The GOP is drooling over a terror threat


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
As it did with ebola in 2015, the Repubs see an opening for 2016 in terrorism. They will scare voters now with their doom and gloom. It is a well worn script.
As it did with ebola in 2015, the Repubs see an opening for 2016 in terrorism. They will scare voters now with their doom and gloom. It is a well worn script.
So you're saying there's no terrorism happening, to cause Americans to fear it ?
Fear is the most basic conservative instinct. The GOP's best strategy for increasing voter turnout is to encourage more fear.

Both parties do that in every election. The Republicans do it on the threat of terrorism and immigration. Democrats do it on equality and social programs.
Fear is the most basic conservative instinct. The GOP's best strategy for increasing voter turnout is to encourage more fear.

Both parties do that in every election. The Republicans do it on the threat of terrorism and immigration. Democrats do it on equality and social programs.
You can't compare the terror the GOP inflicted on its base over ebola last year to anything the Democrats have ever done.
As it did with ebola in 2015, the Repubs see an opening for 2016 in terrorism. They will scare voters now with their doom and gloom. It is a well worn script.
koshergrl was at the front of the line screaming "Obola!!! Obola!!!" I remember it like it was ystrdy.

They were devastated when what happened is exactly what our proud, two-term, African American, President said would happen- it was isolated and stopped.
Look for another surge in gun sales. Conservatives everywhere are planning on protecting themselves from Seven Eleven store managers across the nation....
Fear is the most basic conservative instinct. The GOP's best strategy for increasing voter turnout is to encourage more fear.

Both parties do that in every election. The Republicans do it on the threat of terrorism and immigration. Democrats do it on equality and social programs.
You can't compare the terror the GOP inflicted on its base over ebola last year to anything the Democrats have ever done.
agree with the above. Come on bro.
As it did with ebola in 2015, the Repubs see an opening for 2016 in terrorism. They will scare voters now with their doom and gloom. It is a well worn script.
So you're saying there's no terrorism happening, to cause Americans to fear it ?
Terrorism, by its very nature, is designed to terrorize people. I like to live a normal life and not let them win. RWrs.......not so much.
Fear is the most basic conservative instinct. The GOP's best strategy for increasing voter turnout is to encourage more fear.

Both parties do that in every election. The Republicans do it on the threat of terrorism and immigration. Democrats do it on equality and social programs.
You can't compare the terror the GOP inflicted on its base over ebola last year to anything the Democrats have ever done.
We're sorry, perhaps YOU would have liked to have seen thousands of American's DIE instead of only 2! Why do you buy LIFE INSURANCE, if you didn't think SOMETHING may happen to you, and your FAMILY needs protection?

Subversives like you, give true liberals a bad name!

That goes for you too, DotCommunist!
As it did with ebola in 2015, the Repubs see an opening for 2016 in terrorism. They will scare voters now with their doom and gloom. It is a well worn script.
And the DNC is yawning over it
Not at all.....but perhaps some such are yourself confuse NOT running around screaming like our hair is on fire as........yawning.

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