The GOPs scramble for the stupid vote

How is that man allowed to tweet. Isn't he in prison?
Ahh libturd wants to shut down free speech, aint she special.

So you think people in prison should be allowed social media? You don't think they should get to vote though do you?
Community Confinement is not prison. Damn you are dumb.

Dumb, no...ignorant of where he is serving his term, yes. Thanks so much for "educating" me.

By all means, the dumbass can tweet away.
Thats OK, at least you admit to being ignorant. He has every to make an ass of himself, just like you just did.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Not if he wants to be a nominee for President he doesn't.
you apparently did not notice, Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

and you liberfools sure do pose the most STUPID questions that any human ever asked.

And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”
After the failure of bengazi, you will vote for Hillary. Talk about stupid, she couldn't keep four people safe.

Just a hint

The Benghazi attacks happened two months before the 2012 election. The public didn't care and voted Obama in by a landslide

What makes you think they will care in 2016?
Was Hillary running?
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Evolution is stupid?

What if he is asked about Gravity.....will he punt on that too?
anyone else notice Wrongwhiner hasn't been around all that much and now he's baaaaaack?

talk about stupid. whoa
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Evolution is stupid?

What if he is asked about Gravity.....will he punt on that too?
What does evolution have to do with running for president? Maybe he will evolve like Obama did.
The GOP s scramble for the stupid vote

Dinesh D’Souza is no one’s idea of a thoughtful participant in the nation’s public conversation. Still, his tweet on Wednesday morning may have set a new low for the right-wing rabble-rouser. Commenting on a widely circulated image of President Obama taking a picture of himself with selfie stick, D’Souza tweeted the following message: “YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO... Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment.”
The tweet has created quite a stir, especially among people who think it demonstrates D’Souza’s racism. But I think it reveals something that might actually be worse: his willingness to pander shamelessly to racists in order to increase his own power and influence.


Um...yeah...that's what your OP post shows, the "GOP" is trying to get the stupid vote...
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
No I dont actually. Please post the details.
Of course Obama was lying about his views, just as he lied about gay marriage in order to get elected.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Not if he wants to be a nominee for President he doesn't.
Yeah even then. It's called free speech. Try it sometime.
Obama is an embarrassment even to his muslim buddies.
whats the OP again Scooter? Topic, try to stay on it shit stain jknowgood
Awe your half ass try to name call. Still doesn't refute the fact that Obama is an embarrassment and a failure. I do see he put his red crayon back in the box. Since his red line meant nothing.
Anyway the real stupid voters are the Obama supporters. There that's staying on topic.
How is that man allowed to tweet. Isn't he in prison?
yeah he's a convicted rw repub felon
Pagin Alcee Hastings, Florida Democrat House Rep Alcee Hastings.

Anyway, the Dums are terrified of Walker. He is a sensible smart man with great accomplishments. So he must be destroyed with trivia because he sure cant be destroyed on any merits.
Remind us why Hillary lying about being under sniper fire is OK.
The GObP has the stupid vote locked-up (just like D'Souza is locked-up) but you can't win Presidential elections w/ just the rw base (MURICAN taliban)
Obama is an embarrassment even to his muslim buddies.
whats the OP again Scooter? Topic, try to stay on it shit stain jknowgood
Awe your half ass try to name call. Still doesn't refute the fact that Obama is an embarrassment and a failure. I do see he put his red crayon back in the box. Since his red line meant nothing.
Anyway the real stupid voters are the Obama supporters. There that's staying on topic.
what are you like 14 yrs old. :eusa_eh: You have a child-like mentality. Your know nothingness, as illustrated by your posts, proves the OP correct :clap2:
The GObP has the stupid vote locked-up (just like D'Souza is locked-up) but you can't win Presidential elections w/ just the rw base (MURICAN taliban)
You got the hildabeast. Anything that votes for that failure of just being a woman. Is an idiot.
The GOP s scramble for the stupid vote

Dinesh D’Souza is no one’s idea of a thoughtful participant in the nation’s public conversation. Still, his tweet on Wednesday morning may have set a new low for the right-wing rabble-rouser. Commenting on a widely circulated image of President Obama taking a picture of himself with selfie stick, D’Souza tweeted the following message: “YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO... Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment.”
The tweet has created quite a stir, especially among people who think it demonstrates D’Souza’s racism. But I think it reveals something that might actually be worse: his willingness to pander shamelessly to racists in order to increase his own power and influence.


Except, as we've seen, they don't need to scramble.

And, as usual, rather than just face facts, they start in with the childish insults and lies about Obama. They simply cannot stay on topic.
Obama is an embarrassment even to his muslim buddies.
whats the OP again Scooter? Topic, try to stay on it shit stain jknowgood
Awe your half ass try to name call. Still doesn't refute the fact that Obama is an embarrassment and a failure. I do see he put his red crayon back in the box. Since his red line meant nothing.
Anyway the real stupid voters are the Obama supporters. There that's staying on topic.
what are you like 14 yrs old. :eusa_eh: You have a child-like mentality. Your know nothingness, as illustrated by your posts, proves the OP correct :clap2:
Saying the person that first called me a shit stain.
Dinesh D’Souza has made his money throwing red meat to the far right conservatives.Much the same act that Sara Palin has

Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

As a result, you get the Obama ghetto type remarks as the only way to still get attention

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