The GOP is the laughing stock of the world

I don't mind when idiots laugh. Makes tolerating them just a bit easier.
Only a fool thinks the world gives a shit about our inner politics squabbles
Only a cotton-picking fool doesn't realize that the world pays keen attention to American politics.

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More idiocy. Most of the world? Most of your world PERHAPS. Hell most Americans don't even pay attention. When most Americans can't even name their own congressman what makes you think "the world" is any different?

Jackass, Americans are considered pretty stupid around the world. That you hold them as the standard only shows your ignorance and stupidity, not theirs.

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Oh and by the way. I agree. Americans are some really stupid motherfuckers. They elected that stupid racist cotton pickin watermelon luvin moron TWICE. And I bet YOU voted for him right? I mean if you ain't fuckin the sheep you're followin the heard.

Can I get an amen?
How do you define racist? Another GOP mystery...
They define it as liberal.

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Personal experience and this kind of stuff...?
Having the rapist Trump who threatens to put the drunken slut Palin on his team is only funny to certain audiences.
So how the
the Fox News rant

when left-wing crybabies have nothing relevant to say

hell is Obama a racist, again?

  1. Racism | Definition of racism by Merriam-Webster
  2. Racism Definition of racism by Merriam-Webster
  3. Cached
  4. Definition of RACISM for Kids. 1: belief that certain races of people are by birth and nature superior to others . 2: discrimination or hatred based on race
  5. Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. Racism consists of ideologies and practices that seek to justify, or cause, the unequal distribution of privileges, rights or goods among different racial groups.
  7. Racism | Define Racism at
  8. racism definition. The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them.
  9. Racism - definition of racism by The Free...
    Racism - definition of racism by The Free Dictionary
  10. rac·ism (rā′sĭz′əm) n. 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
the Fox News rant

when left-wing crybabies have nothing relevant to say

the Fox News rant

when left-wing crybabies have nothing relevant to say

the Fox News rant

when left-wing crybabies have nothing relevant to say
Fox and Rush ARE the story of the last 25-30 years. Produced a whole class of hater dupes like you AND the New BS GOP. And ruined the country and the world. see sig
your obsession with and admission that the Right is more powerful than you is duly noted
Because the OP was appointed spokesperson for the whole world

what an idiot

Pretty sad when you can dismiss a left-wing nutjob's post just in reading the title

We have shown you multiple opinion polls, there positions on Climate Change, Iran Deal, Small Arms Treaty,....

Even the Iranians are laughing at ye:
Iran Schools GOP Senators On International Law

Romney has a go:
Mitt Romney s Olympics blunder stuns No 10 and hands gift to Obama US news The Guardian

The GOP are the butt of a joke internationally... Actually most of the world is perplexed at why people vote for them. If any party internationally invaded a country under false pretences and crashed the economy like the GOP. They wouldn't see power again for 25 years.

Look what one of the main british papers say about the GOP:
Deluded and dysfunctional the Republicans have lost the plot Gary Younge Comment is free The Guardian
" Half of Republicans still believe the US did find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, over half believe climate change is a hoax, and almost half do not believein evolution. There is a limit to how much agreement you can reach with people with whom you disagree on fundamental matters of fact, let alone principle."
I wonder if the "world" is laughing about this. I know millions of us in this country is

Democrats’ Window to Find Strong House Candidates Slowly Closing
By Emily Cahn and Ivan Levingston Posted at 5 a.m. on July 28

Gardner entered the Colorado Senate race at the last minute in 2014, and has become the model for campaigns that wait longer than usual to launch. (Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

When former Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller passed on a bid in the Silver State’s 3rd District last week, it sent Democrats back to the drawing board again to find a nominee for this Tossup seat in 2016.

Miller’s decision to sit the race out was a disappointment for national Democrats, who thought his profile would make him a strong candidate for this highly competitive seat. But it’s indicative of a larger issue Democrats face this cycle: Recruiting House candidates in 2016 hasn’t been as easy as many predicted two years ago.

More than a year from Election Day, Democrats are without top-tier recruits in five of the 11 races rated Tossups by the Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report/Roll Call. Democrats are also searching for strong recruits in at least five more of the 15 other districts rated as competitive in 2016.

The holes in the roster contrast with the message former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Steve Israel pushed last cycle. In a June 2013 interview with BuzzFeed, Israel said he spoke to a number of candidates in the early days of the 2014 cycle who were reluctant to run in a daunting midterm environment. Israel said candidates wanted to wait to run until 2016 — when presidential turnout and the promise of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the top of the ticket would make for a better Democratic year.

“Whoever has the job of recruiting for the DCCC after I leave will not have a difficult job for as long as people believe Hillary Clinton is gonna be on the ballot,” Israel told BuzzFeed at the time.

Among the seats Democrats must win in 2016 if they have any shot at chipping away at Republicans’ 30-seat House majority — but where the party still doesn’t have recruits — is upstate New York’s 24th District. The Syracuse-based seat voted for President Barack Obama by a 16-point margin in 2012, making it one of the most Democratic districts held by a Republican in the country, but so far no candidate has emerged to take on freshman Republican Rep. John Katko.

MORE of the laughs here:
You know they are laughing at those FOUR old white fogies they have running for President. they're thinking: what happened to DIVERSITY you all were wailing about
Why does the OP Ireland kiddy keep embarising himself on this thread?

What a moron.lmao
Georgia Dem: Guam crowded, might "capsize" - On ... - Politico
Politics Policy Political News - POLITICO › On Congress
Apr 1, 2010 - ... that can't explain why he thinks Guam will tip over and capsize if the ... whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and, ... Another democrat fool opens his mouth and dispels any notions to the contrary

That crap is funny as Hell ... Watching the exchange, you have to have some respect for the General responding for not jumping up and screaming "You Fricken Idiot".
All he could respond with was ... "We don't anticipate that" ... And the Democrats that came out making excuses and defending Rep. Johnson were just disgusting.

Why does the OP Ireland kiddy keep embarising himself on this thread?

What a moron.lmao

How is it embarrassing when I am showing exactly how poor debaters you and RW are?

what we have seen is personal attacks, posting unrelated hyperlinks with little or no relevance to the topic.

Stephanie is up there posting an article about Democrats recruitment and the diversity of the Democrat Presidential candidates.
Stephanie: The President is Democrat and Black, wake up!

Just look at yourselves... Schoolyard kids could construct better arguments...

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