The GOP has reached the point of no return on Climate Change


Mainstream Media Don’t Know Big Green Has Deeper Pockets Than Big Oil


Covering for the two algae men in the White House.

Via Washington Examiner

The “Kill Keystone XL” crowd isn’t little David up against a Big Oil Goliath. As usual, conventional wisdom isn’t wisdom when the mainstream media ask all the wrong questions with commensurate answers.

Behemoth Big Green outstrips Big Oil in expendable revenue by orders of magnitude — if you know how to follow the money.

The mainstream media don’t know how. Like most liberals, their staffs are afflicted with what 20th century futurist Herman Kahn called “Educated Incapacity” — the learned inability to understand or even perceive a problem, much less a solution.

They’ve been taught to be blind, unable to see Big Green as having more disposable money than Big Oil, so they don’t look into it.

They would never discover that the American Petroleum Institute’s IRS Form 990 for the most recent year showed $237.9 million in assets while the Natural Resources Defense Council reported $241.8 million.

Nor would they discover who started the anti-Keystone campaign in the first place. It was the $789 million Rockefeller Brothers Fund (established in 1940). The fund’s program is elaborated in a 2008 PowerPoint presentation called “The Tar Sands Campaign” by program officer Michael Northrop, who set up coordination and funding for a dozen environmental and anti-corporate attack groups to use the strategy, “raise the negatives, raise the costs, slow down and stop infrastructure, and stop pipelines.” Tom Steyer’s $100 million solo act is naive underclass nouveau cheap by comparison.

Mainstream reporters appear not to be aware of the component parts that comprise Big Green: environmentalist membership groups, nonprofit law firms, nonprofit real estate trusts (The Nature Conservancy alone holds $6 billion in assets), wealthy foundations giving prescriptive grants, and agenda-making cartels such as the 200-plus member Environmental Grantmakers Association. They each play a major socio-political role.

dimocraps lie.

They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

In between, they lie non-stop.

They lie in their sleep, they lie in their dreams, they lie to their friends, family and loved ones.

dimocraps lie. Every.Last.One.Of.Them.

It is a psychosis with them
More Global Warming happening as we speak!!!

USCG Concludes Its Largest Domestic Icebreaking Operation


The US Coast Guard continues the battle against global warming.

Via Marine Link

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) crews concluded the nation’s largest domestic ice operation known as Taconite, Thursday, after more than five months of icebreaking operations in the Northern Great Lakes.

Coast Guard Sector Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, plans and runs Operation Taconite, which includes all of Lakes Superior and Michigan, the northern half of Lake Huron, the St. Marys River and the Straits of Mackinac.

During the 160 days of the operation, nine U.S. Coast Guard and three Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers spent more than 5,000 hours breaking ice for convoys and assisted in 946 commercial vessel transits that moved an estimated 33 million tons of dry bulk and liquid cargoes, valued at $1.2 billion. These commodities were crucial to sustaining industrial production and power generation for the Great Lakes region during the winter months. Icebreakers provided direct assistance for 517 of the transits.

An additional 5,597 hours of icebreaking established and maintained tracks through the ice-choked waterways of Georgian Bay, Straits of Mackinac, Green Bay, southern Lake Michigan, St. Marys River, and across Lake Superior.

U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard aviators flew 43 sorties in direct support of the icebreaking operation, providing a bird’s-eye view of ice coverage, track quality and open water.

Although official statistics have not been released, it is reported the 2013-14 winter season produced the thickest and most expansive ice cover the Great Lakes has experienced in 35 years.

dimocraps are stupid, lying scum

And you are just plain ole stupid. And a liar. And a punk. It just fucks with your head to think that unusual weather patterns would/will develop as the warming continues and unusual weather become more common.

But then again, you are soo stupid you think weather and climate are the exact same thing don't cha?
More Global Warming happening as we speak!!!

USCG Concludes Its Largest Domestic Icebreaking Operation


The US Coast Guard continues the battle against global warming.

Via Marine Link

U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) crews concluded the nation’s largest domestic ice operation known as Taconite, Thursday, after more than five months of icebreaking operations in the Northern Great Lakes.

Coast Guard Sector Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, plans and runs Operation Taconite, which includes all of Lakes Superior and Michigan, the northern half of Lake Huron, the St. Marys River and the Straits of Mackinac.

During the 160 days of the operation, nine U.S. Coast Guard and three Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers spent more than 5,000 hours breaking ice for convoys and assisted in 946 commercial vessel transits that moved an estimated 33 million tons of dry bulk and liquid cargoes, valued at $1.2 billion. These commodities were crucial to sustaining industrial production and power generation for the Great Lakes region during the winter months. Icebreakers provided direct assistance for 517 of the transits.

An additional 5,597 hours of icebreaking established and maintained tracks through the ice-choked waterways of Georgian Bay, Straits of Mackinac, Green Bay, southern Lake Michigan, St. Marys River, and across Lake Superior.

U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard aviators flew 43 sorties in direct support of the icebreaking operation, providing a bird’s-eye view of ice coverage, track quality and open water.

Although official statistics have not been released, it is reported the 2013-14 winter season produced the thickest and most expansive ice cover the Great Lakes has experienced in 35 years.

dimocraps are stupid, lying scum

And you are just plain ole stupid. And a liar. And a punk. It just fucks with your head to think that unusual weather patterns would/will develop as the warming continues and unusual weather become more common.

But then again, you are soo stupid you think weather and climate are the exact same thing don't cha?

oh look!! the unhinged left-wing nutjob is still here!
the same left-wing losers; like zeke; that want to lecture others about the difference between weather and climate; rant that EVERY instance of "unusual weather" is "PROOF" OF CLIMATE CHANGE

idiots and hypocrites
bedoninny, miss me?

Is climate and weather the same in your fucked up world?
the same left-wing losers; like zeke; that want to lecture others about the difference between weather and climate; rant that EVERY instance of "unusual weather" is "PROOF" OF CLIMATE CHANGE

idiots and hypocrites

Actually it is the liar edge that is trying to make the connection that because ice is heavier in certain areas that this is proof that the climate isn't warming.

Idiots and hypocrites are what you two are.
bedoninny, miss me?

Is climate and weather the same in your fucked up world?

no you loser; it's the same TO YOU. because even as you lecture others on the difference; you point to EVERY instance of extremem weather as "proof" of climate change

you're simply a clown
the same left-wing losers; like zeke; that want to lecture others about the difference between weather and climate; rant that EVERY instance of "unusual weather" is "PROOF" OF CLIMATE CHANGE

idiots and hypocrites

Actually it is the liar edge that is trying to make the connection that because ice is heavier in certain areas that this is proof that the climate isn't warming.

Idiots and hypocrites are what you two are.

good one stupid. so you're saying not every instance of severe weather you see recently; is proof of climate change?

bedoninny, miss me?

Is climate and weather the same in your fucked up world?

no you loser; it's the same TO YOU. because even as you lecture others on the difference; you point to EVERY instance of extremem weather as "proof" of climate change

you're simply a clown

You dumb fuck. It was YOUR buddy edge that was pointing out the extreme weather in the north accounting for the increased ice.

But feel free to show where I have used extreme weather to argue GW.

I do see you asshole using extreme cold spells to make your case that there can't be GW because it it so damn cold.

You ever see some of them GW deniers do that? Sure you have.
bedoninny, miss me?

Is climate and weather the same in your fucked up world?

no you loser; it's the same TO YOU. because even as you lecture others on the difference; you point to EVERY instance of extremem weather as "proof" of climate change

you're simply a clown

You dumb fuck. It was YOUR buddy edge that was pointing out the extreme weather in the north accounting for the increased ice.

But feel free to show where I have used extreme weather to argue GW.

I do see you asshole using extreme cold spells to make your case that there can't be GW because it it so damn cold.

You ever see some of them GW deniers do that? Sure you have.

i'm asking YOU loser

cant you think for yourself?
the same left-wing losers; like zeke; that want to lecture others about the difference between weather and climate; rant that EVERY instance of "unusual weather" is "PROOF" OF CLIMATE CHANGE

idiots and hypocrites

Actually it is the liar edge that is trying to make the connection that because ice is heavier in certain areas that this is proof that the climate isn't warming.

Idiots and hypocrites are what you two are.

good one stupid. so you're saying not every instance of severe weather you see recently; is proof of climate change?


That's is correct stupid. There has been severe weather events for ever. So you and I will agree on something for once and once only.

So I am saying that not EVERY instance of severe weather that I have seen recently is proof of climate change.

Now where we gonna go with this now?

Now will you be honest enough to admit that some of the long term trends like rising water levels on the sea coasts and the melting of glaciers all over the world are the result of increased warming?

Probably not.
no you loser; it's the same TO YOU. because even as you lecture others on the difference; you point to EVERY instance of extremem weather as "proof" of climate change

you're simply a clown

You dumb fuck. It was YOUR buddy edge that was pointing out the extreme weather in the north accounting for the increased ice.

But feel free to show where I have used extreme weather to argue GW.

I do see you asshole using extreme cold spells to make your case that there can't be GW because it it so damn cold.

You ever see some of them GW deniers do that? Sure you have.

i'm asking YOU loser

cant you think for yourself?

Notice the verbiage the scum on the left are using these days?

Climate Change "Denier"

A subliminal connotation to "Holocaust Denier"

Because to 'deny' the LIE of AGW is to be a 'Denier'

dimocraps are truly the scum of the earth.

I am truly not kidding.
bedoninny, miss me?

Is climate and weather the same in your fucked up world?

Well since you missed his point entirely maybe you can tell me how your Climate has changed. Or any climate has changed.
Actually it is the liar edge that is trying to make the connection that because ice is heavier in certain areas that this is proof that the climate isn't warming.

Idiots and hypocrites are what you two are.

good one stupid. so you're saying not every instance of severe weather you see recently; is proof of climate change?


That's is correct stupid. There has been severe weather events for ever. So you and I will agree on something for once and once only.

So I am saying that not EVERY instance of severe weather that I have seen recently is proof of climate change.

Now where we gonna go with this now?

Now will you be honest enough to admit that some of the long term trends like rising water levels on the sea coasts and the melting of glaciers all over the world are the result of increased warming?

Probably not.

You keep up with your diarrhea of the mouth but I don't see the term 'Human Caused' (Anthropological for us Adults) used when you're running your stupid mouth.

Or is it just presumed that all this is the fault of Humanity?

That Humans are a blight on Mother Gaia and we need to be destroyed by Kaiju and replaced with -- Something.

If you've awakened from your cult-inspired stupor yet, answer me this.......

How much of the Climate Change (or Global Warming or whatever stupid fucking lexicon you're using today)


How much of it is the mean ol' Human Race's fault?

Don't know? You'd just rather turn all of our energy supplies over to the goobermint and let them dole it out to whomever they want, whenever they want, IF they want, and if we don't like it, we can all just die?

You're a scumbag.

Do us all a favor and kill yourself.

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Actually it is the liar edge that is trying to make the connection that because ice is heavier in certain areas that this is proof that the climate isn't warming.

Idiots and hypocrites are what you two are.

good one stupid. so you're saying not every instance of severe weather you see recently; is proof of climate change?


That's is correct stupid. There has been severe weather events for ever. So you and I will agree on something for once and once only.

So I am saying that not EVERY instance of severe weather that I have seen recently is proof of climate change.

Now where we gonna go with this now?

Now will you be honest enough to admit that some of the long term trends like rising water levels on the sea coasts and the melting of glaciers all over the world are the result of increased warming?

Probably not.

You're just stupid

And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year | Mail Online

The minimum for 2013 was the sixth lowest on record since 1979.

How much of it is caused by Human Activity?









How much?

You people are cultists. You're no different than any other socialist/communist-inspired cult.

Jonestown, anyone?


You people are stupid

Nah dude, you really are the stupid one. Everything has a beginning. This course of events is in the beginning. We are witnessing the start of a series of change that we don't know the final outcome of. We are introducing a level of carbon into the atmosphere that hasn't been done before. (by burning oil and coal)

How in the fuck can you be stupid enough to not acknowledge that we just don't fucking know what the long term consequences of this action will be.

However what can be observed of the change doesn't look good.

As tens of millions of Chinese and Indians and Pakistanis and on and on ready top start driving more and more. And more and more coal fired electric generating plants come on line in China, what do you think the cumulative effect of adding even higher levels of carbon will be?

If your answer is; no effect. Then you really are stupid. Purposefully stupid. Why?

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