The GOP must save America; Until then, I'm ashamed to be a patriot

If you are waiting for the GOP to save America, you are part of the problem.

Get off your ass and do something to save this nation yourself.
when was the last time the gop actually cut spending? And that means they actually spent less one year than they did in the last.

all the time, and not just in washington. Republicans all over america at smaller governments have been cutting waste and cutting unnecessary government.

99% of government should be abolished and replaced by private sector, who can do it all better. Its my tax money, and no one should be entitled to it.

name the last time it was done at the federal level.

All the time, and not just in Washington. Republicans all over America at smaller governments have been cutting waste and cutting unnecessary government.

99% of government should be abolished and replaced by private sector, who can do it all better. Its my tax money, and no one should be entitled to it.

Name the last time it was done at the federal level.

The Republicans sequester cut a lot of military waste for one, and theres a lot more. Did you know we the taxpayer pay for their off base houses and apartments? Im ok with paying for it overseas, but my job doesn't give me a free apartment, so my taxes shouldn't pay for someone elses.

Also too many non-combat jobs. They can contract out food, dentists, doctors, recreation. Only a very small number for war zones only, the rest should be private sector, or just go to the ones the rest of us go to.

Same goes for all federal employees. No more of the sweetheart deal.

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!!! Show me ONE business where the employee gets a better deal than the EMPLOYER?

So you're counting the decrease in the rate of increase of the federal budget as an actual cut in spending, even though spending has gone up?
all the time, and not just in washington. Republicans all over america at smaller governments have been cutting waste and cutting unnecessary government.

99% of government should be abolished and replaced by private sector, who can do it all better. Its my tax money, and no one should be entitled to it.

name the last time it was done at the federal level.


So there we go, not in anybody's lifetime.
If you are waiting for the GOP to save America, you are part of the problem.

Get off your ass and do something to save this nation yourself.

I am doing something, Im a job creator, Im not a TAKER. Only Democrats like you want to live your life off the taxpayer.

I say privatize 99% of government.

HOA's do a better job governing their own neighborhood than the local government. Each city and county can have a PRIVATE HOA style government, that enforces ordinance through civil fines, not GUNS and TAXES. The only government worker we'd need is civil judges. Nothing else. We'd save a lot on taxes, and have some basic, limited rules. People serving on that "HOA" type board would be randomly selected, like a lottery, each year for 1 year of term.
THE gop and Reaganism have been a disaster for the nonrich and the country. Pandering to the rich isimmoral AND idiotic, hater dupes. See sig para 1.

Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...The first thing that had to be done was getting Big Health UNDER CONTROL AND PEOPLE ALL COVERED- with the rich paying more. NEXT- IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT WILL HUGELY HELP THE ECONOMY. The GOP argument against that is hate and envy...
THE gop and Reaganism have been a disaster for the nonrich and the country. Pandering to the rich isimmoral AND idiotic, hater dupes. See sig para 1.

Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...The first thing that had to be done was getting Big Health UNDER CONTROL AND PEOPLE ALL COVERED- with the rich paying more. NEXT- IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT WILL HUGELY HELP THE ECONOMY. The GOP argument against that is hate and envy...

The rich got rich in a FREE America, and so can anyone else. Its not their job to support your entitlements or to fund your protection or education
All the time, and not just in Washington. Republicans all over America at smaller governments have been cutting waste and cutting unnecessary government.

99% of government should be abolished and replaced by private sector, who can do it all better. Its my tax money, and no one should be entitled to it.

Name the last time it was done at the federal level.

The Republicans sequester cut a lot of military waste for one, and theres a lot more. Did you know we the taxpayer pay for their off base houses and apartments? Im ok with paying for it overseas, but my job doesn't give me a free apartment, so my taxes shouldn't pay for someone elses.

Also too many non-combat jobs. They can contract out food, dentists, doctors, recreation. Only a very small number for war zones only, the rest should be private sector, or just go to the ones the rest of us go to.

Same goes for all federal employees. No more of the sweetheart deal.

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!!! Show me ONE business where the employee gets a better deal than the EMPLOYER?

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!

so which Taxpayer?....the ones making 15 thousand a year or the ones making 30 million a year?....hey just wondering.....because i will take the higher wage earners deal....but that is just might be different.....just sayin....
No, Democrats have sold us out. The GOP will cut spending, cut government, and protect us.

Im talking about all government. We don't need 99% of what we have in government. Look at volunteer fire departments. They don't take tax money. Most government could work the same way. In a free market, free people will eventually take up to volunteer for the crucial roles in government.

If we want it bad enough, we'll volunteer to do it, and not pay TAX money for it.

There shouldn't be contracts in the military. Make it truly voluntary. We all have a right to bear arms. If we NEED to fight a war, we'll all come together and volunteer for it. If we decide a road needs to be built, we'll all do our part, or, if we don't, we must not have wanted it that bad anyway.

To force others to pay for things that they don't want done in society is wrong.

The sooner that you learn that there is no difference between the two, the sooner you will begin to approach political maturity.
Rich Dems aren't greedy, dupes...Proof- they want to raise their own taxes for the good of the country DUH.
I've never been much for online forums, but, I cant hold it in anymore without venting. If this country goes much longer with Democrats in control, we're doomed. Unlike Michelle, this is the first time I'm ashamed of my country.

Government must be slashed at all levels. Every department, every level. Period. There is nothing the government does- nothing, that I and my fellow citizens cannot do better. Enough is enough.

Taxes must be slashed. The job makers and creators pay the bills. Enable that. Not handouts.

Rand Paul will get my vote, or Ted Cruz. Either one.

But cut government and taxes. Period.

Believe me you will fit in here.

If you are waiting for the GOP to save America, you are part of the problem.

Get off your ass and do something to save this nation yourself.

I am doing something, Im a job creator, Im not a TAKER. Only Democrats like you want to live your life off the taxpayer.

I say privatize 99% of government.

HOA's do a better job governing their own neighborhood than the local government. Each city and county can have a PRIVATE HOA style government, that enforces ordinance through civil fines, not GUNS and TAXES. The only government worker we'd need is civil judges. Nothing else. We'd save a lot on taxes, and have some basic, limited rules. People serving on that "HOA" type board would be randomly selected, like a lottery, each year for 1 year of term.

hey dipshit? have been here 5 dont know anyone....Avatar aint no Democrat.....
Name the last time it was done at the federal level.

The Republicans sequester cut a lot of military waste for one, and theres a lot more. Did you know we the taxpayer pay for their off base houses and apartments? Im ok with paying for it overseas, but my job doesn't give me a free apartment, so my taxes shouldn't pay for someone elses.

Also too many non-combat jobs. They can contract out food, dentists, doctors, recreation. Only a very small number for war zones only, the rest should be private sector, or just go to the ones the rest of us go to.

Same goes for all federal employees. No more of the sweetheart deal.

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!!! Show me ONE business where the employee gets a better deal than the EMPLOYER?

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!

so which Taxpayer?....the ones making 15 thousand a year or the ones making 30 million a year?....hey just wondering.....because i will take the higher wage earners deal....but that is just might be different.....just sayin....

ANY taxpayer working 40 hours a week, full time. WE are the employer of those employed by tax money.

If one tax payer makes 30 million, and another tax payer makes 30 thousand, NO GOVERNMENT employee tax TAKER, of any level, should make a better deal than either tax PAYER.
THE gop and Reaganism have been a disaster for the nonrich and the country. Pandering to the rich isimmoral AND idiotic, hater dupes. See sig para 1.

Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...The first thing that had to be done was getting Big Health UNDER CONTROL AND PEOPLE ALL COVERED- with the rich paying more. NEXT- IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT WILL HUGELY HELP THE ECONOMY. The GOP argument against that is hate and envy...

geezus i have to get out that ad for the Capt. Midnight decoder Ring again?...

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