlasting.


Actually everything according to Gods will is right on schedule--it cannot be stopped or altered.
Gods word teaches Gods kingdom is coming to take control of all creation. Jesus taught right now--satan is the ruler of this world. Gods appointed king ( Jesus) will come to the earth leading Gods armies to rid his earth of all wickedness at Harmageddon. A new earth( system of things under Gods king) rule over all of creation, never to be ended again( Daniel 2:44)Gods kingdom. Jesus showed what Gods kingdom will do for mankind--all infirmities will be healed, no sickness, diseases. war, hatred, greed, lust. etc,etc,etc, no mourning, outcry, or pain, even death will be no more in Gods kingdom after Jesus hands it back to God(YHWH)Jehovah) 1 cor 15:24-28--- Plenty of food for all, the wolf will eat alongside a lamb( harmony) all of mankinds motives ruled by real love. It will be as God planned to start with--- mortals knowing only good. to live forever. In Paradise( Jesus promised to the great crowd this--The meek will inherit the earth. To the little flock Gods word teaches--rev 14:3-- ( by Jesus shed blood) 144,000 are bought from the earth--the bride of Christ, to rule as kings and priests alongside of Jesus. All of creation, no matter where will be standing before the throne of Gods kingdom. There will never be another rulership.

God's Kingdom has been coming soon for 2000 years. Jesus cleansed the Temple with the full faith and expectation that God would re-inhabit it and rule from there. God demurred and Jesus was left to be crucified for his trouble, leaving him to wonder why God had forsaken him. Such are the members of the continual sting of victims of blind faith in revealed gods.

Truth, just about the opposite is true. Christ laid down specific guidelines for His return. One of which was the return of the Jews to Israel. He had no intention of returning before then. And what about all the other criteria that we are seeing fall into place in our generation. Do you just disregard all of it as not germane to your non Biblical Bible story?
He said He would be back when the gospel was being preached worldwide. You have miscalculated by a few thousand years and then blamed Him for not showing up. Is your name Miller? :lol:

Christ never cleansed the Temple and contrary to your story, prophesied that not one stone of that building would be left upon another. His prophecy came true. The stones were all separated to collect the gold that had melted down between them when the Temple was burned.
Christ didn't come to save a building, and our Father never demurred. The mission of redemption went exactly as planned.

Christ wasn't forsaken on the cross. God turned His back on our sin while Christ suffered on the cross so that God would never have to turn His back on us. God isn't capable of looking upon sin. And it was you and me and your sins and my sins on that cross covering Jesus that day.

Jesus was a sin free man who always referred to our Father as Abba. Daddy, not God. The only time He called God God, was while our sins were being judged by God, the Judge. Thanks to Christ being our substitute, God can be God, the Father to us.

Then God raised His Son Jesus from the death we deserved, to eternal life. And He sits at the right hand of His Father as I type this.

We've had this discussion before. And yet you never challenge my response with scripture to verify what you say or disqualify what I say. Can you establish your assertions?
Where are you finding the verses where Jesus proclaims the Temple clean and invites God to re inhabit it? When did Christ proclaim that His mission?
And if God was suppose to re-inhabit the Temple why didn't he cleanse it Himself? Why would He "cut out" and leave His beloved son hanging out to dry? Is your God a cowardly God? A hit and run kinda guy? Did He chicken out at the last minute?

The God of the Bible finishes what He starts right up to the Day of the Lord.
Why is Christ going to sit on the throne of David and rule and reign, and not God? Why is Christ the High Priest and not God?
Because His loving Father gave Him dominion over everything God created. The opposite of forsaken.
Jesus Christ who faithfully reveals all truth to us. He was the first to rise from death, to die no more.He is far greater than any king in all the earth. All praise to him who always loves us and who set us free from our sins by pouring out his lifeblood for us. 6 He has gathered us into his Kingdom and made us priests of God his Father. Give to him everlasting glory! He rules forever! Amen!

7 See! He is arriving, surrounded by clouds; and every eye shall see him—yes, and those who pierced him. And the nations will weep in sorrow and in terror when he comes. Yes! Amen! Let it be so!

8 “I am the alpha and the omega,the Beginning and the Ending of all things,” says God, who is the Lord, the All Powerful One who is, and was, and is coming again!*
Revelation 1:
Jesus Christ who faithfully reveals all truth to us. He was the first to rise from death, to die no more.He is far greater than any king in all the earth. All praise to him who always loves us and who set us free from our sins by pouring out his lifeblood for us. 6 He has gathered us into his Kingdom and made us priests of God his Father. Give to him everlasting glory! He rules forever! Amen!

7 See! He is arriving, surrounded by clouds; and every eye shall see him—yes, and those who pierced him. And the nations will weep in sorrow and in terror when he comes. Yes! Amen! Let it be so!

8 “I am the alpha and the omega,the Beginning and the Ending of all things,” says God, who is the Lord, the All Powerful One who is, and was, and is coming again!*
Revelation 1:

Jesus death didn't set anyone free from sin--all have died and paid the wages of sin in full all by themselves.---repentence or death is the only thing that blots sin out-Acts 3:19-- Those standing on earth during Harmagedon- and are brought through, never will taste death)-Jesus death paid their sins in full.Jesus' death opened the door for all to repent and gain eternal life. Jesus death bought back what Adam had lost for mankind.

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