The Grandson Grimm


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And what a PoS this judge is.

Of course, the judge is a Clinton-appointed political hack who Øbama tried to put on the Second Circuit but no vote was ever set in the U.S. Senate after the Judiciary committee voted him out favorably.

American colleges and universities are often dismissed by conservatives as useless degree factories indoctrinating young people with pointless knowledge that won’t help them in the real world.
Well, a recent Justice Department press release paints a different picture. Indeed, it demonstrates that even a lowly community college can equip a young person with exactly the skills they need to prosper financially.
In 2011, 22-year-old Douglas Senerth of Windsor, Conn., took a class at Manchester Community College called “Memoir and Monologue.” The class aimed to teach young people how to incorporate “effective storytelling” into “personal monologues” so they can use “imagination and individual and collective myths” to become “authors of their future.”
In other words, learn storytelling to better your life.
Which Senerth did, graduating with full “personal storyteller” honors in 2013 (he was even featured on the “Manchester success stories” website).
Using his newly learned skills, Senerth proceeded to bilk $690,000 from his grandparents by telling them wild lies about his life. The tall tales ranged from needing money to go to an Ivy League school (which he never planned to do), to needing even more money to launch a business venture with his professor (who didn’t exist).
For almost a decade, Senerth squeezed gammy and gampa with new monologues every time he needed cash. His scam came to a halt when he spun a tale about needing $30,000 to travel to a nation called Wakanda where super-genius Africans reinvent physics.
Even his gullible grans couldn’t buy that one.
Senerth faced twenty years in the joint, but U.S. District Judge Robert Chatigny, an Obama appointee who once tried to free a serial child rapist-murderer because “sexual sadism” is a “mitigating disability,” gave him eighteen months. With time served, he’ll be out by Thanksgiving.
Fortunately, Senerth won’t be another unemployed ex-con; he already has a job waiting for him as Biden’s next press secretary.

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