The GOP we once knew is irredeemably a thing of the past


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
You cannot build a party and win elections with just a bunch of angry and bitter white Christians , their numbers just don't add up to majority

'Trump didn’t blow up the party on his own. He had help from a field of presidential contenders that was touted as deep and talented but proved shallow and wanting. Bush raised shock-and-awe money but turns out to lack his father’s and brother’s skill at performing on the national stage; he seems to want to be crowned, not elected. Rubio is like the teacher’s pet who speaks eloquently in class but doesn’t do his homework. Chris Christie was slow off the mark, perhaps having been stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge.'

Column: The GOP will be changed forever
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Guno is also a liar. He told me he was born and raised in Brooklyn. Then he said he was born and raised in Nevada. Then he told me Bosch Corporation in Charleston brought him down in the early 80s because us rednecks weren't smart enough to do the work....meaning he would've had to been 35 years old or so to be such a seasoned worker....making him a 65-70 year old geezer liberal now whose grammar sounds like a college sophomore.

In short, stink.
OP is delusional. The Republican party is now the majority party on federal, state and local level. And they're getting stuff done, like making it hard to get an abortion. I know that must piss of the liberals, but so be it. We don't want it to be legal to murder your own child.
Libtards are hysterically funny.

the GOP has gained 10 governorships and now have what like 37 of them around the country. They control both houses of Congress, which they did not when Obamy got his fagot ass elected.

And the GOP is dead?

OP is delusional. The Republican party is now the majority party on federal, state and local level. And they're getting stuff done, like making it hard to get an abortion. I know that must piss of the liberals, but so be it. We don't want it to be legal to murder your own child.
The libtards have gone full schizo with this one. Everything has gone against them the last 6 years, except one PResidential election and yet they think that they are winning?


You just cant make this kind of shit up.
Democrats lie every time they open their mouths or type on a keyboard.

The claim that the Republican party is in decline is total bullshit.

By throwing open the doors to illegal aliens, he has pissed off almost everyone.

I predict that in 2016, Republicans will make additional gains in governorships, state legislatures, local offices, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

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