The GOP should pass tax cuts in the House and wash their hands of this mess

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Put the ball entirely in democrats hands and let them reap the rewards/punishment of this looming disaster.

Obama has been playing his usual dishonest game. Give him the ball. Do your part and walk away.

Fuck it, vote present
Obama wants to lump a new stimulus along with tax hikes along with an increase to the debt limit all with this negotiation. The situation is already so complicated and he adds all this bullshit to it.

It feels like Obama is playing pick up sticks and just grabbing for everything he can regardless of its ability to help or hinder us.

Just like 08 he seems incapable of focussing on the real problems and is set once again to take us down an unrelated EXPENSIVE path.
Put the ball entirely in democrats hands and let them reap the rewards/punishment of this looming disaster.

Obama has been playing his usual dishonest game. Give him the ball. Do your part and walk away.

Fuck it, vote present

That's the only answer. Walk away. Republicans are going to be blamed for the resulting fiscal mess anyway. That hand has already been dealt. The last thing republicans should do is agree, or even disagree, just walk away.

Republicans should give it up on the federal level and concentrate on republican haven states. Start doing what democrats have been doing for decades, start at the very lowest rung of office and build up entirely republican states. Keep cities choked out of expansion before they get too big to control.
Obamas proposal included giving him the authority to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling as he sees fit.

Has he lost his fucking mind? At a bare minimum he thinks we've lost ours.
Put the ball entirely in democrats hands and let them reap the rewards/punishment of this looming disaster.

Obama has been playing his usual dishonest game. Give him the ball. Do your part and walk away.

Fuck it, vote present

It’s a disaster of which republicans share an equal blame.

The GOP gambled they’d have the WH and Senate in 2012 and lost; their games are as dishonest anyone else.
Put the ball entirely in democrats hands and let them reap the rewards/punishment of this looming disaster.

Obama has been playing his usual dishonest game. Give him the ball. Do your part and walk away.

Fuck it, vote present

It's not just the democrats.
Congress, House and Senate both, should be held accountable.

But IMO, the biggest blame should be put with those at the top. Not just Obama and Biden, but also the party leaders in the House and Senate.

Maybe Hillary too. Because she's ugly.
I'd agree, the House repubs should pass a tax revenue bill that increases revenue by reducing or eliminating tax credits and deductions and extends the Bush tax cuts for everybody.
Obamas proposal included giving him the authority to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling as he sees fit.

Has he lost his fucking mind? At a bare minimum he thinks we've lost ours.

In modern history, Ronald Reagan oversaw the largest number of debt ceiling increases, and George W. Bush approved a near doubling of the borrowing cap during his two terms in office.

The White House

The debt ceiling was raised on seven occasions during President George W. Bush's two terms in office, from $5.95 trillion in 2001 to nearly double that, $11.315 trillion, in 2009 - an increase of $5.365 trillion or 90 percent

Congress has tinkered with the debt ceiling, the statutory limit on amount of money the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its legal obligations, a grand total of 78 times since 1960 - 49 times under Republican presidents and 29 times under Democratic presidents.

Debt Ceiling - Under Modern U.S. Presidents
I'd agree, the House repubs should pass a tax revenue bill that increases revenue by reducing or eliminating tax credits and deductions and extends the Bush tax cuts for everybody.

They already have, back in July
I'd agree, the House repubs should pass a tax revenue bill that increases revenue by reducing or eliminating tax credits and deductions and extends the Bush tax cuts for everybody.

They already have, back in July

I don't think the House bill in July had anything in it about reducing tax credits and deductions. Problem is, if you give the democrats their tax increases first, they'll never agree to any real spending cuts.
Put the ball entirely in democrats hands..... mean we'll NEVER see a Teabaggin'-congressman initiate any legislation??!!!

What have any o' those lazy-fucks DONE, since 2010??!!!!
(....You know...besides drawing-a-check.)

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I'd agree, the House repubs should pass a tax revenue bill that increases revenue by reducing or eliminating tax credits and deductions and extends the Bush tax cuts for everybody.

They already have, back in July

I don't think the House bill in July had anything in it about reducing tax credits and deductions. Problem is, if you give the democrats their tax increases first, they'll never agree to any real spending cuts.

The Democratic-controlled Senate passed a bill in July that would extend many of the expiring George W. Bush-era tax cuts for middle-income families, while letting taxes go up for individuals who make more than $200,000 and married couples making more than $250,000.

The Republican-led House passed a bill in August that would extend the tax cuts for just about everyone.

Republican leaders in Congress say they are willing to accept higher taxes on the wealthy, but only by reducing or eliminating credits, deductions and exemptions. They adamantly oppose higher tax rates, which Democratic leaders are demanding.

Leaders from each party said their bill should be the starting point for finding a solution in the next few weeks. Both bills would extend tax cuts through next year. The Senate bill would save taxpayers about $250 billion, according to congressional estimates. The House bill would save taxpayers about $400 billion.

House and Senate sit on tax bills the other passed - Yahoo! News
They already have, back in July

I don't think the House bill in July had anything in it about reducing tax credits and deductions. Problem is, if you give the democrats their tax increases first, they'll never agree to any real spending cuts.

The Democratic-controlled Senate passed a bill in July that would extend many of the expiring George W. Bush-era tax cuts for middle-income families, while letting taxes go up for individuals who make more than $200,000 and married couples making more than $250,000.

The Republican-led House passed a bill in August that would extend the tax cuts for just about everyone.

Republican leaders in Congress say they are willing to accept higher taxes on the wealthy, but only by reducing or eliminating credits, deductions and exemptions. They adamantly oppose higher tax rates, which Democratic leaders are demanding.

Leaders from each party said their bill should be the starting point for finding a solution in the next few weeks. Both bills would extend tax cuts through next year. The Senate bill would save taxpayers about $250 billion, according to congressional estimates. The House bill would save taxpayers about $400 billion.

House and Senate sit on tax bills the other passed - Yahoo! News

Your point being? I didn't see anything in either bill abour reducing or eliminating tax credits and deductions. Don't know that the House repubs want to pass a bill with that stuff in it, cuz then they have no further room to negotiate unless they cave to higher tax rates.
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