The GOP Debate - Round One -The Four

Trump did well.

I see rans Paul as more of the traditional conservative , but he gets buried .


paul is a loserterian that thinks gutting every thing = governing. stupid
Matthew, I think all of the candidates are interested in infrastructure, R&D and science. I think you expect the candidate to spout that every time they get a chance. There are other concerns that come into play with leading this nation. They are, the deficit, trade deals, security and a strong military for the dangerous world we are in. But you concerns are important as well, just not the topics that are being discussed.

Most on the left (especially the far left drones) miss the point on that narrative..

We have highway funding bills that gives money to states to maintain the infrastructure. It all depends on the state and how they spend that money..
Trump's back pat on Cruz and both of them smiling alongside Trumps comment about getting to know each other very well last 4 days? Was this a running mate signal?
So a big success- that's a relief. lol

This from a two time Obama voter and far left drone!
Best economy in the world, no Americans dying in combat, Arabs taking over the fighting, world against ISIS.

Yes we know you are programmed far left propaganda drone!
Facts, dupe.

And you far left drones are incapable of posting any..
So where am I wrong? Or are you spam?
Trump's back pat on Cruz and both of them smiling alongside Trumps comment about getting to know each other very well last 4 days? Was this a running mate signal?

Jesus, can we be this lucky?
How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't end on the day Obama was sworn in.

$11T including his run as phony Senator when they collapsed USA housing market triggering recession
Bush took Clinton's surplus and turned it into debt. We all know that.

And based on the same variables, we know bush handed Obama a mess.

Not a surplus.

And if you know enough to tell me Clinton didn't really hand bush a surplus you must know bush handed Obama a mess.

And there can only be one reason you pretend to not know bush handed Obama a mess. Why do you pretend to be ignorant?

You are being intellectually dishonest
We had 9/11 and wars to contend with. Very expensive.
No excuse! the Republicans gave 2 tax cuts during these very expensive wars and endeavors, which was more than IRRESPONSIBLE.
Best economy in the world, no Americans dying in combat, Arabs taking over the fighting, world against ISIS.

Yes we know you are programmed far left propaganda drone!
Facts, dupe.

And you far left drones are incapable of posting any..
So where am I wrong? Or are you spam?

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their narratives!
Jeebus what a waste of time...
Trump's back pat on Cruz and both of them smiling alongside Trumps comment about getting to know each other very well last 4 days? Was this a running mate signal?
I think it was a signal, thats for sure.
Paul and Rubio are my favorites of what the repubs have to offer.

Sanders and O'Malley for the dems.

I will vote for Clinton if Jeb! is the repub nominee. Any Clinton including Chelsea is preferable to the inept Bush family, especially after the disastrous "W" presidency that to this day makes me think twice about voting repub.

The other thing that makes me think twice about voting for a repub is the chance of repub majority govt. The last time this happened with "W" they spent like crazy while cutting taxes which is totally irresponsible. Their "fiscal responsibility" claims are complete bs as history shows, it is all talk.

I would have the same reservations with a dem majority as well, and would lean toward voting repub for pres if the dems controlled the house and senate.
Paul and Rubio are my favorites of what the repubs have to offer.

Sanders and O'Malley for the dems.

I will vote for Clinton if Jeb! is the repub nominee. Any Clinton including Chelsea is preferable to the inept Bush family, especially after the disastrous "W" presidency that to this day makes me think twice about voting repub.

The other thing that makes me think twice about voting for a repub is the chance of repub majority govt. The last time this happened with "W" they spent like crazy while cutting taxes which is totally irresponsible. Their "fiscal responsibility" claims are complete bs as history shows, it is all talk.

I would have the same reservations with a dem majority as well, and would lean toward voting repub for pres if the dems controlled the house and senate.

Lol, you don't have to be worried about a Republican controlled government. The republican party is so divided that you would think it's two parties instead of one.
If they don't want to fix our trade policies, build our infrastructure, fix our failing educational system and invest in science. Well, they're wrong for this country.

China and every other intelligent country on earth sure as hell will.

I already told you in ANOTHER thread that you had $1T stimulus and "D" did not use it for your infrastructure. You ignore that and run around every thread spouting R against infrastructure! enough already. you had your $1T and wasted it on pensions. I don't want to hear it again! Anger.

Itwas not all used for infrastructure because many states were in financial problems due to the recession that hit the states hard.
Trump's best moment is when he said he would respect the party and not go third party. He was thinking of the party, and country instead of himself.


You can't just "decide" to go 3rd party.

First you have to select a party and run as that (Green, Libertarian, Constitution etc....).

Secondly, you have to get on the ballot in the states which is a mish mash of # of signatures of residents and/or registered voters with different filing dates. Contrary to popular belief, Trump's popularity is not universal and showing up at a stadium in Mobile (what else was going on???) and signing an official state document with your SSN are two different things. The WWE/Monster Truck rally supporters that believe Trump's cartoonish view of the world will think twice about signing up to support him.

Thirdly, you'd be spending all of your own money because the 3rd parties have almost nothing to support your run for Presidency.

Fourth, to get onto the debate stage, you'd have to win a very contestable court decision forcing the CPD to put the 3rd podium up there but no other podia at the same time(sp?).

Trump thinks of nobody but Trump when the stakes matter. Only fools believe otherwise.
Paul and Rubio are my favorites of what the repubs have to offer.

Sanders and O'Malley for the dems.

I will vote for Clinton if Jeb! is the repub nominee. Any Clinton including Chelsea is preferable to the inept Bush family, especially after the disastrous "W" presidency that to this day makes me think twice about voting repub.

The other thing that makes me think twice about voting for a repub is the chance of repub majority govt. The last time this happened with "W" they spent like crazy while cutting taxes which is totally irresponsible. Their "fiscal responsibility" claims are complete bs as history shows, it is all talk.

I would have the same reservations with a dem majority as well, and would lean toward voting repub for pres if the dems controlled the house and senate.

Lol, you don't have to be worried about a Republican controlled government. The republican party is so divided that you would think it's two parties instead of one.

Yeah they are far from unified. I will say that if I trusted a candidates word enough I wouldn't worry about them being irresponsible even with the same party holding the house and senate. The two candidates I would trust for integrity are Paul and Sanders, but I disagree with their vision on a few things. Not necessarily dealbreakers but concerns.

Rubio I would like to trust but he just seems a little too salesman like, not sure about his record, and I would prefer if he had more experience. Same with O'Malley.
Bush looked even angrier than usual this evening, perhaps because in spite of 6 months campaigning and millions of dollars spent barely 5% of the people see him as a leader.

He stuttered and stammered during his closing statement, flubbed it.
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Not Syrian refugees.

We full up. We broke. 1mil legal each year + 0.5mil illegal.

We're fine.

I'm just amazed at how simplistic the argument can be and still impress folks. "I will make our military the strongest in the world". Wow...we've been "the strongest" arguably since 1946 depending on the metrics you use.

I will make us "great" again. We're great now.

It resonates with voters (on both sides of the aisle). I am just amazed that people seem to lose all perspective when they listen to candidates.

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