The Government's Free Lunch Counter

CUSTOMER 1: Can you believe the free lunch counter gave that lady a $50 phone for free?

CUSTOMER 2: Didn't you get several hundred dollars back for buying a house?

CUSTOMER 1: Hey! The housing sector needs as many government crutches as it can get!

The homeowner had to buy the house first.

What did the dimocrap voter do to earn an obamphone?

There's something wrong with your mind

What did the homeowner do to earn a government subsidy that has to be paid for by other people?
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The Immense and Growing Price of "Tax Expenditures" :

Today, the tax expenditure budget is $1.2 trillion, which represents real dollar growth of 44 percent since 1986 and 96 percent growth since 1991 when tax expenditures were at their lowest.

The concept of “tax expenditures” began in the 1960s when Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Stanley Surrey noted that many tax preferences resemble spending. Congress mandated in 1974 that these tax expenditures be recorded annually as part of the federal budget.

Treasury’s dollar value estimate of the tax expenditure budget for 2013 is about $1.2 trillion, including refundable outlays, while JCT’s estimate is closer to $1.3 trillion. Using Treasury’s estimates, about $1.1 trillion, or 91 percent of the total, accrues to individuals rather than corporations.
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Govt bubbles, scams, and schemes. Always impeding progress.

Indeed. I only believe people who call for "less government, less spending, etc." when their actions match their words. Unfortunately, most people demand their own free lunch from the government at other people's expense and scream like a hippie if you try to take it away.

We are one good budget away from getting back on the road to fiscal sanity. But we are also one bad budget away from falling into ruin.

Great... another lib who thinks tax breaks come at somebody else's expense.... this only works in a world where the gubmint is entitled to 100% of your money bub.


Great... another con who doesn't get that playing games with the tax code (targeted deductions, incentives, credits, rebates, etc, etc...) is wealth redistribution every bit as much a entitlements are.
The three fast-growing tax expenditures, relating to health and income security, are part of a larger group of tax expenditures that, true to Stanley Surrey’s original concept, look a lot like spending. Some other examples include the American Opportunity Tax Credit as well as a dozen other education benefits. Together, they make up about 37 percent of the tax expenditure budget and a fair amount of the complexity. They are also among the least economically valuable tax expenditures in terms of GDP growth per dollar of lost tax revenue.[19] While they may achieve some other social purpose, such as more redistribution, more healthcare, or more education, they come with many downsides relating to their implementation in the tax code, namely ineffectiveness, fraud, abuse, and overspending. One avenue for tax reform would be to move these provisions to the spending side of the ledger, overseen by a spending agency subject to the annual appropriations process rather than the IRS.

A Brief History of Tax Expenditures | Tax Foundation
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The American Dream Film-Full Length

The Money Masters.

[ame=]The Money Masters - Full-Length (3hrs 19m) - YouTube[/ame]
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It is easy to see where an ObamaPhone has to be paid for by someone else. It takes a little more brainpower to see where the government's social engineering tax expenditures are redistribution, too.
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CUSTOMER 1: Can you believe the free lunch counter gave that lady a $50 phone for free?

CUSTOMER 2: Didn't you get several hundred dollars back for buying a house?

CUSTOMER 1: Hey! The housing sector needs as many government crutches as it can get!

The homeowner had to buy the house first.

What did the dimocrap voter do to earn an obamphone?

There's something wrong with your mind

What did the homeowner do to earn a government subsidy that has to be paid for by other people?

Also, by way of clarification, it's not "homeowners", or even home buyers, who are being rewarded with the home mortgage deduction. It's borrowers, and lenders. Banksters are the ultimate beneficiaries of that policy, which is why you won't see our fearless leaders going after it any time soon.
Quite simple, I want someone to subsidize the fuel I have to put in my gas guzzling SUV. Tax dollars would be fine but I'll accept blood too!

Yet they don't.

Instead they add about 40% to the cost of fuel and give the proceeds to well connected looters in the ethanol and agriculture industries - while foot soldiers like you run around and lie...
Also, by way of clarification, it's not "homeowners", or even home buyers, who are being rewarded with the home mortgage deduction. It's borrowers, and lenders. Banksters are the ultimate beneficiaries of that policy, which is why you won't see our fearless leaders going after it any time soon.

To reiterate, only INTEREST is eligible for tax credits. Buying a home gets you nothing. This is absolutely a gift to the banks.

I often suspect that we have the most corrupt government in history.
The homeowner had to buy the house first.

What did the dimocrap voter do to earn an obamphone?

There's something wrong with your mind

What did the homeowner do to earn a government subsidy that has to be paid for by other people?

Also, by way of clarification, it's not "homeowners", or even home buyers, who are being rewarded with the home mortgage deduction. It's borrowers, and lenders. Banksters are the ultimate beneficiaries of that policy, which is why you won't see our fearless leaders going after it any time soon.

Not only that, the mortgage interest deduction is factored into the price of a house. So it drives house prices up!
CUSTOMER 1: Can you believe the free lunch counter gave that lady a $50 phone for free?

CUSTOMER 2: Didn't you get several hundred dollars back for buying a house?

CUSTOMER 1: Hey! The housing sector needs as many government crutches as it can get!

CUSTOMER 3: I am not going to pay corporate tax, will only pay half tax on dividends, get TIFF property tax subsidy, pay no healthcare for employees, pay them all minimum wage so government can support them.

WAITER: But those are subsidies that will make your business prosper by crushing your competitors with your taxes that you don't pay. That would be cheating. I would be making you a winner & them all losers that are more dependent on government.

CUSTOMER 3: CLASS WARFARE!!! - Just because I want to keep my money does not mean you have to tell everyone you are taxing them to pay taxes I refuse to pay! Just barrow it & back the loan with tax payer money, they don't have to know.

WAITER: I will have to barrow most of that tax money you refuse to pay from the Social Security Trust Fund working people paid into. How can I make you pay that SS trust fund money back once you prosper? You will own all production & threaten to take it all off shore if I demand you pay back the money I loaned you from SS trust fund. If you follow through & send manufacturing to China we can't compete against you because they have a 25% import tariff that we don't have. You will get super duper rich & will be untouchable.

CUSTOMER 3: I need more money & power to pass up Warren Buffet. I love destroying little hard working people who are so busy working their ass off to pay extra payroll taxes that they have no time to research how the game is rigged to give people like us all the power & keep them poor. Besides don't you love the power of picking winners & losers & all the money I give you?

WAITER: Oh, I do love increasing my power over the people. Ok I will let you have carried interest, CRT, loopholes & keep all the tax money. I will barrow all the money to educate your workers, build your infrastructure, keep your workers healthy & fed from the SS trust fund & China. I will tell them it will grow the pie for everyone & it is a great investment. They will all be our slaves by the time they figure it out.

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