The GOP Senate goes silent on Trump and his use of the military

yeah, Moscow Mitch needs to convene a special session of Congress, and recommend the immediate passage of the Booker/Kamala federal anti-lynching bill
yeah, Moscow Mitch needs to convene a special session of Congress, and recommend the immediate passage of the Booker/Kamala federal anti-lynching bill
maybe he could tell the governors to do their jobs. that would be easier.
this is no more than a dark blot on America's good name. we will come back stronger than ever before, my friends!
literally silent.

On Tuesday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, usually a vocal supporter of the President, declined to comment on Trump’s speech. So did Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, who has often criticized the President. “These are times where my heart goes out to people,” Romney said Tuesday. “This is a challenging time for our country, and I’m really not going to be commenting on the daily developments that that are coming from the White House or elsewhere.”

The American Left has been begging, whining, pleading for an authoritarian smackdown for about sixty years. Sometimes, just sometimes, you get what you ask for. Reap the whirlwind . . .
literally silent.

On Tuesday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, usually a vocal supporter of the President, declined to comment on Trump’s speech. So did Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, who has often criticized the President. “These are times where my heart goes out to people,” Romney said Tuesday. “This is a challenging time for our country, and I’m really not going to be commenting on the daily developments that that are coming from the White House or elsewhere.”
Ah, you afraid that some military MAN might have to stop you from looting and burning shit that doesnt belong to you? Or is it that the violence hasnt yet spilled into your neighborhood, so you can feel comfy and safe while other peoples livelihood goes up in flame? I hope the violence does come my way, i have been preparing for it for a long time now, at 500 yards i can put a .308 right in the skull of a dimwit....
Yes. I'm afraid the US Army may be misused as law enforcement against US citizens on US soil. I'm terrified it may be used against peaceful US citizen protestors. And apparently it was last night, because those helicopters scaring the folks at St Johns and Lafayette Park didn't come from Iran
Technically the ONLY legal way the military can be used based on;

The inherent legal right of the U.S. Government - a sovereign national entity under the Federal Constitution - to insure the preservation of public order and the carrying out of governmental operations within its territorial limits, by force if necessary.

Can the USA military be used as a police force domestically?

This means that the President can order the military to intervene ONLY if local authorities become powerless to stop large scale civil unrest. The justification for this resides in the Insurrection Act which predates (and is not made null by) the Posse Comitatus Act.
I have to laugh at those that don't realize that we all ready have military out there. The moment the governor calls out the National Gaurd they become active members of the military. They are not some offshoot they are civilian soldiers until they are activated.
The National Guard have been in military hotspots all over the globe.
The Guards are made up of what historically were the state militas. They predate the Army.
Try again you fucking morons, since i served in the National Guard we are the last line of defense against an invasion force, which as we are looking at in the US right now, have insurrection going on all around this nation by fucking worthless moronic Commies. Go fuck yourself you dimwitted asshole..
You can't even define insurrection you Trump cum towel
This is how the US military would put down an armed rebellion
§ 333 – Suppress insurrection or domestic violence if it (1) hinders the execution of the laws to the extent that a part or class of citizens are deprived of Constitutional rights and the State is unable or refuses to protect those rights or (2) obstructs the execution of any Federal law or impedes the course of justice under Federal laws.)
I think burning other peoples properties and assaulting police officers fall right in this category, but you are too stupid to know better.
I know about liberal thinking you fucking moron.

I have to laugh at those that don't realize that we all ready have military out there. The moment the governor calls out the National Gaurd they become active members of the military. They are not some offshoot they are civilian soldiers until they are activated.
The National Guard have been in military hotspots all over the globe.
The Guards are made up of what historically were the state militas. They predate the Army.
Try again you fucking morons, since i served in the National Guard we are the last line of defense against an invasion force, which as we are looking at in the US right now, have insurrection going on all around this nation by fucking worthless moronic Commies. Go fuck yourself you dimwitted asshole..
You can't even define insurrection you Trump cum towel
Well you certainly have to give the left its due. When they pretend to have an answere then don't they always resort to the play book. Call them racist, call them names or just dig in and claim the truth is wrong.
literally silent.

On Tuesday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, usually a vocal supporter of the President, declined to comment on Trump’s speech. So did Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, who has often criticized the President. “These are times where my heart goes out to people,” Romney said Tuesday. “This is a challenging time for our country, and I’m really not going to be commenting on the daily developments that that are coming from the White House or elsewhere.”

Romney finally got some sense.

He'll probably mouth off once it is over.
I don't think Trump should bring in the military. Just let the scumbag losers burn their shitholes to the ground. Then they can all stand there looking at what they did while wondering where they're going to live and what they're going to eat.
They're not organic. Organic protesters burn out.
These people are mercenaries. Long as they're paid they'll keep destroying property. Eventually we'll be fighting them off in our homes.
They are all a bunch of slimy bitches. This incompetent fuckup of a potus pulls a Hitler like show of force on peacefully protesting people for a fucking photo op and they dont have shit to say.
I can see their sense of self-preservation. Mitt's a different story. He's got nothing to gain or lose, but I don't think he wants to be part of turning the Senate dem.

What worried me was seeing Esper and Gen Milley (in fatigues) walking with Trump as he used tear gas and Military helicopters to disperse peaceful protestors outside Lafayette Park. Milley is not West Point …. or even VMI or Norwich. And he tried to suppress the Iraq War Study. Trump has the varsity sitting on the bench.

The gop senate may have to confront a Profile in Courage moment.

Sasse must have some balls he turned on the trumpturd this afternoon.
literally silent.

On Tuesday morning, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, usually a vocal supporter of the President, declined to comment on Trump’s speech. So did Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, who has often criticized the President. “These are times where my heart goes out to people,” Romney said Tuesday. “This is a challenging time for our country, and I’m really not going to be commenting on the daily developments that that are coming from the White House or elsewhere.”
The polls say otherwise. An overwhelming majority support doing what is necessary to bring peace.

So, back to the drawing board for new talking points
I have to laugh at those that don't realize that we all ready have military out there. The moment the governor calls out the National Gaurd they become active members of the military. They are not some offshoot they are civilian soldiers until they are activated.
The National Guard have been in military hotspots all over the globe.

Your grasp of the 1916/17 National Guard Act is lacking. The ONLY time the National Guard becomes a National Military Asset is when the President Nationalizes them. Until then, they are all the assets of the respective Governors.
Trump isn't going to do squat. That's pretty much why they say nothing.

They also know that if he used the military against citizens, it's all over for him.

Saner minds will get through to him. Not that he really means much of what he says.
They are all a bunch of slimy bitches. This incompetent fuckup of a potus pulls a Hitler like show of force on peacefully protesting people for a fucking photo op and they dont have shit to say.
I can see their sense of self-preservation. Mitt's a different story. He's got nothing to gain or lose, but I don't think he wants to be part of turning the Senate dem.

What worried me was seeing Esper and Gen Milley (in fatigues) walking with Trump as he used tear gas and Military helicopters to disperse peaceful protestors outside Lafayette Park. Milley is not West Point …. or even VMI or Norwich. And he tried to suppress the Iraq War Study. Trump has the varsity sitting on the bench.

The gop senate may have to confront a Profile in Courage moment.

Sasse must have some balls he turned on the trumpturd this afternoon.

Took quite the search to find them.
I have to laugh at those that don't realize that we all ready have military out there. The moment the governor calls out the National Gaurd they become active members of the military. They are not some offshoot they are civilian soldiers until they are activated.
The National Guard have been in military hotspots all over the globe.

Your grasp of the 1916/17 National Guard Act is lacking. The ONLY time the National Guard becomes a National Military Asset is when the President Nationalizes them. Until then, they are all the assets of the respective Governors.
So when a guard unit goes to Iraq they are an asset of the respective governor. I think you have a small problem with that statement.
“But with Trump’s re-election bid underway, even some Republican stalwarts have acknowledged that Trump’s latest reaction to a national tragedy could have disastrous electoral implications in November.” ibid

Let’s all hope so.
They are all a bunch of slimy bitches. This incompetent fuckup of a potus pulls a Hitler like show of force on peacefully protesting people for a fucking photo op and they dont have shit to say.
I can see their sense of self-preservation. Mitt's a different story. He's got nothing to gain or lose, but I don't think he wants to be part of turning the Senate dem.

What worried me was seeing Esper and Gen Milley (in fatigues) walking with Trump as he used tear gas and Military helicopters to disperse peaceful protestors outside Lafayette Park. Milley is not West Point …. or even VMI or Norwich. And he tried to suppress the Iraq War Study. Trump has the varsity sitting on the bench.

The gop senate may have to confront a Profile in Courage moment.
No gas was used and no helicopters were used.
“But with Trump’s re-election bid underway, even some Republican stalwarts have acknowledged that Trump’s latest reaction to a national tragedy could have disastrous electoral implications in November.” ibid

Let’s all hope so.
Disastrous for democrats.

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