The GOP must save America; Until then, I'm ashamed to be a patriot

THE gop and Reaganism have been a disaster for the nonrich and the country. Pandering to the rich isimmoral AND idiotic, hater dupes. See sig para 1.

Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...The first thing that had to be done was getting Big Health UNDER CONTROL AND PEOPLE ALL COVERED- with the rich paying more. NEXT- IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT WILL HUGELY HELP THE ECONOMY. The GOP argument against that is hate and envy...

The rich got rich in a FREE America, and so can anyone else. Its not their job to support your entitlements or to fund your protection or education


Memorize the facts, hater dupes:

1. WORKERS past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):1950 = 101%1960 = 105%1970 = 105%1980 = 105% – Reagan1990 = 100%2000 = 96%2007 = 92%A 13% drop since 1980A 13% drop since 1980

2. THE TOP 10% GET A LARGER SHARE.Share of National Income going to Top 10%:1950 = 35%1960 = 34%1970 = 34%1980 = 34% – Reagan1990 = 40%2000 = 47%2007 = 50% TO MAKE UP FOR THE LOSS.Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95% An increase of 16% since Reagan.

3. WORKERS COMPENSATED FOR THE LOSS OF INCOME BY SPENDING THEIR SAVINGS.The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.1950 = 6.0%1960 = 7.0%1970 = 8.5%1980 = 10.0% – Reagan1982 = 11.2% – Peak1990 = 7.0%2000 = 2.0%2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

4. Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95%A 45% increase after 1980.

5. SO THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICHEST AND THE POOREST HAS GROWN.Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%and the bottom 80%:1980 = 10%2003 = 56%A 5.6 times increase.

6. AND THE AMERICAN DREAM IS GONE.The Probabilityy of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:1945 = 12%1958 = 6%1990 = 3%2000 = 2%A 10% Decrease.

Links:1 = = = = = = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--June 6, 20135/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider
THE gop and Reaganism have been a disaster for the nonrich and the country. Pandering to the rich isimmoral AND idiotic, hater dupes. See sig para 1.

Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...The first thing that had to be done was getting Big Health UNDER CONTROL AND PEOPLE ALL COVERED- with the rich paying more. NEXT- IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT WILL HUGELY HELP THE ECONOMY. The GOP argument against that is hate and envy...

The rich got rich in a FREE America, and so can anyone else. Its not their job to support your entitlements or to fund your protection or education


Memorize the facts, hater dupes:

1. WORKERS past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):1950 = 101%1960 = 105%1970 = 105%1980 = 105% – Reagan1990 = 100%2000 = 96%2007 = 92%A 13% drop since 1980A 13% drop since 1980

2. THE TOP 10% GET A LARGER SHARE.Share of National Income going to Top 10%:1950 = 35%1960 = 34%1970 = 34%1980 = 34% – Reagan1990 = 40%2000 = 47%2007 = 50% TO MAKE UP FOR THE LOSS.Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95% An increase of 16% since Reagan.

3. WORKERS COMPENSATED FOR THE LOSS OF INCOME BY SPENDING THEIR SAVINGS.The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.1950 = 6.0%1960 = 7.0%1970 = 8.5%1980 = 10.0% – Reagan1982 = 11.2% – Peak1990 = 7.0%2000 = 2.0%2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

4. Household Debt as percentage of GDP:1965 = 46%1970 = 45%1980 = 50% – Reagan1990 = 61%2000 = 69%2007 = 95%A 45% increase after 1980.

5. SO THE GAP BETWEEN THE RICHEST AND THE POOREST HAS GROWN.Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%and the bottom 80%:1980 = 10%2003 = 56%A 5.6 times increase.

6. AND THE AMERICAN DREAM IS GONE.The Probabilityy of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:1945 = 12%1958 = 6%1990 = 3%2000 = 2%A 10% Decrease.

Links:1 = = = = = = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--June 6, 20135/6 = Wealth And Inequality In America - Business Insider

Oh goody, dueling dumbasses.
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Rich Dems aren't greedy, dupes...Proof- they want to raise their own taxes for the good of the country DUH.

Ah, I get it now.

Do you mean like Warren Buffet who hires an army of accountants to find a loop hole allowing him to be taxed at a lower capital gains rate? Or like Bill Gates who sets up trusts to shelter his lifetime earnings from the death tax? Or you mean like Obama who said his tax rates should be higher, but he didn't pay the rates he thought he should be paying? Or Charlie Rangle who as head of the tax writing committee didn't know he needed to pay taxes on foreign income? Or do you mean like Tom Daschle who didn't pay taxes on perks he received like a free driver? Or like Bill Clinton who deducted $50 per pair of used underwear donated to charity? Or like Hillary who turned a couple thousand into six figures without generating a tax bill?

Damn, Democrats do think they need to pay more taxes, don't they? You seriously need to stop watching MS-NBC all day, they are keeping you ignorant.
THE gop and Reaganism have been a disaster for the nonrich and the country. Pandering to the rich isimmoral AND idiotic, hater dupes. See sig para 1.

Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...The first thing that had to be done was getting Big Health UNDER CONTROL AND PEOPLE ALL COVERED- with the rich paying more. NEXT- IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT WILL HUGELY HELP THE ECONOMY. The GOP argument against that is hate and envy...

The rich got rich in a FREE America, and so can anyone else. Its not their job to support your entitlements or to fund your protection or education

do you notice who the people are who are defending the rich?....they sure as hell aint fellow rich people...they will pay big money to make sure those same people protect their asses...
This Admin is the dumbest and most corrupt Admin in history.

Black Panthers - didn't throw the book at the scum intimidating voters in Philly outside the election booth.

Fast & Furious - tried to make gun violence in this country worse by giving them to gangs on the border, then covered up their actions.

Syria - made a redline for the use of WMD then did nothing.

Iran - making deals with the nutjobs when the sanctions are working, driving the Saudis and Israelis to openly mock the deal.

Libya - too stupid to understand the danger on 9-11 and got 4 Americans killed in a terrorist haven, then made up a lie to cover it up.

obamacare - lied about the loss of medical insurance and doctor for millions, busy covering it up with lies and HHS telling insurance companies not to answer Congress' questions.

Porkulus - didn't stimulate the economy except for the pockets of Obama's supporters.

Iraq - pulled out without leaving any US troops to keep the gains in place, now AQ and Iran are runnin amuck in Iraq blowing up the citizens.

IRS - used the IRS to spy on and block Tea Party groups mounting the grassroots movement to beat Obama in the last election.

Pretty much Obama is the dumbest and scummiest asshole ever to step foot in the White House...he needs to be arrested the day he is no longer POTUS.
Rich Dems aren't greedy, dupes...Proof- they want to raise their own taxes for the good of the country DUH.

Ah, I get it now.

Do you mean like Warren Buffet who hires an army of accountants to find a loop hole allowing him to be taxed at a lower capital gains rate? Or like Bill Gates who sets up trusts to shelter his lifetime earnings from the death tax? Or you mean like Obama who said his tax rates should be higher, but he didn't pay the rates he thought he should be paying? Or Charlie Rangle who as head of the tax writing committee didn't know he needed to pay taxes on foreign income? Or do you mean like Tom Daschle who didn't pay taxes on perks he received like a free driver? Or like Bill Clinton who deducted $50 per pair of used underwear donated to charity? Or like Hillary who turned a couple thousand into six figures without generating a tax bill?

Damn, Democrats do think they need to pay more taxes, don't they? You seriously need to stop watching MS-NBC all day, they are keeping you ignorant.

I said they weren't greedy, not stupid. lol I don't get MSNBC.
Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...

How is perfecting greed turning it around?

Frankie does not think Democrat rich folk are greedy....every one of them would gladly give their fortune up to help the Country.....he said they are like that while Republican rich folk would shoot you dead before that would happen....just ask him,he will tell ya....they are a different type of wealthy people.....he also said Democrats NEVER lie......and he does not think he is brainwashed....everyone else is....except those who agree with him of course....
THE gop and Reaganism have been a disaster for the nonrich and the country. Pandering to the rich isimmoral AND idiotic, hater dupes. See sig para 1.

Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...The first thing that had to be done was getting Big Health UNDER CONTROL AND PEOPLE ALL COVERED- with the rich paying more. NEXT- IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT WILL HUGELY HELP THE ECONOMY. The GOP argument against that is hate and envy...

The rich got rich in a FREE America, and so can anyone else. Its not their job to support your entitlements or to fund your protection or education

do you notice who the people are who are defending the rich?....they sure as hell aint fellow rich people...they will pay big money to make sure those same people protect their asses...

Yep, they're all TAKER government workers. Name 'em. Federal government agents, Military, and cops. Taking tax money protecting us from boogey men the liberal media makes up, just so they can tax us and make a welfare society.

My family lives in a rich neighborhood, and its not about to get bombed by Al Qaida or robbed by Tupac's thugs. Yet, they have to pay huge taxes to other people to "protect them".
This Admin is the dumbest and most corrupt Admin in history.

Black Panthers - didn't throw the book at the scum intimidating voters in Philly outside the election booth.

Fast & Furious - tried to make gun violence in this country worse by giving them to gangs on the border, then covered up their actions.

Syria - made a redline for the use of WMD then did nothing.

Iran - making deals with the nutjobs when the sanctions are working, driving the Saudis and Israelis to openly mock the deal.

Libya - too stupid to understand the danger on 9-11 and got 4 Americans killed in a terrorist haven, then made up a lie to cover it up.

obamacare - lied about the loss of medical insurance and doctor for millions, busy covering it up with lies and HHS telling insurance companies not to answer Congress' questions.

Porkulus - didn't stimulate the economy except for the pockets of Obama's supporters.

Iraq - pulled out without leaving any US troops to keep the gains in place, now AQ and Iran are runnin amuck in Iraq blowing up the citizens.

IRS - used the IRS to spy on and block Tea Party groups mounting the grassroots movement to beat Obama in the last election.

Pretty much Obama is the dumbest and scummiest asshole ever to step foot in the White House...he needs to be arrested the day he is no longer POTUS.

Total pile of Pubcrappe- change the channel. For example, the ATF chief in AZ said NEITHER the Bush nor O administration were told about the gunwalking, NBPP LOL- A COUPLE OF a-holes the voter ladies ran off...ETC ETC ETC ZZZZZZZZZZ
The private sector could do 99% of everything the government does. But, if you keep taxing them so much, they wont have the money to put towards doing that donation and charity stuff.
The private sector could do 99% of everything the government does. But, if you keep taxing them so much, they wont have the money to put towards doing that donation and charity stuff.
True enough, but counting on the GOP to be a counter to the Dems, to behave any differently than the Dems, to spend any more responsibly than the Dems, is delusional.
The Republicans sequester cut a lot of military waste for one, and theres a lot more. Did you know we the taxpayer pay for their off base houses and apartments? Im ok with paying for it overseas, but my job doesn't give me a free apartment, so my taxes shouldn't pay for someone elses.

Also too many non-combat jobs. They can contract out food, dentists, doctors, recreation. Only a very small number for war zones only, the rest should be private sector, or just go to the ones the rest of us go to.

Same goes for all federal employees. No more of the sweetheart deal.

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!!! Show me ONE business where the employee gets a better deal than the EMPLOYER?

No person working for the taxpayer should get a better deal than THE TAXPAYER!

so which Taxpayer?....the ones making 15 thousand a year or the ones making 30 million a year?....hey just wondering.....because i will take the higher wage earners deal....but that is just might be different.....just sayin....

ANY taxpayer working 40 hours a week, full time. WE are the employer of those employed by tax money.

If one tax payer makes 30 million, and another tax payer makes 30 thousand, NO GOVERNMENT employee tax TAKER, of any level, should make a better deal than either tax PAYER. if i am a lowly Govt worker,working full time in the snow,rain,heat...whatever the weather.....i should just expect minimum wage and nothing else right?...because a guy who works a job making 10 an hour cant be getting to much....and i cant expect more than what he is getting right? that what you are saying?...
And when the GOP doesn't cut any spending at all when they inevitably come back into power?
Then the shameless butthole GOP apologists will say that it's up to you need elect more of them, so that you can get enough of what they call "conservatives".

Despicable a lot of human debris that they are, at least democrats are relatively honest about who they are.
Dems are slowly turning the stupid ship of greed around...

How is perfecting greed turning it around?

Frankie does not think Democrat rich folk are greedy....every one of them would gladly give their fortune up to help the Country.....he said they are like that while Republican rich folk would shoot you dead before that would happen....just ask him,he will tell ya....they are a different type of wealthy people.....he also said Democrats NEVER lie......and he does not think he is brainwashed....everyone else is....except those who agree with him of course....


gd shift key...
The rich got rich in a FREE America, and so can anyone else. Its not their job to support your entitlements or to fund your protection or education

do you notice who the people are who are defending the rich?....they sure as hell aint fellow rich people...they will pay big money to make sure those same people protect their asses...

Yep, they're all TAKER government workers. Name 'em. Federal government agents, Military, and cops. Taking tax money protecting us from boogey men the liberal media makes up, just so they can tax us and make a welfare society.

My family lives in a rich neighborhood, and its not about to get bombed by Al Qaida or robbed by Tupac's thugs. Yet, they have to pay huge taxes to other people to "protect them".

yea i would like to see all those rich people defend themselves if there were no cops...give us a break....
How is perfecting greed turning it around?

Frankie does not think Democrat rich folk are greedy....every one of them would gladly give their fortune up to help the Country.....he said they are like that while Republican rich folk would shoot you dead before that would happen....just ask him,he will tell ya....they are a different type of wealthy people.....he also said Democrats NEVER lie......and he does not think he is brainwashed....everyone else is....except those who agree with him of course....


gd shift key...
yea they talk like good caring wonderful Democrats dont they?....."yea ill take that 5% tax hike....ill just make it back by being a little more greedy in my business dealings"....maybe you should try a new channel Southpark.....Cartman could teach you a thing or two....
Rich Dems aren't greedy, dupes...Proof- they want to raise their own taxes for the good of the country DUH.

Ah, I get it now.

Do you mean like Warren Buffet who hires an army of accountants to find a loop hole allowing him to be taxed at a lower capital gains rate? Or like Bill Gates who sets up trusts to shelter his lifetime earnings from the death tax? Or you mean like Obama who said his tax rates should be higher, but he didn't pay the rates he thought he should be paying? Or Charlie Rangle who as head of the tax writing committee didn't know he needed to pay taxes on foreign income? Or do you mean like Tom Daschle who didn't pay taxes on perks he received like a free driver? Or like Bill Clinton who deducted $50 per pair of used underwear donated to charity? Or like Hillary who turned a couple thousand into six figures without generating a tax bill?

Damn, Democrats do think they need to pay more taxes, don't they? You seriously need to stop watching MS-NBC all day, they are keeping you ignorant.

I said they weren't greedy, not stupid. lol I don't get MSNBC.

No, that's not what you said. See the red. They are not even paying their taxes, they are evading them. Liberal elites are are doing nothing voluntarily for their country.

And You still don't get the MSNBC reference? It's because of your endless moronic Fox comments. You're not intelligent or articulate enough to explain views that make sense, so you pass off that anyone who disagrees with you must be duped by someone you don't like. You stop with the idiotic references, I'll stop mocking you for your stupidity. We both know it's not going to happen, you don't have the gonads to make points and stand behind them yourself with your own words, so you're going to have to go to cheap tricks.

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