The GOP is blowing it on the border issue


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me
The first response from the left would be "put your money where your mouth is, and open the borders for amnesty"?

Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

That looks good on paper...gets the nutless, bleeding heart fools all giddy doesn’t it?
BUT the reality is, sane, logical folks can’t get past that little reality thing....We can’t help but blame the subhuman cockroaches for continuing to have litters of baby cockroaches in a country full of poverty, violence and despair.
Shit, animals in the wild know to stop procreation when resources are scarce.
Mac, you really need to read this thread bud.
Cause and effect: Do all Mexicrats struggle with the fundamental principle of causation?
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?

Their ethnicity doesn't matter. The real problem is the amount of poor people we have in this country, and we're letting more in through our southern border. The left is stupid. Affording the social safety nets they want is already going to be a hat trick, but that's not enough. They want to let in even more poor people so the numbers are even more impossible. A social safety net won't work if there are too many people that need a slice.

Sometimes idealism just isn't logical. They think the world should work one way and don't stop to think "Can it though?"

If it were up to me the only people allowed to immigrate here would be financially independent people that won't need handouts. If you want to move here you need to give to America, not take from it.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?

Their ethnicity doesn't matter. The real problem is the amount of poor people we have in this country, and we're letting more in through our southern border. The left is stupid. Affording the social safety nets they want is already going to be a hat trick, but that's not enough. They want to let in even more poor people so the numbers are even more impossible.

Sometimes idealism just isn't logical. They think the world should work one way and don't stop to think "Can it though?"

If it were up to me the only people allowed to immigrate here would be financially independent people that won't need handouts. If you want to move here you need to give to America, not take from it.
Coming here with nothing to build a new life is so unamerican
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

I get where you're coming from, but this is a pipe dream at best. I would probably think I was having a stroke if the Orange Virus came off as this coherent at any time. Plus, Cult45 would drop him like a hot potato if he said anything remotely like this. This also takes away the individual accountability (people crossing illegally) factor and places it squarely on the shoulders of dictators, leaders and politicians for not 'cleaning up their backyards.' I'm not so sure that's a comprehensive idea either.

Tribalism doesn't have room for rational thought. Wingers do what they're told to do.
Coming here with nothing to build a new life is so unamerican

We have enough people with nothing. We don't need more poor people, regardless of the color of our skin. And as usual you are appealing to emotion rather than logic.

It won't work the way the left wants to do it. If we're going to have good safety nets and a healthy nation we have to be more exclusive.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

MAC, I have to give your props for that. That is an excellent analysis of exactly what the issue is. President Trump should definitely say something like that when he talks about The Border Crisis.
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?

Their ethnicity doesn't matter. The real problem is the amount of poor people we have in this country, and we're letting more in through our southern border. The left is stupid. Affording the social safety nets they want is already going to be a hat trick, but that's not enough. They want to let in even more poor people so the numbers are even more impossible. A social safety net won't work if there are too many people that need a slice.

Sometimes idealism just isn't logical. They think the world should work one way and don't stop to think "Can it though?"

If it were up to me the only people allowed to immigrate here would be financially independent people that won't need handouts. If you want to move here you need to give to America, not take from it.

That’s PC at its finest right there...Let’s pretend we’re intelligent beings with a spine for a minute. This is a YES or NO question.
Is there any correlation between these POOR PEOPLE you speak of and their skin tone?

(watch how scared these people are folks)
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?

What other group is ruing this nation?
I’ll get right on them.

Your group. Your group is a big fucking problem that needs a physical and psychological tune up like yesterday.

You mean that logical group with nuts who refuses to play stupid?
I put the blame on the people that are breaking our laws. That’s just me

Are you referring to the Trump administration or are we still ignoring that and just focusing on brown people?
Do you only see color of skin, nothing else? There are blond haired blue eyed Mexicans, you know.
Illegal Immigrants have been apprehended from 150 Countries coming across the Southern Border, so no, it's not a racial thing. The Left tries to make it that, just like they try to say The West Bank belongs to Arabs and not Jews, when The Balfour Declaration, and UN Resolutions state that The so called Palestinian Arabs are to settle East of The Jordan. Those agreements have been in place in our modern era for 100 years. No one seems to acknowledge that.

Another issue, but it is immigration related, and it shows even despite solid, well thought out agreements are in place to settle an immigration issue, sometimes things just come down to old animosities, between rival populations that man can not resolve not matter how he tries.
We have enough people with nothing. We don't need more poor people, regardless of the color of our skin. And as usual you are appealing to emotion rather than logic.
^ Something that’s been said constantly in this country for hundreds of years
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message?
And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
I think it's quite the opposite. The dems should be more clear that in some places fences or barriers would be a good idea. Other places, like in the middle of a fucking desert with no water or towns for 50 or more miles, walls make zero sense, and the money is better spent on real time air survellience and arresting the people when they are wandering. And drug dealers and rapists who want our women aren't going to be wandering in a fucking desert. But the dems should make the case.
Didn’t Trump get elected by 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very aggressive “FUCK PIECE OF SHIT WETBACKS” message? And you think it makes sense to tone that down huh? NEGATIVE
And there ya go, gang.

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