The GOP faithful should give Jeb Bush a hearing


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
The human kindling that makes up the flammable Republican base may soon burst into flames, again. Portions of that excitable cohort are looking — some with fawn-like eyes filled with hurt, others with sparks shooting from eyes narrowed like gun slits — askance at other Republicans urging Jeb Bush to seek the 2016 presidential nomination.

A candidacy by Florida’s former governor would be desirable.

George F. Will: The GOP faithful should give Jeb Bush a hearing - The Washington Post

Jake and the kids go ahead.

We'll hand the Presidency to Hillary by not showing up.

YOU cannot win without US ;)
Bush will be another big government Republican from the Nixon/Rockefeller wing of the party. Will's biggest endorsement of him seems to be that he can speak Spanish.
But so can Cruz, sort of.
Bush will be another big government Republican from the Nixon/Rockefeller wing of the party. Will's biggest endorsement of him seems to be that he can speak Spanish.
But so can Cruz, sort of.

All repubs are big govt - just not as bad as democrats. The federal govt is never going to reduce itself no matter who is in the WH. That's why us real conservatives have to demand a return to states rights.

I would be curious to know what Jeb Bush thinks, where he stands on the issues, etc. I wouldn't dismiss him simply because he is George's brother. He did do a good job in FL.
But I strongly suspect he is anotehr eastern Republican, a wing of the party we can well do without.
Right let's just jump on the band wagon of another Bush globalist. NOT!

Amazing how they are so friendly....... Like minds?

Jeb Bush, the folks in Florida really liked him as governor and other than sticking his nose into the Terri Schiavo case, it seems he did a very good job.
He's closer to where a majority of Americans stand, in the center. As both parties are moving way too far away from the center, I think it's time the largest voting bloc in America to be represented. I'd strongly consider voting for Bush.
I'm in NY so my vote is cancelled by a Dead Democrat, but there's no way I'd support or vote for Jeb
I've put up the links before to interviews with both Bush daughters saying how much they hoped "Aunt Hillary" would run. And how qualified they thought she was.

I don't think it's a big leap for the Bushes to put Jeb out there to siphon off $$$$ and votes from any other R candidate. My head was spinning reading those articles a few years back. When the girls are actually saying that they feel they are related to Hillary because of Uncle Bill I didn't get a warm a fuzzy feeling to say the least.
didn't he say that repubs needed to stop being the stupid party & he was pro-amnesty before he was against it?
Let's settle this once and for all.

Vote NO on Jeb.

Here's why:

Michelle Malkin flattens Jeb Bush’s assertion Common Core is ‘truth serum’

March 22, 2014 by Richard Berkow

Speaking before 900 people at the annual Broward County Workshop breakfast Friday, former Governor Jeb Bush decried the controversy surrounding Common Core.

“Let me tell you something,” he said. “In Asia today, they don’t care about children’s esteem. They care about math, whether they can read in English, whether they understand why science is important, whether they have the grit and determination to be successful,” the Sun-Sentinel reported.

He added that the standards are “benchmarked to the rest of the world…a truth serum for our communities to wake up and realize that we’ve languished far too long,” also berating the critics “who go nuts about it.”

What he did not mention, of course, was the integral role his brother Neil has in the financial success of the project, or the prominent role K Street lobbyists, Bill Gates, George Soros, :eek: high-placed Democratic strategists, and other left-wing plutocrats have played in promoting this one-size-fits-all brainwashing agenda, according to Dr. Alison Rampersad, Co-Chair of Eyes on U.S. Education.

Columnist Michelle Malkin immediately took issue with Bush’s remarks.

“Jeb Bush’s ‘Foundation for Excellence in Education’ is also saturating the airwaves with ads trying to salvage Common Core in the face of truly bipartisan, truly grassroots opposition in his home state Florida,” Malkin wrote in a recent op-ed, Get to Know the Common Core Marketing Overlords.

“[His] foundation is tied at the hip to the federally funded testing consortium called PARCC, which pulled in $186 million through the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program to develop Common Core tests.”

She listed the business groups, trade associations, partisan foundations, Democratic influence-peddlers, Clinton-era educrats, and publishing corporations who also stand to profit from implementing Common Core.

“Just follow the money,” Malkin wrote. “This bipartisan power grab is Washington-led and Washington-fed.”

Bush concluded his speech to the audience by asking, “You tell me which society is going to be the winner in this 21st Century: The one that worries about how they feel, or the one that worries about making sure the next generation has the capacity to eat everybody’s lunch?”

Bush’s categorical defense of Common Core triggered this response from Malkin on Twitter:

Jeb Bush says Common Core is a “truth serum.” More like a toxin. #stopcommoncore

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 21, 2014

When it comes to Common Core peddlers like @JebBush et al: Don’t read their lips. Follow the money==> Michelle Malkin | » Get to know the Common Core marketing overlords #stopcommoncore

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 21, 2014

Michelle Malkin flattens Jeb Bush?s assertion Common Core is ?truth serum? - BizPac Review

That's all I need to know.

How about you?
Here's the links again to the Bush daughters.

Bush's daughter Barbara opens up about wanting Hillary Clinton to run for president, spoiling her new niece and what her dad thinks of her boyfriend

George W Bush's daughter thinks the 'unbelievably accomplished' Hillary Clinton should run for president in 2016 | Mail Online

Jenna Bush: Hillary Clinton and I are 'related' through 'Uncle' Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother'

Former first-daughter Jenna Bush-Hager joked about her Clinton family ties at a charity gala earlier this week
When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the stage, she spoke about the 'special feeling of kinship' she had for Jenna

Jenna Bush and Hillary Clinton are 'related' through marriage to her uncle Bill - George W Bush's 'brother from another mother' | Mail Online

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