The GOP Debate - Round One -The Four

That is the problem you can not vet a lot of the refugees!

So what do you do with the ones you can not vet through the current system?
Turn them around and tell them to go somewhere else.

That is the problem and the crisis at hand, Europe can not handle much more, SA is not taking any refugees, they can not go to Iraq or Iran. I think Jordan had to close their borders, I doubt Israel is taking any refugees. So the problem is where would they go?
We cannot solve the problems of the world. We need security now.

That is the problem we are the world leader (except for the last 7 years).
Exactly. Except for the last 7 yeas. As leader we can become a model for capitalism and freedom. But with that freedom we have to be more selective in who we allow in this country./


Like Somalia without regulations or 1890's America when the big corporations ran wild. That isn't freedom. bernie sanders is right about two things and that is the need to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand better trade deals.

The one thing I like about Trump is he at least considers our trade deals bad.
How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and/or policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't end on the day Obama was sworn in.
What a bunch of bs artists....

Says the far left drone that is going to vote fro Hilary in 2016..
How did W do? lol. Absolutely clueless...

W got elected twice..

Silly far left drones!
Big success?

You asked and got an answer far left drone! No w you have to deal with it..
So a big success- that's a relief. lol
Says the far left drone that is going to vote fro Hilary in 2016..
How did W do? lol. Absolutely clueless...

W got elected twice..

Silly far left drones!
Big success?

You asked and got an answer far left drone! No w you have to deal with it..
So a big success- that's a relief. lol

This from a two time Obama voter and far left drone!
If they don't want to fix our trade policies, build our infrastructure, fix our failing educational system and invest in science. Well, they're wrong for this country.

China and every other intelligent country on earth sure as hell will.

I already told you in ANOTHER thread that you had $1T stimulus and "D" did not use it for your infrastructure. You ignore that and run around every thread spouting R against infrastructure! enough already. you had your $1T and wasted it on pensions. I don't want to hear it again! Anger.

That's when Trump or Cruz should speak up about being accountable and using the money wisely. We need a government that gets things done and demands high standards or prison time.

Only about 100 billion want to infrastructure, while the rest was in fact dropped down a hole. A real president that gave a damn about American leadership would make sure this didn't happen again.

This is how a old fashion conservative would govern!
How much NEW debt has Obama created that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions and policies? Bush's clusterfuck didn't end on the day Obama was sworn in.

$11T including his run as phony Senator when they collapsed USA housing market triggering recession
Turn them around and tell them to go somewhere else.

That is the problem and the crisis at hand, Europe can not handle much more, SA is not taking any refugees, they can not go to Iraq or Iran. I think Jordan had to close their borders, I doubt Israel is taking any refugees. So the problem is where would they go?
We cannot solve the problems of the world. We need security now.

That is the problem we are the world leader (except for the last 7 years).
Exactly. Except for the last 7 yeas. As leader we can become a model for capitalism and freedom. But with that freedom we have to be more selective in who we allow in this country./


Like Somalia without regulations or 1890's America when the big corporations ran wild. That isn't freedom. bernie sanders is right about two things and that is the need to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand better trade deals.

The one thing I like about Trump is he at least considers our trade deals bad.
Trump has hit home runs about 4 times with trade deals, illegal immigration, political correctness and negotiating treaties. But he isn't mature enough to be a leader of the US.
Find a source that tells you that we are taking in more immigrants then we can handle

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Sorry, that's not proof of anything. Our debt isn't what it is because of legal immigration.

See the far left drones show they have to run their narratives..

The deny that a debt even exists!

Never done it before and in principle I'm against it. But fuck off troll, you're now on ignore, it's been "left drone" this and "left drone" that with absolutely no substance, you don't even try.

You ask other people for proof or links to support their argument but whenever you are asked to prove your own point you say shit like "can't prove a negative", every fucking time.

If anyone deserved to be banned it should be you.
Find a source that tells you that we are taking in more immigrants then we can handle

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Sorry, that's not proof of anything. Our debt isn't what it is because of legal immigration.

See the far left drones show they have to run their narratives..

The deny that a debt even exists!

Never done it before and in principle I'm against it. But fuck off troll, you're now on ignore, it's been "left drone" this and "left drone" that with absolutely no substance, you don't even try.

You ask other people for proof or links to support their argument but whenever you are asked to prove your own point you say shit like "can't prove a negative", every fucking time.

If anyone deserved to be banned it should be you.

Says the irony impaired far left drone!

See when they get caught running a narrative this is how they act..

They have no proof to back up their claims, yet they want others to do what they are unwilling to do..

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