The GOP Won't Abandon Trump No Matter What For One Reason: He's The Last


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.
------------------------------------------------ I just love the pain , heartache , headache , possible shingels and nervous twitch that I see in you post Skews .
Here's a reality check for you: If you count the third-party votes in the 2016 presidential election, the center-right won by 2 million votes. In the 2018 election, the Republicans increased their majority in the Senate, and their losses in the House were not even close to being the worst suffered in a mid-term election. Furthermore, Republicans still control more state legislatures and governor's mansions than the Democrats do. You can't gerry-mander elections for U.S. senators and state governors.
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.

By all means go right ahead and count those eggs before they hatch. After they do, we paleoconservatives will not be the ones weeping. Sounds about like you and your ilk have skipped over waiting for the outcome and gone right ahead with victory celebrations on President Trump's grave. Let me warn you, it's empty—and the bottom is lined with sharpened sticks. Tread carefully.

You fools repeat the same blunder: dancing on moral ground you have mistaken for high and dry, when in fact, that worm ridden mound of earth you call a pulpit is on the sea bottom. You can't possibly believe radical leftist, postmodernist Democrat policies represent the behavior of the good guys, right? It's the same old tune, one you recite so poorly: hatred of one man is worth the destruction of America. Your Democrat heroes are child murderers, communist revolutionaries, elite corporate thugs and most of all—fanatical liars. They want to burn the Constitution, not preserve it. Enslave the American People, not make them freer, and reduce the native population while importing their replacements. That's right, I said Native Population. I was born here; likely so were you. That makes us natives; indigenous.

They must have washed your brain with Tide pods to get you squawking on about commies dressed up as Democrats being the "real" heroes in this war for America's survival. So get back to counting them there eggs of victory of yours. What's soon to hatch from them will be nothing like anyone's ever seen.
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.

Any OP that links to daily kos should be banished.
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.

The GOP, under Trump is LESS beholding to the Rich than the vile dems.

And you can take your "Racist" and "rubes" smears and shove them up your ass, you asshole.
Trump is trying to protect our heritage. Because of that, he base will remain loyal.
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.
You want to talk about brain damage? OK
Leftist are so mentally dysfunctional they believe taking talking guns will stop mass shootings
They hate cops but what cops to be the only people armed. They call Trump a dictator but want to take firearms from citizens.
Trump is trying to protect our heritage. Because of that, he base will remain loyal.

Your "heritage" is the Constitution - not white supremacy.
You coined white supremacy. Our nation has its own culture like other nations of the world. It started from Britain and that was the base. And as people move here they are absorbed and join it. It could take a couple of decades. It does not mean they forget who they are and where they came from. In fact they revel in it. But we speak English as the one language in a general sense. We also have borders which helps to keep us wealthier. But you ass wipes have divided everyone. You repeat the same garbage that other nations have done in their histories in different ways. I fully believe things could be better but we would still have a few problems. As long as you real fascists/communists exist in league with perpetual war mongers that won't happen.
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.

Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Their entire policy on immigration is bigotry and hate. Their policy on the budget is to cut taxes for the wealthy. Their policy on elections is to have as few people as possible voting. Also, I’m not quite sure how a political party would be opposed to saving our environment, but here we are.

Then 2016 happened. Republicans have surrendered everything—their duty, their patriotism, and their principles—in order to pledge fealty to a man too stupid to be trusted to manage his own social media account. He remade the party in his ugly image, so now those who haven't left can largely be divided into just three groups: the rich, the racists, and the rubes. This is who they have to work with now.

No, the GOP won't abandon Trump no matter what for one reason: he's the last.

With Giuliani as the official spokesperson. No brain damage there.

"Bigotry, hate, get the guns, healthcare for all, oil is evil, free free FREE!!"

You people are a broken record.
Long before Trump, today’s GOP lost any ability to be constructive on just about anything. If something is good, they reflexively oppose it. People having healthcare? Oppose. People going to college? Oppose. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose. Renewable energy? Oppose.

Yes, the GOP does oppose socialism/communism, we always will. People having healthcare? Oppose when other people have to pay your healthcare.. People going to college? Oppose, when I have to pay for your kid going to college while mine goes to work. Stopping gun massacres? Oppose taking your gun so you can't defend even yourself soyboy. Renewable energy? Oppose Firewood is the only real renewable energy and you can't drive your car on sticks.

You dumbass clodhoppers don't ever use your brains, cause no one taught you how.

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