The government stealing my money


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
Just a vent story to put things in perspective.

Recently my very generous client gave me a 5000 dollar Xmas bonus

Out of that 5000 I had to pay 1000 in income tax.

3000 of it, I'm using to pay my property tax.

That leaves me with 1000 bucks.

Government gets 4000. I get 1000.

And when I use that 1000 to buy gas or clothing, it will be taxed again.

The government gets almost all my bonus.
Everyone pays taxes. At least you're living in a house. The gas and clothing you purchase have value and are useful and make you more productive/comfortable.

Quit yer bitchin'. :D
The fucking government and taxes.

A couple years ago, I sent in my payroll taxes. The fucking morons at the IRS credited it to the wrong quarter. Two, count them, two years later I get a check from the IRS stating that I overpaid my taxes so I deposited the check. A year after that I get a bill for penalties and interest because the payment I sent in was not credited correctly.

I had to shell out an extra 1500 bucks because the fucking assholes at the motherfucking IRS said I should have caught their fucking mistake.

So Fuck the government and all the assholes who comprise it.
Do you use a Septic Tank on your property or a sewer? How about the roads? Are they paved? Gravel? Dirt?

There needs to be more to this story.
The fucking government and taxes.

A couple years ago, I sent in my payroll taxes. The fucking morons at the IRS credited it to the wrong quarter. Two, count them, two years later I get a check from the IRS stating that I overpaid my taxes so I deposited the check. A year after that I get a bill for penalties and interest because the payment I sent in was not credited correctly.

I had to shell out an extra 1500 bucks because the fucking assholes at the motherfucking IRS said I should have caught their fucking mistake.

So Fuck the government and all the assholes who comprise it.

I feel ya, Skull Pilot but the IRS accepts and record billions of such payments every year. Asking for perfect performance by them is a tad unrealistic.

BTW, so sad to hear this happened, and I mean that. Payroll tax disputes are a bitchkitty of the first water.

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