The GOP Establishment, Trump, Ryan, Romney, Ted Cruz, and others


Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2012
This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media
This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media

Who is this homegirl dissin' mah Reince?

And who can dispute that the man has taste? Would ANY of us prefer the Obama family over the Trump family?

Please......make it stop!
Since I first went primitive ( eta for those that are young it means I got off the grid awhile back) and found talkers Mark has been one of my faves. But not now. I will still listen though.

I'm with Lauren. He is so far off the mark with Trump that I find myself screaming at the radio cussing him out and end up putting on another episode of Swamp People.

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This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media

I can't thank you enough for putting this out there CK. You have no idea. Thanks.
Since I first went primitive ( eta for those that are young it means I got off the grid awhile back) and found talkers Mark has been one of my faves. But not now. I will still listen though.

I'm with Lauren. He is so far off the mark with Trump that I find myself screaming at the radio cussing him out and end up putting on another episode of Swamp People.

You're off the grid but still listen to radio & post on the Internet

This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media

I can't thank you enough for putting this out there CK. You have no idea. Thanks.
My pleasure td. I'm glad you get it. ;) ;) ;)
That's awesome! She's a real player. She just doesn't leave her house.

I used to wonder......happily....what the faces of Rushbots or O'Reilly fans would look like if their shining stars would ever write a tell-all and admit that they've been snowing them for decades. I resigned myself to the prospect that this wouldn't happen.

Now, however, I've got hope for seeing those types of faces. In the not too distant future, Donald Trump will greatly disappoint many of his adoring fans. He's got one goal......and that is to promote Donald Trump. It's going to be fun to watch.
It has been said for a very long time by the people in the know, "that the biggest obstacle to getting a good President would not be the Democrats, but the GOP establishment." I concur! The power, behind the power in the country, does not want to release the reigns of power, thus stopping their pockets from being filled. I am not willing to give up on Cruz, but as I said in another thread--------> If I had to put my hard earned money down on who is telling the truth of what they actually believe, it would be Trump. Nobody spends their money to put out someone else message. On the other hand, donors put up huge sums of money to get the message they want out.

That last sentence explains it all!
that women sure did a lot of research to form her ideas and opinions.

She could of just called me and I would have saved her all that time and effort.

i knew Rafeal Cruz was a POS when he showed up on the ploitical scene.

I guess Repubs are just slower on the uptake.
This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media

Ok, we get it, you're on a push Trump mission. Anyone who thinks ethanol is a good thing, and we should increase it's use and subsidies is delusional. that's what Trump said. He loves Ethanol. He's pandering and has certainly sold out to the ethanol lobby. I don't even have to read the rest of the Cruz slander crap
This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media

Why do Trump supporters hold Ted Cruz - or other politicians - to a different standard than Trump himself?

The letter criticizes Cruz for not reporting his loans. Fair enough. It's legitimate criticism.

But Trump used the government to steal the private land of a citizen so he could benefit financially.

Amongst other things

What's worse?

Trump is using the government to benefit himself in a manner which most people would consider more immoral than what Cruz did. Yet to his supporters, it doesn't matter.
For me, it is---> do I again want to believe another person telling me what I want to hear who; if history is any barometer, will not follow through; or rather, listen to 2 people who are more than likely telling me exactly what they believe, and see if they have anything to offer?

You see, I believe that Trump and Bernie have actually laid their cards out on the table. They are saying exactly what they think!

Since Bernie is a Socialist, thanks for honesty, but no thanks.

Trump on the other hand is interesting. A business person who loves the country and will create jobs.

I say, we should all pay rapt attention.
That's awesome! She's a real player. She just doesn't leave her house.

I used to wonder......happily....what the faces of Rushbots or O'Reilly fans would look like if their shining stars would ever write a tell-all and admit that they've been snowing them for decades. I resigned myself to the prospect that this wouldn't happen.

Now, however, I've got hope for seeing those types of faces. In the not too distant future, Donald Trump will greatly disappoint many of his adoring fans. He's got one goal......and that is to promote Donald Trump. It's going to be fun to watch.

So far, I haven't seen him say anything of value to the US and frankly, I'm really sick of the Professional Victim Right Wingers.

Not long ago, one of the nutters posted about how they miss the 50s and wish the country could go back to that. Others joined in, lamenting the loss of some imaginary enemy called "progress".

Drumpf has said he will raise the taxes of the working/poor classes and cut taxes drastically for his peers in the 1%. He has also promised lots of wars.

When I posted the questions of how him "firing" isis would destroy them, as both he and $arah said, or how demanding to know the religion of people would keep Muslims out of the US, the nutters here couldn't answer.

Get used to it folx cuz that's all Drumpf has to offer - hot air.
But Trump used the government to steal the private land of a citizen so he could benefit financially.
Did you actually read the article? The house is still there and there is a link you can click on to see a newspaper article about it.. You fail....
Asking price drops on house Vera Coking refused to sell to Trump

This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media
Thanks Cereal...great article
"I do not suggest that this should buy him any favors. No. Not at all. My point is, the GOP and MANY Republicans are WELL AWARE that Trump has been on our side for a long time, and yet, they knowingly and fraudulently choose to perpetuate these lies. The lies that he just joined the party. The lies that he isn’t Conservative. Lie after lie after lie."

This completely misses the point, and illustrates what is fundamentally wrong with the GOP and conservatism today: it doesn't make any difference whether or not someone is a 'true' conservative, or a 'true' republican, or 'how long' someone has been a conservative – conservative dogma is in of itself comprehensively flawed and wrong.

Rather than whining about who is or is not a 'true' conservative, conservatives should instead address the problem of bigotry, racism, fear, ignorance, and hate that infests the ranks of republicans and conservatives, along with the the bane of the social right and the wrongheaded idiocy of the TPM and libertarians.

Conservatives need to decide if the bigotry, fear, and hate Trump advocates is true conservatism, not who is a true conservative or republican.
This open letter to Mark Levin skewers the establishment and a lot of others in the GOP. Forgive my ignorance but I don't know who this woman is other than a passionate follower of Levin's since '07. Cruz, Romney and Ryan supporters won't like what they read and the GOP establishment is probably hoping this letter doesn't get passed around the net, but it is what it is.

Enjoy folks...its a great read. Do share on your social media

Why do Trump supporters hold Ted Cruz - or other politicians - to a different standard than Trump himself?

The letter criticizes Cruz for not reporting his loans. Fair enough. It's legitimate criticism.

But Trump used the government to steal the private land of a citizen so he could benefit financially.

Amongst other things

What's worse?

Trump is using the government to benefit himself in a manner which most people would consider more immoral than what Cruz did. Yet to his supporters, it doesn't matter.

He has been held to a different standard all along. Same with $arah Palin and others. RWNJs have some real scum for heroes.

Drumpf cheated on at least one of his wives, had an illegitimate child, has consistently lied about his money and his business dealings, hires illegals, sends business to China and Mexico, doesn't pay his bills, drives companies out of business, steals private property in the US and other countries, has goons beat up protesters, literally stole a man's coat during a blizzard and surely much much more that we don't know about.

Drumpf's father got rich by using government programs and left between $200-$500 MILLION to Duh Donuld, who has also used government to his advantage. Nothing wrong with that on its face but both are/were hypocritical liars.

The Palins preach that stupid "family values Christianity" crap but they're drunks, druggers, liars, hypocrites who beat up on people who get in their way, crank out bastard babies while telling others to abstain, yadda yadda. And $tupid $arah even blame President Obama for her son's beating up his girlfriend. See the article below: Track Palin's job was to drive VIPs around. Most soldiers who actually saw combat don't beat up women.

Same with the armed thugs in Oregon. RWNJs want legit black protesters gunned down but defend the outright sheft and fraud committed the phony patriots.

And they whine constantly about how everyone else is to blame for their own failures.

Sarah Palin’s feel-bad politics: The dark allure of right-wing nihilism, self-pity and curdled nostalgia for a once-“great” America

Military veterans take Sarah Palin to task for blaming son’s domestic violence arrest on PTSD
But Trump used the government to steal the private land of a citizen so he could benefit financially.
Did you actually read the article? The house is still there and there is a link you can click on to see a newspaper article about it.. You fail....
Asking price drops on house Vera Coking refused to sell to Trump


My mistake. Thanks for clarifying.

However, that doesn't change the fact that Trump tried to use government power take her house away from her when she didn't want to sell. That he failed doesn't absolve his actions that he tried to steal the private property of another citizen for his personal financial gain. He tried once before that, and later reiterated that he believes the government should be allowed to steal private property for others' gain.

Donald Trump and Eminent Domain

How is that not corrupt?
The Donald Trump of 2004 (Why doesn't Lauren disclose how much he's donated to democrats?)

"In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat," Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer in a 2004 interview. "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats. ...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."

"Hillary's always surrounded herself with very good people. I think Hillary would do a good job," Trump said in another interview with Blitzer.

Link and video @

Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat' -
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