The Government never shut down under Nancy Pelosi

John Boehner is Speaker for three months and shuts down the government

Why didn't they pass a budget last year? Do you realize that that was the first time in history that there was no budget?

I dont think it was the first time. I think it happened like in the 1970s. But the level of irresponsibility and partisan politics is breath taking.
We can ask, why didnt they? Answer:Because they knew they were in trouble before the election and didnt want to do anything to make it worse. Thus they put their own political agenda ahead of their constitutionally mandated duties. Shocking.

its the first time since the new budget process , bryds reconciliation etc. was enacted in 1974.

O'smiley had Rangel on, he at least was honest he said said when asked, why they didn't do a budget last year by Oct. 1st, rangel said it was a political hot potato among others things......
I actually remembered what I read wrong. This is the first time since the new budget rules were adopted in 1974 that we have not had a budget. I guess that does make me wrong, but it is still amazing that the Democrats managed to not pass a budget for the first time in half a century.

If this were true, then how did we end up with government shut downs of in the 90s? Confirmation bias much?
I actually remembered what I read wrong. This is the first time since the new budget rules were adopted in 1974 that we have not had a budget. I guess that does make me wrong, but it is still amazing that the Democrats managed to not pass a budget for the first time in half a century.

If this were true, then how did we end up with government shut downs of in the 90s? Confirmation bias much?
Congress did their job then. They passed a spending bill.

Confirmation bias, indeed.
John Boehner is Speaker for three months and shuts down the government

It also never shut down between 1981 and 1993 when Dems controlled the house and Republicans controlled the executive.

That's because, at least in small part, Republicans were acting like adults.
Why is it that instead of addressing the present, people always want to live in the past? Who cares if the government did or did no shut down when Pelosi was Speaker, or when whomever was Speaker? I really don't care at this point if the Dems screwed up by not passing a budget last year (the most certainly did, but it's now irrelevant). That's done and over with. The present is that we need a budget. We need it now. A government shut down is NOT what the country needs and both sides need to stop throwing their little temper tantrums and get on with it.

You sound like Chris Christies now.... the Repubes didnt do it though. They are having to react to what was'nt done already.

Just sayin', but YES... we need a budget passed.

I am waiting on my passport to go to Jamaica with my wife damn it! (thats whats important :tongue: )
So why won't the Democrats sign off on a budget that has been passed by the House? Why are they being obstructionists? It is their job to pass a budget, not sit on their hands and yell "no".

Like I said, you're being a partisan hack.
No moreso than anyone who thinks there is only one party playing in this matter. Both are responsible. Both are playing the game.

Read my last post.... the Dems need to STFU and just get over it.
:lol: You've provided the answer for your own question. The government is about to shut down, and all you can say is "OMGTHEDEMOCRATSEVIL!!"

I havent provided an answer. I am asking you for an answer. Why aren't you hammering the Democrats since they 1) failed to pass a budget, 2) are blocking passing the budget the GOP did pass?

You obviously don't know what you're talking about. I've already said that the Democrats were stupid to procrastinate on passing a budget. I also said that when that decision was made last fall I wanted to ram my head into a wall because it was so stupid. I've also said that bitching about the past is not going to solve the problems of the present. We still need a budget passed, bitching about last year's procrastination does not give us a budget.

You're showing how much of a partisan hack you are, because you can only see this issue in the light that presumes the GOP is in the right, and the Democrats are in the wrong. This has two main flaws. The first is that the Democrats already made agreements on a compromise with the GOP, and they continue to support that compromise, while the GOP has rescinded their cooperation. The second failing is that the real issue isn't GOP V DEM. It's within the GOP, with the tea party caucus being stubborn, and Boehner being too chickenshit to move forward without them. He doesn't need their support, he could come up with enough bi-partisan support in the House to pass the compromise measures. He just won't do it, because he's too afraid to piss off the tantrum throwing tea party asswipes.

:cuckoo: looks who is calling who a hack :cuckoo:

So you are being a partisan hack, blaming the GOP.The fact is that the House has passed a budget. It only needs a vote in the Senate and presidential signature and it is done.
So why won't the Democrats act in the bipartisan manner they promised and do it?

The Government never shut down under Nancy Pelosi?

I have two friends...both piling up a massive amount of debt.
One filed Chapter 13 and is rebuilding
The other did nothing and has dozens of judgments against him

Based on RW's glee over Pelosi and her ability to keep the govcernment from shutting down, I guess he sees my second friend as doing the smarter thing.

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