The GOP Debate - Round One -The Four

That is the problem and the crisis at hand, Europe can not handle much more, SA is not taking any refugees, they can not go to Iraq or Iran. I think Jordan had to close their borders, I doubt Israel is taking any refugees. So the problem is where would they go?
We cannot solve the problems of the world. We need security now.

That is the problem we are the world leader (except for the last 7 years).
Exactly. Except for the last 7 yeas. As leader we can become a model for capitalism and freedom. But with that freedom we have to be more selective in who we allow in this country./


Like Somalia without regulations or 1890's America when the big corporations ran wild. That isn't freedom. bernie sanders is right about two things and that is the need to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand better trade deals.

The one thing I like about Trump is he at least considers our trade deals bad.
Trump has hit home runs about 4 times with trade deals, illegal immigration, political correctness and negotiating treaties. But he isn't mature enough to be a leader of the US.

I do not think Trump really wants to be president..
That is the problem and the crisis at hand, Europe can not handle much more, SA is not taking any refugees, they can not go to Iraq or Iran. I think Jordan had to close their borders, I doubt Israel is taking any refugees. So the problem is where would they go?
We cannot solve the problems of the world. We need security now.

That is the problem we are the world leader (except for the last 7 years).
Exactly. Except for the last 7 yeas. As leader we can become a model for capitalism and freedom. But with that freedom we have to be more selective in who we allow in this country./


Like Somalia without regulations or 1890's America when the big corporations ran wild. That isn't freedom. bernie sanders is right about two things and that is the need to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand better trade deals.

The one thing I like about Trump is he at least considers our trade deals bad.
Trump has hit home runs about 4 times with trade deals, illegal immigration, political correctness and negotiating treaties. But he isn't mature enough to be a leader of the US.
Unless he gets a damn good VP and cabinet. He can be the brains to rebuild what we have lost, but let the more...ahem...polite people do the talking when talking is necessary. I am not quite ready to write him off yet.
what in the hell have they done with the hundreds of thousands of million dollars that they have gotten with the gigantic defense spending increases the last decade and a half?

SPEND SPEND SPEND, the Republicans are at it again with the Military Industrial Complex...

where's the money come from?

from the people, from infrastructure, from repairs needed, from technology advancement R&D, from our pockets...

THAT ALONE is reason not to vote for an R.... even the Dr. was all on board to spend spend spend on the military...

one carrier is 4000 million dollars....1, yep, just one...
We cannot solve the problems of the world. We need security now.

That is the problem we are the world leader (except for the last 7 years).
Exactly. Except for the last 7 yeas. As leader we can become a model for capitalism and freedom. But with that freedom we have to be more selective in who we allow in this country./


Like Somalia without regulations or 1890's America when the big corporations ran wild. That isn't freedom. bernie sanders is right about two things and that is the need to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand better trade deals.

The one thing I like about Trump is he at least considers our trade deals bad.
Trump has hit home runs about 4 times with trade deals, illegal immigration, political correctness and negotiating treaties. But he isn't mature enough to be a leader of the US.

I do not think Trump really wants to be president..
So do you think he is a Clinton plant?
What a bunch of bs artists....

And Hillary isn't?
The best bs artist will win hillary rodham Clinton.

Mrs president if you're nasty.

Yes we know you far left drones have no choices in your nominees.

Congratulations. You're the first RWNJ for me to put on ignore.
Is it because he says fld over and over? He doesn't realize how dumb it makes him look to say it over and over.
How did W do? lol. Absolutely clueless...

W got elected twice..

Silly far left drones!
Big success?

You asked and got an answer far left drone! No w you have to deal with it..
So a big success- that's a relief. lol

This from a two time Obama voter and far left drone!
Best economy in the world, no Americans dying in combat, Arabs taking over the fighting, world against ISIS.
That is the problem and the crisis at hand, Europe can not handle much more, SA is not taking any refugees, they can not go to Iraq or Iran. I think Jordan had to close their borders, I doubt Israel is taking any refugees. So the problem is where would they go?
We cannot solve the problems of the world. We need security now.

That is the problem we are the world leader (except for the last 7 years).
Exactly. Except for the last 7 yeas. As leader we can become a model for capitalism and freedom. But with that freedom we have to be more selective in who we allow in this country./


Like Somalia without regulations or 1890's America when the big corporations ran wild. That isn't freedom. bernie sanders is right about two things and that is the need to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand better trade deals.

The one thing I like about Trump is he at least considers our trade deals bad.
Trump has hit home runs about 4 times with trade deals, illegal immigration, political correctness and negotiating treaties. But he isn't mature enough to be a leader of the US.

Ahahaha who in your opinion among this crop is?
That is the problem we are the world leader (except for the last 7 years).
Exactly. Except for the last 7 yeas. As leader we can become a model for capitalism and freedom. But with that freedom we have to be more selective in who we allow in this country./


Like Somalia without regulations or 1890's America when the big corporations ran wild. That isn't freedom. bernie sanders is right about two things and that is the need to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand better trade deals.

The one thing I like about Trump is he at least considers our trade deals bad.
Trump has hit home runs about 4 times with trade deals, illegal immigration, political correctness and negotiating treaties. But he isn't mature enough to be a leader of the US.

I do not think Trump really wants to be president..
So do you think he is a Clinton plant?

Not sure, but he has always given to Democrats more than Republicans over the years including Clinton and their foundation.

Trump has always been a "progressive"..

The problem is now, after Obama the bar is so low, that people are more desperate than ever to show the establishment that they are not worth voting for..
W got elected twice..

Silly far left drones!
Big success?

You asked and got an answer far left drone! No w you have to deal with it..
So a big success- that's a relief. lol

This from a two time Obama voter and far left drone!
Best economy in the world, no Americans dying in combat, Arabs taking over the fighting, world against ISIS.

Yes we know you are programmed far left propaganda drone!
Now, in answer to your original question, Jackson...who do I think did best tonight?

Carly, Cruz, Paul.
Trump's best moment is when he said he would respect the party and not go third party. He was thinking of the party, and country instead of himself.
Bush looked even angrier than usual this evening, perhaps because in spite of 6 months campaigning and millions of dollars spent barely 5% of the people see him as a leader.
And out of those 3, if I HAD to pick would be Paul. But only if I had to amongst those 3.
How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't end on the day Obama was sworn in.

$11T including his run as phony Senator when they collapsed USA housing market triggering recession
Bush took Clinton's surplus and turned it into debt. We all know that.

And based on the same variables, we know bush handed Obama a mess.

Not a surplus.

And if you know enough to tell me Clinton didn't really hand bush a surplus you must know bush handed Obama a mess.

And there can only be one reason you pretend to not know bush handed Obama a mess. Why do you pretend to be ignorant?

You are being intellectually dishonest
Bush looked even angrier than usual this evening, perhaps because in spite of 6 months campaigning and millions of dollars spent barely 5% of the people see him as a leader.
I think Bush was told to be spikey. He tried, but instead of spikes it was puff balls.
Big success?

You asked and got an answer far left drone! No w you have to deal with it..
So a big success- that's a relief. lol

This from a two time Obama voter and far left drone!
Best economy in the world, no Americans dying in combat, Arabs taking over the fighting, world against ISIS.

Yes we know you are programmed far left propaganda drone!

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