The GOP Establishment, Trump, Ryan, Romney, Ted Cruz, and others

[Which is part of the reason Trump is popular. He doesn't fit either the GOP or the DNC mold. People view that as a good thing. Hard to blame them for that.

He's not popular with Democrats or Independents. In fact, he's the most unpopular GOP candidate with both those groups. That's why he consistently does worse against Hillary/Bernie than the other Republican candidates.

Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate
I'm still finding it hard to believe that people take Trump seriously. If by some miracle of divine intervention he gets the nod, America will not only be the laughing stock of the world, and it will have its worst president ever (never thought that would be possible after Dubya), the doomsday clock will be striking midnight.
Trump isn't my first choice, that would be Ted Cruz, but I don't believe the crap I hear about him from people.

I think I'm the only person in the middle on Trump. It seems you either like him a lot, or you hate him a lot.

Nope. Once overestimate yourself. I'm in the middle on Trump. No way I think he should.....or will our POTUS....but I don't hate him. I prefer him over the pasty, soft, dishonest complete whack job that you are supporting.

Overestimate myself? Do you understand the things you type?

Sure. You act as if you are a sought after source for political punditry. In are fairly simple-minded in your approach to the subject. Take a look at your own posts. You usually take some credit for something. As if you have a unique take on things. True story. You greatly overestimate yourself.

Nice spin but complete bull shit as usual. I said nothing of the sort.

I ask again, do you understand the things you type?

You don't like it when someone figures you out, do you?

Lol, moron, you can't even figure out what YOU say, let alone anyone else.
[Which is part of the reason Trump is popular. He doesn't fit either the GOP or the DNC mold. People view that as a good thing. Hard to blame them for that.

He's not popular with Democrats or Independents. In fact, he's the most unpopular GOP candidate with both those groups. That's why he consistently does worse against Hillary/Bernie than the other Republican candidates.

Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

It depends on who you listen to or who you read. I have seen polls that show Trump ahead of Hillary and Sanders.
[Which is part of the reason Trump is popular. He doesn't fit either the GOP or the DNC mold. People view that as a good thing. Hard to blame them for that.

He's not popular with Democrats or Independents. In fact, he's the most unpopular GOP candidate with both those groups. That's why he consistently does worse against Hillary/Bernie than the other Republican candidates.

Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

It depends on who you listen to or who you read. I have seen polls that show Trump ahead of Hillary and Sanders.

Yes. You must be right. Trump is a lock. He doesn't think you are a moron. That's why he took the stage with the queen of all morons. He knows you well. He just told you that he thinks he could murder someone and not lose the support that he currently has. How does it feel knowing that your guy thinks you are complete moron?

Oh...and before you type that you don't really support Trump and are a Cruz guy....just stop. You absolutely support Trump.
[Which is part of the reason Trump is popular. He doesn't fit either the GOP or the DNC mold. People view that as a good thing. Hard to blame them for that.

He's not popular with Democrats or Independents. In fact, he's the most unpopular GOP candidate with both those groups. That's why he consistently does worse against Hillary/Bernie than the other Republican candidates.

Trump the Most Unpopular Candidate

It depends on who you listen to or who you read. I have seen polls that show Trump ahead of Hillary and Sanders.

Yes. You must be right. Trump is a lock. He doesn't think you are a moron. That's why he took the stage with the queen of all morons. He knows you well. He just told you that he thinks he could murder someone and not lose the support that he currently has. How does it feel knowing that your guy thinks you are complete moron?

Oh...and before you type that you don't really support Trump and are a Cruz guy....just stop. You absolutely support Trump.

You are obsessed with me. How flattering.
How Extreme is today's GOP:

Imagine what would have happened to JFK in 1960 if he went in front of the American people and said "I am a Catholic first an American second"....
at the time his political enemies were saying he would be more loyal to the Pope than to the US Constitution ...He would have lost every State ........Now look at Cruz bragging he puts the Constitution second to his Religion...


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