the gov offset my tax return

I probably pay more in bills than you do, and have a child, and I still manage to pay my college loan payment every month. Get a second job, McDonald is having a national hiring day on the 19th.

yea, im going to work at mcdonalds to pay for college loans. lol. yea right.

You do what you have to do. My job isn't the most glamorous, but I can make my college loan payments. ;)

I also have a question. Were your loans Ford Direct loans?

not sure, dont really remember.
I didn't fund it, the government did, using my money, your money;everybody's money.
my student loans defaulted. Ive been unemployed and barely make enough money now to make ends meet. My wages are up for garnishment, but they are not allowed to take any money out because i am so low income.

so now, they take my tax return. Like if garnishment isnt enough, they want my tax return too. 15% percent of my income supposedly isnt enough for them. they think they are entitled to put their hands in my pocket whenever they want.

does it look like i benefited from my student loans? i make so little money, my wages cant even be garnished. i dont have any children and am barely able to keep a roof over my head.

do they think just because you defaulted on stident loan, its ok to send you to the poor house? how can anyone survive getting their wages garnished and having their refunds offset? at this rate i would have been better off not going to college.

Did you try to get the loan deferred? If you just recently got out of college, you should have been able to.
I feel sorry for the OP. A great many college students have been duped by the Big Government - Big Education partnership to take on massive student loans for degrees which have no viable economic value. They were conned - and unlike GM and Too Big To Fail Banks, they cannot file for bankruptcy to discharges their debts.

This doesn't absolve them of the responsibility for taking on the loans in the first place - but 18 year olds are often gullible, especially when the full force of the Federal Government is telling them that the Deserve A College Education and here's a big bag of money to pay for it.
does it look like i benefited from my student loans?

at this rate i would have been better off not going to college.

In going to college you took a risk and one that apparently hasnt paid off for you yet. Just because you arent using your education doesnt mean you are any less obligated to pay back your student loans. Its time to put on your big boy pants. You might want to see if you get a forebearance on your student loans. Your loans will still accrue interest but your lenders will no longer require you make payments for a certain period of time.

I can empathize though. I graduated college in 2009 and Im in a similar situation. I work two less than awesome jobs that in no way utilize my college education and live a less than glamorous lifestyle.
You bit off more than you can chew. Lesson learned. Maybe if you didn't screw around in college, and actually learned, and did something with your education-you'd be ok. You didn't use your money. And as a low-income earner, you're supposed to get a nice income tax return (something not everybody gets).

You're an adult now. You know how you would always hear about "the real world". Welcome to it.

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